Sunday, February 22, 2009

US News has a new poll that you may find a little sexist but interesting nonetheless.

The poll asks this question "If you had a choice of four daycare centers run separately by Michele Obama, Sarah Palin, Hillary Clinton, and Nancy Pelosi, which would you choose?"

For reasons that I find virtually unfathomable, Sarah Palin is currently ahead of Michele Obama by a cool 13%.

If you find this as unacceptable as I do then click the title and vote on which one of these ladies you would trust with your precious children.

And no I have no idea why there were no male politicians included. Personally I would trust Barack, Joe Biden, Mark Begich (he is great with his son), or any number of other male politicians before I would trust "double fisted Blackberry user" Sarah Palin with my child. Unless of course you want a daycare center where the children are cared for by eight year old Piper Indie Grace Palin (Yep that is her full name)who seems to provide the most childcare in the Palin home.

(The poll can be found on the right side of the page.)


  1. Anonymous6:48 AM

    This poll is obviously based on a sexist idea, and participating in such a poll only supports and feeds this type of old-fashioned, caveman mindset. Why doesn't this produce the same reaction as the ape cartoon below? Because sexism unlike racism is still considered cute and funny? Just sayin'.

  2. I hear you and your point is well taken. However this poll DOES exist and if we cannot change the sexism of it perhaps we can at least help determine that a woman who treats her children like stage props or inconveniences does not come out on top. I am just saying.

  3. Anonymous8:00 AM

    I guess Team Sarah have been voting.....they kinda like that type of entertainment.

    my word verification is "chuse"

  4. Maybe Team Sarah has been but I guess Team Michelle is fighting

    Last night it was 38.75% for Michelle and 55.83% for Sarah.. Just now when I clicked it the standings are 40.59% and 52.55% so Michelle is moving

  5. Sarah Palin would not be good at anything that has the word 'care' in it.

  6. Anonymous8:47 AM

    I agree that the poll and its concept are extremely sexist.

    However, here is my interpretation of the results if Palin wins this poll: Much of the public thinks Sarah Palin really needs to FOCUS on (her) childcare.

  7. Anonymous9:07 AM

    All of this regarding Palin is getting even more sickening. Now the conservatives want all their supporters to stop using Google. There is a new search engine Is this ever going to stop? She is an out of control idiot. Why doesn't somebody start an impeachment petition on this out of control train wreck waiting to happen?

  8. Anonymous9:29 AM

    I guess all these people voting for Palin want their daughters pregnant at 16 and having 2...yes 2 children by 18 (Trig and Tripp). They are also ok with their children mainlining oxycontin into their veins at 17 and vandalizing school buses (Track). Can't wait to see what happens with Willow and Piper in the next few years. This says alot about the kind of idiotic hillbillies who get called upon by their extremist religious organizations to vote in polls like this. They deserve what happens in their pathetic lives.

  9. Anonymous10:40 AM

    Isn't it interesting how they pitted one Republican against 3 Democrats. Seems tailor-made for the Republican to win.

  10. Palin wouldn't be allowed to hunt the kids from the air, would she?

  11. Actually, Palin would probably run the daycare and just never show up for work. Bristol, Willow and Piper would be in charge of the rugrats all day long without even a lunch break; Todd could threaten the building's owner so they wouldn't have to pay rent; and Levi's mom could run a drug operation out the back door.

  12. Anonymous5:16 AM

    Piper Indie Grace Palin? You mean she named her child on purpose with the initials PIGP? Seriously?

  13. forget the poll -what company makes those horrifying little dolls? are they bobble-heads too? they are, aren't they. every one of them is creepy in a different way, yet as a group they're perversely fascinating.


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