Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Republicans kick Palin to the curb in favor of Newt Gingrich. Ow! That's gotta smart!

Sarah Palin is out and Newt Gingrich is in.

Congressional Republicans Tuesday decided to ditch the former GOP vice presidential nominee in favor of the former Speaker for the critical House-Senate fundraising dinner in Washington June 8. It's the marquee Republican event to raise money for GOP House and Senate candidates.

Just weeks ago, the House and Senate Republican campaign committees were giddy at securing the telegenic Palin for the dinner. But then things grew murky. At the time, the Alaska governor's office told FOX News that Palin was still considering the invitation and had not yet made a decision. Meantime, spokespersons for the committees insisted that Palin was scheduled and it was just a misunderstanding between the Alaska governor's office and Palin's political action committee, SarahPAC, that accepted the invite.

Sources familiar with the Palin snub fumed openly about how the governor handled this.

"She was a disaster," one Republican source told FOX News. "We had confirmation."

As for inviting Gingrich, National Republican Congressional Committee spokesman Ken Spain said the GOP "decided to go in another direction."

"Speaker Gingrich is a leader," Spain added.

The Governor is just like those manipulative girls in high school. You know the ones. They say they are going to come to your fundraiser and give a speech, but then they slap your hand away and say they are not that kind of politician.

So instead you have to call your dad, and he ends up boring the audience with stories of the good old days when politicians were judged on their anti-tax policies and not by how much they resemble Posh Spice.

And now these poor conservatives will not be able to get their little little creepy rocks off by recording Palin's speech for use later in the privacy of their hotel rooms. They will have to simply purchase the pay-per-view like every other conventioneer at the Marriott.

And poor Sarah.

Here she thought she could lead the Republican party on forever, simply showing some leg and winking until the cows came home. But they are finally fed up with her teasing ways and have moved on.

Sure Newt Gingrich is old and fat, but hey at least you know he puts out.


  1. She will simply say that she backed out because she has so much work to do for the citizens of Arkansas...(oops Alaska)....

    If she can remember where she lives.

  2. Anonymous5:13 PM

    Hey, Sarah. The GOP is just not that into you.

    But you can't have a "national run" without them. What's a winker to do?

  3. CorningNY5:22 PM

    Gryphen, I think the snark-o-meter hit the red zone with that post--I love it! Poor Sarah in her shiny FM boots--always promising more than she can deliver.

  4. Anonymous5:27 PM

    Sure Newt Gingrich is old and fat, but hey at least you know he puts out.


  5. What a choice - nilaP or Newty? EEEEEEKKKK!

  6. If she's just not that into us (Alaskans) anymore, and she's just not into RNC politics any longer, what exactly is she into? What is her agenda?

    Since this post was so snarky, I'll be snarky in my comments. I told my husband the other night that she is seeming more shrill and more out of control in her actions and speech. I had a mental picture of her running out of her house, barefoot, and clad only in a bathrobe, with her hair askew, jumping onto the still frozen lake, shouting to her family, "I just can't take it anymore, I just can't take it anymore". She lay there, writhing on the snow and ash covered ice and by the time the family was able to remove her to the house she had created a snow angel that looked just like Jesus.

    Guess the witches in me made me think of that scenario!

  7. IF, the Rs are even thinking anymore, their current thougts are even scarier than SP for president. Newt, unfortunately, has a clue.

  8. By the way, I meant GOP, not RNC. Sorry for the mislabeling.

  9. hey, what's the deal with WAR? Doesn't his appointment have to be approved? He seems to be in place and already causing dissension.

  10. Hahahaha... How long before she cracks!!!

  11. And she thinks the Repubs are going to buy her "dedicated gov" having to work story after the blatant way she's avoiding talking with the legislature has gotten national news. Sitting in a corner, drool dripping, reciting over & over, I'll get "THEM" I'll get them all. They'll be sorry, they'll let me wear my tiara again. I'll show them all! I AM the Queen!

  12. mlaiuppa7:49 PM

    What? That riveting and charismatic public speaker, Bobby Jindal, wasn't available?

    Poor Sarah. She's been dissed. That's what happens when you cry wolf too many times. It's going to be a long time before she's invited to a prime gig again.

    Maybe, with luck and hard work, the next invite will come when she's no longer holding public office. Let it be soon.

  13. Palin has about 579 days left as an office holder - that's 1 year and about 2/3 of another year - all of which she is going to be a lame duck. A lamer duck. When she is no longer in a position to make decisions which affect people's lives, she'll be rendered mostly harmless and honestly I think she'll be done for after that. She has a chance to be decently popular (with her Saracites) third party candidate, publish one ghostwritten book, and run against Ralph Nadar for 3rd place for the rest of her life. I don't believe the media will be doing her any favors. She could possibly be a fundraiser for a few years, but perhaps not - she just can't get that durn scheduling down.

    I just hope and pray that Alaska's people and wildlife can make it through the next 579 days without taking too many hits and losses.

  14. I had to read her "excuse" a few times. She basically says her work (yeah right) is keeping her up in Alaska. Doesn't the Leg. session END in 3 weeks? Isn't this speaking gig in June? She obviously still has a problem with math.


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