Monday, March 30, 2009

Sarah Palin's teflon is peeling as Lisa Murkowski moves ahead of her in popularity.

It looks like Sarah Palin's easy victory over Murkowski for her Senate seat is just another Palin pipe dream. And with Bob Poe in the running for Governor, and Barack Obama appearing virtually unstoppable in 2012, it looks like Palin's political aspirations may have just hit a brick wall.

Hey maybe she can still get her old position as Mayor of Wasilla back!

After all that is where she should have stayed in the first place, dont'cha think?


  1. Hardball and 1600 on MSNBC have been all over the McCain comment from Meet the Press yesterday. Now Grandpa says he doesn't know if he would endorse her for 2012? Is he kidding me? He was the one that cursed the lower 48 with the killa from Wasilla, and helped create the monster she has become. I thank God every day we dodged that bullet in November...could you imagine her here in DC right about a national disaster....

  2. Irishgirl3:17 PM

    No Gryphen...she never should have been Mayor!!
    But I'm liking those very negative stats.

  3. mytripod5:23 PM

    neener. The governor of Youjustcan'tmakethisstuffupistan is bobbing like an empty oil tank on the sea of public opinion.

  4. Anonymous6:40 PM

    Hey, Sarah, Alaska's just not that into you, either. It works both ways.

  5. Palin should be doing the weather on KTUU - and nothing else.

  6. Sarah Palin-Tonya Harding 2012!

    They still have high hopes! Glad to see this, thanks IMMORAL MINORITY!

  7. Not sure Wasilla would want her back. I sure hope not. They couldn't afford her before, how could they possibly now?

  8. Virginia Voter said, "I thank God every day we dodged that bullet in November...could you imagine her here in DC right about a national disaster..."

    Oh, yeahhhhhhh! Which reminds me, remember Palin's claim during the campaign, about special needs children "having an advocate in the White House"?

    That always made me wonder what Palin was thinking -- did she imagine she, Todd, and the brood would be moving into the East Wing of the White House to set up housekeeping? As VICE President?

    Did she ever find out that the Vice President and his/her family have a separate residence? I know it's a technicality, but with all the other stuff Palin's boggled up word-wise, you never know.

  9. Lisa Murkowski is going to introduce a bill to fund "volcano monitoring" .. picked it up off of Huffpo.

  10. Sorry, the headline is "Take that Bobby Jindal" and is on McClatchy news.

  11. It would be interesting to see if Wasilla would re-elect her as Mayor.. but we all know GINO has her hopes of being a national / international player.

    If I were Lisa M. I would believe nothing GINO said, and work hard to get myself elected. If Jesus slams the White House door in her face again, a seat in the Senate might look pretty tasty to a power-hungry, gun-totin' granny.

    (P.S. Extra credit to someone in Wasilla who could find out: that Sports Complex that plunged the city into debt: frequently used pride of Wasilla, or money pit that just happens to be down the street from Sarah's place.?)


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