Saturday, April 18, 2009

President Obama reintroduces diplomacy to American international politics.

Presidents Barack Obama and Hugo Chavez, Venezuela's socialist leader, met Friday and shook hands on the sidelines of a summit of their hemisphere's democracies.

Obama walked across a hotel meeting room to meet Chavez for the first time, said a senior U.S. administration official who witnessed it and spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss the details of the event. The official said Obama initiated the encounter.

"We shook each other's hands like gentlemen, and it was predictable this would happen," Chavez said.

"We don't have any complexes that would prevent us from extending our hands to each other. I'm grateful for his gesture."

This may seem like a small gesture, but it will have very powerful repercussions around the world, and show other nations that we now have a leader who reaches out to those he may not see eye to eye with rather than to vilify them and call them names like a petulant child.

And with Hillary making nice with Cuba it looks like we may finally have an opportunity to bring countries to the negotiation table that have long been left in the shadows, allowing their resentment to grow and grow.

I know full well that Obama will come under attack by the right wing fringe groups, but I for one have a great deal of hope that with Obama in office we can increase our sphere of influence in a non-adversarial way. Isn't it time we stopped flexing our muscles and demonstrated our compassion and intelligence instead?


  1. So what EXACTLY did the Palin Administration (I use the term loosely) get accomplished in this legislative session that were "priorities" on Sarah's agenda

    Pipeline progress? Nada
    Restriction on abortions? Zip
    Rejection of the federal stimulus? Nope
    Drilling in ANWAR? Denied
    A new attorey general and Juneau senator? No

    I mean, in the DC papers every day here there are laws being passed and initiatives introduced by the DC council and the VA and MD legislatures...everything from stimulus projects to taxes, to smoking bans, and gay marraige. Sounds like Sarah's actually political accomplishments are a whole lot of NOTHING.

  2. Gryphen like you I saw this headline and thought here we go the wingnuts will start spinning.

    I am refreshed at how our President approaches conflict and once again acts like a statesman and a gentleman. This is diplomacy at work!

  3. Big ditto on what Lynn says. Gentlemanly and statesmanlike, he is. I think the major question here is what in the hell is he going to do with Kim Jong Ill? Kim is not at all a head of state who seems the slightest bit interested in promoting good feeling politics with the rest of the world. I do like Obama's style with CHavez and Castro, though. Sweet...

    We watched the news last night and saw a couple of mini clips of George Junior, and I cringed. I swear it is Pavlovian. I cannot see that guy without getting a sick feeling in my gut. I know he's gone now, but he still has that effect on me.


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