Friday, April 10, 2009

Rachel Maddow discusses Conservative "Tea Bagging".

So I am watching Rachel yesterday while eating my dinner.

When this story popped up I literally could not continue eating because I started to giggle so badly I simply could not take another bite until the commercial.

Watching Rachel trying to hold it together while she reports this absolutely ridiculous story was almost as funny as watching Jon Stewart at his best. And then Ana Marie Cox came on and......well you are just going to have to watch it for yourself.


  1. I saw this last night, too, and was almost tearing up from laughing so hard. Does the Republican party know how ridiculous this sounds?

    The term "teabagging" has been around a while...I am 41, and I know what the slang term refers to. Maybe someone should send a copy of the Borat movie to Eric Cantor in case he needs an illustration of it. Repubs...there's this thing on the internets called The urban "teabagging", or just use the Google and search for images...I think you'll end this stupid campaign. Talk about out of touch...jeez...

  2. Anonymous5:09 AM

    Go over to HuffPo and read the comments to the articles about Rachel's segment. I couldn't quit laughing. They are on a roll over there.

  3. Gryphen.. you have to watch this... but warning.. Malkin is in it.. so you have to see her ugly It goes right along with Rachel's piece.. and it is so funny.. a parody of the rights tea bagging.. and I was laughing so hard at them.. like you I could barely watch for laughing. I had found this and it was just as

  4. This cracked me up so bad last night, and Rachel could barely keep a straight face too... I would LOVE to see the teabagging party when they realize what they've done... r o f l !!!

  5. Glenn Beck announced that the Texas teabagging party was to take place in San Antonio, but the red dot on his map of Texas was placed on Houston. Great fun!

  6. Fish Hawk Road aka Jody8:55 AM

    LOL, every time I hear some Repub say "we're going teabagging" I nearly pee in my pants laughing. Although I would pay to see Hannity, Limbaugh, Savage and Malkin teabagged! LMAO The shock on their faces would be priceless.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.