Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Stephen Colbert holds Glenn Beck up to ridicule. It could not happen to a more deserving psychopath.

I absolutely love Jon Stewart and the Daily Show, and frequent visitors to this blog know that to be a fact.

But last night the real genius came not from Jon Stewart, but from the irrepressible Stephen Colbert. Stephen decided to poke fun at the completely ridiculous Glenn Beck, who I seriously believe may have a serious mental illness.

So do yourself a favor and sit back and enjoy the comic genius of Stephen Colbert.

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  1. Hi, I never watch Faux unless absolutely necessary (saw "interview" Beck did with Palin, saw the Bristol "interview" with GVS), and yeah, wow, this is the first time I've thought maybe there is true pychopathology going on with Beck. That is some truly scary stuff....and Colbert does the right thing by making fun of the crying crap, 'cause that's what it is--CRAP. I mean, does Beck go home and watch himself on TV or the tubes and go "Wow, I was so emotional I bet lots of people could sense how sincere I was"....or does he go (like he would if he were any bit sane) "Wow, what a complete fu^&ing idiot I look like, what the f&%k is wrong with me?"

  2. Anonymous4:56 PM

    There is something seriously wrong with Glenn Beck. He reminds me of a certain televangelist that sat there and cried along side his mascara-dripped wife.

    Hmmm....come to think of it, Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin could be the new Jim and Tammy Faye. And Fox news could be The Fox 700 Club.

  3. Beck is just a clown, an entertainer. He's like Rush - they're laughing all the way to the bank!

  4. crystalwolf aka caligrl5:18 AM

    Gryphen, Thanks for the laugh! Glen beck needs to be on meds or something? He hates 911 victims? because they whine? WTF does he do? Whine and cry like a baby all the time! When I saw him with GINO it was so sickening and Hilarius at the same time! What a Tool!


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