Saturday, May 16, 2009

Rachel Maddow reveals that the real reason we tortured detainees was NOT to stop further attacks, but in a desperate attempt to link 9-11 and Iraq.

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I don't know how anybody can watch this video without getting nauseous. I followed the Bush administration closely for these last eight years, and suspected that they had done things like this, but hearing it said out loud still makes my blood run cold.

I could launch into a rant about this, because believe me it is "rant worthy", but instead I will just reiterate how important it is that we launch an investigation into EVERYTHING the Bush administration did during it's eight year term. Especially how it conducted itself concerning the two wars overseas and the so-called "war on Terror" over here.

I have little doubt that when such an investigation ends I will feel an endless wave of nausea, but I am certainly willing to put my stomach through that in order to learn the truth. Finally.


  1. We need the Truth ALL of many parts of the world they already know the Bush Regime we can not enable or cover up WHAT was done in Our Name...whether it be the Military, CIA or contractors- of Cheneys gang....we need to know- and there must be Justice...since Bush corrupted our own JD....I think it will have to go to the International Courts- BUT the rest of the world needs to hear our outrage, disgust and angst...and they must see Obama as a Leader PROMISE to bring is a critical which we must face- ALL of us...even DC...if we don't.....we as a country will never be the same....

    beyond evil is the bush legacy...

    thank you for blogging this...

  2. crystalwolf aka caligrl6:50 AM

    Bush was evil but Cheney is the incarnation of nazi's! He's so evil, and vile & disgusting.I don't know why PO is not pushing this more? I thought at first he was waiting for UN to convict Bush & cheney for war crimes? One thing is certain, that they can't be allowed to get away with this. In the name of human rights and all the Americans who died in these Wars!

  3. I also think it's shameful what those sleazy Republican representatives and senators are trying to do with Rep/Speaker Pelosi -- trying to spread the blame for their crimes over to the Democrats, and her in particular.

  4. honestyinGov8:43 AM

    I'm with you Gryphen.For political reasons Obama should probably not 'endorse or encourage' the investigations publicly...BUT (behind the scenes) DOJ and Eric Holder should be encouraged to go forward.Cheney continues to try to smear others (like Pelosi)with the actions and acts that he planned and carried out. This is ALL on Cheney and his 'band of thieves and thugs'. Cheney keeps talking and talking and wants just 'two memos' released because he knows whats in just those two. NO...release them ALL. Get the whole picture and not just a little snapshot from two memos.
    Cheney needs to STFU and this is the only way to do it. Forward with the investigations.

  5. I did not vote for these men. Twice.

    I can't put my finger on exactly what the reason was in 2000 except whenever either of them talked, even if on the surface they seemed to say something I agreed with, they still gave me a bad feeling.

    I am learning to go with my gut feelings more and more as I grow older. Call it intuition or whatever.

    These two must have stolen the elections....twice. Because I can't imagine so many people not having the same gut feelings about these guys as I had.

  6. What is becoming more and more apparent as well is the fact that Obama's power is much more limited than even I predicted. The ones pulling the strings are going to make damn sure nothing changes. The Pentagon & CIA will not give Obama much wiggling room, which became unbelievably obvious this week with his reversal of policy on the torture pics.

    This country is in deep shit and this is the tip of the iceberg. I'm so glad Rachel reports this but have my doubts anything will be done, because of the control the powered elite have over even our office of president.

  7. and now for a nice palate cleanser:

    SP will be so happy! the rapture now draws near...

  8. Waterboarding? Why, many Americans disagree that waterboarding is even torture! Is your stomach going to be able to endure all of the truth about what the U.S. military did to prisoners? I would suggest that waterboarding is just the tip of the iceberg. Does anybody really think that those who tortured held back from using any cruel and unusual methods to get information from the captives? Just ask yourselves, what would the Nazis do, and then face the facts that the U.S. would resort to the same measures.

    I bring up the Nazis because they were already mentioned by another blogger. That blogger most likely assumes that the Nazis would form the benchmark on torture. I'm just wondering if the Nazis actually resorted to practices which were as nauseating as the Americans used. Maybe somebody can say for sure because I would like to know. I would add to my rather extensive study on Nazi atrocities.

    But in any case, this whole issue is just putting the cart before the horse isn't it? Is it not much more nauseating to contemplate the millions of Iraqi murdered by the U.S. (and coalition countries) in two illegal and immoral wars against Iraq for oil? Maybe we should take a step back, begin with an analysis of the wars, and then include an investigation of torture techniques and practices by the U.S. military within the framework of those two wars. Would that be too nauseating? I find it much more nauseating to contemplate than waterboarding a few hundred war prisoners.

    I think that it would help a little if I thought there was any chance that those responsible for the tortures and the wars would ever be executed for their crimes but of course I know that will never happen.

    Support the troops, support the troops. We have to support the troops, including the Generals and the civilian leaders who led these wars because really, even Rumsfeld, Cheney, and Bush should be included with the troops shouldn't they?

    Saddam was hanged. If Hitler was captured he surely would have been hanged. Should the two Bush's be hanged because they were directly responsible for the loss of millions of the lives of Iraqi people? At least as many lives as Saddam was 'allegedly' responsible for!

    Sorry for the rant, just wanted to put the issues in their proper perspective to see if anyone wants to run with this ball.

  9. Anonymous1:09 PM

    Gryphen...please take the time to visit this site and read what professionals have been saying about 9/11.

    "Petition requesting a reinvestigation of 9/11, signed by more than 600 Architects and Engineers:

    "On Behalf of the People of the United States of America, the undersigned Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth and affiliates hereby petition for, and demand, a truly independent investigation with subpoena power in order to uncover the full truth surrounding the events of 9/11/01 - specifically the collapse of the World Trade Center Towers and Building 7. We believe that there is sufficient doubt about the official story and therefore that the 9/11 investigation must be re-opened and must include a full inquiry into the possible use of explosives that may have been the actual cause behind the destruction of the World Trade Center Towers and WTC Building 7."

    The site has a video of WTC Building 7 collapse which Silverstein said he told them to "pull" and the building collapsed about 30 minutes later. You can find that on the youtube 9/11 conspiracy videos. Silverstein was talking on a PBS show when he let that slip and later he said it was to pull the firemen out of the building. But no one was in the building since around noon that day. In that building had a SEC office which had the Enron files along with several cases, including a $7B utility case from California...all gone. And another governmental office, I think an office of the CIA.

    If WTC building 7 had did the other towers.

    Is it possible that these prisoners were tortured to confess to something that was American made...I wonder.

  10. Maddow did an excellent job of outlining her viewpoint. I've been trying to think of whom she reminds me of, I think it is Walter Cronkite.

  11. You are right, Gryphen. We owe it to future generations to investigate the crimes of BushCo. Having spent the eight years of the previous pResident's administration sitting, aghast, at the computer, reading news stories, none of what Maddow says is new to me. What IS new is hearing it said out loud, on television, during prime time.

    I feel blessed that we now have a new President, that KO and Rachel are on the air every night. And yes, if at all possible, I'll ask the manly Mr. Biscuitbarrel to harrow Eric Holder! (He's known EH professionally since Jesus left Chicago.)

    Better times ahead. Starting with the truth!

  12. Mary! I meant to THANK YOU for "not voting for these men, twice."

    As you may know, the District of Columbia once again is lobbying for statehood. (Our car license plates even read "Taxation Without Representation"!) One of the last acts of the Bushies on the committees overseeing D.C. affairs was to revoke the District's gun ban. Given that D.C. voters typically vote 85% for the Democratic candidates (or more), you can see what a nightmare giving the Senate two more Democratic Senators would be for... um, certain people.

    So for those of you who didn't vote Bush, thank you! The only time I've ever bared my teeth at Keith Olbermann came on Election Night 2008. When the polls closed on the East Coast, he read off a number of projections, adding, "And no surprise here, the District of Columbia has cast its three electoral votes for Obama..."

    What a country! Take us for granted, do they?

  13. Dear Gryphen,

    What I think actually happened is even more nauseating. Get yourself a vomit bag.

    Apparently Al Quaeda and the Iraqis were never on friendly terms, and it is therefore not surprising that no connection was found despite torture because there was no reason to suppose there would be. And, I think that CIA knows pretty much who's who around the world. In other words, Cheney and Rumsfeld pushed for torture because under torture people will make FALSE confessions of guilt to stop the pain. Cheney was pushing to have people that he knew were innocent get tortured until they would confess because he needed justification for the war in Iraq?

    And, of course, 9-11 was almost surely an inside job anyway...

    Also, I agree with the Straight Goods post that I am dismayed that discussion of the 100K to one million Iraqi lives lost at American hands seems to be sort of taboo.

  14. Actually Onething, it's probably more like 3 million Iraqis killed by Americans if we include both wars. We should include both wars because both wars were for the same reason of course. Oil!

    And in fairness, other countries beside Britain and the U.S. were responsible for the deaths in the first Gulf war which was concocted and justified in order to remove Saddam from Kuwait. It never was for that reason and in fact Saddam was encouraged to invade Kuwait.

    We must accept all this and forget about justice because victor's justice will win the day.

    911? Sorry but you're wrong about it being an inside job.

  15. Straight Goods,

    Well do tell me or point me towards what you think happened. Did you see the anonymous post above ours?

  16. Anonymous2:00 AM

    everything has a plan and this time it includes all the world and even the morons who don't believe it. Argue with it, until you are blue in the face or do something to stop it. Stop thinking as Americans and start thinking as humanity.


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