Thursday, July 09, 2009

Huffington Post writes that ADN has discovered Governor Palin lied about cost of ethics charges! Gee who else made that claim just yesterday?

This is my favorite quote from the article:

The Anchorage Daily News did a thorough analysis and backed up the spokesperson. The ethics complaints took up time that staff could have spent doing other work, but they did not cost Alaska any money.

Oh my God validation feels good!

Poor Sarah, look how she was again victimized by the truth. Stupid truth!

(Click the headline to read the entire article.)


  1. If the only gripe left is staff time, why does it take them so long to retrieve e-mails? Heck, if everything is organized, it should be easy to do. Unless, the State has a reallllly slow printer.

  2. The POed Lower 489:57 AM

    You Alaskan bloggers really p!$$ me off. You just kept on slamming Palin with all your rumor mongering and chicken "crap" complaints, no real evidence to back anything up. Just pretending to "know" things that no one else does. Accussing her and her children of lying about maternity issues, but never being able to prove it. Pestering Palin like flies until she couldn't take it anymore and quit Alaska. You couldn't let her sink her own ship, and now she can claim victim because you attacked her with useless fake crap.

    Now she has the freedom to take her severely damaged brain and ridiculous ideas to the rest of the nation.

    You think you are helping here. Stop with the made up sh!t. A rumor is only good if you can prove it. You are making the effort to stop Sarah Palin look foolish! What a waste of internet space.

    Now we have to deal with her and I blame the Alaskan bloggers for shoving her out of Alaska and on to the national stage. You didn't stop her, you just gave her more space to infect the rest of the country. You let her out of her frozen cage, and now we all have to deal with her. Why couldn't you just keep your mess to yourselves.


  3. Anonymous10:10 AM

    The media still buys her $500,000 in PERSONAL cost to fight all the charges.

    Nobody will ever see any documented proof of this number.

    The media bought the "Todd and his buddy" built the boat crap too.

  4. Lower 48,

    The lower 48 don't know that Palin is a whackjob yet and the best thing that could happen is that she start to expose herself more down there so people can learn. It was bound to happen anyway and could have been planned all along. Palin didn't want to be wasting her time as a governor and needed a good excuse to quit. Her followers are buying the excuse and your message proves that you have too. Duhhhhhh!

    The only hope now is that Palin has not learned enough so that she can handle herself properly and not make an idiot out of herself such as she did with Couric. The Couric thing will be excused and forgotton if that's the case and you very well could be seeing your next VP in the making.

  5. POed:
    Sorry, but, I don't think the bloggers can really be blamed on the Quitter. She was taken in with all the bright lights, traveling around the Country in her own jet, the Secret Srvice, her own hairdresser and makeup artist, and the adoration from the lower 48.
    Hey... wait a minute...
    You help create this monster, now you have to help put this hillbilly back into Pandora's Box

  6. What the heck is the po'ed lower 48 talking about???????????????

    Has that person seen the evidence for the fake pregnancy at Palin's deceptions?

    Or are they just as frustrated as the rest of us. maybe this was tongue in cheek. It's a bit of a word salad in my opinion and rather rude at that.

    My thought - if the great crash doesn't happen by the end of this month then it isn't going to happen. However, I've said it before and will repeat - you have access to KO. It's time to use it. PULEEZE

  7. The only thing more ridiculous than Sarah Palin herself are her beyond ridiculous Pee-bot sycophants. Blind faith indeed.

    They are hysterical!

  8. Anonymous11:39 AM

    The POed Lower 48, I think that you might want to focus your anger where it belongs...and that would be John McCain.

    He is the one who "shoved her onto the national stage", and because he did so, she got a taste of the life in the spotlight and she didn't simply love it, she craved it.

  9. @po'd 9:57

    I really hope you are joking...I could not tell if you were or not.

    Thank heaven for Alaskan bloggers...and you can bet your bippy they will NEVER let up.

  10. penelope11:58 AM

    Palin on the COVER of TIME magazine with the word "Renegade" across her picture. I am going to throw up - "Renegade" is Obama's Secret Service name! She will never GO AWAY - she will spew hatred and incite violence all of her days, THAT is "how she is wired."

  11. Anonymous11:59 AM

    The POed Lower 48,
    Let me see now - You are blaming the bloggers of forcing her on to the Lwer 48. Let's stop and give thought -- I remember now -- she was introduced to the Lower 48 from one of the Lower 48 Senators. Let's spin it around Jelly Bean -- on you. She would have been only that little Governor of AK had he not taped her on the shoulder.

    Suck it up! If it wasn't for the AK bloggers, there would be even more blinded Lower 48 peons as the bloggers have exposed her. Too many Lower 48's don't get off their butts to actually research to educate themselves of the people running for office and take whatever the candidate says to them as truth.

    She wants to be taken seriously on her policies -- she could be -- if she had any.

    You should thank the AK bloggers for doing everything they can to educate people to what Palin is like as MSM sure doesn't

  12. The POed Lower 4812:36 PM

    No FBI or IRS scandal exists! You made yourselves look like liars for spreading it and now Palin can use that to her advantage. You didn't check facts, you based your hopes on rumors.

    What have you accomplished? Palin is on the cover of TIME and not ruling out a run for president!!! Way to go Alaska bloggers!!! You did nothing.

    And give me a break, No one really believes that Palin is not Trigs mom, and the MSM wouldn't touch that story with a ten foot pole and they have access to alot more info than you do, despite all your so called evidence and yes I have seen it. Logic escapes some people.

    You have made yourselves look like idiots to the lower 48. She would have stayed there if you had not harassed her with every nit picky thing.

    Yes I live in Texas and where is she going now, to join my idiot governor.

    Thanks a lot Alaska bloggers...for nothing

  13. A good comment from Washington Post writer said that Palin could have come out looking good if she had said that she was quitting to spend more time with her family and to rally for special needs kids. But, she didn't. She came up with all kinds of reasons instead. In fact, the only time she mentioned her kids was when she talked about the vote.
    How much you want to bet that Buttercup will now backpeddle (again) to say that she is doing this for her family?

  14. Hey PO'd...if you have evidence or some type of statement that the IRS question as been answered, please share it with us. As far as I know, no one knows if the IRS is investigating.

    RE: the HouseGate issue.

    I sent a link to Gryphen from the Alaskan Records office indicating the Spenard has a right to lien on their "buddy built house". Perhaps he will post it?

    As for the rest, seems to me that you actually would have more fun with the idiots who Pee in the Sea.

  15. Anonymous12:58 PM

    The POed Lower 48
    Oh gee, the IRS jump because the cat's out of the hat. Get real. They had no head's up either as IRS can follow her outside the Gov office in that it would be classified as personal

    Spin it all you want as you're barking up the wrong tree. Write and b|tch at McCain and Perry as he's had his head up her arse since McCain picked her.

    In otherwords -- FOCUS -- F.O. Cuz Your Stupid

  16. Anonymous1:09 PM

    Hey, PO'd. Time to stop ranting and roll up your own sleeves. You got a secessionist in office down there as well. Misery loves company, eh?

  17. Not even staff time. Celtic Diva has Linda Perez from the Governor's office stating in writing that only records requests that cost less than $5 are free. So the GINO's claim that hundreds of thousands of dollars of staff hours were spent on records requests is nonsense. Based on the cost estiamte they gave Diva, no records request would be less than $5. Therefore, all those hours would have been paid for by the requestors. Which would have (a) saved budget or (b) provided funding for extra staff, so that there would have been people to work all the stuff the GINO claims went undone.

  18. Anonymous1:36 PM

    How could anyone not believe that most of the ethics complaints should have stuck like glue. SHE'S Guilty as hell!! Read the complaints and read the law,its as plain as the nose on your face, someone simply said dismiss them as not valid.Maybe that someone was SP, you think! READ,RESEARCH,And get your heads out of your A$$ people.She is a danger not only to this Country but to the world.

  19. Sorry, POed the Lower 48. Blame the National review crowd for inflicting Palin on the country. They had an AK cruise; Palin did the meet & great thing with them; Bill Kristol, Jonah Goldburg & Rich Lowrey saw starbrusts & the rest is history.

  20. Ah - from Texas land of The Shrub who almost wrecked the country. Where were the Texas Bloggers when the Supreme Court was handing the county to the village idiot?

    Sorry, I'm not usually so blunt with my words, but I live in Florida and have been working to overthrow Ms. Sarah since 6:00 PM on August 29th when I first heard about her "wild ride" to give birth and knew she was lying.

    Gryphen and the rest keep on truckin. And friend in Texas - Suck it Up Buttercup!

  21. Anonymous1:45 PM

    I bet we won't hear from POed after the truth comes out. It's amazing how Palin supporters like POed and juju appear when they think Palin has momentum and then disappear when shit hits the fan.

  22. hey Lower 48 - eat some mashed potatoes and chill the f**k out....why are you making bloggers responsible for a politician's (sic) behavior? Have you written McCain, the RNC, and Miss Thing with your complaints, or do you reserve your disrespect for those actually doing the heavy lifting in this dreamscape?
    and btw, I believe Trig is not SP's child...I believe she's under a microscope like we can't imagine....I believe the arc of history is long, but it bends towards justice.....

  23. Anonymous2:02 PM

    Didn't McSame "tap" her and bring her to national attention? Wasn't she basically UNKNOWN outside of Alaska till McSame threw her at us thinking she would pull the Hilary voters over? Didn't McSame do it when he tried to pander the white/female vote?
    And if that is the case, wouldn't I be right in stating that the Alaska bloggers, and thos who pay attention are the ones who started showing those of us in the lower 48 what her record was all about?
    Personally, the first negative thing I heard about her, was the making rape victims pay for their forensic kits because they contained information on RU-486 and she didn't think Wasilla could should pay for forensic kits to collect EVIDENCE since there was INFORMATION (not the pill itself) in the forensic kits.
    Question Authority ALWAYS. ESPECIALLY when they invite you into their transparency!
    So if you have such a huge problem with her and you live in the lower 48, it is AMERICAN to stop lunatics. Stop bitching and stop her.
    Yes...we can.

  24. Hehe.. POed makes sarah sound like toxic waste... NIMBY, eh?

    Blame McCain and the subservient press who are still trying to say Palin has a future in national politics.

    Listen, she doesn't. Yes, she'll be around and she'll continue to make an ass of herself, and she'll still gather around her the severely undereducated, racist, fearful Talivangelicals. She'll still be cheered on by a few deluded souls like Greta and John Coale, and the really crazy secessionists in AK and TX.

    But it isn't the blogger's fault. That's just an excuse Sarah is using to get out of a job she doesn't really want.

    She loves adoration, not hard work. She loves bright lights and fancy clothes and expert makeup, not serious study of policy issues. She loves to run, and she couldn't stand to actually handle a job like President. I don't think she'll run for that office anytime soon.

  25. Anonymous3:09 PM

    What about the Alaskan legislature who should have investigated after Troopergate? Someone was lying - it was either Palin or Monegan. IF she perjured herself, she would be impeached. That was the duty of the legislature, but instead, they put their own interests ahead of what is right.

    So, just like we see with the Bush Crime Family, the Palins are free to move up in politics instead of down.

    There's a lot of blame to be had -- but most of lay with Palin herself. She's the person who chooses each day to behave the way she does.

  26. Just_a_Mote3:19 PM

    POed doesn't sound like a person supporting Palin. In fact, quite the opposite. Keep it up Alaskan (and other) bloggers. She may be scurrying out of Alaska, but there are plenty of us in the lower 48 who are ready to pounce. I have never had a blog site, but I am paying attention and am learning from the good folks in Alaska.

  27. Anonymous3:19 PM

    I don't know about the rest of you, but I never even heard the term "lower 48) until Palin came into the spotlight! I don't know anyone who even uses that except for Alaskans . I don't believe for one second that PO Ed is from Texas and dislikes Palin. The extreme over the top pathological rage is more what Palinbots express. Perhaps this is POeds way of telling us all to shut up.

    An IRS investigation has not been ruled out and no one is looking bad at the bloggers except for Palin and those who follow her closely. It's so ridiculuus and we do not have to stop talking about we have heard. This is a blog, not a political organization or newspaper. What the F are you so angry about?? Taxe a Xanax for Gods sake.

  28. Rolling my eyes3:23 PM

    Is "crap" the latest GOP buzz word? That is so not classy.

  29. crystalwolf aka caligrl4:56 PM

    KO skewered her tonight and they are exposing the Lies she tells!!!
    Maybe they are reading the Alaskan Blogs???
    A new word in Urban dictionary-Palined, meaning QUIT! or abort, I personally like abort much better, lol!
    She lied and aborted her term, and didn't she tell everyone for a second she considered aborting little trig????
    (if he is hers or not?)

  30. The POed Lower 484:58 PM

    Comment from Palins attorney on Monday. There is no IRS investigation.

    On Monday, her personal lawyer also spoke about her resignation.

    No legal "bombshell" or personal scandal lies behind Palin's resignation, but off-color jokes by talk-show host David Letterman contributed to her decision to step down, Thomas Van Flein said.

    The governor needed a break after being "on duty now for two and a half years solid," he said.

    "There is no bombshell. There is no shoe to drop. There are no investigations of any type that I'm aware of -- no IRS audit, no federal investigation, no state investigation," Van Flein told CNN. "There is no legal reason in terms of a legal problem that compelled the governor to resign."

    Friday was "deliberately chosen" for the announcement because of its proximity to the July Fourth holiday, Van Flein said: "She declared her independence from politics as usual."

    And yes I believe the bloggers botched up the job they said they were doing by relying on rumor and bogus info. Proof is what is needed. You gave the effort a bad name by pushing false information as fact. You screwed up, now she can use you. I hope in the future you make sure you ha facts to actually do some good. Stop promising bombshells when you don't really know. It screws us over in the end.

  31. Drew from lil ol Texas said...

    Hey POed from Texas!

    Do the rest of us from Texas a favor will ya?

    Shut the Fuck Up already!

    We have enough problems trying to repair the damage done by our very own bush, perry, graham, et.el.

    Don't forget that sometimes it is best to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt!

    I find it very easy to believe (and hard to not believe)that Trigs Grandmother Sarah Palin is just that! (doncha know she would just love to whip out the birth certificate if she could)

    We owe the bloggers from Alaska a hugh Thank You for all the hard work they have been doing trying to expose your girl for the Fraudulent Grifter she is.

    After 8 years of your buddy "little george" the world would be about finished if this fraud from Wasilla "quits" her way into the white house!

    Hey, have you rented NailinPalin yet? I heard you can get it over at SarahPac or seaofpee.

    One more thing, don't forget that down here in Texas we tend to not have a problem sending our mentally challenged folks to death row!

    just saying!


    You Betcha!!

    Wink Wink!!

  32. Actually, I think POed has a point. She's now been turned loose and will reek havoc in the "lower 48"...havoc we don't need (think of the way she stirred up the white supremacists during the campaign). Had she been "shut down" while serving as Gov in AK, we ALL would be spared of the ugliness that is sure to come. I for one am really not looking forward to a civil war :(

  33. Drew from lil ol Texas said...

    Anonymous @ 3:19PM

    I have been very familiar with the term "The Lower 48" for many years.

    In my line of work we ship product worldwide and in all of our advertising we state a flat rate shipping cost to the Lower 48 and if you want it shipped outside of the Lower 48, to please contact us prior to purchasing for a firm shipping quote.

  34. Poor Sarah. All she has is her lies and that book she had someone else write for her. Pathetic.

  35. Anonymous5:35 PM

    Gryphen, slow day? LOL

    POed seems like a distraction by a palinbot to shut up the Alaskan bloggers just at the point in time when some of the lies and deceptions are finally hitting the airwaves and print. Won't work.

    Like Livvy, I knew Palin lied about Trig being hers as soon as I heard that ridiculous wild ride story. Liar, liar pants on fire.

    Thanks, Gryphen, I really do appreciate you more than you will ever really know.

  36. The POed Lower 485:38 PM

    And don't expect Levis book to drop anything either. Heres his comments on Palins quitting. I keep seeing commenters saying she scared of Levis book coming out. Its all about money folks, thats it. Shes a greedy witch and wants more money and being gov doesn't give her that.

    From the AP...
    Levi Johnston talks about Gov. Palin's resignation
    By MARY PEMBERTON – 20 minutes ago

    ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) — The former fiance of Gov. Sarah Palin's 18-year-old daughter says he believes he knows why the Alaska governor is resigning — concerns over money.

    Nineteen-year-old Levi Johnston, whose wedding to Bristol Palin was called off earlier this year, says he thinks the governor is resigning over personal finances.

    Johnston says he lived with the Palin family from early December to the second week in January. He claims he heard the governor several times say how nice it would be to take advantage of the lucrative deals that were being offered, deals that included a reality show and a book.

    Johnston made his comments at a news conference Thursday at his lawyer's office.

    He and Bristol have a son, Tripp, born in December.

    Johnston has had a strained relationship with the Palin family and has gone to the national media before.

  37. Anonymous5:43 PM

    Just an FYI, all over the Internet, the Palinbots are out in full force! It is funny and pathetic at the same time! They are trying to spin her quitting positivel but it isn't working. There ate multiple MSM stories out there calling her reasons for leaving are not through. Most GOP running for office don't want Sarah. Campaigning against a very well regarded conservative WOMEN has a very high risk of backfiring!
    Palinbots see all this and are still in deep denial so they are taking their frustrations out on various liberal blogs. You can spot them easily. They always bring up Obama even though he is not part of the discussion and they are so angry that it comes across very extreme in writing . They also love to stir up a discussion. It's a waste of time to get into it with them. They are basically coming to the site to cause fighting. They are looking for a fight and it's better to ignore them. Palinbots are too close minded to have an intelligent discussion with.

  38. The POed Lower 485:45 PM

    I'm not a Palinbot trying to shut up the Alaskan bloggers. I want the Alaskan bloggers to do what they said they could do in the first place. Stop Sarah Palin. I'm pissed because I feel like they promised things they could not deliver. I feel lied to. I feel like they failed to do their research and all they did was give Palin ammo to use against her critics. I want cold hard undeniable facts to take her down, and not useless rumor that backfire in the face!

    You just gave her more power and it sickens me.

  39. The POed Lower 485:48 PM

    To Drew...

    "Don't forget that sometimes it is best to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt!"

    Exactly my point!!!

  40. To POed Lower 48...

    "Don't forget that sometimes it is best to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt"

    If it's "Exactly your point!!!"

    then we should be blessed with your silence!

    Am I wrong?!

  41. Anonymous7:30 PM

    I know you are angry and I do not like the rumors or teasing either. But, she does NOT have more power because of this. Most of the world down nor read or this blog or take it as jounalism, no offense to Gryphen. This is a BLOG!! Stop over reacting. If you are who you say then you are giving her to much power! The reality is most intelligent people know what she is-an opportunist and a liar. And more will now Starr coming out about her when she is not over them. How can it not. Chill!!!!

  42. @po'd...I hurt for you honey...really I do. Especially if you really are not a palinbot. Forgive us for not trusting when someone new comes along screaming and yelling and blaming bloggers. By the way...her lawyer said no FBI investigation...nothing about iRS. In any event, the woman is finished. The only people who want palin to stump for them are the likes of your gov Perry. Many others have said "thanks but no thanks"

    I dont know if anything legal will happen to her, and I dont really care. I just know that a reality show and a book would be fine by me. Have no fear friend...she is done in matter what the cowardly MSM say.

    Start your own lower 48 blog. Put yourself out there like Gryphen and the rest have. Use your god given power to do what you think is right...just like Alaskans have. Doesnt that make more sense than railing at Gryphen?

  43. POed Lower 48, be patient my friend. The difficulty in exposing Sarah Palin is due to numerous factors. She is equivalent to a 10,000 piece jigsaw puzzle. However, we have found all four corner pieces and the outside edges, and the middle of the picture is falling into place nearly every day now. The Vanity Fair article substantiated a lot of information gathered by Palin’s Deceptions, Palingates, Gryphen and many others. For instance, the emails between Steve Schmidt and Sarah Palin exposed the ease with which Sarah felt she could simply command someone else to lie for her when confronted with an embarrassing situation (i.e. the truth that Todd belonged to AIP for 6 or 7 years!). Many of the puzzle pieces are missing because they were scrubbed (pictures from the Gov’s website, MySpace and the Johnston’s computer) and altered (ADN changing dates, Andrea Gusty photo, etc). But enough of the jigsaw has come to light to form larger pieces - it is now finding where those larger pieces connect to the outside edges. Sarah is the rotten bratty kid who wants to spoil all your effort so she eats some of the puzzle pieces, but will eventually choke and puke them up. In fact, I think I hear her coughing now!

  44. Anonymous9:42 PM

    It should be pointed out that Palin's attorney's words are carefully chosen. "Not that I am aware of". Now that could mean that there is nothing going on, or it could mean that he has no clue. If there is an IRS investigation, they don't have to clue anyone in just yet.

    Now of course there has been speculation for a while that the IRS is looking into things. Those investigations aren't something that will happen overnight, and there is no point speculating because it detracts from the things we already know.

    Palin has been and continues to be exposed as a liar. Focus on the things that we do know and can prove for now. If and when an IRS investigation occurs, fine, that would be icing on the cake, but until or unless that happens, there are more productive things to talk about and work on.

  45. The article proved that Palin lied about how the AK costs were taking away from education, etc. That's awesome.

    But I still don't believe that all the hours relate solely to ethics charges. The only way to tell is to trace the hand-prepared schedule to the computerized accounting records. I'd pay to get to audit that schedule.

    I'm suspicious just because of the heading on the schedule. Nowhere does it say anything like "Costs to Process Ethics Complaints". A sneaky way to mislead. There was nothing in the article that sounds like ADN asked the right questions. Why is the cost for the Personnel Board cost $500,000 instead of the $296,000 disclosed by the Personnel Board a few days prior?

  46. crystalwolf aka caligrl3:47 AM

    PO'd, go over to palingates and look up don't hear anything about that do ya? Well she took SOA 25K for a religious school in Juneau. Not private funds, state funds. This is according to a muddflatter being investigated by ACLU. Now you don't hear about that but I just told you. Chill. I would say "ever dog has its day" but I don't want to insult dogs! :)
    Plus there are still RUMORED to be 2 more ethics complaints, And watch KO, he is all over her lies!!!
    Letterman is on her everynight. She is toast. Its only a matter of time before her world as she knows it blow up in her face! And just wait until the day she steps down as gov. OMG! The floodgates will open! People will be crawling out of the woodwork to dish dirt on her... HEH!


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