Sunday, July 19, 2009

Methinks that the C4P Twitter page may have attracted a few less than supportive Tweeters.

Every time I discover another Twitter page dedicated to Sarah Palin I find myself visiting often just to get some idea of how deep the crazy has become. So when somebody sent me the link for this Twitter account I simply could not resist heading on over.

But then I noticed some VERY interesting tweets.

I (VO) am in Fairbanks. A deep sense of connection washes over me as I inhale some of the the air that Sarah Palin has graciously breathed.

Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm. Go Sarah! Go Sarah!

We are so excited! 10 days till bitchy tweets fly from Sarah Palin's new twitter. Can't wait!

Thanks to your prayers, coming to twitter real soon - Sarah Palin in "Hurt Feelings", a tale of fortitude and hilarity

EPA Acting Deputy Regional Administrator Gearheard underMINES and PILES heaps of trouble for Queen Esther. (It looks like at least one of these infiltrators might be a frequent vistior of this blog.)

We thank you for reminding us of the fact that Sarah Palin farts rainbows and poos roses......

RNC steals money from Sarah which was meant to go towards legal expenses such as paying for the medical note proving she'sTrig's mom. (I REALLY like this one.)

Now most of these are from one tweeter who calls themselves #palin. I don't know who this person is in real life but I am a fan.

You know what I like about the type of people who become trolls on the conservative sites? They have a good sense of humor! I just wish the trolls that I attract would try a little harder to bring the funny. That would make their snarky, insulting remarks much more enjoyable. You know what I mean?

Update: Well the cat is out of the bag. Yes this is a parody Twitter page. I thought I would leave it up and wait to see how long it took everybody to figure it out, but the very first commenter nailed it right away. Of course all it would have taken is for somebody to look up at the name of the pages creator, Conservatwits4Palin, and that might have given it away. Still I am impressed with the intellectual prowess of the people who visit my site.


  1. Anonymous6:40 AM

    That new Twitter Page is a fabulous parody site. I *heart* its owner/creator (s)!

  2. Anonymous7:24 AM

    When will someone release a "Sarah Palin Tweet Decoder Ring"?

    Or could someone please launch an SP Tweet Decoder site? :-)

  3. When you see the # sign that makes the post searchable. And it's a group. For example, if you see #spwbt, that stands for "Sarah Palin Web Brigade Twibes"
    Twibes is a web page where you can have groups.

    Gryphen, you need to get on Twitter. You can announce every time you have a new post up. It really is fun. All the AK bloggers seem to be there but you. Then you would learn the lingo.

    You'll see that # sign a lot. It's not the users name

    And yes the cee 4 pee ( faux) tweets are hysterical!

  4. Anonymous7:52 AM

    Does Palin actually think that once she leaves office the jokes will stop? She can watch Letterman without having to rush the innocent children out of the room? Come on, she is Comedy Gold. Between the funny twitter page and the junk that flies from her fingers, she is a laugh a minute.

  5. Just_a_Mote8:20 AM

    Thanks Lisabeth, I don't know much about Twitter so that was helpful (no sarcasm intended). NASA has used it during the continuing Mars Rover program and that is my only experience with it.

    And, as for the tweets, very witty!

  6. Anonymous9:35 AM

    If you want to have some more Sunday fun today, look at the Twitter of Sarah Palin's hairdresser Jessica Beehive - she is going nuts today, complaining that the media cited her wrongly:

  7. Anonymous1:40 PM

    @exgovsarahpalin was wonderful but Twitter has disabled it. (the @ sign means the name of the twit, er, the tweeter's tweet account.)

    What are ethics of any government official opening a non-official site with official title?

    What are 1st amendment rights of Twitterers who parody?

  8. There IS a huge difference betwixt the trolls! The liberal trolls-it's all about the snark mixed in with level headed truth. The Con trolls are just DISGUSTING. And seeing my inbox after this weekend, icy hearted and EVIL. Truly evil and I am trying so hard not to let myself become mired with the world view that humanity just sucks.... I shudder to think what some of these people have buried in their back yards, or stuffed into the depths of their closets....


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.