Thursday, August 20, 2009

The Daily Show discusses ridiculous Nazi comparisons and Fox News hypocrisy.

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Barney Frank's Town Hall Snaps
Daily Show
Full Episodes
Political HumorHealthcare Protests

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Fox News: The New Liberals
Daily Show
Full Episodes
Political HumorHealthcare Protests


  1. Anonymous9:04 AM

    Franks was right on. Anyone who knows the facts must finally say, "Enough!", to those who ignore them and who spend their time preventing others from getting the facts.

  2. crystalwolf aka caligrl9:56 AM

    Love ♥ Jon Stewart! LMAO about the "New liberals" OMG! that was Hilarius! Loved the part where BOR goes Batshit insane!
    Thanks Gryphen :)

  3. Anonymous10:51 AM

    I must admit, I've listened to Hannity and Limbaugh on the radio twice. Both times, Hannity would grill his female, teen intern about her personal life. Was she dating; who was she dating; how often? Both times, the intern was naturally uncomfortable and put-off by this assault on her personal life. You could sense in her voice that this creepy, old man was undressing her on the radio.

    Limbaugh on one show couldn't figure out why the polar ice caps were not made of salt water, and since science couldn't explain why the polar ice caps were not frozen salt water, how on earth could science expect to know about climate change. No, REALLY.

    On the other show, he talked about why he had to have his $200k Mercedes washed everyday because he had ocean front property.

    Now these are high profile, neocon celebrities that have massive followings. Why?

    What mutant gene, or mental defect would cause people to follow them?

    Jon Stewart has always been hillarious, but this is a proverbial never-ending gold mine. Way to go Jon.

  4. Anonymous3:39 PM

    Thanks for posting this clip, Gryphen. I knew Beck would toss out some idiot theories but "a global witchhunt for jews and conservatives" takes paranoid nuttiness to a whole new level.

    Love that Jon Stewart! Speaking Truth to Crazy!

  5. mlaiuppa9:00 PM

    I love Jon Stewart. The only honest voice out there in news.

    And Barney Franks? You go! He put that whacko exactly where she belonged. There's no reasoning with these nutjobs. The only way to nullify them and take back the conversation is to ridicule them with laughter. Because no one would be taking them serious. Let everyone hear a little punch line in their head when the Birthers or the Deathers start spewing the company lie.

  6. Made me smile, Thank You Sir.


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