Friday, August 21, 2009

If you live in Anchorage (or close by) you have a golden opportunity to stand up for equal rights. Just think how jealous your friends will be.

Event: Protest of Sullvan's ordinance veto at McGinley's pub
Host: Melissa S Green
Start Time: Today, August 21 at 8:30pm
End Time: Today, August 21 at 11:30pm
Where: McGinley's Pub downtown Anchorage, 645 G StreetTo see more details and RSVP, follow the link below:

Sadly I cannot make it to this protest, but trust me if I could I definitely would.

For those who do not know, Sullivan is part owner of McGinley's, so standing outside with protest signs could really hurt him in his pocket book.

You know nothing upsets a Republican as much as interfering with his source of revenue. Well except for raising his taxes of course.

So please, if you can, show up so that the people of Anchorage will be reminded that their mayor is a homophobe who kisses Jerry Prevo's ass and turns his back on a population that sufferers discrimination on a daily basis.

Perhaps the comments section could be used to come up with some good ideas for signs. I know how creative you all can be.


  1. Drunk rednecks in red shirts, possibly armed - please be careful. I am a bit worried for the protesters (unlike assembly meetings, these folks will be drinking). I admire your bravery, I really do - watch out for each other.

  2. Anonymous3:58 PM

    You say 8:30, AKM's note on facebook says 6:30....I'm not one to be that fashionably early, ya know?

    I hope to make it in from the Valley!!

  3. InJuneau4:09 PM

    Can't think of any witty signs at the moment, but I wish I could be there to protest. Best of luck to everyone who goes, and be careful.

  4. It's unclear if McGinley's knows there's a protest headed their way tonight, but they did issue a protest earlier today clarified that Sullivan is "only 10% owner" of McGinley's, that they're an "equal opportunity employer," etc.

    But hey, us LGBT's are "only 10%" of the population too -- does that make us insignificant? Is McGinley's "equal opportunity employer" official statement inclusive of sexual orientation/gender identity? Have they signed onto Equality Works call for the ordinance that other businesses signed?

    Full press release at my blog. Photos will be there later tonight.

  5. Damn, I am not in Anchorage and have a lot of gay rights protest experience from the 70s in San Francisco. I will be with you in spirit.

  6. bucks_and _bron6:06 PM

    I don't know how the servers (tipped employees) are paid in Alaska, but here in Ohio, they make only about $2/hr, and the rest from tips, so if you DO grab a seat and only drink coffee or soda (and there's nothing wrong with that- show Mr. Sullivan what you think!), make sure you tip the servers well for their time- if you don't, you'll likely piss off more people than just the proprietor!

  7. Anonymous6:15 PM

    A picture of the mayor kissing Jerry's ass with the question "why is it only ok when you do it"?

  8. Anonymous6:20 PM

    Maybe the protesters should hang out after closing time to catch Dirty Dan in the act with his young barmaids. Remember that covered up auto accident in the wee hours after Danny Boy sent the young lady on her way after beers and a "hug"?

  9. AKSusie10:16 PM

    I'm glad that some protests have started to raise more attention to this, but it would be really helpful if people had more notice and time to make signs, invite other people to come, and get there for the event. I hope they had a good enough turnout so that it didn't look like people didn't care and didn't want to participate.

  10. Anonymous5:40 AM

    At 77 years of age, I have witnessed far too many people having to fight for their just rights. Why do people have to continue this is down right discrimination, and hatred against these taxpayers.

    I will be with you in Spirit. Time to tar and feather Sullivan and all those who stand in the way of human rights and progress. This is not IRAN.

    Sincerely, Eileen

  11. justafarmer7:55 AM

    as someone who has previously been a server, thank you for that comment!

  12. bucks and bron, Can't hep commenting on that even though it's off-topic. $2 an hour?? This is just another indication of how sick your society really is! Employers get away with that because you people allow them to get away with it. Tips (charity) is supposed to look after servers and the reason for that is because employers are allowed to cheat people out of a decent wage.

    We Canadians are considered cheap tippers when we go to the U.S. because our servers are paid a fair wage and we tip for good service, like it used to be in the U.S.

    You people are being had by the right who support business owners at the expense of ordinary people. Think about that and then draw the parallel to your lack of good healthcare for everyone. And think of that when you think of human rights too, which puts this right backon topic.


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