Sunday, August 02, 2009

Mudflats has a beautiful parable about the Alaska progressive blogs. Wonderful stuff!

I thnk what AKM does in this post is VERY brave and demonstrates the strength of character that I have long admired in my fellow bloggers.

Just click the title and prepare to be transported to a land of yore where scribes and tavern keepers are baffled by the wackiness of the hill people.

Who doesn't enjoy a Sunday morning parable?


  1. Anonymous6:51 AM

    I read it. Great parable. I hope you brave bloggers are safe. Now...WHAT THE HECK IS THE TOOTHBRUSH ABOUT?!?! I googled it have still have no idea. Sorry for being so slow, it is Sunday, however, also, too, I think.


  2. Anonymous8:07 AM

    AKM is a fantastic writer. That smear film is so bad; legal recourse is in order, though! I hope AKM considers it.

    Thanks for exposing the supporters of Sarah Palin to be the hateful, low information numbskulls that they are.

    juju, did you make the smear video?

  3. Thanks, Gryphen!

    Anonymous - "Talking to aliens through a toothbrush" has always been an expression for people who are just seriously wacky in the woo woo consipiracy theory way. :0)

  4. crystalwolf aka caligrl11:26 AM

    AKM, my toothbrush was dropped off at 0700 from the mothership at my house :)
    waiting for messages.
    Its "lie" powered so when Buttercup starts tweeting it will automatically be recharged! :)

  5. Wingnuttery at its finest. Golly gee whiz, bloggers, villagers & Democrats know each other - in tiny population AK. I'm so shocked! And this proves what? That nutty people ARE nutty.

    What really galls the faithful is that the President is so oblivious to Queenie's presence, she might as well be a grain of sand in the Sahara Desert. Jumping up and down, "look at me, look at me, you're afraid of me and my wonderfulness." President swats fly.

    What's really funny (aside from the whole video) is that they're calling themselves "Naked Emperor News." They should have titled it "Naked Emperoress News." $carah is the one with no clothes. Now that she's no longer Gov, people are starting to point that out. Loving it!

  6. Anonymous5:59 PM

    Liberal losers........

  7. Anonymous6:34 PM

    I hope you get sued for slander and you lose everything.

  8. Anonymous6:53 PM

    Oh, Anon@5:59, is that the best you can do?


    Can you name a politician in office, and a policy, that you admire?
    No? Didn't think so.

  9. Anonymous7:14 PM

    @6:34, Palin isn't going to sue anyone. Have you figured that out yet? You guys are so sad. Palin FEARS what will come out about her in court. Big time.

  10. Anonymous8:19 PM

    I put my tooth brush away for the night but had to take it out again for a few minuets,Yes AKM's parable was great wasn't it? No wonder Palin and her supporters are now going after her and all the other progressive bloggers


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It just goes directly to their thighs.