Thursday, August 20, 2009

Senator Murkowski to hold health care town hall in Anchorage.

U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski is holding the health care town hall today, 5-7 p.m. at Dimond High School.

Lisa Murkowski does not seem to have a great deal of patience with the crazies who believe the "death panels" talk, or who think that this is some communist trick.

I am dying to see how she handles any wingnuts who try to call this a Nazi health care plan, or think it is designed to kill their grandparents.

Personally I want to talk to the open carry guys. I hope they show up because I have some questions for them.

Update: No open carry guys. Only a handful of protesters. A fairly calm and intelligent discourse (Well mostly). In other words, ho hum.


  1. Anonymous3:45 PM

    Health Care, not Wealth Care!

    Town hall nut jobs get punked. Excellent video. Be sure and read all the credits at the end, also, too.

  2. You know here in Alaska those open carry guys will be out in numbers.

  3. Anonymous7:31 PM

    Gryphen, I know this is off topic under this story, but this was just posted at Huff re:

    Commerce secretary approves Arctic fisheries plan

    Putting it on your last blog post so you will see it.

  4. Bones AK7:52 PM

    You will not and did not see the open carry guys. Lisa was smart as guns re not allowed on school grounds, the only think she is really smart about.

  5. Anonymous7:54 PM

    I'm curious about their motivation...they are definitely posturing for some reason.
    Brett in Alaska

  6. Anonymous9:37 PM

    As pointed out by Bones AK @7:52, there are no weapons allowed on school grounds, so the rules of open/concealed carry are being followed.
    Brett in Alaska

  7. allison10:31 PM

    thought you might like this gryphen. she really nails it.

  8. Bones AK said...
    You will not and did not see the open carry guys. Lisa was smart as guns re not allowed on school grounds...

    That was a clever idea and I am glad she did it to prevent someone from getting hurt. She was also probably trying to keep negative publicity down.

  9. Anonymous9:55 AM

    Hi Gryphen,
    I'm a little curious about your statement: "Update: No open carry guys. Only a handful of protesters. A fairly calm and intelligent discourse (Well mostly). In other words, ho hum." Wasn't this a good outcome? Calm and intelligent discourse, even from the Repubs?

    I'm just sayin...
    Brett in Alaska

  10. crystalwolf aka caligrl11:03 AM

    Hi Brett!
    I think what Gryphen take is...he expected the open carry guys to be there b/c after this is ALASKA! (They were at the governors picnic in Anchorage!)
    So I guess he was shocked & maybe a bit relived that they didn't show..!

  11. I watched your meeting live through a link someone posted- think it was through local tv, it looked pretty civil- and the discussion made sense, and there were some questions- mostly people who seemed misinformed, or confused. I loved the highschooler who brought up the issue of the war costing so much. Murkowski was boring for sure. So when is the Begich meeting ?

  12. Anonymous5:54 PM

    @Crystalwolf aka Caligrl, 11:03: Hey Hi! I think that was it, glad that nothing untoward/ugly happened. I second that observation!!!
    I'm also glad to see the open-carry guys are complying with the rules and keeping weapons out of restricted areas, e.g., schools (even if it is AK!)

  13. Anonymous8:29 PM

    Sen. Murkowski is/will work with the rest of the republicans to try to undermine the President. This is a decision the republicans made before the election and have continued their obstruction to this day. Just today several republicans admitted that they plan to vote no on everything the President tries to do.

    I have heard (read) not complaints against this from Alaskians. Is this what you want?


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