Monday, August 03, 2009

This website writes a nice article about my "episode" these last three days.

Long but quite well done.


  1. Van Flein is perhaps the Worst Attorney in Alaska.

    It seems he has very little grasp regarding Libel and Defamation lawsuits. His grasp of the difference between Public Persons and Private Persons is extremely limited at best.

    It seems Palin is carrying on with her longtime tradition of hiring mediocre people.

  2. Just_a_Mote6:53 PM

    I'm glad he cleared his hairball. That was good.

  3. We are behind you know that...let Palin twit that...

  4. Anonymous6:59 PM

    Greatest line ever!

    "What's the difference between a kindergarten teacher and a governor who quits mid-term?

    One has actual responsibilities!"

  5. sarah7:11 PM

    Hey Gryph,

    Glad you like it!

    I had to leave out all of the Levi business -- will cover that another day. This one was jam packed with facts from the past, and was getting very long.

    The major point in my mind was her blatant abuse of power; aka, her drug of choice.

    Love your blog!


  6. Anonymous7:11 PM

    That article was spot on!

  7. Anonymous7:13 PM

    What a great write up. You're in good company Gryphen. Had it not been for the Alaskan bloggers, we might never have known the truth about EX governor Palin.

    A grateful Ohiovoter

  8. You call that long ha. But seriously, it is excellent coverage as we all know what a chore it is to track even a few days of Sarahpatra and her minions frenzied activities in detail.

    Big bump in readership and a lot of new fans, congrats Gryphen.

  9. pacos_gal7:25 PM

    I actually read this earlier today from a link by a commenter on mudflats. Good writing and well done.

    An interesting thing that while I knew it, I didn't realize how prevalent or how involved supporters of Palin are invested in the idea that all the Alaskan bloggers are paid by the Obama administration or the Democratic Party to blog about and against Palin. I realized it after reading a comment by juju (which I sometimes just skip when I see the name now, sorry JuJu) on one of the threads here.

    I find that to be real paranoia. That they honestly think Palin is on Obama's radar to that kind of extent (I'd be surprised if she is there at all). '

    That they some how don't think that citizens of Alaska could possibly dislike her for any reason other than party interests. Amazing. But it's true, they really believe you do this blog for Obama. Now isn't that something!

    So an attack on you is not just an attack on an individual, but a party operative, Obama himself, and as a bonus they get to support Palin whom I guess is going to save the world or whatever. (not really sure what is expected of her)

  10. Just_a_Mote7:43 PM

    Oops, looks like I got the gender wrong in my post @6:53. My apologies.

  11. Is that you "not that sarah"? Waves hi : ) good read!

  12. pacos_gal @ 7:25 said:
    "........and as a bonus they get to support Palin whom I guess is going to save the world or whatever. (not really sure what is expected of her)"

    What is expected of her: smile purty, recite refrigerator magnets such as "support our troops/warriors," and wear bumpits, mini-skirts and red high heels to appeal to the men folk. Mainly, promote a Christain Nation Theocracy, 'cause that is what our forefathers REALLY meant, dontcha know? My check from Soros is late, humph!

  13. "If she sues, she will be deposed."
    Sarah will avoid a deposition at all costs.
    Sarah will never sue anyone.

  14. Anonymous7:58 PM

    I would love to know how Vain Flea's colleagues are reacting to this. Granted, this is free publicity, but is it the kind they want? You just have to assume some of them want to take him out to the woodshed. I wonder how long it took her to find a lawyer (term used loosely) that would do her bidding regardless of the damage to his credibility? Sigh.


  15. Anonymous7:59 PM

    Here's my best professional guess:
    Someone (Kristol? Barnes? Fox? McCain campaign?) had some internal GOP/base profiling info and told Sarah Palin that if she could convince the GOP base/racists/low information voters that Obama had paid AK bloggers, the GOP base/racists would give Sarah Palin more money.

    Rational people know, of course, that that is an insane notion!

    But look at the people who were here saying such awful things over the weekend (and misspelling as they did so). They bought that crazy meme! Hook, line and $inker. They are out there making crazy little amateurish videos about this, too. And they are still giving Palin $$--EVEN THOUGH SHE QUIT. Racism trumps rationality in the low information voter of the GOP base.

  16. Sarah8:04 PM

    Hi Helen!!! Nice to see people enjoying it:-) Hairball gone.

  17. sarah (not THAT Sarah!))@ 7:11 - thank you for writing that great piece. Heard from the Flea yet? Goodness, all the lawsuits against the bloggers and media will sure keep Palin busy on her Revenge Tour.

  18. Anonymous8:07 PM

    Have you noticed that every time Sarah's name and picture start to go out of the news, SOMETHING happens that puts her there again? Her daughter has a baby, the babydaddy loses his job, Sarah attacks the babydaddy, the daughter goes on a Scarlet U (for unmarried) tour, Sarah plays peekaboo with the GOP dinner, Sarah gets her knickers in a twist over a joke, Sarah appears in Running World, etc, etc.

    This cannot be by accident. I think this is a deliberate ploy to keep her visible. The excitement over her quitting speech was dying down, so she sent her minions out trolling the net until she found something she could get into a flap about. This week it was you. I bet if you'd come out with the "splitzville" blog last weekend--when she was already getting all the press she wanted--you wouldn't have heard a peep out of her.

    Seriously, go back through your Sarah posts and I bet you could chart the waxing and waning of her press coverage. As soon as it started to go down, PING, there she'd come again with something. Anything. Just get my name out there, Megaphone! Midnight

  19. george8:08 PM

    OT - but how in the heck can Sarah or her fans possibly explain this?

  20. Hey there, Van Flea really should realize that AK bloggers are well known and loved....throughout the country..... I blogged about you tonight...and your fine work in Blogland...Stay Strong Gryphen...

  21. It is unfortunate that some low information people still send $$ to the Palin Graft Machine. Then again, it is their money and if it wasn't her, it would be some TV Preacher.

    VanFlea has a good gig going - can you blame him? She's a lawyer's dream - she has an unending supply of morons with checkbooks who idolize her and think she farts America the Beautiful at noon - and she has an unending supply of stupid things that she does that have ethics issues. And she makes him send letters (wonder how much each one costs?) for her.

    Why should he give her up? He may never have to work again, and then again, he may also be one that seems to have no ethics and it doesn't bother him that he's taking advantage of the mentally handicapped?

  22. Lainey8:53 PM

    You have my whole-hearted support in this palin-Snidely Van Flein debacle. Chin up and plow through this door! ...we all have your back! Nobody (even bullies who threaten) can argue with truth!

  23. The Pee-NUTS are TOO stupid to realize that President Obama has better things to do than to concern himself with $ARAH THE FREAK SHOW AND HER CPNUT CIRCUS!
    Those of us who can see what a VILE WOMAN $ARAH is, wouldn't need to be paid to blog. On the other hand, there have been s few bloggers on HP who have been called out as PAID bloggers FOR $arah.
    The Palinbots are nothing more than insects who cannot think on their own but just follow the scent of hate that $arah permiates!

  24. Anonymous10:06 PM

    Anything for a buck, that's $arah for you.

  25. Anonymous10:26 PM

    I'm going to put in my two cents about lawyers. There are lawyers and there are lawyers, some good and honorable, some not. We recently had business dealing that required each party to have their own separate lawyer. One of the party's lawyer was the worst type of lawyer out there-- objected when there was nothing to object to, dragged out needless meetings, engaged his client in endless hours of telephone consultations. The bottom line: billable hours. Each attorney became infuriated with his unprofessional behavior because he was just padding his bill. So, when you wonder about Van Flein, I think that he is #1 doing what Sarah tells him to do and #2 is glad to do it becaause of his billable hour$$$$$$$$$. Kaching!

  26. Anonymous10:38 PM

    There you go. I stepped away from the electronic stuff for the evening and new topics have been up and running. I am the anon who suggested the whopper contest, and I hereby award the grand prize to all who suggested "Trig was my easiest birth" or "Sarah Palin gave birth to Trig."
    The prize will be a summons from Sarah's lawyer. I've been watching Court TV and Judge Judy, so I know that before the case comes to trial, there will have to be discovery. Then we all get the grand prize: a chance to see Trig's birth certificate.

  27. Oh, this was my favorite:

    "What's the difference between a kindergarten teacher and a governor who quits mid-term?

    One has actual responsibilities!"

  28. Yup, looks like the Liberals are having an intelligent and civil discussion.
    @9:01 Patti said: 'The Pee-NUTS are TOO stupid to realize that......'
    and 'The Palinbots are nothing more than insects who cannot think on their own......'
    And @7:59: '....Sarah Palin that if she could convince the GOP base/racists/low information...'
    And 'Racism trumps rationality in the low information voter of the GOP base.'
    Are these the comments of the 'open minded' and 'civil' Liberal?
    Making a blank statement that all us republicans are brain-dead, racist, yokals. Yes, that is truly an educated and 'open-minded' person.
    Way to show your true colors of hatred and intolerance.
    I dont even like Sarah Palin or Obama, but I wont stoop to your level of name calling and hatred.

  29. Anonymous3:31 AM

    Sarah you wrote an excellent article!

    Could you please do a similar article on babygate. It deserves more attention and should be exposed in more blogs.

    Bummer having to share the same first name. We will call you "Sarah the articulate"

    It's all about job creation, too

  30. "they honestly think Palin is on Obama's radar to that kind of extent (I'd be surprised if she is there at all)."

    Oh, everybody needs a laugh now and then.

  31. look up van fleas record. he is an ambulance chaser. Dont conservatives HATE lawyers?

  32. Good chuckle here: Anonymous @ 8:07 pm says "This cannot be by accident." I agree. A few weeks ago, I read a comment after some news article that postulated that $arah quit the governorship in order to grab the headlines back from Michael Jackson. He died . . . she's still here. Sigh . . grammy

  33. Anonymous4:52 AM

    A Round Up of Palin's lies:

  34. Anonymous4:55 AM

    @fatty (12:09 a.m.), the truth hurts, eh? You need to face it. Yes, your party is all of these things now: racist, low information, violent. That's why so many moderate rational Republicans are leaving the GOP. The GOP is shrinking, shrinking while you're shrieking, shrieking.

  35. crystalwolf aka caligrl5:09 AM

    That is a excellent Article, I hope someone posts it to DU...
    What I think is strange is one of the "outers" has a connection with palins "ghost writer" and the other one Admits to talking to a palin lawyer!
    Could it be A Palin lawyer is the one who gave all the personal info about Gryphen to the two Bloggers???
    Could it be Gryphen was getting a little bit to close with babygate??? They wanted to shut him up before he spills the beans.
    I guess xGINO forgot, She ABORTED her term, she is no longer Queen of Alaska! She cannot ABUSE her power anyMORE! GET IT xGINO! And Van Flea, someone needs to file a BAR complaint about him.
    Giving personal info out about a private person, to intimidate them is ILLEGAL! I guess they don't tell you that when you get your law degree from a box of crackerjacks!

  36. crystalwolf aka caligrl5:17 AM

    Crossposted from Mudflats#76 Lauren (thanks)
    From the Alaska Bar website
    Examples of Misconduct
    The Rules of Professional Conduct cover a wide range of lawyer conduct and misconduct that may be cause for discipline. Some examples of misconduct are:

    * Neglect of your legal matter; failure to communicate with you;
    * Dishonesty, fraud, deceit or misrepresentation in a case;
    * Revealing your confidential information (except for special circumstances under law);
    * Withdrawing money without your approval from a trust account set up for your case;
    1. Complete the Attorney Grievance Form; (If you are filling out this form electronically, you must print out the completed form to sign and date it. Forms cannot be submitted electronically or by fax. We cannot accept a Xeroxed copy of your completed grievance form.)

    2. Tell us what the attorney did, or didn’t do, that you believe to be unethical.

    3. If there are papers or documents which would help us understand your grievance, please attach a copy of those papers to your grievance.

    4. Attachments to the grievance should be arranged in a neat and orderly fashion. Please do not use staples or tabs.

    5. Be sure to sign the form and return it with your original signature to this office. You should keep a copy for yourself.

    If you have any questions concerning the grievance form or the attorney discipline process in Alaska, please contact the Alaska Bar Association at 907-272-7469, at the address listed below or e-mail us at

    Instructions for Submitting Attorney Grievance Form
    * Charging excessive or unreasonable fees; however, these complaints should be filed with the Fee Arbitration Committee first;
    * Failing to follow court rules and procedures.

    Bar #9011119 Van Flein, Mr. Thomas
    Attorney Active
    Clapp, Peterson, Van Flein, Tiemessen & Thorsness LLC
    Anchorage 711 H St. Ste 620
    Anchorage, Alaska 99501-3442
    United States 907-272-9272 907-272-9586

  37. Anonymous6:21 AM

    Do we all get to file complaints against Van Flea or only the bloggers he directly tries to intimidate?

  38. Anonymous6:44 AM

    Why would anyone who supports Palin be upset by the "splitsville" news? If anything, the "happy couple" will have to stay together for awhile after all this coverage--for appearance's sake. Maybe now they will have the motivated incentive to work it out. This blog has possibly saved the Palin union and the Palinites should be very GRATEFUL. Therapists and ministers will tell you that stranger things have happened! :-)

  39. crystalwolf aka caligrl6:47 AM

    Well...hmmm good question anon@6:21am. But if will go after Gryphen, then heck, he might come after us too! I mean him and xGino!
    Anyway we know van flea, is not a very good lawyer b/c if he were he would tell xGino to STFU up instead of blabbing about suing the entire intertubes!
    She's a cash cow for him.
    Ka-Ching...$ from the Alaska Fund Trust to defend xGino from all the mean people. WATB!

  40. Susan in MD6:55 AM

    That was a great article. A very enjoyable read.

    Gryphen, I agree with another poster here: they outed you because you are getting too close to the Truths about $arah. I trust that you have the ammunition to strike back. Just be careful and watch your back. We all know there's a reason why Tank hangs out with Levi. I truly don't trust the nuts. If you read the McCain and Riehl blogs, among others they really sound militant.

    I also agree with a poster on the other blog: you will likely have a few more smitten women in AK and beyond ;)

    Susan in MD

  41. Bones AK7:35 AM

    Thank you Sarah (not that Sarah) I liked your piece. Gryphen has worked hard and put in a lot time doing his thing. Sarah(that Sarah) et all are scary to deal with because they do seem to be unbalanced and full of rage.

  42. L.A. in S.F.7:52 AM

    Congrats, Gryphen. I'm sure it felt good to read this supportive article. And you DO have responsibilities both as a blogger and as a teacher. What a great line! Meantime, just remember: you are not a dead fish from the frozen tundra so you are not going to go with the flow on the basketball court. God she's such an idiot.

  43. We stand behind you, Gryphen. Our support is unwaivering.

    Your writing has been accurate, informative and entertaining (an added bonus). Always a pleasure to read.

    Thank you for all you've done.

  44. Sarah8:53 AM

    @anonymous 12:08, LOL. "Sarah the Articulate" that is hysterical!

    @ Helen, yes, "not that sarah"! LOL.

    @ everyone else: Thank you for your wonderful comments! I'm so glad you enjoyed it. Contrary to popular belief, I don't get paid to write by Obama operatives, the Democratic party, or anyone else. I do it in my spare time, and consider it a form of civic duty to stay informed and speak out when I see injustice.

    I'd make the argument to the CPers (if they would be rational-- a non-starter, I know), that it is precisely because I am informed that I both oppose Sarah Palin as a public official or public speaker of any kind and also support President Obama. The two are not in a contest of any sort, however. Obama has no reason to come after Sarah, so this hopeful excuse for the many people who oppose her is irrational and delusional.

    Sarah Palin will never be a political force who can win the White House. She has only raised 1 million dollars in the course of a year. Her base will never expand in our lifetime, because she has the far right extremists and the dominionists already. Everyone else is appalled by her epic unwillingness to apply herself to anything remotely resembling work.

    To continue to conflate Palin with Obama is nothing but wishful dreams of a cult. President Obama won the election. Palin lost as VP candidate. Indeed, many surmise it was her presence on the ticket which drove the moderates to Obama. For that, we thank you.

    What Sarah can do, and has done, is whip her base into a violent frenzy which endangers each and every one of us. That is why she is an "issue" to progressives. Furthermore, we've had it with so-called "Christians" like her, Sanford, Ensign, -- your basic C-Street Hypocrite -- telling us what to do in our own homes, beds, bodies. They legislate morality while they have none themselves.

    Yes, we're angry about it because it's absurd. Anyone who has ever studied policy knows you can not successfully legislate morality. Dumb idea. And even worse is to base your entire party on this notion, and then prove to be rampant hypocrites who use the bible as a weapon of mass distraction.

    I support President Obama.

    I did a lot of reading about his policies and what he stood for, believed in, etc. His vote against the Iraq war was a huge bonus, but his strict adherence to the constitution, his sense of fairness, his even temperament, his reliance upon fact and not gut -- all of these were reasons I supported him.

    And it wasn't just "story" or "narrative" put out there by Rovian media manipulators. One of the first things Obama did was appoint Holder as head of DOJ. Holder is known as a very strict abider of the constitution, the separation of the three arms of govt, etc. And he has proven that from day one. Unlike Bush and Palin's appointees, Holder is not operating on a partisan basis.

    It is Holder, after all, who insisted Stevens be retried, after he was found guilty of taking bribes from the oil company, in the form of "remodeling" gifts from the builder who built the Palins' home -- not because Stevens is innocent, but because the law was subverted in the process.

    The law. that is what all of this hubbub is about, and the CPeers will never grasp that. Sarah Palin,her husband, and many of her administration knowingly obstructed justice by refusing to comply with subpoenae. There is no excuse for that. Anyone who would do that is not fit to walk the streets. In fact, were any of us to do that, we would be arrested and held in contempt of court. This fact alone proves her to be a corrupt manipulator of power, and not the "reformer" she claimed.

    Without blind justice, we are not a democracy.

    I will fight for democracy every single day of my life, so long as I can.

    Having said all of that, HAPPY BIRTHDAY PRESIDENT OBAMA!!!!! Thank you for all of your hard work!!


    Have a wonderful day, all. Gryphen, your spirit is an inspiration to us all.

  45. sarah9:07 AM

    P.S. In the spirit of the President's Birthday, I'll leave you with this:

    Each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope... and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring those ripples build a current that can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance.

    ~Robert F. Kennedy

  46. The only optimistic thing I can say about this country, is that we have survived worse than this. There have always been nutjobs and crazies, assassins and stalkers, reasonable and unreasonable individuals.

    If Gryphen's source is not correct, or if the information proves false, we will all apologize (I will anyway). However it will never change my opinion of this woman.

    On the other hand, when the truth does come out (and it always does), we can expect the C4P people to come over and apologize for threatening and stalking Gryphen's place of work, right? Isn't that how democracy and truth works?

    You have our support Gryphen. I have not known you to lie and I have not seen arrogance in you. There is a funny thing about truth and lies. The truth will never hurt you. Lies always catch up.

    Just please keep us posted and let us know if we can help out. The bright light of day is not healthy for vampires.

  47. Anonymous9:51 AM

    Oh Yes, RFK- and because he spoke out - and tried to help people, he was killed.

    That's what these people do. They try to kill hope. Look around you now and what do you see? Flaming rabid racists. That is what this is all about now - the racists have hit their stride.

    Ugly ugly ugly.

  48. Lighthouse10:48 AM

    I am loving that article! I wish these people were able to take a step back and look at themselves...


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