Friday, September 25, 2009

ADN covers the True Diversity Dinner and Mayor Sullivan's ham handed approach to diversity and unions.

First the unions:

The annual event is meant to wrap up diversity month in the city but comes on the heels of a bitter debate over a failed anti-discrimination proposal. This year it's being held at the Hilton Anchorage downtown, which is where the union's beef comes in.

Locked in a labor dispute with owners, Hilton workers in Anchorage voted in May to urge a boycott of the hotel. The statewide teachers union is on board, agreeing to cancel six events this year and next. The Alaska Federation of Filipino Americans canceled a banquet too.

The union of roughly 1,000 Anchorage hotel and restaurant workers this month asked new Mayor Dan Sullivan to move the dinner to another venue.

Sullivan declined, and the union, which is seeking a better offer on wages and benefits from the hotel's Kentucky-based owner, now plans to protest the event.

Oh yeah that is exactly the group you want to piss off as mayor, the unions. Isn't there like a handbook that comes with this job or something?

Now the LGBT supporters:

John and Heather Aronno, married college students in their 20s, helped organize the evening's other protest.

The couple supported a proposal before the Assembly this summer that sought to ban discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation. Sullivan vetoed the ordinance Aug. 17, saying he hadn't seen clear evidence that discrimination exists and that majority of people who contacted him opposed the change.

"As elected officials, we are charged with reflecting the will of the community in our decisions, particularly in the absence of compelling data that would supersede that will," Sullivan said in a written statement at the time.

That veto, combined with Sullivan changing the name of the annual "diversity" dinner to the "unity" dinner, prompted the Aronnos and fellow political bloggers to plan a dinner of their own.

It looks like the only demographic that Sullivan is interested in reaching out to is the attractive young female voter demographic. (It is either grabbing ass or kissing ass with you isn't it Mayor Sullivan?)

(H/T to Shannyn Moore for the photo)

The True Diversity Dinner will be held at the Snow Goose Restaurant tonight starting at 7:30. All of the cool people will be there!

(By the way, please click the title to read the entire ADN article. It was written by Kyle Hopkins who is one of the few GOOD reporters the ADN has left.)


  1. Who are those women with Sullivan? Not his wife and daughters, I'd guess...

  2. Anonymous9:18 AM

    Barnum & Bailey just hired Sarah.... she will be shot out of the cannon during the show.

    A spokesperson for the circus said, "it is hard to find a person of her caliber"

  3. Those look like ladies that work at the resturant that Dan Sullivan is part owner in.

  4. Gryphen - speaking of Kyle Hopkins at ADN - I have always thought he might be the key to getting the word out on ALL the "gates" of Scarah. I have seen many of his articles, and he does not seem to be intimidated by her. He might even win a Pulitzer Prize for said expose' - especially if it touches on the irresponsibility of the media in general. How he would be able to excuse the ADN's willingness to take over a half million dollars from the Palin administration (per Patrick on Palingates) and how he would be able to excuse his own newspaper's bias toward SP, I don't have that figured out yet.

  5. Sarah Palin’s venom reminds me of the hate mongering the Nazis exercised in the 1930’s. The mass slaughter of so many innocents began as a slither of thought and poison to the soul similar to the disassembled garbage she spews to anyone that will throw her a shekel...

    Read the rest if you want on the Daily Kos...

    Frank :)

  6. I think he thinks he iz gonna "do" all three of them...

  7. Anonymous10:51 AM

    Is Sullivan married cos I really don't like where his hands are on these girls?

  8. I kind of feel a little bad for those girls, who most likely were just posing for a picture with the Mayor and now they have become pawns. I note this even as I voice my support for the LGBT in their protest and say "right on" to the union...

  9. Anonymous12:56 PM

    look where his left hand is located


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It just goes directly to their thighs.