Thursday, September 03, 2009

Have you ever seen anybody lose their mind on TV before? No? Well then you need to watch more Glenn Beck.

So Glenn Beck, who I am sure we can all agree is a modern day Sherlock Holmes, has deduced that John D. Rockefeller was a closet communist. And that ipso facto EVERYBODY who now works for NBC/MSNBC (whose studios are in Rockefeller Center) are in fact also communists.

And that therefore ALL progressives, who suckle at the information teat of MSNBC, are by definition socialists/communists.

And in Beck's world socialists are on the same level as sodomites, and baby killers, and God haters, which of course are all conservative definitions for progressives.

So in Glenn Beck's opinion the ideas of liberals/socialists/communists/babykillers are so strong that even the artwork displayed on a building has the power to seduce a good capitalist child into becoming an evil MSNBC watcher. Oh the horror!

Does anybody ever wonder just how long little Glenn was eating those paint chips before his parents found out, and removed him from harm? Or are you like me, and wonder if he still does not start the day off with a heaping bowl of paint chips and a glass of milk?

Did he really call liberals "fascists"? Does he not own a dictionary?


  1. HollyP5:34 AM

    Your post reminds me of the immortal song Alice's Restaurant, and the litterbug judged to immoral to go kill innocent civilians in Vietnam. Kind of makes me want to call Glenn Beck and tell him "You can get anything you want/at Alice's Restaurant."

  2. WTF? This guy clearly starts his day off with a bowl full of paint chips and a glass of...paint.

  3. Laura5:52 AM

    He's a fruitcake.

  4. Anonymous5:53 AM

    UGH! He is sickening. Even more sickening is my former hometown awarding him "keys to the city"...

    Hmmm....I wonder if I could tie in the fact that 666 appears in the news story number? Just noticed that so it must mean something. I should go ask Glenn...I'm sure he would be the only one to figure it out.

  5. Anonymous5:56 AM

    Glenn is Sarah's BFF.... He and Sarah are both several nuggets short of a happy meal.

    Maybe she will marry Glenn when the divorce is final.

  6. Anonymous6:42 AM

    The problem with Glenn Beck and those like him (Sarah Palin) is that they can turn anything into a conspriacy and a "danger" to all of us. This is what they do. This is how their minds work.

    You cannot reason with a mind that functions in this manner. You cannot use logic to try and understand their reasoning because a normal functioning brain does not work on the same level as theirs do, so to us, it is illogical and leaves us wondering how and why they think the way that they do.

    Glenn Beck is known for his crazy "out there" idea's, and the fact that Sarah Palin supports him and encourages people to tune in and listen to his message says a lot about her.

    This is the man who tried to convince people that the Cash for Clunkers deal was simply a way for President Obama to take over our computers, or conspiracy theory about the Obama administration setting up 'concentration camps' via FEMA as part of a secret plot to establish totalitarian rule?

    This guy is a nut case of the highest order!


  7. Anonymous6:42 AM

    Someone needs to start connecting the dots between Beck's Mormon faith and his rant against the President. There is Mormon prophecy that states that a Mormon will take back the country and save it. They believe a Mormon will restore the Constitution that has been shredded and save the Country.

    So, everything Beck is saying right now, is just setting the stage. As 2012 approaches, he will support his fellow Mormon, Mitt. Beck believes that Mitt is the fullfillment of this prophecy.

    If you know this, you can see easily what is is doing. Liberals and Obama=BAD. He is "shredding the Constitution", etc. Mitt=Good....he will save the country.

    I would put big money on this. All of Beck's followers have no idea that they are being duped by Beck to create a Mormon nation.

    Even Palin doesn't get it when she supports Beck.

  8. Anonymous6:52 AM

    He's on some type of substance.

  9. What a lunatic. Oh, excuse me I gotta go, there's a message forming in my noodle soup.

  10. Beck and all of his minions need a dictionary. They also need a history book. John D. Rockefeller a communist? I don't think Rockefeller, the epitome of a capitalist, could ever be confused with communism, even by a short bus rider like Beck. It's sad that people actually watch and believe the crap that spews from his mouth.

  11. Anonymous7:06 AM

    This is off the point, but did anyone notice how he addresses his TV audience in the beginning by saying, "If you or your wife watches the Today Show..."

    I suppose the women are too busy cleaning or cooking or they are just too simple-minded to be considered part of GB's audience.

  12. Anonymous7:06 AM

    when is this idiot going to be taken off the airwaves????

  13. Anonymous7:08 AM

    I'm voting for big, heaping bowl of paint chips, which he washes down with a large glass of some kind of pesticide before going outside to make sure the high power lines directly over his house are still humming properly.

    This guy is a grade A nutbar

  14. Anonymous7:12 AM

    Beck uses communism to describe everybody but he's wearing that uniform to sell his book and he owns that statute he keeps on his desk. Attacking a Baptist, a liberal republican who was against communism, Beck continues to twist history while spewing venom.

    It does explain why a Faux photographer was out in front of the Media Matters' building yesterday taking pictures. Another attack coming, no doubt, against Media Matters.

  15. Beck fans like to repeat his rants to prove their points. The crazier he sounds, the crazier his fans will sound whenever they parrot him. Win-win!

  16. Anonymous7:27 AM

    This is why Americans ALL need better educations. Beck appeals to the lowest common denominator, like Palin. The more you know, the more ridiculous and insane they both seem.

  17. mommom7:33 AM

    Would someone explain to him that Fascism and Communism are mutually exclusive?

  18. Anonymous7:43 AM

    I didn't even bother watching. The wingnuts get crazier by the day. Sad there are so many stupid people in America. Lucky they're a minority.

  19. Gasman7:46 AM

    The best antidote to this fetid little moron is for us all to pile on in the organized boycott of Beck's program. I believe the total number of sponsors who have bailed on Beck is now at 57. If this keeps up, Beck will not remain on TV much longer. Murdoch is a money grubbing whore, and is impressed by ratings, but he is most impressed by ad revenues. If Beck continues to cost him money by hemorrhaging sponsors, at some point Murdoch will cut his losses.

    I, for one, am more than willing to boycott any sponsor that buys ads on FauxNews. The folks at Cluster Fox have so contributed to the tone of incivility, engaged in fear mongering, and fueled outright racism that I will gladly not support any business that chooses to advertise on FauxNews. I am free to exercise power of economic choice. When I have a choice available, I will choose to not subsidize those who support the domestic terrorists at FauxNews.

  20. Anonymous7:55 AM

    I can't wait for his take on the Sgt. Pepper album cover.. I bet it's really evil..:)

  21. I must be a communist.
    When we first moved to the country 30 plus yeas ago, we had tall grass. We used a sicle to cut it down. And we owned a hammer.
    Many country people own sicles and use them.

    Fox may be the one with the problem.
    I don't think beck will go quietly and his time is close. he is getting more and more parnoid and absurd.
    How will fox explain his leaving? They will be seen as shutting down the truth.Will their own viewers turn on them?
    And the FCC, how much crazy can they/should they allow on tv as "news"?

  22. Um, has he never heard of the murals by Diego Rivera that Rockefeller had destroyed in that same Rockefeller Center? A tragedy in my opinion. Oh, of course not--what was I thinking. It is so frightening that Beck has such a bully pulpit over at Fox. On my car bumper I have the message-" Fox News is propaganda". The fact that Glenn Beck is a Mormon is making my head spin.

  23. ProsecuteBush/Cheney8:19 AM

    Is Beck sure he is not on a Communist channel? Murdoch's wife is from China and he does have business connections in China. What exactly are Murdoch's ties to China's government?

  24. Anonymous8:29 AM

    OK, the phrase "swords into ploughshares" originally comes from the Bible. So, if "swords into ploughshares" really is about communism, then that means the Bible is about communism. And therefore God, who inspired the Bible, be a communist. And Glenn Beck worships God, so that means Glenn Beck is a communist.

  25. Anonymous8:45 AM

    Was reading about this on Media Matters and saw another story that Hannity had that sage MARK FUHRMAN on to talk about how the VA and Medicare are total failures.

    WTF is going on? Mark Fuhrman? MARK FUHRMAN?

    Ohhhhhh, I guess it's the racist connection.

  26. ckennedy said...
    "Oh, excuse me I gotta go, there's a message forming in my noodle soup."

    Post again and tell us what it said....
    Especially if it was detailed instructions about how to combine liberalism and fascism. Thx.

  27. Wild Turtle8:53 AM

    Who was the video crew on this? With all the distorted perspective every time Beck swoops and gestures towards the audience, didn't it seem like one of those 3-D movies with the cardboard glasses?
    Or maybe he's just a huge fan of Leni Riefenstahl's (Nazi propaganda) film "Triumph of the Will"-!?!?

  28. Anonymous9:12 AM

    So subtle communist messages are being sent to Americans through art, hiding in plain sight.

    Hiding in plain sight - like the dominionists nutjobs trying to take over the world for Jesus?

  29. FEDUP!!!9:23 AM

    I cannot bring myself to watch that nutcase.
    However, if, what you say is correct, then $arah is a communist, too! (Gasp!) - Remember, she got a green 'glass' bowl (in other words, a JADE bowl!) from the Ambassador of China when she was still GINO.

  30. But Gryphen, this is a comedy routine cooked up by Beck to raise his popularity. Don't you see it as a comedy routine? Don't Americans see it as a comedy routine? Is it effective to Americans in making them believe what he is saying? If so Gryphen, then the problem is not with Glen Beck, it is with Americans isn't it?

    Reminded my a lot of Falwell or Hagee or any of the t.v. evangelists. People don't take those people seriously do they?

    Hey, wait a minute, Falwell is a religious icon and led one of the largest religious groups in America! Maybe Glen Beck isn't a comedy routine to Americans! That's what I would be worrying about right now!

    There is a lethal plague in your country that is going to kill your country and it's all in your own heads.

  31. Next he'll be in the art museum to see what kind of representations of communist symbols are there.

    Considering that Murdock owns Beck is it any wonder why he thinks Palin is the cat's meow?

  32. Anonymous9:55 AM


  33. mommom @ 7:33- cognition is NOT part of his make up.

    Anon @6:42 I did not realise that beck was a mormon - where did you get the info?
    I was born and raised a mormon till I was old enough to leave (I came to the conclusion that J. Smith had been munching on mushrooms when he had his vision)

    Sorry Gryphen I could only watch a few moments before bile came to back of my throat, be carful you don't watch too much for us, it WILL rot your brain.

  34. Anonymous10:19 AM

    Anon 7:06 -- not off topic at all. That was exactly the point where I couldn't bear to watch any more! Obviously, he is speaking to "me", the viewer. And, since I'm a woman and he's enquiring about the viewing habits of my "wife", I have to deduce that he is in favour of same-sex marriage, which makes him a "progressive" (?) and therefore, also, too, a "communist" and a "fascist". Doesn't he know that the USSR actually fought on the same side as the US in WWII against fascism? And doesn't he know that, in the days when Rockefeller commissioned those artworks, there was considerable sympathy in the US for the USSR and lots of economic ties between the two nations?

  35. Anonymous10:20 AM

    When Beck joined Fox, they must have told him to just be outrageous, don't worry about checking facts or sounding intelligent.

    It's a sad reflection on the state of our world, when some people prefer to get their information from a source that makes Dubya look like a college professor.

  36. Did this wingnut ever hear of Art,tell me how a statue can brainwash anyone other then Glen Beck? And By the way I E-Mailed Dannon Yogurt with a complaint about Glenn Beck I will forward the reply.Tom

  37. Anonymous10:28 AM

    While Mr Beck is casually throwing communism and fascism into the same pot and stirring them around to scare his viewers (and their wives -- LOL), he may care to remember that the Soviet Union was actually an ALLY of America AGAINST fascism in WWII -- a war in which almost 25 million Soviet citizens died. That's about 15% of the entire population -- compared to the 0.32% of the US population who died in that same war.

  38. Anonymous10:38 AM

    Anon 7:27. Yes, and the POTUS realises this and intends to give a speech addressed directly to schoolchildren (just as the First Lady gave an inspiring speech to schoolchildren on her visit to the UK) -- and Beck even managed to get in a scary little jibe about this being "indocrination"!!! He really is carpet-bombing his audience with SCARY STUFF... which is why, mommon 7:33, it does not matter whether he realises the difference between fascism and communism... they just sound scary. So he just spews the words...

  39. Glen Beck has gone "Bye Bye" everybody

  40. justafarmer11:11 AM

    imagine my surprise to learn that John D. Rockefeller was a "progressive". He must be turning in his grave right about now.

  41. Anonymous11:11 AM

    it looks like a shovel - not a hammer.

    what a fruitcake deluxe

    signed - ENOUGH

  42. What's particularly appalling is that Mr. Beck does not seem to realize that Lenin and his Bolshevik Party adopted symbols and concepts that were popular in that day, ignoring whether those symbols in face had anything to do with the Bolshevik ideology or economic programs. The "soviets" in Russia (as was) were not built nor run by the Bolsheviks, but the Bolsheviks were able to co-opt the leadership of the Soviets, with the call of "All Power to the Soviets." Additionally, "socialism" was a popular concept embracing various economic theories--so that word (literally, just the word and not any meaning) were co-opted by both the Bolsheviks (for the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) and the Nazis (the German Nation Socialist Workers Party).

    To think that no one ever paired symbols of the industrial worker and the farmer together before Lenin is just childish. What shocks me is that Mr. Beck didn't bust a gut over the fact that the "Democrat Party" in Minnesota is known locally as the "Farm Labor Party." Maybe next week.

    For those of you kind of enough to care (and read this far), a funny Mussolini story is that back in the day, when Somoza was the Nicaraguan dictator, Somoza bought up several old statutes of Mussolini on horseback. Somoza then had Mussolini's head removed, and replaced it with his own......

  43. Anonymous12:07 PM

    Beck is a Mormon, and he has my poor parents, who are still active in that religion, absolutely terrified that Obama means to put everyone into concentration camps who don't agree with his policies.

    This position plays very nicely into the church's "last days" belief in which ass-kicking Jesus comes back to earth, and puts "his chosen" into positions of power over the world.

  44. Anonymous12:31 PM

    Thank you so much for highlighting this. Other than at HuffPo I could find no mention this morning after searching the Opticon sites.

    To me, this is a textbook example of 'brainwashing' at work. I watched it twice and even wondered if he was doing it tongue-in-cheek to both twit his opponents and see how far his adherents would run with it. Somehow, that was the most disturbing aspect; the sense that he was playing with his undoubted power. It is as if Murdoch, Inc. has taken the playbook of the Communists, as revealed in the late 1970's and is utilizing it to undermine this country. Yipes, I sound like 'them'. (sigh) And there is what is referred to as Eisenhower's second warning: that democracy is not easy, that giving in to totalatarinism, letting the bosses do the thinking for you, especially in times of sorrow, worry, and fear, is just so much more comfortable. It is time to speak truth to power; and the power is in the shadowy hands of...(yipes, there I go again.)

    Well, enough about me. Blessings on the Work.

  45. Family Home Evening must be a real laugh riot at the Beck residence.

  46. Anonymous12:41 PM

    I will watch Glenn Beck when he commits suicide on camera. Not until then.

  47. Anonymous1:31 PM

    Beck is totally insane--wonder what he sees in tea leaves?

  48. Anonymous1:38 PM

    Glen Beck is a complete moron. It's that simple.

  49. Anonymous1:40 PM

    Another thoughtful discussion, here.

  50. HollyP said...
    "Your post reminds me of the immortal song Alice's Restaurant"

    Put Glenn Beck on the Group W Bench.
    I noticed he is gaining weight. I think he is under a great deal of stress or he was on some chemical and recently got off of it. Fairly early on in withdrawl weight gain happens easily. Oh, yea a lot of the antipsychotics cause weight gain, but clearly they haven't got his meds adjusted yet.

  51. Anonymous1:44 PM

    and now, here.

    2:44 pm PDT

  52. Anonymous2:23 PM

    That streamlined "American" look used because NYC had no native architecture? Is called the 'International Style' for a reason.

    "It drives me nuts that nobody sees it, nobody knows what this is!" Only every high schooler in NYC, and every tourist that takes the art tour. Me.

    A 1933 bas-relief of Progress is a psychic warning -- a strong leader will indoctrinate our children... and Obama is giving a speech to students next week. Boo! The kid has his back turned to the big guy holding the reins. So at least the kids won't do homework for Obama either.

    I've got to say, Obama has a great, muscular butt. Wait, Beck says that butt belongs to Mussolini. Damn, it's always the dead ones, huh?

    "This administration is now beginning to use art as propaganda." ??? "It's nothing new to 20th century progressives." Right. Back in the early 20th century, PRIVATE INDUSTRIALISTS commissioned lots of public art. Not the government. But its the 21st century now, Glenn, progressives and all. And Obama hasn't shaken ANY cash out of the budget for magnificent public art works.

    "I showed you these things that were in plain sight during the Cold War, the hammer and sickle..." Yeah, art that was commissioned and installed 30 years before the Cold War.

    Beck is displaying "Man, Controller of the Universe." Which is at the opera house in Mexico City, not the lobby of 30 Rock, which is Beck's claim. The Diego Rivera mural in NYC was called "Man at the Crossroads," and was destroyed before it was finished, at Rockefeller's order, for featuring Lenin.

    An army platoon wearing gas masks is a depiction of capitalists. Uh... no. That would be WWI, the Spanish Civil War and a few other nail-biters from the 30's. Beck locates the portrait of Rockefeller over a big portrait of syphillis (they didn't zoom in on that) "Looks like Rivera didn't like Rockefeller, even though Rockefeller commissioned *this piece of art* (no, no and no) for the lobby of NBC."

    Glenn, sweetie, the mural is a depiction of the world during the 1930's -- so it isn't just syphillis, it's also the flu. Remember? Between 50 and 100 million healthy adults died, and then the survivors had to deal? Rivera depicted the effect disease and tech had on humanity.

    "The progressives of the early 20th century, and the progressives of today... it makes sense! It makes sense that you feel uneasy!"

    You haven't given us anything to feel uneasy ABOUT! Except that you misinterpret old art and think gigantic pieces of public art are invisible to everyone but you.

    "All of the images I've shown you here, thousands of people walk by, every single day." Yes, that's true. The one he's waving at, thousands of people in Mexico City walk past every day.

    And again -- Beck claims that nobody has ever noticed the gigantic pieces of art in the middle of Manhattan's busiest media and tourist area -- and never would, unless he points them out. He's really, really convinced of this.

    "That's your job!" To point out public art? Oookay.

    "Progressives, fascists, communists." WHAT?

    "What do they all have in common, today? Well, that's something you're going to have to figure out."

    So anyway -- Beck ties a destroyed 1933 NY mural (by way of another mural) to Obama's newest political appointment. Which all connects to GE and -- I'm betting -- Olbermann.

    All of whom publically despise Beck.

    I think I found the connection. It's public scrutiny!

  53. Anonymous2:25 PM

    Beck is certainly good for one thing -- getting people to dive deep into history just to refute him!

  54. lisabeth2:37 PM

    Bones AK, Beck converted to Mormanism, which I find very interesting. You can read all about him at his WIKI article

    Note at the top , there is supposed controversy over his wiki - usually that means he or his manager or whomever is trying to paint him a certain way and others are disagreeing.

    I can't stand this guy and I want him and others like him off the air. There is a fine line between what is "Free speech" and "treason." What do all of you think would have happened if Beck had made a comment about George W like "George Bush hates all black people." It is totally outrageous. Plus he clearly is not educated about history or world government as many of you have noted. Many people are so stupid they think he is the news, not a political commentator.

    I think something needs to be done about Hannity and O'Reilly too. Oh lets mention the negative liars Limbaugh and Palin too.

    I really don't care that they have different political views. I know many conservatives who are not like them and who offer educated and positive debate. But no, these entertainers are deliberately telling lies rile the nutwings. They will do anything to make Obama fail.

    The nuts are small minority as someone said in a comment. I said this to my boyfriend the other night and we figured out that small minority is still millions and millions of people - I think we figured it to be at least 20 million. That is pretty frightening. It may not be enough to win an election, but it is enough to cause a lot of controversy and problems.

    At Vanity Fair yesterday under Levi's article, one moron by the name of "Patriot" was screaming about Obama and wrote something like "ALL YOU LIBERALS should leave OUR COUNTRY - we do NOT want you here.!" I really almost cried reading this. I wanted to write to him , are you joking??You are the one complaining about our government as if you can't stand it - why don't you leave.

    The amount of venom and hatred towards people who feel differently from them is astounding. But they say the same about us.

    Someone had their finger cut off at a health care reform protest yesterday. The anger is getting out of hand.......

    These idiots like Beck and company are responsible as far as I am concerned. I want to do more than sign up for color of change. I did that and now its done, so what else can we do to remove these people from the air? What is the name of that law where a news station MUST tell both sides of any argument. Perhaps that ought to be put into place. Remember when Obama was first elected - the Faux morons were sure that Obama was going to stop them from talking. He has given them a chance and look how harmful they are - I want to scream at them: "STOP LYING YOU ARE CREATING AND INCITING HATRED AND ANGER AND RACISM IN OUR COUNTRY. YOU ARE POLARIZING & NEGATIVE. How about some positive suggestions instead? Do you give President Obama credit for anything?" Do you notice they NEVER offer positive suggestions? Just constant criticism, BS and lies.

  55. lisabeth2:43 PM

    Becks Political Views from the WIKI PAGE: Glenn Beck considers himself a Libertarian.[41] Beck put together a campaign, the 9/12 Project, that is named for nine principles and twelve values, extolled by Beck, that he says embody the spirit of the American people on the day after the September 11 attacks.[42][43] Beck supports individual gun ownership rights, and is against gun control legislation.[44] Glenn Beck has suggested that Obama's health care reform agenda is a means by which he can effect reparations for slavery.[45] Beck believes that there is a lack of evidence that human activity is the main cause of global warming,[46] promoted a petition rejecting the Kyoto Protocol, and considers emissions trading to be a form of wealth redistrubution.[47]

    This says everything. He thinks Obama's health care reform is a means by which he can effect reparations for slavery."" WTF - is he NUTS (YES) and 2) "Beck believes that there is a lack of evidence that human activity is the main cause of global warming." Well that shows what an uneducated MORON he is.

    Now on TV - the right wing nut commentators are screaming about Obama speaking at a public school. They are saying it is communism. SICK SICK SICK

  56. Anonymous4:34 PM

    I get really upset talking about mormons. They have so many kids they don't pay income taxes. Yet this thrive off the welfare system.

    They are not Christians. they are a cult.

  57. crystalwolf aka caligrl4:59 PM

    lisabeth...OMG I'm watching glen beck on KO show this very clip now! Scary, KO is eviscerating him!
    I wonder if the Morons and dominionist's and Catholics will all fight to see who is the one?
    Also Libertarian =conservative.
    I agree, glen beck has crossed the line between free speech and treason!
    And he is crazy! He quoting stuff, like bible progressives, fascists ,communist's...he's a sick puppy. All of them are at Faux.
    I really can't believe anyone would seriously watch this! It boggles the mind.
    KO is tearing him to it should be...he is crazy!
    Ko just said "Rupert murdoch, Hasta la vista baby", lol! yeah!!!!

  58. "Anon @6:42 I did not realise that beck was a mormon - where did you get the info?"

    It seems like "moron" would be more correct.

  59. lisabeth said: "Someone had their finger cut off at a health care reform protest yesterday. The anger is getting out of hand......."
    OK, here is the scoop (I live near there):
    Teabagger loon, male in his 60's, PUNCHED a pro health care reform person in the face! In self-defense, the person who was punched, BIT the loon's finger off. Good. If the loon had punched ME, I would have bit him too. And I am in NO WAY violent. If attacked, I WILL defend myself.

  60. Dianedp's speculation that she is a communist, because she has cut down tall grass with a sickle, and has used a hammer on occasion, made me laugh out loud. She reminded me of the immortal lines in John Steinbeck's Grapes of Wrath, where a "red SOB" was someone who wanted 35 cents an hour, when the land owner only paid 25.

    Anonymous at 1:44's statements re the arrogance of Mr. Beck, in Mr. Beck's assertion that "on one" in New York is aware of the public art and architecture is astounding. First, as Anonymous points out, the history and meaning behind the artwork and buildings is hardly a secret--especially to legions of school kids who WISH that the background would remain a little more secret. Second, what's Mr. Beck's real point? The reason why NYC is such a Democratic bastion, is because of subliminal messages contained in the public art? That if you walk past a frieze with one guy holding a hammer and another holding a sickle enough times, and you can't help but decide maybe some elements of a command economy are a good idea? Or MAYBE this artwork is proof that John D. (and therefore the entire Unrepresentative Eastern Liberal Elitist Media Establishment (the UELEME)) was (and continues to be) secret supporters of the Communist Party (USA)?

    Which actually is not as stupid and far fetched as you'd think. In Pillar of Fire (the second volume of Taylor Branch's trilogy on Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.), Mr. Branch points out that supporters of Segregation attacked the proposed Civil Rights Act of 1964 as being virtually identical to a program proposed by CP(USA). Among the reasons why so many intellectuals (and average people as well) flocked to the Communist Party was that it was one of the few prominent political organizations that advocated for racial integration.

    Unemployment insurance, Social Security, National Health Care (both in the form of Medicare and Medicaid), even versions of Workers' Comp, all first saw the light of day as proposals from the Communist or Socialist movements. When Eugene Debbs ran for President while in a prison cell, winning more than a million votes, those voters didn't support Debbs because they just got done reading Das Kapital. They voted for Debbs because of the programs he espoused. Virtually everyone reading this will be too young, but back in the day, opponents of adding fluoride to the public water supply denounced that action as a "Communist plot." Did the Communists support adding fluoride to water? Probably--because it's a good idea, regardless of your feelings about industrial relations.

    To be blunt, Mr. Beck is speaking to a white supremacist, male audience, who sees their loss of power and privilege. From simple demographics, white males are losing their ability to have exclusive claim on jobs, housing, and education slots. The multilingual/multinational world is coming to even the deep South. The good ol' boy network has lost its ability to network. If you want to survive economically in the 21st century, you going to have to allow equal competition with womens (sic) and people of color. Being a white guy alone is not enough.

    And that loss of power sucks ass. So, in looking for someone to blame, why NOT blame the artwork at Rockefeller Center? After all, from the white male supremacist perspective, no one in their right mind would upset the apple cart of their nirvana--so "stupid people who don't know better" must be causing all these problems. And what convinces stupid people to be so stupid? Well, how about a mural of Mussolini's butt? Bet you never stopped to think about THAT, huh?

    Oh Bartleby! Ah humanity! (as they say where I come from).

  61. Anonymous6:30 AM

    Its so frightening, watching what is happening to the right, south of the border. The Canadian right, is the Conservative party, currently in power.

    Looks like this fall, the Liberals and NDP may vote no confidence, and another election will be held..November probably.

    Michael Ignatieff, who was a Harvard prof leads that party, and I like him and his liberal views. I hope against hope that he will be our new prime minister. Currently, Harper would love to govern Canada, just like Bush and company did the US. Poor fellow...he has far more rules to follow, and the vitriolic hatred you hear on US right wing radio is not spewed here.

    If those rabid right wingers ever get into power in the uS again, I would be for all for putting a huge fence up around the border. I and many other Canadians, have no desire, for automatic weapons....flag waving, and sheer unadulterated hate, besmirching our soil.

    Deep down though, I know that the bright, and wonderful folk of the left will not let craziness reign supreme in your beautiful country again.


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