Saturday, September 26, 2009

Kentucky census taker found naked and bound with duct tape. I think we can safely assume this was NOT a suicide.

A part-time census worker found hanging in a rural Kentucky cemetery was naked, gagged and had his hands and feet bound with duct tape, said an Ohio man who discovered the body two weeks ago.

The word "fed" was written in felt-tip pen on 51-year-old Bill Sparkman's chest, but authorities have released very few other details in the case, such as whether they think it was an accident, suicide or homicide.

Jerry Weaver of Fairfield, Ohio, told The Associated Press on Friday that he was certain from the gruesome scene that someone killed Sparkman.

"He was murdered," Weaver said. "There's no doubt."

There is not yet definitive proof that this was a hate crime, but if I were a betting man I would be putting all of my money on that possibility.

And if it was, and it turns out the perpetrator was a FOX News junkie, I hope to hell that Homeland Security investigates them fully for the hate mongering that pours forth from that vile cable channel daily. And if a connection can be found between the spittle drenched rantings of Glenn Beck and this murder I hope they arrest his ass his on camera, right in the middle of one of his signature crybaby tantrums.

And while they are at it perhaps they can prove a link between Dr. Tillman's murder and the rantings of Bill O'Reilly. Perhaps if few of these assholes get thrown in jail for conspiracy to commit murder Fox News will finally either leave the air completely or evolve into a REAL news outlet.

Update: Leah Burton, of God's Own Party, finds that the crazies may be using biblical language to foment fear about census takers. Is there no level of insanity that the bible cannot be used to reinforce?


  1. Anonymous12:30 PM

    I'm a little lost as to why you're bringing up fox, glenn, oreilly, hannity, or bachman.

    As far as I know, none of these people ever suggested physically harming census workers.

    So why are you bringing up their names?

  2. 2000+ years and they will use the bible for whatever means. One would hope the propagators of hate would be held accountable.... not likely.
    I only hope every day i can find a restful sleep before i wake to more of this insanity we call humanity. Hang in there Gryphen.

  3. Anonymous12:39 PM

    TONS of blame to go around...

    1) One of the most infamous Census conspiracy theories was spread by Rep. Michele Bachmann -- that the census would lay the groundwork for World War II-style internment camps.

    2) Bachmann, along with other conservative Republicans was concerned that ACORN would be working the Census.

    3) Anti-tax activist Neal Boortz thinks the Census is being used to take away your property and give it to the "moochers."

    4) Some fringe conservatives think President Obama's in-school census kits are a way of indoctrinating children. Just like Hitler.

    5) The American Daily Review suggests that the Census GPS is a way to help United Nations personnel round people up after Obama lets foreign troops control the country.

    6) Of course, the adoption of GPS by census-takers could be a way of targeting "undesirables" for missile-drone attacks.

    7) Republicans saw Obama's decision to have the Census Director report to the White House as a power grab and a way to politicize the count.

    8) Michelle Malkin suggests Obama aims to use the Census to undermine border control and give "the Left" a "permanent ruling majority" with the help of undocumented immigrants.

  4. Anonymous12:54 PM

    This is so sad and scary. Aren't Beck, Palin, Bachman and other loonies aware of the anger they incite? There are too many people in this country who are ignorant enough to listen to their rantings and act on it. It's time to put a stop to it.
    Kallie in Texas

  5. I had a plan to retire in the south and grow tomatos, corn, and butterbeans. A couple years ago I went to Arkansas to visit and then drove to Mississippi to see someone. They have these waffle houses all over where I would get breakfast. The whites were on one side and the blacks on another and then I was at the counter with short, bleached, spikey hair with all of them looking at me like they were trying to figure out what I was. It was creepy. Thats when I knew I would never fit in. For one thing too blunt and outspoken. For another, too liberal. What was I thinking. Of course probably most of the people are at least tolerable and a lot are really good people. It's like in Alaska we have the best and the worst. One of the best seems to ofset ten of the worst.
    There are a lot of drugs in the rural areas which possibly could have had some factor due to the paranoia factor. A lot of people in this country are paranoid enough without drugs.

  6. Anonymous2:10 PM

    How does it work both ways? Carradine was found the same way and it was thought to be a suicide , but this is absolutely ruled out as notone. Interesting.

  7. Anon @ 2:10 you have to be joking. Carradine was NOT found the same way. Sparkman was found with duct tape over his eyes, hands and feet bound, with a red cloth stuffed in his mouth, and hanging with feet slightly touching ground, with the word FED scrawled on his chest.

    Tell me how this is the same?

  8. i thought i would post this for your reading pleasure. from PALINGATES:

    Jules said...

    82% believed Sarah Palin caused John McCain to lose the election (CNN)
    81% of independent voters said they were less likely to vote for McCain because of Palin (Los Angeles Times / Bloomberg)
    80% of women voters believe McCain picked Palin for Political Reasons not Qualifications (Garin-Hart-Yang Research Group)
    79% of uncommitted voters did not believe Palin won the VP Debate (CBS News / Knowledge Networks)
    75% of likely voters did not believe Palin has the right experience to be president (AP / GfK)
    72% of registered independent voters were not very comfortable with Palin as President (FOX News / Opinion Dynamics)
    72% of voters say that McCain's choice of Palin did not make them inclined to vote Republican (San Francisco Chronicle)
    70% of voters do not believe Sarah Palin is qualified to step in as President (FOX News / Edison/Mitofsky)
    68% of voters were not very comfortable with Palin as President (FOX News / Opinion Dynamics)
    66% of likely voters were not very comfortable with Palin as Vice President (FOX News / Opinion Dynamics)
    61% of voters did not believe Sarah Palin is ready to serve as President (USA Today / Gallup)
    60% of voters do not believe Palin is Qualified to be President if Necessary (CNN Exit Polls)
    60% of women under 50 have an unfavorable opinion of Sarah Palin (The Pew Research Center)
    60% of Americans do not think Sarah Palin has enough experience to be President (ABC News)
    59% of voters said Sarah Palin is not qualified (New York Times / CBS News)
    58% of Americans do not think Palin is qualified to assume the presidency (CNN / Opinion Research)
    58% of likely women voters do not have a positive opinion of Palin (Time Magazine)
    57% of likely voters said Palin does not have the personal qualities a president should have (CNN / Opinion Research)
    56% of registered women voters trust Hillary Clinton more than Sarah Palin (Blum & Weprin Associates)
    55% of registered voters did not believe Palin is qualified to step in as president (Newsweek / Princeton Survey Research Associates)
    55% of voters said Sarah Palin is unqualified (NBC News / Wall Street Journal)
    52% of women voters said Sarah Palin is not qualified (Quinnipiac University / Wall Street Journal)
    51% of likely voters view Sarah Palin unfavorably (ABC News / Washington Post)

    2012 Presidential Poll: Obama blows out Palin 55-35 (Public Policy Polling)

  9. Anonymous3:01 PM


    One WITNESS said it was murder. The POLICE however, have not yet ruled it a homicide. And Mr. Carradine's death was eventually ruled a homicide. With all the anti-government rhetoric coming from the right, and Mr. Sparkman having the word 'Fed' scrawled on his chest, for some, murder is the first thing that comes to mind. It's not as if there hasn't already been a string of right-wing violence, already this year! Your comment is "interesting." Sounds to me, like you are hoping it is not ruled a homicide. And if it is ruled a homicide, you are hoping the perpetrator (or perpetrators) is not one of your own!

  10. Anonymous3:21 PM

    This is the saddest story. Mr. Sparkman, your killer will be brought to justice. I am sickened that such a compassionate and community-oriented person--a cancer survivor no less--would be brutally killed in such a horrendous way. It's the 21st century, Americans. Is this who we really are?

    Michele Bachmann, I'm talking to you. FOX news, I'm talking to you. Rupert Murdoch, I'm talking to you.

  11. Anonymous4:00 PM

    LOL the righties are in a fit to preempt any disturbing responsibility for their hate.

    Yeah, it's just like Carradine. Only everything about it is different.


    And let me say that these people you are discussing are real people. DC had family and friends, as did the census worker who had two kids. equating their deaths (which so clearly are not related at all) because you are desperate to kill the appearance of well-earned blame is


    and it's why

    the right does not deserve to hold any office. ever again.

    Palin saying we needed less regulation was the cherry on this bomb.

  12. Anonymous4:05 PM

    From the National Enquirer

    Republican VP candidate Sarah Palin has hushed up a series of scandals including her own brother-in-law's shocking criminal past!

    After the Alaska governor was named John McCain's running mate, she disclosed her husband Todd had been arrested for drunk driving in 1986 - but not that his brother James Palin was involved in a devastating hit-and-run that inflicted multiple injuries on a female pedestrian.

    Court papers obtained by The ENQUIRER show that James Palin, Sarah's brother-in-law, was busted as a 20-year-old on Feb. 15, 1989, in his Dillingham, Alaska, hometown - after a major drinking binge.

    According to official records: James, in a drunken stupor, slammed into a woman with his vehicle, stopped, pulled her out from underneath it - and then callously sped away, leaving her injured on the side of the road like Alaskan road-kill!

    Police Officer Lowell Crezee soon arrived at the crime scene and assisted victim Lydia John - who sustained numerous injuries, including a fractured pelvic bone.

    James admitted to police that before the accident he had been drinking, first at the Canary Bar, where he "drank two beers and a shot of tequila and then went inside the Willow Tree bar and drank two beers," according to the criminal complaint.

    Palin's sentence for getting drunk, running down a woman and driving away: a mere $50 fine.

    According to court documents obtained by The ENQUIRER¸ James was also involved in other legal battles.

    In 1995, James Palin filed a domestic violence petition against live-in girlfriend Christine Garner, mother of his then 2 1/2-year-old daughter Miranda. The court awarded James temporary custody of his daughter.

    A year later, James again petitioned the court claiming Garner had put imperiled his daughter "by drinking and driving with her in the car to drug dealers' homes and doing drugs around her." But that case was dismissed.

    In addition to James' legal woes, The ENQUIRER learned other members of Todd Palin's family have been tromping through the Alaska court system:

    Blanche Kallstrom, Todd's mother, sued the U.S. government for negligence and took the suit all the way to the Alaska Supreme Court - which ultimately ruled against her.

    The suit sprang from a series of claims and counterclaims originating from a tragic mistake in 1993 in which Blanche, Sarah's mother-in-law, accidentally served a child a lye-based detergent, thinking it was fruit juice.

  13. To the first anonymous. You are joking...right? Bachman went on and on about the census my friend. All of those purveyors of lies and shock are reponsible if this proves to be a hate crime. Idiocy does not reign on this blog....but I am sure you know where to go to find it. God you people are tireless.

  14. How can anyone NOT think that the rightwing mouthpieces may NOT have contributed to Mr. Sparkman's death if it is proven that he was killed by someone who didn't want someone from the government coming around to collect census data? Live in denial all you want, but facts will be facts when the investigation is concluded. Meanwhile, here's a little something for you deniers to think about: David Weigel of the Washington Independent attended the same conference as Michele Bachmann today. After the conference he asked her what she thinks about Mr. Sparkman's death. She did not respond to his question. She just got into her limo and rode into the sunset. WTF? She knows that her ignorance and hatred of President Obama caused her to tell lies about the census, and now she has superglue on her lips. This is what I call throwing rocks and hiding your hands. I'm hoping she spends many sleepless nights haunted by her possible role in causing this man's death. Her venomous words may have left this man's child fatherless, and IMO, this is an egregious moral crime. This son has lost a father that can never be replaced all because of lies. I'm angry about this and hope that there are millions of other Americans that are just as angry as I am over Mr. Sparkman's death.

  15. Anonymous5:52 PM

    I listen to these freakin nuts repub psychos, and they are in a competition to out psycho each other. But, Bachmann and her tinfoil hat conspiracy against the census has got to be the looniest of them all. Then you got Inhofe that thinks there is a liberal conspiracy of tens of thousands of scientists among hundreds of countries for decades to scam climate change. For what reason? Whothefuckknows.

    You got Limbaugh on Leno saying that investment bankers can scam the system for hundreds of billions and that's OK, but the financial crisis was the result of Acorn facilitationg low income mortgages. Limbaugh and his audience are most certainly Nazis.

    What the hell do we got to do for this Rapture to happen, and shuffle these loonies up to Alaska? (sorry Gryphyn) Rebuild the temple on top of the Dome of the Rock. It would be worth it.

  16. Anonymous5:27 AM

    OMG you guys got me all wrong. I was just saying that Carradine 's death by the media was reported as suicide by autoerotic asphyxiation when it was obvious that it was homicide (glad to know it was ruled a homicide - well, not glad, but you know, ) . The circumstances of an odvious homicide were similar here - but no one was contemplating what they were contemplating on poor Mr. Carrdadine. MY mistake. OMG I am not a FUNDY. Please. Eww I gotta go take a shower. Yuck. I misposted.

  17. These are good reasons to just say no to religion and to just say no to Faux News.

  18. Skeptical7:20 AM

    The idea that taking the census could stir up so much controversy is absolutely ludicrous! I have used census data for family research - it is invaluable in that arena. And btw, census taking is not a newfangled information gathering process developed by the left. As I recall, for all of you who declare that it must be in the bible to have any validity, Mary and Joseph were on their way to participate in a CENSUS when Jesus was born. Funny how those ancients were gathering information to use against the populous even then.

    While any information can be twisted and utilized for unsavory purposes, that doesn't mean then that the primary purpose for gathering the information is inherently evil. Taking the census serves many purposes, and if the right is looking for one to benefit themselves, let's remember that the census provides the basis for apportioning electorate representation.

    Clearly, Mr. Sparkman could not have hung himself while his hands and feet were bound with duct tape. Did he write "Fed" on his chest before or after he put the gag in his mouth? Come on! This man was brutally murdered. The fact that there are those who are so compassionless as to imply that because he was a census taker he deserved such a death, is incomprehensible to me. These people are an embarrassment - their ignorance so flagrant in a country where they could take advantage of some of the best education in the world. Simply said, McCarthysim is far from dead.

  19. Anonymous8:20 AM

    I wonder whether you people are even the slightest bit embarrassed.

    Or are you planning on treating this like Dan Rather's alleged TANG documents about George Bush: "fake but accurate"?

    You know, we laugh whenever you Olbermann wannabes go off like this. Keep it up.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.