Friday, September 11, 2009

Politico brilliantly illustrates how damaging the Republican cranks are to their party.

“Neither party has an exclusive on whack jobs,” says Republican media consultant Mark McKinnon. “Unfortunately, right now the Democrats generally get defined by President Obama, and Republicans, who have no clear leadership, get defined by crackpots — and then they begin to define the Republican Party in the mind of the general public.”

Turn on the TV, and you see what he means.

Here’s Orly Taitz, insisting that the commander in chief was born in Kenya. There’s a flock of town hall protesters, waving photos of the president in a Hitler moustache. Former GOP vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin warns darkly that Obama is planning “death panels” for senior citizens. Georgia Rep. Paul Broun equates the president’s plans with “Nazi” policies. Ohio Rep. Jean Schmidt — last heard calling John Murtha a “coward” — tells a birther: “I agree with you, but the courts don’t.”

And then, in the midst of all the catcalls, hand-held signs and “I’m not listening” BlackBerrying, Wilson interrupts Obama’s address to a joint session of Congress by shouting, “You lie!”

“The president was helped more by the optics of House Republicans than by his own speech,” says former Rep. Vin Weber (R-Minn.). “It’s not likely to do any long-term damage, but they need to be very careful how they oppose this president.”

One veteran GOP official puts it bluntly: “The image of a bunch of white guys booing an African-American president is about as bad as it gets.”

I keep hearing how the Democrats are in danger of losing many of their re-election bids in the upcoming 2010 race, but with these people as their most visible spokespeople I am not sure that is accurate.


  1. ...and so far, Rob Miller has raised over $745,000 in his campaign against Joe Wilson.

    For once a Repuke did something right.

  2. Hunter S. Thompson called it...

  3. Anonymous7:28 AM

    It is hard to see how Sarah Palin remains an important figure in the GOP. The longer that she stays out of sight and hides behind ghost written face book posts, she becomes a bigger and bigger joke. Hard to figure out what the big plan is.

  4. Anonymous7:44 AM

    Hi all, This is Livvy, i've turned off my Google cookies as i cannot get rid of their Damn iGoogle home page which is a piece of junk. (I hate to post as anonymous.)

    I know this is a group of creative smart people. Can someone design and start a petition telling Fox that the undersigned will not support anyone who advertises on Fox News? We've got to become respectfullY VERY VOCAL. NOTE THE USE OF THE WORD RESPECTFULL

  5. Livvy - what system are you operating? "windows", "safari", "firefox"?

  6. Lighthouse8:11 AM

    Yep, the Republican leadership is filled with whack jobs. The trouble is that they are representing their whack job constituents, as verified by Wilson's pretty respectable fundraising in the last two days.

    I am disturbed! (But not as disturbed as my co-workers who love Joe Wilson!)

  7. Livvy: Go to mozilla and download Firefox 3.5 BETA TEST.

    You can do everything and under tools, you can "turn on private browsing". That way browsing cannot be tracked.

    I've been using it for months and have had NO problems. I'm running a new Macbook but have used it on a Windows operating system as well.

    Beta Test 3.5 has lots of cool features - however any system will allow you to control your start page.

    Let me know if I can help ok?

  8. Good question: Seriously, aside from the teeny mouth breathing base that would walk through fire for her - and the blogs who continue to keep her on the radar out of necessity, as well as Rachel and Keith (etc) who also track her as a potential threat, she is nothing to anyone else.

    She has pretty much vanished ... yesterday's trash.

    The GOP continues to attempt to make her relevant. It's clear that their object is obtaining numbers - quality does not matter. Actually neither does intelligence,logic or humanity.

    The Repukes are racist haters. They are also race baiters.

    Their personal ethics are disgusting. They are simply bought-and-paid-for corporate tools.

  9. Anonymous8:18 AM

    The GOP has rebranded themselves into a corner. They look like the band of nuts that they really are: Transparent at last!

  10. Lighthouse: I think that the "Old South" does not see how repulsive and repugnant it appears with its still viable race baiting and racist attitudes. It was suggested today on LIBERAL radio that perhaps we should just let the south secede.

    They certainly set themselves apart with their racist hatred - the rest of us look at them as uneducated ignorant hillbillies. Frankly I don't know what they do add to this country.

    As far as I'm concerned, let them go. They aren't contributing to anything worthwhile or productive for the citizens of this country. And their violent racial smears really don't represent anyone but themselves. Calling them out and telling them to just "do it" - go away, secede...

    But do NOT come to us for help if you need Federal Aid, no Federal Grant, no Hurricane Relief, no Government programs. No Medicare, no Medicaid. The airports become foreign. The South requires a passport to cross into our country. No stimulus dollars.

    You want to be a foreign country - go for it. And No I know you don't feel that way. But maybe that is how these people should be approached.

    Rob Miller is up to $756,000. How's Wilson doing?

  11. Lighthouse@8.11a - has Wilson also raised a lot of money in the last two days? I know Miller, his opponent has. That we can check by going to ActBlue, but where did you find out about Wilson's numbers?

  12. Wait a second basheert, we all aren't as you say. There are a good number of us fighting the good fight. Don't count us out yet.

  13. Anonymous8:59 AM

    Livvy here. I use Firefox.

  14. Anonymous9:17 AM

    If only Lincoln had let the south go....

  15. I think "basheert" is right about the stereotype of southerners as uneducated, ignorant hillbillies. But a lot of our past Presidents have been southerners, and every southerner is not a Repub crank nor in support of them. I think eventually the embarrassment to everyday respectable southerners caused by these cranks will start a backlash. Good folks from down south don't like uncivil behavior (think Gone With the Wind), and will continue to distance themselves from the extremists.

  16. MadCity Chick9:40 AM

    Over on Mudflats many a discussion started about boycotts on Murdoch owned businesses and or advertisers.

    What does Rupert Murdoch own? Quite a bit quite frankly. Click through each heading for the ‘types’ of companies at this link. Website actually breaks it down quite nicely.

    An example of just a fraction of what he owns. Under the heading ‘Other Assets’ these companies are listed. All owned by Murdoch’s Newscorp.
    Fox Interactive Media
    IGN Entertainment
    National Rugby League
    News Digital Media
    News Outdoor
    Rotten Tomatoes
    Spring Widgets

    As I said this is just a tiny portion of what he owns. Truly disturbing how much he has his hands in.

  17. Anonymous10:16 AM

    You know? I understand M. Kinnon is one of the sane(r) voices of the R Party, and I appreciate the crumbs he throws, but AGAIN, there is an attempt to make things equal that are not. The Democrats DO NOT have, nor have they ever had, a voice as loud and strident as the Whacky Right is today.Who is he talking about in saying there are Dem extremists? I mean I guess most rational people would assume that, but WHO and WHERE are they? Even given the possibility that there might be some, their patry numbers make them insignificant when compared to the right. I liked how Rachel handled that guy the other night who asserted this same thing and tried to make the "Truthers" be a part of this radical left. HEll, the Whackos think 9-11 was orchestrated as much as any left "extremist" might.

  18. Agreed.

    "I keep hearing how the Democrats are in danger of losing many of their re-election bids in the upcoming 2010 race, but with these people as their most visible spokespeople I am not sure that is accurate."

    And if they have to primary one of their candidates, Freedom Works with all their money, always gets the craziest one to win a primary. That gives the Democrats a huge advantage.
    I don't think we have a lot to worry about in 2010, especially if they keep this shit up.

  19. Anonymous11:49 AM

    Dysmyre, you'd be pleased to look at the Letters to the Editor in the State today (the newspaper in the capital of SC, Columbia) -- they are strongly running against Wilson's outburst.
    Pat in Texas

  20. Livvy - if you are running Firefox, why don't you try Beta 3.5? My husband recommended it to me and it is fabulous.

    It does have the private browsing feature which is cool - and untraceable.

    Look I know there are good decent, polite southerners. The problem is, they keep electing former KKK and racist pigs to office. I understand that the racial mix of some of the southern states is heavily non-white. If these Repuke losers wouldn't keep getting re-elected, it wouldn't even be an issue. So who is voting for the race baiters?

    I think a lot of us are appalled at the rude disrespectful loudmouth racist behavior of the current crop of Repukes, particularly the House. And if Joe Wilson is re-elected, it will say volumes about the class, quality and integrity of the state of South Carolina.

    I have difficulty imagining any of us here being so rude, loud mouthed and boorish as the behavior during the President's speech. Respect for the office is required. Why he was not gaveled down?

    But they continue to mouth off, and the State appears to support, condone and LOVE this behavior. Says "closet racists" to me.

  21. Anonymous1:41 PM

    Wilson has some of the media, at least, finally broaching the subject of racism. Max Blumenthal's - Republican Gomorrah speaks to the escalation of militias and the white supremist gun show wing of the republican party.

    As far as the 2010 elections go, it always comes down to local economics. Greed trumps all. Unless you factor in what the local economy will look like for a particular race at the end of 2010, you're just talking out of your ass.

    Considering the current plight of the economy, and all the bailouts, the fact that we will get some kind of public option for health care only speaks to just how righteous and politically savvy Obama is.

    Now, if the economy, and particularly jobs can make a surge (big if) come mid 2010, the Dems can pick up seats.

    Of course, all this is premised on Palin and Beck still leading the repubs. I mean, I don't see any other repub wanting to lead this band of misfits.

  22. Here is the link to follow various races for 2010. Wilson is in SC-02. This also shows the dollars however it has not been updated. None of the Act Blue (over $800K) is shown but it will be fun to follow:

  23. I'd like to make a statement re: illegal aliens receiving (buying into) health car insurance coops:

    We spend a TON of money covering the health car in ER's of people who are underinsured, uninsured, illegal. Many of these people hide until they are deathly ill before going to an ER.

    What kind of fiscal sense is it to NOT give them flu shots? Or if they are working, allow them to buy in?

    We have the ability to move to Mexico and for $250 we get universal coverage in that country! FULL coverage.

    And why is it that ALL illegals appear to be individuals of COLOR to these racist pigs?

    If you are looking at true fiscal responsibility, it is ridiculous to NOT cover people who are able to buy a policy. Do we stop illegals from purchasing Ibuprofen (and paying sales tax)? NO.

    I'm not arguing immigration or right/wrong. But it is fiscally STUPID to require "proof of citizenship". What about the really elderly who don't know where their birth certificate is?

    This is all about 2 groups of individuals.

    Brown people
    The elderly

    The Repukes quite simply want to kill off people who are not white and who are sick.

    Talk about death panels.

  24. kdusmdd2:23 PM

    Gryphen.......Go the article abt Rep. Steve Nunn (Kentucky).....His ex-girlfriend shot to death...and he was found by his parents graves with his wrist slashed.......Just saw other newscasters have reported on least not that I know....

  25. Basheert, have you ever gone to any of the progressive Arizona groups? Just curious. Also did you see Tim Pawlenty is now talking about state separation rights. I thought that AH was more moderate but he is turning farther right because he wants to run for president. The GOP has been taken over by the nut fringe. I think they should form their own country since they hate 80% of Americans and they hate our government. They have a twisted warped view of the constitution and don't seem to believe in the separation of church and state! If you live in Texas, your kids are now learning creationism and the bible in school!

    About boycotting Fox and/or Murdoch companies, I am all for boycotting Fox advertisers but don't know how to set up a petition. All those advertisers pulled out from Beck

  26. Shoot I just pressed send and I wasn't finished, so if the end of my post looks funny, that is why

  27. Anonymous3:35 PM

    We just need to make sure that we elect Librul Democrats with steel balls next time around. This bunch of sheep in expensive suits disgusts me almost as much as the RepoTaliban, who are still pretty much running the country since the Dims tenk to panic and run over the edge of a cliff whenever the wolf says boo.

  28. What Democrats are whack jobs?
    I have not heard any lately because the right just can't stop.
    Take a look at the picture of when Wilson yelled out, "you lie". Take a good look and see all the smirks from the noble republicans. The blackberries are out.

    They do not want HCR to pass. Not because it is good for the People, no, because they want to destroy Pres. Obama, just like the did Clinton.
    We gave them 8 horrible years, 6 of them they were in total control.
    We almost lost Louisiana, suffered the greatest attack on our country, started an unjust war that has killed hundreds of thousands of people,
    had an economic meltdown and I could go on and on.
    Thanks, but no thanks. republicans can secede or they can refuse HCR if it passes. If that is what these people want let them have it.


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