Thursday, September 24, 2009

Rachel Maddow calls out the media for going along with the scurrilous attacks on ACORN by the Right Wing.

I was in the process of writing my own post on the fallacies being perpetrated about ACORN, but I never could have done a better job than Rachel did tonight. Please take a moment to educate yourself about his indefensible smear campaign.


  1. Anonymous8:29 PM

    Professor Peter Dreier is a highly respected political expert; I am elated that someone of his caliber has undertaken this study of false claims against ACORN!

  2. Anonymous9:44 PM

    I don't know where to email you, but I thought you might find this funny. has a PhotoShop contest with the theme of......

    "Photoshop a flag for the City of Wasilla"

    Funny stuff!

  3. Anonymous10:29 PM

    Rachel's piece on ACORN was great. I think Faux News and other right wing outlets are hammering this group to perpetuate their thinly veiled racicm. Funny how Fox doesn't report any of what Peter Dreier spoke of. It is really sad that this organizanition has been demonized.

  4. Finally the intellectuals with the expertise to understand what is really going on are speaking up. Here is the problem with intellectuals in colleges; they are being held hostage by threats of withholding funding. I have been researching a story about one of them who I consider a hero. If they speak up the university they work for can have funding withheld, donations go down from certain corporations and they could even loose their jobs. It takes courage for Professor Drier to speak up. Occidental College promotes independent thought. To have independent thought one must have the ability to research the facts and evaluate them. This is why Racel Maddow is such a gem. She has a Phd in political science and can actually understand the basis for the false propaganda we get in the US.

  5. Anonymous11:01 PM

    ACORN Files Suit Against Conserative 'Pimp' - And May Give Us A Look At His Funding
    This is going to be interesting, because under discovery, ACORN's attorney will have the right to look into videographer O'Keefe's financial records. Gee, I wonder if anyone else was funding him - and if so, who?

  6. Anonymous2:16 AM

    ebay auction wasn't rigged?

  7. Well, I don't know a lot about Acorn and to be honest, I really didn't want to know a lot about it. It's WAS tiddly winks in the scheme of things. In light of the witch hunt though, that has changed. I guess it's time for me (and I hope others) to become a real community organizer and volunteer some time to ACORN.

  8. Anonymous6:22 AM

    I thank Rachel and hope she keps plugging away at the pitiful job the media does, and conitnues to expose the perpetrators of fraud.

  9. Anonymous11:33 AM

    Acorn is the new brown gay marrying illegal immigrant. Wake up!

  10. The funds that went to Acorn are peanuts compared to corporate welfare that goes to corporations, who spend huge amounts lobbying Congress.

    Some of the biggies ripping us off include defense contractors, insurance company executives, and those who made billions under excessive deregulation largely supported and implemented by Republicans. There's a huge amount of fraud and excess that we know about in these industries.

    Yet it is Acorn that Faux News yammers on about. I am glad the money trail behind the "pimp" and the hidden camera folks is going to be exposed.

    I can't wait to see what Rachel has on this tonight. Of course with all the other news, much of what she has will probably have to wait till next week.

    Thanks for posting this, Gryphen. But be ready for the trolls. I am surprised they aren't here already. The more rabid Faux News watchers really seem to think that the supposed revelations from these candid camera tapes are evidence of a giant liberal conspiracy that they can't really define, but they know it has to be bad if poor people are organizing. The horror!

    Faux News continues to deliver for the Republicans, as it keeps people from noticing the Republicans are not offering any serious answers to any of our problems.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.