Saturday, October 10, 2009

Have you ever wondered what it would have looked like if Charles Darwin had been able to debate a chimpanzee about Evolution? Sort of like this I bet.

Of course O'Reilly's contention that if ALL people followed the teachings of Jesus Christ we would have peace on earth, and be an idyllic civilization, is deeply flawed in that it demands that all people accept his belief system in order to reach this level of civility.

Could not that same argument be made about the teachings of Buddha? Or Mohammad? Or Lao Tsu? I mean if EVERYBODY accepted and lived by the guidelines of any of these prophets would that not reduce strife in the world by an enormous amount? My guess is that yes, it would.

Would it eradicate ALL criminality and violence? No I do not believe that it would.

And by the way if Bill O'Reilly is the example of the "good" Christian, then his argument is defeated before it can be made. Calling Richard Dawkins a "fascist" because he wants only science taught in a science classroom is ridiculous. Does Bill O'Reilly also want Astrology to be taught alongside Astronomy? The idea that simply because science has not explained ALL of the mystery's that surround us, it should automatically be replaced by a certain religious mythology instead, is nonsensical. Why the creation story from Christianity? Why not the Navajo Creation story? Or the Japanese Creation story? Or the Norse Creation story? Using O'Reilly's logic are these not viable alternatives to the teaching of Evolution?

But O'Reilly is missing the point. To find out the truth about our origins, we must not accept the stories of those primitive people who came before us, and instead focus on the truth that lies ahead us through scientific exploration. After all, if the Creation story in Genesis is correct then science should prove that to be so.

The only ones who fear the truth, are those who are protected by the lie.


  1. Anonymous7:10 AM

    O'Reilly doesn't know history as well as science. Bloody conflicts between Catholic and Protestants after the Reformation were not uncommon, and both sides claimed Jesus as their lord and savior.

  2. Anonymous7:30 AM

    Christianity hasn't explained all of life's answers either.

    Unless of course you just answer every question with "God did it"

  3. Anonymous7:47 AM

    Exactly which Jesus is O'Reilly referring to? The Jesus who taught that we should look after the poor, the widows, and children? The Jesus who gave the sermon on the mount? (Matt. Chapt. 5) The Jesus who said NOT to store up treasure here on earth for his followers treasure was really in heaven? The Jesus who said to love your enemies?

    Or the Warrior Jesus of today's dominionist movement - the right wing crackpots who have infiltrated the Republican Party. The Jesus who wears an American flag and carries an AK-47. The Jesus of laissez-faire capitalism, homophobia, xenophobia, and misogynation.

  4. Anonymous7:47 AM

    Or the Flying Spaghetti Monster creation story??

  5. To the sensitive observer, ALL the creation stories are true, valid -- including the science-based one. Just intended for different purposes, different ways of looking at life. Probably NONE of them explains the whole story. Well, I'm not sure about the flying spaghetti monster.

  6. Anonymous8:26 AM

    I could watch Richard Dawkins videos all day :)

  7. Anonymous8:32 AM

    Just as a nit-pickin' detail - evolution doesn't have anything to do with explaining the origins of life.

    Evolution explains the DIVERSITY of life.

    Origins? That's abiogenesis. An altogether different ballgame.

  8. Anonymous8:57 AM

    I'm confused. Which one is the chimp?

  9. It is amazing to me about Bill o's stance on evolution.
    The Catholic church has no problem with evolution.
    Why does Bill O?

    How many wars were fought about Jesus Christ? How many people have died in the name of Christianity?
    From the early Romans to the crusades through the reformation through the Salem which trials?
    I'm sure more people have died in the name of Christianity then from any other religion on earth.
    The problem with the religious right is that they consider only their brand of Christianity, evangelical Christians as the "real christians".

  10. "And on the eighth day, God created the falafel. I mean, the loofah. And I'd use it to rub you slowly in the shower, because you'd like that. yeah..."
    From the Bill O'Reilly scripture book

    This man preaching Christian values is enough to make my stomach turn. If there is an all-powerful God you'd think he'd be able to do something about the quality of his advocates.

  11. Diane:

    Exactly. I have a conservative Christian friend who implied to me that she doesn't think Christian author Anne Lamott is a real Christian because Lamott is a progressive.



  12. Anonymous9:32 AM

    "If there is an all-powerful God you'd think he'd be able to do something about the quality of his advocates." - morgan this is CLASSIC!

  13. Bill don`t beleive because.

    Bill said because you guy can`t tell how it got here ?

    So I got a question.

    Where did God come from ?
    That right He has always existed.

  14. Anonymous11:34 AM

    Bree - Here's a couple hours of Dawkins to get you started.

    The Four Horsemen - Hour 1

    The Four Horsemen - Hour 2

  15. Anonymous12:49 PM

    OT but Levi Johnston now has his very own song.

    Take a listen.

    Levi Johnston's Blues

    Woke up this morning, what do I see?
    Three thousand cameras, pointing at me,
    Dude says, You Levi?, I'm like, Yes, that's me sir,
    Well, you've knocked up the VP nominee's daughter

    So I tell him, No, you got it wrong, mister,
    Already with a girl, and her name's Bristol
    They all laugh and say, where you been, sonny?
    Your mother-in-law's a heartbeat from the presidency

    I say, Mother-in-law? No, we ain't getting married
    They say you will be soon, boy, she just announced it
    I get on my dirt-bike, ride to my girl's home
    I'm gonna lay down the law, tell her what's going on

    I'm a fuckin' redneck, I live to hang out with the boys
    Play some hockey, do some fishing, kill some moose
    I like to shoot the shit and do some chillin', I guess
    Ya fuck with me and I'll kick your ass

    So we talk and it turns out we don't believe in abortion
    And sex outside marriage is against our religion
    And when I try to tell them I'm eighteen years old
    They say Levi, it's too late, you gotta do as you're told

    I'm a fuckin' redneck, I live to hang out with the boys
    Get on my snowboard, do some fishing, kill some moose
    I like to shoot the shit and do some chillin', I guess
    Ya fuck with me and I'll kick your ass

  16. Anonymous2:04 PM

    Hmm... Maybe the "public option" could be more affordable if we exclude those adults who choose faith over science. Those who are expecting a "new" body usually don't take care of the one they have.

  17. Anonymous8:56 PM

    Good point, Anon 2:04 pm. Thoughtful and succinct.

  18. Gasman11:06 PM

    O'Reilly is not totally a moron, but on the subjects of science and the history of his own professed faith, he is remarkably ignorant. His affected ignorance comes from his rather profound arrogance. He thinks that everybody should be like him, think like him, and act like him. If the world was populated with O'Reilly clones, in his mind the world would be a better place.

    If there were ever someone who claimed to be Christian whose public personae seemed to be less Christlike than O'Reilly's, I'm not sure whom that would be.

    If O'Reilly actually IS a Christian, it would seem to be one of the more compelling reasons to become an atheist, agnostic, or a pagan. However, I think he's about as Christian as Osama Bin Laden.

    It doesn't really impress me in the least how often O'Reilly makes a profession of faith. His entire public life is anachronistic and antithetical to the message of Jesus Christ.

    Benjamin Franklin said, "I think vital religion has always suffered when orthodoxy is more regarded than virtue. The scriptures assure me that at the last day we shall not be examined on what we thought but what we did."

    O'Reilly is NOT virtuous. If there is a hell, he surely has a place of dishonor reserved just for him.

  19. Because Northern Irish Catholics believe in the teachings of Jesus Christ and Northern Irish Protestants believe in the teachings of Jesus Christ and look at the peace, love and idyllic civilization that permeates Belfast.

    O'Reilly is a moron. Why does anyone pay any attention to him?

  20. Lilly7:45 AM

    For me, it's not even a matter of creation vs evolution - it's a matter of if you include ONE creation story, you must include them all - which means that all religions would get equal time and equal attention in the classroom. I doubt that Bill-o would actually admit that. For him, and most people who are rabid about the creation issue being in schools, it's Christianity or nothing and that leaves out so many other possibilities.


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