Wednesday, October 28, 2009

I think somebody needs to rescue Shepherd Smith from Fox "we are not the" News.

We keep seeing the wingnuts from other networks slowly making their way over to Fox News.

There was Glenn Beck who went over in January of this year and, after finally finding a place that wanted him BECAUSE he was bi-polar, was able to present his special brand of mental illness to the world. Then we had John Stossel come over to the still struggling Fox Business Network, and now there is talk of Lou Dobbs finally getting the chance to embrace his racist tendencies on the network where it is considered everyday workplace behavior.

Yet besides Keith Olbermann we have NOT seen anybody leave Fox "we are not" News and make a break for sanity.

Personally I think that Shepherd Smith is the best candidate for rescue.

I mean look at the poor guy. We all saw him struggle to make sense of the inhumanity he witnessed during Katrina, and during the Bush administration he clearly had difficulty sticking to the White House approved talking points, and now the guy looks like one of those puppies in the pound who just wants a loving family to rescue them and take them home.

Dammit, MSNBC needs to mount that rescue mission and spring Shepherd Smith!

He can have a show right after Keith and Rachel. Or perhaps he can replace Dylan Ratigan in the morning. I just don't like Dylan Ratigan! It might be his bombastic attitude, his crappy interview style, or that freaky hair of his, but I just absolutely will not watch him.

I would however watch Shep Smith.

I am just saying.


  1. Anonymous5:42 AM

    Free Shepherd! MSNBC, make him an offer!

    Mrs. Tarquin Biscuitbarrel

  2. johnie2xs5:53 AM

    I have to start off by saying that I couldn't agree with you less, about Dylan Ratigan. If you have not watched him, as it seems you haven't,you have missed his tenacious attitude toward anyone who comes on his show who even attempts to back the Wall Street criminals. It's especially good television the times he has Eliot Spitzer on. The two of them continually tear Wall St.a new one
    every time they get together,which is quite often.

    As far as Shep Smith goes, I think he may be a bit too principled to be lured away. But have no fear. It's just a matter of time before he strays far enough off the Ailes/Murdoch reservation and makes a statement that they will not couch. I think, though He's more likely to go to CNN. Just a hunch.

  3. Anonymous6:06 AM

    Oh no no no no. We keep Dylan Ratigan. I used to watch him on Fast Money and always thought there were conservative talking points that bothered him and he had to watch what he said. Now he is free. I think he's doing great.

    Where I live my MSNBC schedule is:
    5pm Chris Matthews
    6pm Ed Schultz
    7pm repeat Chris Matthews
    8pm Keith
    9pm Rachel

    That 5pm slot would be perfect for Shep Smith. It would put him up against Glen Beck. Do it MSNBC.

  4. Shep can take Tweety's show. It would be an improvement. Tweety likes the sound of his own voice too much.

  5. Amen to 7:13, can't stand Tweety. I emailed Shep about Team Sarah's latest plea for donations (that will go directly into the dipstick's pocket). Probably a waste of time but you never know. Would mean a lot more if there were a story about it on Fox than on MSNBC or even CNN.

  6. I used to watch ESPN every day when my interest in baseball was at its highest, and I could have sworn Keith Olbermann co-anchored there with Dan Patrick -- then quit ESPN to anchor his own show at NBC.

    I had no idea Fox was part of his itinerary either before or after ESPN?

  7. Taking "Tweety" to be Chris Matthews, I cannot concur. Yes he does like the sound of his own voice, and Yes it does get on your nerves when he talks over people in attempt to cover his comments, but remember, if not for his lead and the interest it generated, we may not now have the line-up that exists on MSNBC. I'll gladly grandfather him in, as opposed to off loading him. I love when he gets on a roll forcing the more recalcitrant guests (Rethugs especially) who try to bob and weave their way out of a usable answer. He's a keeper.

  8. Anonymous8:53 AM

    Shep Smith needs to jump ship. He could be a real newsman instead of shilling for Fox.

  9. Anonymous10:40 AM

    I agree wholeheartedly with Gyphen regarding Dylan Ratigan. He just sets me on edge. I cannot bear the sight or sound of him nor do I trust him. Way too aggressive without the humor or wit of Keith or Rachel.

    I can't stand it even when he's a guest on someone else's show. Whoever gave him his own show needs a rehabilitation.

    That said, I think Chris Matthews has overstayed his welcome. He's so narcissistic that it makes my skin crawl. Plus, have you seen him drool over blonde female guests. Sad, very sad. He has his moments every now and again, but those are overwhelmed with his self-preening and his talking over guests. I switch channels or turn off the TV whenever his program comes on unless my husband just has to watch a particular interview. Egads - not quite as bad as Dylan but so close.

  10. OUCH!!! Gryphen, I am bipolar. Please don't lump me or people like me with Glen Beck. lol...I hope it was just a "turn of a phrase". I use it all the time, but really...bipolar folk are super nice...and not quite as crazy as Beck. I still adore you.


  11. The Gryph writes, "I would however watch Shep Smith.

    I am just saying."

    'Cause he sends your gaydar off the chart?!?!

    I am just saying.



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