Friday, October 16, 2009

Rachel Maddow BRILLIANTLY deconstructs claims that "Americans for Prosperity" is the "nations's premier grassroots organization".

Part One.

Part Two

You know I am willing to give Tim Phillips some credit for returning for the second half of this segment because he got his ass handed to him by Rachel. Pwned!

I could not help but think, while watching this, that Rachel had learned some tips from Jon Stewart on how to be very polite and charming while tearing your guest in to bite size chunks. Beautifully done!


  1. She really was good, wasn't she?

  2. Anonymous6:48 AM

    Wow. How could she possibly stay so calm and polite???? Amazing

  3. Anonymous7:14 AM

    I am going to show this clip to my teenage daughter and let her know that this is the reason that all that homework and all those essays will pay off. When you know how to do your research and make your case in a fairly-stated way while impassioned about the subject, you are professional and to be respected. We used to have many journalists who would do this level of research. Where have they gone?

  4. Anonymous7:23 AM

    Rachel hit the parasitic nail on the head there. I just love how many times he talked about "good Americans who love their country". Rachel's point is a good one (and an old one). Follow the money! She is terrific.

  5. She is definitely destined for bigger and better. I was honestly slack jawed last night. She is tuff with a capital T.

  6. I am exhausted after watching this!
    Go Rachel! I am only troubled that these parasites are going to win at their dirty game. Men like him make me sick. Greed, greed, greed... and how did the Christian right distort the gospel truth in such an ugly way. There is very little that is Christian about how they operate.

  7. Erica C9:51 AM

    Eachel is brilliant !
    Thanks for posting this.Last night when I watched this I was struck by Rachel's knowledge and clarity in calmly interviewing this man,
    She just wanted to know where the funding was coming from

  8. Anonymous10:55 AM

    Rachel was very appealing to her side. Our side! But Phillips pulled it off for his side too and that's what most people miss when they are involved in politics.

    But as I say over and over again it's the simple fact that disgusting rhetoric of the sort that Phillips spews has a huge following in the US. "That", my Americans friends, is what needs to change and it's not happening. Obama and the side of decency and socially responsible government has no more chance of succeeding in 2010 or 2012 than Gore or Kerry had against the evil president you elected in their places.

    For we Canadians and for most of the rest of the industrialized first world we saw a seachange in American politics which was so encouraging when Obama won in a landslide. But now we see the whole thing coming undone and being unravelled by the selfishness and the greed of the right. That has to be blamed on the people who are allowing it to continue to happen.

    The new reality is that nothing socially responsible is a foregone conclusion in the US today, and that includes healthcare reform. If even that can't be accomplished then nothing has changed for the better.

    Luv from Canada.

  9. Anonymous11:31 AM

    He looks like a parasite and he is a parasite....Rachel is awesome....going to MSNBC

    This man makes my skin crawl....


  10. RACHEL YOU ROCK! She and Jon Stewart are the Queen and King of hard-hitting, intellectually honest journalist-interviewers out there!

  11. Anonymous1:05 PM

    Wow. Rachel shows such an amazing combination of intelligence, ultra-preparedness, passion and staying within the bounds of control. I know how incredibly rare that combination is, and how hard it is to pull it off. I agree with the other poster that Tim P also stayed within the bounds of his message and stayed controlled, albeit more with pre-honed talking points and platitudes than with substance. An amazing exchange -- thanks to Rachel for doing something that I know was very strenuous and draining emotionally.

  12. Gasman1:22 PM

    Those of you who think Phillips had his way, I couldn't agree less. Anybody who was predisposed to a favorable opinion of Phillips to begin with wouldn't have been swayed if Jesus Christ, the 12 Apostles, and a choir of 1,000 angels were saying "Amen" every time Maddow made a point. These folks don't think for themselves, they think what they are told to think.

    Those people were not going to be watching Maddow anyway. Maddow's audience is decidedly more liberal and independent in thought. In that crowd, Phillips got tarred and feathered.

    Maddow handed Phillips his ass in a hat. She pulverized him. His refusal to disclose his sources is a transparent way of hiding the glaring fact that "Americans for Prosperity" is about as grassroots an organization as the Association for Health Insurance Plans. Anybody with the capacity for independent thought could see through his obfuscating bullshit. Phillips definition of "grassroots" could encompass every lobbying firm in D.C.

    I think that the health insurance lobby overplayed its hand big time on this issue. The progressives can attack any Repub. or Dem. that dances to the AHIP tune as "Health Insurance Whores" who have been bought and paid for. The vast majority of the public wants choice. There will be Reps. and Sens. that lose their seats over this issue.

  13. Luv from Canada,
    Very well said.
    At the risk of being flamed,I agree fully.

  14. Anonymous4:23 PM

    Interestingly, Rachel interviewed an earlier guest and stayed at a distance, saying she has a cold and didn't want to spread it to her guest.

    After telling this guy she hopes he fails politically, she shook his hand...

    Maybe he'll need some health care. :)

  15. That, my friends, is what Rhodes Scholars are made of.

  16. ENOUGHwiththetrainwreck5:32 PM

    i love where tim phillips tried to paint Baucus as part of the Obama administration. WTF? Baucus created the most despised piece of legislation imaginable --- now is Tim saying that Baucus did it for obama? that would be rich.

    and what a total LIAR to say that the health care lobbyists are lobbying with the administration. seriously. that 1.4 million spent every day is not to PASS reform it is to prevent reform from happening. oy.

    guess Tim is used to talking to teh stoopid eh?

    oh -- and it was priceless when rachel said "i am killing the rest of the show so we can come back to you after the break"......dang girl.

    the power of rachel. i will sleep better tonight knowing this woman is on TV.

  17. ENOUGHwiththetrainwreck5:42 PM

    let me tell you that the conditions in the Mariana Islands is horrendous. see the book called The Wrecking Crew by Thomas Frank where the conditions are explained in some detail.

    and i am so proud of Rachel for jamming this terdhead on the distasteful negative ad campaign lodged on Max Cleland.

    attacking for old pamphlets? why he doesn't want to stand up for his past efforts and beliefs?

    he is continuously popping out from his momma's skirts (speaking for america comments) and saying Rachel is just like him? HA

    she JAMMED.......and that dude does not know what grassroots is.

  18. Anonymous6:39 PM

    She is so unbelievably smart.

    Even if she has able bodied staff that does a lot of the background research for her, you know damn well she studies them. She knows them backwards and forwards.

    You do not want to get in her way because she will respectfully but unapologetically hand you your hat and make you eat it.

    He was trying to give Miss USA responses "George Allen was once Governor of Virginia and I'm proud to have him join us." with no substance whatsoever. It was pathetic.

    These corporate R's are users of Joe-Sixpack. Always have been always will.

  19. Anonymous7:44 PM

    Rachel did an absolute great job with that interview! Thanks for sharing, Gryphen!

  20. Anonymous8:36 PM

    I don't watch TV so really appreciate you all putting up the videos or her show .She was great.I did not know this group was going across the country

  21. Anonymous8:48 PM

    Agree with Luv frm Canada too.....

    Listened to the whole thing while falling asleep in bed with TV on.....realized when it was over that I had been practically holding my breath/shallowly breathing the entire time from the stress of listening to that guy and his method of repeating ad nauseum and talking over Rachel.

    At the end, having found myself lacking in O2, I took in much needed fresh air, was thnkful for Rachel's work, yet, as Luv from Canada said, convinced that "his side" would think he had come out ahead.

    So, in a contest of the logorrheal vs the brainy, the brainy people think the brainy person won, and the dumb people think the wordy person won. Am I close?

  22. @Luv from Canada. I am Canadian, and I harbour the same fears. I see difficult times ahead in 2010 and god help us...2012. I hope I am wrong but the right is so angry and they will use their fringe to cause an uproar any chance they get.

    Should that happen, I for one, want to offer my progressive pals a home in our beautiful and spacious country. We have good health care..and because we are so darn laid back, we could use some progressives with gumption. Come on down if the repubs win in 2012.

  23. Anon 8:48

    I don't think I would use the word dumb. I think; misinformed is what it is. There are only a select few news outlets willing to give an honest news report,of which the greater mass do not watch. My bro inlaw,who I consider a very intelligent man watches fox exclusively,and believes every word of the lies it spews.
    When your Dr.tells you that you are going to die if you don't get a particular operation. Do you sit back and say okay? NO! you go out,and at the very least get a second opinion. That is what the problem is.
    These people refuse to go the extra yard. they just take what is said as gospel.


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