Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Behold the Senate Health Care bill! Let the rending and tearing of Republican garments begin!

Apparently there is a whole world out there which does not revolve around a certain narcissistic failed governor. And shockingly, in THAT world we all just moved a little bit closer to getting national health care reform.

The political stakes enormous, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid launched long-awaited health care legislation Wednesday estimated to extend coverage to 94 percent of eligible Americans at a cost of $849 billion.

Initial maneuvering on the Senate floor was expected later in the week on the measure, bitterly opposed by Republicans eager to deny President Barack Obama a victory on his top domestic priority.

As rank-and-file Democrats gathered to learn details of the measure, the Congressional Budget Office estimated it would spread coverage to 31 million Americans who currently lack it while still reducing federal deficits by a total of $127 billion over 10 years.

Well hot damn, that is good news!

And here is even more good news.

Sen. Kent Conrad (D-N.D.) told reporters outside a caucus briefing that the bill includes a national public option with an opt-out provision for states, a tax on health insurance plans that exceed $8500 for individuals and $23,000 for families and language on abortion that does not go as far as Bart Stupak's amendment in the House.

I don't know that we could have asked for too much more than this. This is very good news indeed. I have to wonder if ANY state politicians are willing to risk suggesting that their state opt-out of the public option program. That seems like political suicide to me.


  1. Anonymous4:03 PM

    "I have to wonder if ANY state politicians are willing to risk suggesting that their state opt-out of the public option program. That seems like political suicide to me."

    Come to Illinois where 6 out of the 7 Republicans running for Governor have stated that they would opt out. One of the more moderate of the bunch, Kirk, has been leaning strongly right recently, even going so far as to court Palin's backing. Gulp. That woman needs to be removed once and for all.

  2. Anonymous4:15 PM

    one can only hope that his insistence on throwing women under the bus will be Stupak's political suicide. C-streeter DINO.

  3. Anonymous4:23 PM

    Kill the Bill
    Stop the Kenyan Muslim Socialist

    Palin 2012

  4. While I'm ignoring ignorant trolls I wanted to ask a question in case any of the fab people on this blog heard. The public option on the house bill only allowed 6 million people to participate in the public option. Does anyone know if this was expanded in the senate bill?

    I've heard Charles Schumer on it a bit ago but he didn't mention anything..

    Thanks, in advance....

    @anon 4:23.... I need to find the person who lifted the rock you crawled under from and whack them on the head!

  5. Hey, time to report to headquarters, friend!4:55 PM

    @4:23 - You post the same stupid 10 words all the time. Don't you all EVER get any new talking points from headquarters? Refresh! Things have changed. (Or can't Sarah afford to send you new memes? Trust me: Mitt has the $$ for that and so does Rev. Huck.)

    FYI - it really makes you all look stupid when you post the same thing all the time.

  6. Wow Gryphen! Thanks for bringing me back to what really matters. health care for all paid for by all---that's the real American way.

    I got very sick while travelling in France, my then fiancee (now husband) called the doctor---he made an ACTUAL HOUSECALL!!!! It cost me $50 total! I was just a tourist not even a citizen! Yes, the French pay more taxes but you get so much for it---college tutition and healthcare for all, etc. In the end you still pay about the same percentage out of your income whether through insurance premiums or taxes but at least you never have to worry about being dropped or not being covered.

    Also it is patriotic to pay taxes. I want police and fire depts., military armed forces, paved roads, nat'l parks, public schools, libraries, prisons, social security, etc. Not that I think that the money is always used wisely but the gov't serves an important purpose and taxes help pay for things that society does need in order to function. That's not socialism that's commonsense.

  7. the problem child5:58 PM

    You deserve better, IMHO. A universal health care system is what is needed to cut out the insurance co. graft. A free people deserves nothing less than universal health care. It is a human right in the rest of the developed world...

  8. Anonymous6:00 PM

    "Kill the bill"

    "Stop the Kenyan Muslim Socialist"

    "Palin 2012"

    Oh, brother. Here comes this fucking inbred, knuckle-dragger, again. Palin will never be president, troll.

    "Kill the bill?" And how well has that mantra worked out for your side, so far? Idiot.

  9. Anonymous6:02 PM

    4:23 p.m.,

    Don't even bother. You are outnumbered.

  10. Anonymous6:08 PM

    "Stop the Kenyan Muslim Socialist"

    It's ridiculous comments like that why only 1 in 6 Americans have a favorable view of $arah Palin. After all, this is who she represents.

    And a troll who can spell. That is rare! "Props" on the spelling, troll!

  11. Anonymous9:23 PM

    Hey, Anon @ 4:23, here's something for you to think about:

    One day on her book selling tour, Sarah Palin's bus broke down. The bus driver told the Palin family that they would need to stay the night in the nearest town. It was pouring down rain, and by the time they all reached the motel, Sarah's hair and clothes were soaked. She was tired from her long day of book signing. She looked down at her hurting feet and was relieved to see that her Naughty Monkey shoes had not been totally ruined from walking in the rain. Suddenly, one of her daughters realized that one of the babies had been left back on the bus. Who walked back to rescue the baby?

    Answer: The bus driver--and when he got back with the baby, Sarah was still standing in the motel lobby blaming Levi for making the bus break down.

  12. It's under budget and will cover 94%. Thank God, but if they leave that states can opt out we may have to move. Our stupid governor stumped with the devil herself, which in my eyes makes her just as evil as her.

  13. Anonymous11:05 AM

    The best thing about "opt out" (if we must have it) is that it's a long play for the Dems - in fact, some red states will probably opt out, and when the voters in those states see how they're paying so much more than the people the next state over, it's likely to sway them toward voting blue.

  14. MacAndCheeseWhiz6:19 PM

    I'm toasting to Ted Kennedy- I wish he was here to see it, because he worked hard his whole life to keep it front and center.

    Anonymous 4:23 p.m. Your lack of respect isn't welcome here, run along and don't play in traffic


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.