Friday, November 13, 2009

Finally Sarah gets her wish as she becomes the focus of everybody's attention.

This courtesy of MAD magazine.

Behold, our exclusive preview of attempted Vice President and former Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin as "Blunder Woman," where she battles against David Letterman, imaginary death panels, and her desire to quit everything she does.

Then we have the upcoming Barbara Walters interview, in which Sarah decides to discard about four pounds of hair. (I kid you not. Just take a look at the video.)

We also learn that Caribou Barbie will be making a stop at Fort Hood, to hawk her book to the grieving soldiers. Haven't they suffered enough?

If you find yourself wondering today, "How did this woman ever get elected as Governor of Alaska?" , my friend Jeanne Devon (AKMuckraker) will enlighten you over at Huffington Post with an article adapted from her chapter in the book "Going Rouge".

And for the conspiracy minded you may be interested to learn that Palin seriously considered suing Andrew Sullivan of the Daily Dish and that the Wall Street Journal is supposed to have a story about that sometime today. (Oooh babygate stuff!)


  1. Praise the Lord....IMHO she is toast. Palingates also has a lot of info & AKM's article reminds us all how it came about. I forgot what an important role McCains' thugs played in Alaska during Troopergate after not vetting Sarah in the first place. I think this time she has cooked her own goose. No way MSM, Couric, Gibson et al are not going to respond. They have to respond. She appears delusional, paranoid, whiney & is also (too) a liar.

  2. OK, I know that Barbara Walters clip was only 30 seconds, but it was very disturbing. It's like she's using Piper and Willow as human shields, to deflect questions. Who (besides Sarah)does that? These children are nothing but props, AGAIN.

    When Barbara asks, Did you know Bristol was sexually active? with Piper sitting right there she LIES again, saying...NOOOO that's why it was so devestating. I just want to punch the screen. We know from reading Bristol's My Space pages that were posted on Palin's Deceptions that Sarah was well aware of Bristol's promiscuity, because Brstol comments that her mother asked her that she was pregnant back in 2007, and wrote something like, ha, ha I am a slut.

  3. WakeUpAmerica6:22 AM

    Gryphen, do you know what is going on with Linda's site? The page of her most recent post can't be found. This is the second (maybe third) blogger site that has shown this when they posted about Palin's book. Is it just a coincidence?

  4. Anonymous6:42 AM

    bwaaahaaa! Blunder Woman-now why didn't i think of that?

    From the little bit of interview with babwa wawa, it appears she may have asked more substantive questions than Oprah, but that remains to be seen.

    George Snuffleupagas (think Sesame Street) is really hedging his bets with his comments,, just waiting to see what way the chips fall after the release of Mad Magazine,,,er, I mean, Going Rouge, er, i mean American Nightmare... Dang, what is the name of that book again?

    By the way Good Morning Sarah. I think its real brave the way you bring your kids on interviews with you. Don't they ever go to school?

    Enjoy Hell Week as the feeding frenzy begins...

  5. lisabeth6:56 AM

    God, this woman is just NUTS NUTS NUTS!
    Gryphen, do a search for yahoo fact check Palin book. Yahoo had some stories that I haven't seen elsewhere - lies from the book many about her claims about her great job as governor. If someone else posted it, I apologize, but I haven't seen it yet.

    Do you think Sarah is freaking out over this or loving it? My guess is that it is a combination. She is one sick chick, and I wish she knew it and got some help because she is making a national fool of herself. The problem is she will ONLY listen to the far right nuts who love her no matter what. It is really pretty sad. There are so many outright lies in that book (and we are just getting started). And the lies can be proved by FACTS. How can her bots just over look it? And how can even people like Beck or Limbaugh over look it. Are they that desperate? It is pathetic..I try to look for one tiny thing to respect about these people, but I just can't. I hate liars.

  6. Those of us who grew up with MAD magazine (I'm 64) know MAD can be merciless in their skewering. This probably isn't the last time it happens to Palin.

    I think it's just great that Palin herself provided the opening for the mainstream media to look a little more closely at her, via the factchecking of her book.

    Several sayings come to mind, like "pride goeth before the fall" and "karma is a bitch".

  7. SoCalWolfGal7:57 AM

    Uh Oh, gotcha question alert! Barbara Walters asks, as she always does in her interviews, finish this sentence, "Sarah Palin is?" Her visit to Fort Hood is so obviously self serving, but then in her mind it is her duty, because you know, President Obama went there. Love the MAD magazine "Blunder Woman". Priceless.

  8. who is Wolf?8:43 AM

    * Virginia Voter *
    Sarah Palin and Richard Henne. Why is it taking so long for the media to start to see through Palin?

    Piper has a front row seat for learning to lie from one of the most prolific. There are people that actually think Piper needs to be in school for an education. She is getting the education for a lifetime of lying. She will never know any different. I betcha she knows who Barbara Walters is, no "Who's Wolf" for Piper.

  9. Anonymous8:47 AM

    I want to know the name of the Dr. that uses liquid erasers.

  10. Anonymous10:03 AM

    Just a quick statement: If Ms. Palin doesn't want her children exploited in the media, why on earth does she have them adorned like bookends every time there is a video of her opening her mouth?
    Feels like a creepy Stepford Wives movie...

  11. Anonymous11:00 AM

    The sea of pee people are over at Palingates grousing about you. Some of us are telling them off.

    Means you are onto something, when they start picking on you in alternate sites.

  12. Anonymous11:28 AM

    Her hair looks awful in that clip. Must have been shot before she bought the wig she wore for Oprah.

    Is that a bordello or her living room that the interview was shot in?

  13. Anonymous12:33 PM

    How many pwople would like to start a class action alwsuit against Murdoch's HC for publishing a bunch of lies?

    Are you with me?!?

  14. MacAndCheeseWhiz7:27 PM

    Love Love Love the Mad Magazine parody!

    The Walter's clip is wierd! Not only has Sarah molted, but she's got her two girls flanking the throne.

    Ya Know, these days parents have to have open communication with their tween and teen kids. And they have to be honest with them about everything in life.

    Sarah's "Noooooooooo" and "That's why we were so shocked!" response is just a small window of the poor parenting skills in that family. I feel badly for her kids, they deserve a normal life.


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