Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Jimmy Kimmel pokes fun at Sean Hannity's leering interest in Carrie Prejean sex tape.

Kimmel even got a little shot at our ex-governor in there.


  1. Anonymous6:54 AM

    Cell Phone.... $199
    Boob job...... $6300
    Having pageant officials show your mom your sex tape...... Priceless

  2. Anonymous7:15 AM

    What is next for Carrie "Prays with herself" Prejean?
    A Faux news version of "The View" with Ann Coulter, Laura Ingraham, Michelle Malkin and of course Virtual Sarah Palin, a holograph projected unto the screen while her ghost writer furiously types away witty remarks with footnotes.

  3. Same self marriage! I wonder if she screamed "Oh gawd" when she.....

  4. What is next for Carrie "Plays with herself" Prejean?

  5. Anonymous7:47 AM

    How many days before Carrie's mom files a $1,000,000 lawsuit against pageant officials for "pain and suffering" caused by watching the video?

    Did Hannity offer to lend Carrie a "hand" on her next video?

  6. Anonymous8:24 AM

    Oh, that is priceless! The little gratuitous poke at our Sarah is also excellent.

  7. Anonymous8:26 AM

    sjk says "what's next for Carrie etc."

    Finger painting classes!

  8. Anonymous8:29 AM

    Great laugh! Thanks.

  9. Anonymous8:34 AM

    So that is why her eyes were bulging out.

    All that middle aged pudge.

  10. Anonymous8:36 AM

    All that is missing in this clip is little Miss Priss Prejean falling to her knees and worshipping her most holy Hannity idol right then and there--of course, for full effect, the scene would take place against the rousing music of a full marching band playing, "It's a grand old flag, it's a high flying flag...."

    Heh! Speaking of these folks--how is GB coming along with his appendicitis treatment?

  11. Anonymous8:39 AM

    You guys are merciless! And funny. If I were Prejean, I would hide in a hole somewhere. What she did is not so bad, but what she preaches is.

  12. Anonymous9:27 AM

    It seems like Prejeans christianity has had more than one slip in it over the years, we keep hearing oh poor me, I made a mistake...poor me

  13. Anonymous9:38 AM

    Ya Know - - I have never really liked or watched Jimmy Kimmel -- but this episode you have shared, is hysterical. LOL I may have to check on that show more often (Kimmel NOT Hannity!!)

  14. Anonymous10:10 AM

    What is next for Carrie "Prays with herself" Prejean?
    After the sacking of Juan Valdez, the Coffee Federation hires Prejean as its official spokesperson creating a series of instructional commercials on "How to grind your own."

  15. Anonymous10:15 AM

    I need this tape in my collection of GGW videos. That's God Gone Wild.

  16. Anonymous11:07 AM

    Wash your hands if you shake Carrie's

  17. Anonymous11:52 AM

    What is next for Carrie "Pray with herself" Prejean?
    Promotion of KFC's new menu item the "seafood hot pocket." Finger lickin' good!

  18. Anonymous12:12 PM

    Wow, you guys are Bad! Too funny!!!

  19. Okay, this is going to sound stupid, but was that really Sean Hannity shedding his clothes or a photo shop? I honestly can't tell.

  20. Anonymous1:47 PM

    Carrie should say she was just sticking her fingers in to retrieve her bible...

  21. Anonymous2:16 PM

    you guys are too funny, thanks for the laughs.

  22. Anonymous5:58 PM

    Carrie just choked on Larry King- told Larry he was being "inappropriate" when he asked WHY she settled, not WHAT the settlement was about- then a Gay man called in and she took off her mic- said her publicist wouldn't allow questions-

    What a boob!


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It just goes directly to their thighs.