Monday, November 16, 2009

Our first Sarah Palin lie revelation of the day comes from my friend Celtic Diva. It concerns a certain photoshopped picture you may all remember.

This is an excerpt from the book "Going Rogue":

"Also, unbelievably, hurtful attacks were directed at Trig. On the Internet, a fake Planned Parenthood ad showed a photo of me holding Trig. In one corner there was a coat hanger and in the other a slogan, "Better luck next time." What kind of person creates something like that? Maybe the same kind who would photoshop distorted images over Trig's pretty face in order to make him look monstrous. The person who did this proudly displayed it on her website; she was also the official Alaskan..."

What Palin's ghostwriter did here was damn Celtic Diva by association. Now is that nice?

The Planned Parenthood ad was photoshopped, and the picture on Blue Oasis was phtotshopped, therefore......well you would get it if you were part of Palin's target audience.

To learn the facts behind this purposefully overblown kerfuffle just click the title and let Linda herself explain it to you.

In other news today is the long anticipated Oprah show.

I will be watching this with a gaggle of my fellow bloggers at 4:00 Alaska time, well after many of you have already started trying desperately to get the sound of Sarah's voice out of your heads. But if you are interested in our take I do believe that Mudflats will be liveblogging it and you will have the opportunity to read our comments as we "enjoy" this delightful televised event.

(A "gaggle" of bloggers? Maybe "flock" of bloggers? Or perhaps "herd" of bloggers? A "troop" of bloggers? Oooh a "pride" of bloggers! I like that one! What do you think?)


  1. Anonymous6:16 AM

    Did HC even attempt to do any fact checking of the book?

    Lies like this could easily been picked up and corrected.

    HC fact checks as well as McCain vets.

  2. A TRIP of dotterel.
    Apparently a Dotterel is a rare plover of upland areas of Eurasia.

    A TROUBLING of goldfish.

    An ASCENSION of larks.


    A WATCH of nightingales.

    An ENCHANTMENT of nightingales.

    A FAMILY, BEVY or ROMP* of otters.

    A STARE or WISDOM of owls.
    A STUDY of owls.

    A PUDDLE of puppies

    Trip is also used for pigs, seals, and sheep.

  3. Anonymous6:23 AM

    "A pride of Alaska bloggers" is how I see y'all.

    Mrs. Tarquin Biscuitbarrel

  4. How about a "keyboard of bloggers"?

  5. Anonymous6:28 AM

    a bloom of bloggers

  6. lilly6:30 AM

    I have a sneaking suspicion that Oprah fell to the dreaded SARAH VIRUS. SPBS.

    You know the spunky Little house on the Prarie, all American redneck, brave and interprid, ready at a moments notice to shoot a bear to protect her little ones, use the bear grease to fix her hair, wring the neck of a turkey for Thanksgiving Dinner etc. etc. etc.

  7. Anonymous6:35 AM

    How ironic that Palin thinks photoshopping a coat-hanger into a satirical picture of her is terribly wrong; but pushing her anti-choice agenda that will force REAL women into actually having to resort to REAL back-alley, coat-hanger abortions is just fine!

    That b*tch makes my blood boil!

  8. Gryphen, I like pride of bloggers myself :)
    But I cannot watch her on TV at all. My little chihuahua Chiquita Bananas whines and yowls each and everytime her voice is on TV or a video feed. So keep us animal lovers informed to what is said, thank you.

  9. sunnyjane6:38 AM

    Gryphen...I'll be watching it at 4:00 EST. I'll let you know if there are any interesting things to look for, but I don't really expect the interview to be very exciting. Will probably just piss me off!

  10. Anonymous6:43 AM

    Thank you so very much. I think with the revelations of the weekend I am now beginning to understand. I have to do some Sarah Think, I don't think permanent damage will be done if I only stay in Sarah Think for a few moments. And it all became clearer to me while mucking out my horses stalls. That timing seems appropriate, poop for poop. Sarah had an abortion and then decided to adopt a special needs baby tp cover. She hoped the abortion would not come out, but decided no one would believe that story when she then adopted Trig. No one in their right mind would have an abortioin and then adopt. but we are dealing with Sarah Think. This is a circus. A true PT Barnum moment. A sucker is born every day, but we are no longer suckers as she thinks. Thank you all so very much for taking the time to put all the pieces together. I feel so much better! This may not be the whole truth, but it sure makes sense in Sarah Think mentality. Keep up the good work. Pam

  11. Anonymous6:52 AM

    Sarah and Meg are always claiming that children are off limits. Is that why Sarah always takes one of her gaggle of children with her everywhere? So that if anyone says anything, she can always cry out "unfair" because her children were involved. Way to hide behind the kids.

  12. lilly7:02 AM

    I think she needs the kids for support. She can't do it alone. And it looks like Todd has opted out of the Circus.

    The kids have to do what mom says.

    I think she is lost if she doesn't have support.

  13. Anonymous7:28 AM

    a MURDER of crows

  14. Well, I must report that the early assumptions that Oprah would not ask any tough questions were correct. No news was made during the hour. Sarah handled each predictable question with a predictable response. There was someone offstage that she looked to a few time when subjects were a bit sensitive. She was well prepared and rehearsed. At one point, when family matters were discussed, the camera panned to Piper and Willow, sitting in the front row. Her shields were there, so sorry for those kids to be forced into this public role once again. It was the kind of hour where it would have been easy to get up and unload the dishwasher, thow a load in the laundry and forget the TV was even on. The audience was quiet, there was no wild applause or cheering. It was a DULL recounting of same old same old (lies I know, but predictable and therefore boring).

  15. Anonymous8:35 AM

    "Boogle of bloggers" will be fine.

  16. Anonymous8:42 AM

    I think a "google" of bloggers sounds good.

  17. She called Eddie Burke 'monsterous'.

    Her brain is un-freakin-believable. She is beyond reason. With Palin as Burke's radio show guest tonight, it might be interesting for someone to call-in about the 'Baby Burke' pic.

    Did Planned Parenthood actually do a 'Trig-wire hanger' ad?

  18. Oh...I now see I had missed the word 'fake'. The implication that Celtic Diva would actually mock Trig is despicable.

  19. Forest of bloggers
    School of bloggers
    The mother lode of bloggers
    Aw heck Pride works fine.
    Dont want to ruin my afternoon will catch excerpts tonight.

  20. Anonymous10:00 AM

    A vigilance of bloggers.

    Celtic Diva needs to sue for defamation. She's adequately described in the book for people to recognize her.

  21. Anonymous10:22 AM

    Palin comment from the Oprah show:

    “He (Levi) hasn’t seen the baby (Tripp) much while he has been on his media tours,” Palin said

    Isn't Sarah doing the same thing with Triggggggg? kettle.

  22. mlaiuppa10:39 AM

    A giggle of bloggers.

    A titter of bloggers.

  23. Anonymous10:42 AM

    Dear ole Todd...Is it true he is now living in Palmer with Willow? Wonder if he will be on the bus tour with $arah?

    Yes, she always has at least one child with her. Armor.

  24. lilly said..."I think she needs the kids for support. She can't do it alone. And it looks like Todd has opted out of the Circus."

    Lilly, I'll bet you that she drags Todd along on that speech she's supposed to give to the Logging Conference in Redding, CA next February, in order to legitimize her presence there.

    I hope some of the loggers challenge "buff" Todd (who's got the musculature of a telemarketer) to a logrolling competition, or a pole-climbing competition, or chain-saw-carving competition.

    I laugh to think of the condition Todd might be in after the first two, and hope that Todd is smart enough to say no thanks to the last one -- he can't ride the Iron Dog without appendages...

    (yeah, I'm saying that Todd never really did anything more strenuous than pull a set-net or rassle a snowmachine out of the back of a trailer -- I'd like to see HIM slog through the tundra in western Alaska hunting for firewood)

  25. Anonymous12:21 PM

    A Bevy of Beautiful Bloggers

  26. Anonymous2:44 PM

    Definately a Pride of Bloggers.
    Now you need logo and T's.

    At least if you keep each other company it can ease the tension.
    While one is stunned into muteness, and another is running around screaming, and poor AMK is banging her head on the table again, the rest of you can be rolling with laughter.

    If you just average that all out it probably comes to a pretty normal day.


  27. Anonymous6:32 PM

    She reads your pride of blogs to look for the truth, something she's been out of touch with for a long time.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.