Thursday, December 31, 2009

Dan "Get your hand off my ass" Sullivan cut necessary city programs to save money to hire a lawyer in legal battle against whales.

(I would like it to be noted that I really thought before using this picture. But when I googled Mayor Sullivan, guess which picture popped up? What can I say? It is the iconic Mayor Dan Sullivan picture.)

Mayor Dan Sullivan has hired a Seattle attorney to help the city negotiate the way through a pending federal designation of critical habitat for Cook Inlet's beluga whales.

Federal scientists say Cook Inlet's belugas are a genetically distinct species that doesn't intermingle with other beluga populations in Alaska. The Inlet's whales were estimated to number about 1,300 in the early 1980s, but the population plummeted to around 350 in the late 1990s.

Scientists blamed the drop on subsistence hunts, but Native hunters voluntarily curtailed their harvests in 1999 and the population hasn't rebounded as biologists had hoped. The fisheries service listed the whales as endangered in 2008, and a few weeks ago proposed designating more than 3,000 square miles of Cook Inlet as critical habitat for the whales. That area would comprise all of upper Cook Inlet, the coastal areas of western Cook Inlet and most of Kachemak Bay.

I have spent many a wonderful evening in Anchorage down by Point Woronzof watching the Belugas frolic in the Inlet. It is a very peaceful experience.

I especially remember taking a two year old girl, whose family my wife was a nanny for, and watching her face light up as she watched the white shapes popping to the surface before slipping back under the murky waves. "Uga's! Uga's!" She exclaimed and giggled every time she spotted one.

How can anybody who has watched these amazing creatures NOT want to protect their fragile habitat?

Sullivan announced Stelle's hiring during a noon luncheon with Kenai Peninsula Borough Mayor Dave Carey and Talis Colberg, mayor of the Matanuska-Susitna Borough. All three mayors said the critical habitat designation could have big negative effects on government projects and activities in and near the Inlet, as well as fisheries and oil and gas development. They said they want to present a united front to oppose it and limit its effects.

Gee who knew the Three Stooges could be so evil?

Sullivan and Carey, especially, said they want the state to pay for what Sullivan estimated would be "several millions of dollars" of new science research on the whales. That work couldn't be done in time to help much with the debate over what areas should be designated critical habitat, but would be useful in future lawsuits, Sullivan acknowledged.

So let me see if I have this straight. The science, done by the Federal scientists, is not the kind of science that these guys like. So they want to pay millions of dollars to hire their own "scientists" to conduct the kind of "science" that one gets, when one is willing to pay millions of dollars, in order to continue treating Cook Inlet like a giant toilet bowl? (Yes in Anchorage our shit literally gets dumped right into the Inlet.)

Supporters of the designation say it wouldn't cripple development in Cook Inlet, but would require it to be done more responsibly. Science studies and monitoring already have shown the Inlet's belugas need the endangered species listing and its protection, they say.

The mayor's office said Stelle's firm, K&L Gates, has an Anchorage office and is already retained under a $50,000 contract with the city's legal department. The cost of paying for Stelle's time under that contract likely will be shared by city agencies most likely to be affected by the designation, including the Port of Anchorage, the water and wastewater utility, solid waste services and project management and engineering, Sullivan's aides said.

Gee what a competent mayor we have. Apparently our city is so broke that he felt he had to cut $175,000 from our libraries and arts programs, but not so broke that he cannot justify providing a $50,000 retainer for lawyer to fight for the right to continue dumping toxic substances and raw sewage into the habitat of these beautiful creatures.

"You better lawyer up, Moby! Mayor Dan "We don't need no stinking libraries" Sullivan is taking your ass to court!"

When is the next election?


  1. When is the next election?

    Apparently not soon enough.

  2. Anonymous9:01 AM

    The only Beluga's Sullivan wants to see are the ones painted on a whale or carved into ivory and sold to the tourists. Pretty soon, just like all over the lower 48, we'll have lots things named for Beluga's but not a live one to see outside of an aquarium. Beluga point on the Turnigan Arm will only be a rememberance of what once was, like the subdivisions who use names like "Green Forest" and "Clear Creek" where once such a thing existed by is no longer.

    I'm not an Anchorage resident, but I spend a good deal of money in that city. I can't wait for the next election, I want to see him go down in flames.

  3. OT New Year's resolution move your money from big banks to community banks. Collectively think what a difference we could make.

    Happy New Year!!


  4. Anonymous9:25 AM

    Stupid is as stupid does...right Dick and Jane Anchorage Voter? Like most righties in this town (repubs abd indies), they fail to see the forrest for the trees. Assholes like Sully, Starr, Birch, Coffey, and Frankenstei.....errrr, Osiander, serve at the pleasure of the grand wizzard Ruedrich. This is obviously less about cutting costs, and more about paying for lawyers and shit science on a NON-Muny issue to polish up the tool Dan Sully for a run at higher office.

  5. Anonymous9:26 AM

    You should flesh out K & L Gates, formerly known as Preston, Ellis & Gates, once home to Jack Abramoff & Friends, and also the lobbying firm which represented the CNMI in maintaining the subhuman working conditions and immigration policies for the Saipan garment factories.

    Nothing but the finest for our fair city.

  6. Anonymous9:39 AM

    Good rant Gryphen, and for a good cause too.

  7. Anonymous9:56 AM

    Besides being an idiot, Sullivan is just plain creepy.

  8. Anonymous10:00 AM

    Nice post. Spacially juxtaposed with Rush below. Very nice contrast. :)

  9. You get what you vote for.

    All of this could have been avoided if Democrats had presented a united front and put forth only ONE candidate to run against Sullivan. But so many Democrats whated to be *the* one that voters were split and you got what you got.

    Please don't make the same mistake when the governor's race is on the ballot. Someone needs to step aside for the good of the many. Pick ONE candidate and everyone get behind that candidate. Everyone.

  10. Anonymous10:22 AM

    this just makes me sick and sad, unfortunately we have a Prime Minister who couldn't give a hoot about our enviroment either.

  11. emilypeacock10:22 AM

    Sounds like it's time for a recall.

    I am curious if your Dan Sullivan or any of his cronies and/or relatives has any vested interests in the Post of Anchorage, water and wastewater utilities. solid waste services and project management and engineering. Just askin'.

  12. The woman to he left of him (on his right) sure looks like Diana Palin the burglar/child-endangerer, but that's impossible, right?

  13. Anonymous10:31 AM

    This is a little OT.. well a bit
    but I watched Jessie Ventura's new show.. Conspiracy something.. last night and they talked about the Bilderberg group
    some scary stuff

    I only bring this up as it seems alot of the political games seem to have a "behind the scenes" purpose.. such as Sarah P. and her God freak faux persona...

    Because I am so suspectful of this chicky I wonder if she has any ties... Rick Perry and Mark Sanford are members (hrm)

    On a side note, the show blabbed about creepy things like reducing the population via vaccines and FOOD
    Our new Secretary of Health Sebelius? is a member.. eeeps
    but her name isn't on this list (just found that out with google)

    interesting anyways..and not alot of internet material on it
    If anyone has links to more info.. I love this type of stuff.. as creepy as it is

  14. honestyinGov10:31 AM

    Does Sullivan have a one track mind..?
    With him hanging out with these two Mayors... it looks Like he has found another ' pair of Boobs ' to hang out with.
    The ' pair ' up front... are really ' hanging out '... careful with that hand Dan.

  15. OT but thought I'd mention that MSNBC had a short spot on this morning about the Wasilla banning!

  16. Deb in WI12:16 PM

    What a great article! You should write a letter to the editor of your local paper.

    The unique whales to Cook Inlet sound very beautiful, but if you think about it, the decreasing number of whales is a warning sign of pollution. So any changes to keep the water clean will benefit not just the whales, but everyone who uses it. No one wants a superfund site there instead, even the industries.

    Why not use those millions of dollars instead to clean it up?

    "Mayor Sullivan spends millions of your tax dollars to keep Cook Inlet polluted. Story at 9:00." I like that news byte.

  17. Anonymous1:00 PM

    Danny boy likes a little tit and ass. But that doesn't make him a whale of a man.

  18. Anonymous1:51 PM

    Hey Anonymous, if you & others here
    at 'Team Gryphen' want stuff that the
    MSM kind of...cough...forget to tell
    us, you may want to check out these: (some off-beat, but
    mostly spot on) (John
    Rappaport - very on target)

    That should be enough to be going on
    with. Jesse Ventura is often on Alex
    Jones's show 'InfoWars.'I hear it on
    SW. SW is an excellent source of
    uncensored information.

    Re: the belugas,Mayor Sullivan needs
    to be asked,"Can you live with youself
    sir, if your plan ends up destroying
    these beautiful creatures?" It never
    ends with people!

    Sharon TN

  19. Wow Sullivan is a piece work aint he. Frippin nimrod only knows how to buck a fudjit.
    Those two picks-Rush+whale are so good. One can blow a beautiful ring the other is lost in a haze. Tho i must say i would have thought they would have banned smoking underwater by now.
    Folks would do well to check out Leahs site "Gods own party" she is putting up an added feature for tracking Idjit Dominionist public figuers. I cant explain as well as she so all go check it out looks to be a great tool for us all.

  20. Anonymous3:16 PM

    Do ya really think whales are depleting? This whole thought process of no progress is hampering our great state. We can build infrastructure and co-exist with whales.

  21. Anonymous3:46 PM

    All Anchorage has to do to see the future of its bay, with the habit of dumping their sewage into it ---

    Look at the Chesapeake Bay and Washington DC. They have been doing it for YEARS and despite millions to help the C Bay it continues to be pretty much dead for sealife.

    SO sad to see this.

  22. Carey supports the negative practices of businesses on the Peninsula, so this does not surprise me. They don't even regulate business licenses or enforce laws for business owners. They allow them to get away with murder. He opposed a hospital audit to investigate what is going on at the hospital in Soldotna where the workplace bullying is so bad it resulted in a shoting. During a period of economic downswing he gave his staff large pay raises. We don't have to worry too much about the library in Soldotna being degraded, it is already pretty crappy.


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