Sunday, December 06, 2009

Have you seen Andrew Sullivan's quote of the day?

"I had an interesting conversation with an Alaskan two days ago who had spent time speaking with one of Sarah’s family members. My friend was curious how Sarah’s extended family and small circle of close friends, who know the truth behind many of the mistruths she tells the rest of the nation handle what they know her deceptions to be. “It was so surreal,” my friend recounted. It is as if there is real reality, and then there is “Sarah Reality” and in Sarah Reality whatever Sarah wishes were true at the moment, whatever she wants to be true, then that is what true is for her, and subsequently for those in her inner circle and her fan base. Sarah is not to be questioned. She is to be agreed with and honored.

My friend went on to say this particular family member mentioned that Sarah was the “most important person in the world right now” and that Christians needed to get behind her and pray for her.

One question. When the hairs on the back of your neck are standing straight up on end, how do you coax them into lying back dawn again?

(You can read the rest of Andrew's post by clicking the title.)


  1. laprofesora4:31 PM

    I wish someone would ask those in her inner circle this: at this time of economic distress, in the season of Christmas, why hasn't this "Christian" woman, mother of a special need's child, donated any of the proceeds from her book to charities, like Easter Seals or Special Olympics? Not even 1%? How about .5%?Not even from the sale of the photographs? Please explain.

  2. WakeUpAmerica5:00 PM

    I honestly don't know, Gryphen. Rigormortis has set in on my neck hairs. It was like Satan walked throught the room. She's the Anti-Christ or at the very least the Spawn of Satan. I suggest that all of you up there start looking for the "mark of the beast" before you let anyone into your inner circle.

  3. Maybe SHE'S the antichrist!

  4. WakeUp and Onething...yes, she is (the anti-christ)

  5. Anonymous5:09 PM

    Yikes! Zealot alert!

    Also, poor creatures.. SP, regardless of celebrity status is still very much a human, and one that can not help but shoot herself in the foot every time she opens her mouth.

    (This whole idea of dividing the world into "important" people and I guess the others who don't really matter that much is pretty wacky.)

  6. laprofesora - I read somewhere that Palin was donating her royalties from books sold at Ft. Hood to the families of the shooting victims.

    That said, her tax returns submitted to the 2008 campaign show that the Palins are tight when it comes to giving.

  7. Anonymous5:15 PM

    Rosemary's Baby.

  8. Anonymous5:17 PM

    The Bible warns us to "beware false prophets." The very delusional and manipulative $arah Palin fits that description. Religion is a huge magnet for sociopaths and megalomaniacs who see the lemmings and want to lead them off the cliff...right after they take all of their money. "Con, baby, con!" Sarah is going to have to meet her maker one day and face the eternal consequences of her actions. I believe at that time she'll be saying, "Burn, baby, burn."

  9. Anonymous5:38 PM

    Her version(s) of reality don't surprise me at all. My ex-husband is both narcissistic and sociopathic, just like she is, and he has the exact same attitude toward reality. When my twins were born, both came home with me when they were two days old. But if you asked him today, 30 years later, he will tell you that one twin came home after a week, and the other had to stay 2 weeks. Never happened.

  10. Anonymous5:45 PM

    Do one or all of three.

    Psalm 23

    Make the sign of the Holy Cross

    Give it the finger.

  11. Anonymous5:55 PM
    This is where Andrew's post came from. A really good read but very long with over 200 long comments. Well worth it.

  12. Anonymous6:18 PM

    The comment clearly has a ring of truth to it and I'm a little freaked out by it too.

    However, I think that as chilling as the comment is, we should all realise that it is only a comment from an anonymous user.

    As such we should not place too much emphasis on its importance unless the commenter comes forward and identifies themselves to Sullivan or one of the other anti-Palin bloggers.

  13. MacAndCheeseWiz6:41 PM

    I find it ironic that "Chistians need to get behind her", we all know what "Going Rogue" means!

  14. Anonymous6:46 PM

    Word to Kathleen. Yeah, that's a really freaky thing to hear... but how credible is it?

    Of course, there isn't much I don't put past Sarah. I can see a whole family tippy-toeing around the one utterly psycho member. I mean, it seems realistic. People make these adjustments unconsciously and after years, they're set in stone, and it takes an outside to see how abnormal it is.


  15. Aussie Blue Sky6:59 PM

    Whatever happened to "STFU for Our Country" ...?

  16. Anonymous7:03 PM

    Oh for the love of God let this be the week that she is taken down. Please, I know you have your sources and you are honoring a commitment but will somebody start talking soon.
    Sarah you are a lousy mother,put some clothes on Trig, your meal ticket, and let Piper go back to her school and her friends.
    I heard Trig said his first words when Chuck was holding him....he said ''get this retard away from me".

  17. "My friend went on to say this particular family member mentioned that Sarah was the “most important person in the world right now” and that Christians needed to get behind her and pray for her."

    Well, there's one family member caught in the narcissist's net! Hysterical. I could list 1000+ people in the world right now more important than the Histrionic Quitter Queen, without even using Google.

    The Evangelical Hyper-Christians are welcome to get behind her and pray for her sorry self-absorbed lyin' ass. Meanwhile, the rest of educated, THINKING America needs to run ahead and slam doors in her face.

  18. Ratfish7:12 PM

    Sarah Reality= Her lies of the day.

  19. WakeUpAmerica7:37 PM

    This Christian is behind here and praying she will slip in her Naughty Monkey shoes and fall on her ass.

  20. Anonymous7:57 PM

    Sarah is "the" harlot in Revelation. She may have a mental illness, but she may also be possessed.

  21. Anonymous8:01 PM

    I'm beginnig to really believe she's the Anti-Christ. Ugh.

  22. Gasman8:15 PM

    Palin is one of those folks who would never actually wear a sheet, but neither would she criticize those who do. She is a very insular, parochial, insecure moron who fears those who are not of her tribe. She lashes out at all of the “others” which is why I think she finds it so necessary to go after Obama. I think that a black man in power makes her and those who identify with her so uncomfortable. This also is why they are so squirrelly when contemplating gay rights of any kind. Likewise, all Muslims are no better than the terrorists, so they too should be feared.

    Tiny minds are easily frightened and Palin has an exceedingly tiny mind. Fortunately, despite the crowds of swooning rapture ready imbeciles that seem willing to camp out overnight in freezing temperatures just to catch a glimpse of Palin, her high water mark happened long ago. Her star is descending and she is losing, not gaining support. I fear her not in the least because she is a profoundly stupid and vain person. That combination does not yield much in the way of tactical results. She is an imbecile who surrounds herself with sycophantic imbeciles. These folks aren’t going to engineer a Palin comeback anytime sooner than hell freezing over.

    While Sarah Palin as president would be disastrous for our country and the entire world, I think that Palin has about as much chance of being elected as does Pat Roberston. It just ain’t gonna’ happen.

  23. Anonymous8:28 PM

    I think Sarah's going to do it Gryphen, I think she's going to become pres and I think you greatly fear it's true.

    I have faith in the ability of Americans to do it! Yes, just as surely as they were capable of electing the moron, they will elect Sarah.

  24. Kathleen: my thoughts exactly.

    Too many 'anonymous' people have a lot to say, but won't say it on the record.

    For some reason, Sarah is confident of this reluctance people have to 'stand up and be counted.'

    That is the most fascinating (to me anyway) aspect of the whole Sarah Saga.

    Seriously, WHAT are these people afraid of? Sarah? Her 'friends'? Being shunned in the small town they live in?

    Surely, if one person makes the first move, others will follow; that is the way it is ... yet nobody does!

    It makes Wasilla look like a town out of a Stephen King novel ... creepy and freaky. How can a town apparently devoid of a collective spine, really think it has given birth to a President??

  25. Anonymous8:31 PM

    Anon at 5:17, the bible talks to you people way too much for your own good.

  26. So she believes in Jesus. You know who else does? SATAN!

    "Christian" my ass, this woman is nuts.

  27. If Sarah is the most important person in the world, why would she need us all to pray for her.

    Or do they mean....pray TO her?

  28. Gasman10:14 PM

    Anon @ 8:28,
    See my post above. I'm willing to make a REALLY big bet that Palin is not going to become president. How do you propose that she can engineer such a coup when she fails so miserably at everything else she does?

    She is declining in political popularity, not increasing. The teabaggers are incapable of winning elections. They have already proven that.

    She is an imbecilic, narcissistic grifter who is trying to fleece her own supporters. She has a snowball's chance in hell of becoming president.

  29. whiskeyriver10:17 PM

    The majority alway's rules. I don't think the majority fears Palin, I don't, she can't rule if she can't get my VOTE. What is everyone so fearfull of her. She's one but we ae MANY and I don't think she has your vote.

  30. sunnyjane10:23 PM

    One thing is perfectly clear. The "reverend" who laid hands on her to exorcise the witches or keep away the witches -- whatever -- is a fraud. The witches are still there!

  31. i've been thinking about this quote for a few hours.

    let's assume it's real, from a real "family member" what would it take for you to believe anyone was "the most important person in the world"?

    would it be your spouse? your parent? the leader of your country? your church? your favored charitable cause or business investment?

    surely we can't pick any single "most important person in the world" out of 6.8 billion of us, but we could each pick the most important to us.....

    in short, if this quote came from anyone other than piper (of course mom is the most important person in the world), it is an example of her dominionism politics.

    that scares me. SP is the sort of fundie who -if she could- would create a theocracy that would legally limit the rights of those who didn't believe like her. i can see her making atheism, homosexuality, and blasphemy capital crimes, or interment camp worthy.

    fortunately, i don't think she will ever achieve elected secular power. but then again, those kids at "jesus camp" and all the other joel's army/elijah's list/teabagger/dominionism nutters seem antsy to start a literal "holy war"...............

  32. Anonymous12:48 AM

    Additionally- I can, reluctantly, understand why people are so afraid to speak out. Sarah's got those religious crazies with her, and I consider them to be just one short step away from being domestic terrorists. If they're convinced that Sarah has been appointed by their god, they'll do just about anything for her: consider the crazies who shoot gynecologists that perform abortions, confident they're being prolife.

    One might know a great deal about Sarah, and yet be aware that to speak of it can put one's life in danger. Or family. Or friends. Even if you leave the state, these people network. And remember what the current mayor of Wasilla said: nobody's going to say anything bad about Sarah, because everyone has a gun. When I read that my blood ran cold, because here there is a mayor who feels confident that somebody will kill anyone who speaks out about Sarah and is apparently just fine with it. (And there's an awful lot of woods out there, convenient for body dumping, also too.)

    I get really frustrated at people who claim they know the truth and it's huge and terrible and it'll bring Sarah down and yet won't say anything. But I try to remind myself that to speak out is to risk their job and their homes and their lives, and that of their family and friends, and even going Outside may not protect them- even if they wanted to leave, which they may not. It really takes a lot of courage to openly oppose Sarah in Alaska. I'm glad Levi has Tank with him. I'm glad Levi's staying visible.


  33. Anonymous2:40 AM

    She wants them to pray to her iconic child, I suppose. Ya know, the Gift from God she drags out in the cold without socks, a hat, glasses or his hearing aids!

  34. Anonymous4:21 AM

    Anon 8:28 These are my fears, too. There are way to many idiots who have the right to vote. History has proven than America will elect a stupid person.

    The two party system allows this to happen very easily. You either vote for someone you support or you end up voting against someone despite who the other party who is on the ticket.

    Her whole objective is to vilify the media so that when the media points out Sarah's shortcomings the loyal followers will not bother with any contridiction of her verbal claims.

  35. Anonymous4:52 AM

    Archivist, have you ever read the City of Ember book series? It is juvenile fiction, but deals with issues like this in a wonderful way to make issues like the one you raise understandable to kids aged 9-13. At least once in every book, I have a SP moment when I think, Jeanne DuPrau must've known Sarah was coming.

  36. THE TIME IS NOW- strike her down.Smite the she-devil.


  37. Anonymous5:46 AM

    Positive narcisstic supply is the narcisst's goal.

  38. Anonymous6:26 AM

    I grew up in a moderately small, rural town and I can remember certain adults who were horrible people, but who somehow managed to be at the heart of the town government and community organizations. Adult bullies.

    Despite their nastiness, these people had a lot of friends. How many of those "friends" were actually friends I don't know, but they were all very loyal. They also seemed to make enemies, but nobody ever knocked them down a notch. Sometimes it was because the town bully was very wealthy and/or were prominent businessmen. Sometimes it was because they were heavily involved in local youth sports (usually the pee wee leagues where they were free to bully and side with various parents).

    If you looked into the adult bullies' history, you'd usually find he or she was a bully in high school (they invariably grew up in our moderately small town).

    That reminds me of Sarah. Now she has the wild-eyed religious crazies on her team, but I cannot for the life of me understand how she was allowed to run Wasilla with an iron fist.

    It reminds me of a news show I saw a while ago that described a town bully who was killed by a neighbor. Afterwards, people came out of the woodwork to say what an evil, nasty creep the guy was.

    What I don't get is why we haven't seen people who grew up with Sarah or who knew her as an adult in Wasilla come out against her. Even people who've moved out of Wasilla and even Alaska.

    I'm not saying this because I think there aren't lots of people out there who think Sarah is a fool and a bully and generally not a nice person. I'm just so curious as to why so few people are willing to come out and say that.

  39. Anonymous6:30 AM

    I'm as patient as the next person, Gryphen, but maybe you could give us a little hint as to when everything is going to hit the fan. I'm beginning to feel like she really is as teflon as Ronnie.

  40. Anonymous7:00 AM

    Thank you, Gasman, for those words of calm reason.

    Yes, she has a small following of rabid believers, but her window to capture the respect and affection on a national and international level has long passed. She made a poor showing during the campaign, and the next two big events in her political career were the "turkey slaughter" video and her bizarre, gasping quitter speech.

    The majority of people following her career are watching a train wreck in slow motion. She didn't win the election last November when she was new and shiney, and her attempt to blame others for her poor performance through her book is really, really not working.

  41. I read the book review by that professor and even participated in the comments section several times, interacting with "Dustin", a rabid Palin supporter. He was slightly more articulate than the regular Palin-supporter, but only barely so.

    Anyway, what I was left with after reading those "pro-Palin" comments and those left on other sites is the - often - sheer stupidity of her supporters. I don't mean they're really stupid, but rather they seem to be totally unaware - or uneducated about - the running of the United States government. They go on and on about how Palin will "shake things up in Washington", cut spending, and get rid of "big government", etc, etc. They think that the president controls spending and have no idea of how spending bills are made and passed by a different branch of government than the Executive Branch.

    One loony-toon on one of the sites even wrote that he was "scared that Obama was going to change the constitution and keep running for terms of office like Hugo Chavez". I tried answering him that the Constitution prohibited - by amendment - the running for more than two terms of office, and to change that, Congress would have to pass and the states would have to pass an amendment stating that a president could run for more than two terms. Obama could not change the Constitution himself! Some of these people are just so damned uneducated, it's scary! I'm not scared of Palin, I'm scared of her supporters.

  42. Anonymous8:57 AM

    Did I see this here for a bumper sticker/sign. If so, I want to give you credit, but it's the sign I'll be carrying at Palin events to humor her...

    PALIN 2012 - 2012 1/2

  43. Anonymous1:12 PM

    She is extremely tight with the dollar when it comes to charity giving, according to her tax returns (noted above). This is especially galling, then, when she mentions 'tithing' in Going Rogue.

  44. Anonymous5:18 PM

    This is so reminescent of Hillary Clinton's 'Bosnia landing' when she said her plane had to divert due to the gun fire at the airport upon landing, etc. Then Bill came out and said, 'she MISSPOKE'. How can these people live with themselves knowing full well that a statement such as she 'misspoke' is just another way of saying she 'LIED'? Since when is LYING okay for any public official [although it seems 'most of them' lie constantly]?

    The Palinbots live in the same 'nonexistent' realm of the world she lives in and therefore will believe her LIES just like she believes them.

  45. Anonymous3:25 PM

    The Religious Right does not want you to read "Pretrib Rapture Dishonesty" on engines like MSN, Yahoo, Google etc. But read it anyway! M.E.


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