Saturday, December 05, 2009

More evidence that Palin is blurring the line between politics and religion.

This is a little of what Palin says in a BGEA (Billy Graham Evangelical Association) video discussing the importance of America rededicating itself to God.

"No one person has all the right answers," Palin said. "It takes a united nation, and it does take godly counsel, and it takes prayer and answers to prayer - and a collective humble heart of a nation seeking God's hand of protection and his blessings of prosperity. I think if we can get back to that, our country will be a safer, more prosperous and healthier nation."

Do you hear that Hindus? Buddhists? Atheists? The woes of this country are your fault for not seeking the blessings of Sarah Palin's God. If this nation were united, and humble, and following the right religion everything would be just peachy. See how simple it is?

"If we could get back to that - that humbleness, with that kind of contrite spirit - I think that we would be able to be provided more of the answers to so many of the great challenges that we're facing," Palin said. "And these are huge challenges, whether we're talking about health care, whether we're talking about energy independence, whether we're talking about national security measures."

I just wish the world that I live in was as simple as Sarah Palin's world. In my world problems are complicated and it takes many very intelligent people putting their heads together and compromising to solve them, and even then it may not be the perfect solution.

But for sister Sarah it is a snap. You just ask God for the answer and "VOILA", it is done! It is just like rubbing a magic lamp and then asking the genie for three wishes.

You know I like my religious politicians to recognize that their faith may offer them solace and comfort, but that it is not the source of answers to complex questions.

This may at first seem like a minor thing, after all Billy Graham has prayed with numerous politicians including all of our most recent presidents at one time or another, but you have to listen carefully to the message in Sarah Palin's words. She is not talking about the importance of faith in America, she is talking about the NECESSITY for people to believe in the Christian God, HER version of the Christian God. Once the country has accepted Palin's brand of religion then she is suggesting that the answers to our country's problems will be "provided" to us directly from God.

In other words, don't "think", that will not solve our difficulties. Instead we must "believe", and the answers will suddenly become available to us through divine providence. Through Sarah Palin all things will be revealed.

Essentially Sarah the politician, and Sarah the Evangelist, are becoming one.


  1. Anonymous11:47 PM

    Whoa, scary stuff!!

  2. Anonymous12:32 AM

    Well put, as always.

  3. Sarah is a FRAUD12:59 AM

    Sarah Palin is a fraud and a hoax.

    Btw, churches are for praying, schools are for learning and government is not for
    proselytizing. Duh.

  4. Anonymous2:16 AM

    It's the same message you can read in The Family. They all say the same things. Bad stuff is caused by a lack of belief in Jesus. Things that their fellows do wrong are caused by secular society, not the fact that their members did anything wrong. It is a religion based on blaming everyone and everything while not taking responsibility for anything.
    Sarah fits right in as their cheerleader. Because she is female that is all she will ever be.

  5. And she's a person who couldn't be more humble with such a contrite spirit. NOT!! OMG! I don't think she really believes any of the rot she engages in with the Dominionists. She's just using them to get THE POWER. Hopefully she'll reveal her hypocrisy somewhere down the line because she just can't keep her mouth shut. Kind of like her recent cussing. Lots of Christian folks frown on that.

    Thanks Gryphen! Hope you had fun at AKM's party last night.

  6. I, as a Catholic,am very concerned about palin's religiosity and any other person of faith that is not Evangelical should be concerned too.
    There is NO TOLERANCE in palins vision of the world. SHe is involved, to me in religious activities that are abhorent to me.
    See God's Own Party blog and Talk To Action.
    She is beyond the rapture and is involved in world domonation by Christians, setting up a Christian Nation after the Rapture.
    She is a sick, crazy woman, and she is being set up to be a leader in this movement.
    We should all be very afraid.

  7. sunnyjane4:11 AM

    Thank you for clarifying "HER God."

    And, I think she has given care of Trig over to "HER" God. If something bad happens to him, oh must be God's will.


  8. Anonymous4:44 AM

    If I was Obama...I would place Track in the safest job in the cook on a naval destroyer. If that kid gets martyred by Al Quaeda Palin will be the next President.

  9. God is to Sarah as Santa Claus is to a child.

  10. Anonymous5:41 AM

    If we only had a humble and contrite spirit? Whoha, like Sarah?

  11. Anonymous5:50 AM

    Wow, the traffic here has dropped big time!

  12. So now we know how Sarah would govern.
    This is her agenda (making/forcing everyone toward her beliefs) and her answer to policy, prayer.
    I wonder how come nobody ever thought of that before? And if so, how come it didn't work?
    Maybe it wasn't the God that only Sarah approves of.

  13. Gryphen,
    I don't quite get why the Evangelicals are supporting Sister Sarah. She does not attend church and in her book she admitted to an abortion ( while I am pro-choice most evangelicals are not).
    While I know the fetus Sarah aborted was non viable in the evangelical world she should have waited for her body to spontaneously abort it. Sarah did not follow "Gods Will", don't they see this as a "test from God" that Sarah failed, because we all know "God never gives us more than we can handle".
    I also know many people who disagree with you on many issues, read if not always respond on this blog, maybe one of those people can be brave enough to explain to me how their "prolife" stance seems to waiver when its them or someone with their beliefs, but attack others who make the same choice without it interfering with their own beliefs.
    I am not writing this sarcastically in any way, I would just like for someone to seriously explain this to me.
    If abortion is murder, than why are they supporting a candidate who has murdered a fetus?

  14. emrysa6:40 AM

    well this is too funny.

    "that humbleness, that kind of contrite spirit?" LMFAO - what the hell would palin know about humbleness and contrite spirit?

  15. Anonymous7:17 AM

    Jesus said, there will always be the poor among us, and He warned that the world would have wars, rumors of wars, that the world would be corrupt. But, he also gave individual hope. He said the wheat (good) would live among the (tares {weeds}). So, to listen to what Sarah is saying, points out she has not studied the Bible thoroughly; she seems to think it's a colonial takeover manual, permitting men, leaders to take full reign and impose a christian dominant leader on the throne. Men for centuries tried this approach and it does not work, and more importantly, God gives men a choice.

    Well, the woman's got to read the rest of the good book. It warns about wolves who would be tempted to fleece the sheeple for their soul, and be the ultimate leader of the world. I cannot believe that Billy Graham sat by and let this woman pretend like this. Did he read her nasty book? I've lost admiration for this guy.

  16. Anonymous7:44 AM

    Has anyone noticed that McCain has been losing his temper all the time lately? That can be a sign of Alzheimer Disease. Not saying he has that, but it has been suggested. Imagine if Sarah Palin had been VP? Every time I think about that, I feel sick to my stomach.
    Also too, the media gives her way too much attention. Way too much attention. And I wish that we had a way to tone that down. I am glad that Gryphen is not talking about Sarah in every post of his.

  17. Anonymous7:48 AM

    CR46, according to her account the fetus was dead, therefore her abortion was not a murder since you can't kill something already dead (think Gosford Park). Her abortion (miscarriage in her words) was nothing more than cleaning out the gunk left behind by her own body.
    As much as I am pro-choice my evangelical sister is anti-abortion. She had the same procedure when her last baby died and her body did not expel it "voluntarily". She was at great risk for infection and death if she had kept the fetus until her body decided to expel it. Her pastor told her to not feel guilty about the procedure as her life was needed more to care for ther other children and her husband.
    That's all Palin has to say about the matter and anyone who disses her about it ends up with egg on their faces.

  18. Anonymous8:07 AM

    This is finally getting some media attention.
    Huffington Post

    "Palin, though notoriously ill-traveled outside the United States, did journey far to the first of the four colleges she attended, in Hawaii. She and a friend who went with her lasted only one semester. "Hawaii was a little too perfect," Palin writes. "Perpetual sunshine isn't necessarily conducive to serious academics for eighteen-year-old Alaska girls." Perhaps not. But Palin's father, Chuck Heath, gave a different account to Conroy and Walshe. According to him, the presence of so many Asians and Pacific Islanders made her uncomfortable: "They were a minority type thing and it wasn't glamorous, so she came home." In any case, Palin reports that she much preferred her last stop, the University of Idaho, "because it was much like Alaska yet still 'Outside.' "

  19. Anonymous8:22 AM

    My hunch is that Billy Graham had little or nothing to do with this. . .this smells like Franklin Graham 'production.'

    This is not the first time Sarah has made such a religious pronouncement regarding the role of faith in government.

    There is a video of her addressing a group of, I believe, newly minted young pastors in her church, wherein she states that in spite of all she is able to do in the powers of her governorship, that that means nothing "until Alaska's heart is right with God."

    Get that? Sarah, the All Powerful, has searched the hearts of all Alaskans and found that all are not 'right with God.'

    And though most attention to the Witch Hunter Muthee video focuses on HIS background and the laying on of hands, what Muthee states just prior to calling Sarah forth to bless her should send shivers of fear down everyone's spine: He claims that the Church should TAKE OVER the schools, the media and the government.

    Palin must have been way OK with that, as she stepped right up to receive this 'blessing.'

    I have many political differences with Palin, but they are as nothing compared to the offense I take, as a Christian, at her unfaithful, mean spirited behavior and her taking on God's power for her own.

    Humility? How can her mouth even form that word?

    Sarah, are you listening?

  20. Anonymous8:23 AM

    She needs to have a spiritual awakening . She is in the middle of a group that sucks you dry any way they can ! Sweetness and light,then indoctrination.This is not the way God meant it to be ! They scam and lie and torture the disabled with promise's of healing,others with good fortune,and wealth beyond comprehension! All you have to do is give,give,give and God will mulitply it 10 times.If you believe that I'll tell you another.Your reward most certainly will not come the way they profess .Be humble ,love your neighbor, help those less fortunate.I did'nt see much of that in the dominionist "Churchs" I attended ! They work inward and only for thier own benefit and to suck others into thier world of delusion and corruption.

  21. Anonymous8:28 AM

    Yes Scarah, lets go into exactly what you think "we as a nation" need to be "contrite" about? hmmmm?

    Would it be for capitalist greed?
    Would it be for neglecting the poor and needy?
    Would it be for judging others?
    Would it be for false pride?
    Would it be for false witness?
    Would it be for false worship?
    Would it be for hypocrisy?

    Because I see all these traits in you and what you appear to represent. Keep your religion out of my government and my life. Mind your own business.

  22. Anonymous8:31 AM

    That is becasue Sarah isn't knowledgable and doesn't think analytically.
    So in order to push herself forward as a person qualified to lead - she has to rely on some other brain.
    Bubyah choose Darth Chaney and Kerr Karl and Sarah choose her personally invented God.

  23. Anonymous8:42 AM

    Dear Abby indulges in magical thinking too. And they sell to the same audience. The answer is fact-based, critical-thinking education -- so why are parents sitting on their arses letting soft thought, faith based "educators" destroy their children's futures?

  24. Say NO to Palin in Politics8:48 AM

    anon @7:17.......I don't think Billy Graham looks very thrilled in the photos I've seen. I didn't see any smiles, but rather seriousness. I haven't watch the videos though, that may tell me more.

    I think this dinner/photo opp was put together by Scarah and Franklin. It reeks of Scarah scheming. I think he got her the College of the Ozarks gig, also too. Her association with Franklin is very concerning to me. I worry about where it could lead.

  25. Gryphen - Great job explaining a frightening message. The video disturbed me on many levels and left me mostly speechless.

    I imagine the absence of Muslims in your list of godless faiths was an oversight.

    I wonder how Palin's directive that Pres. Obama follow Gen. McChrystal's recommendation, without question, fits in to all this.

    Anonymous 7:17 - I'm with you. I'm disgusted by Billy Graham's promotion of Sarah with this video series. I suppose there is some good news. If and when Sarah is exposed, the religious leaders who support her will be exposed, as well.

  26. Anonymous10:18 AM

    Has anyone considered the possibility that the Graham organization could be the source of a baby /babies for adoption? With a private jet a baby could be flown in from anywhere.

    40 years ago my best friend was pregnant at 16. She went to a home for teen mothers. There was tremendous psychological and religous pressure brought on all the girls to surrender their babies to the church group for adoption. They were told that, 'for their own good' , their babies would be placed with couples in distant states. The theory was that they shouldn't waste time and energy looking at babies or young children they might see in their communities, searching for their own babies.

    By the way, George W. Bush was very close to the Graham organization. Supposedly , the senior Graham led George W Bush to a conversion experience and also said that he was destined for high office. George W Bush believed that he was called by God to be president. After 9/11,one of my neighbors, who was a Bushie and is now a Palinbot, told me that God selected Bush to be president so that he could be in the Oval Office at that time.

    Naughty me, I said , I asked her why God didn't just inspire more people to vote for him , instead of bringing the Supreme Court into it ? It also would have been nice if the attack had been prevented altogether. But the crazies ( see Jerry Falwell's and Pat Robertson's televised statements) believe that 9/11 happened because of the ACLU, gays, the feminists, etc. Falwell said that God removed his veil of protection over the US to bring us back to Him. Hmmm...That might make al Qaeda an instrument of God?

    Interestingly, that is exactly what al Qaeda believes - that they are an instrument of God in restoring morality ( as they define it) .

    In a strange way, the extreme Right in the West and al Qaeda feed off each other. Each needs the other to gain support and power. If anyone is interested in learning more about how the fear of terrorism is used to gain political power, I would highly recommend the British documentary, The Power of Nightmares. It is available on YouTube and other places online.

  27. Anonymous10:51 AM

    Personally, I don't like having religious politicians.

    It has been shown far, far too many times that they cannot separate and differentiate between their religion/faith and the needs of the country and citizens. Far too many continue to present bills and make laws based on "their own faith and beliefs" and not that of the whole country as not everyone falls under the same 'flag of religion/faith'. The fact they are there to serve the people - that's irrelevant once elected by a huge number of politicians. They base it on themselves.

    Separation of Church and State is invisible and non-existent to many politicians and far too many citizens. The only thing they spew ad nauseam is about their rights to guns and right to free speech, free speech at present being used to spew hate when it's convenient to them for which they will explain it for their own convenience, but don't anybody else use it. Unpatriotic and Unamerican. Two words that are so blurred, misused and not understood by people.

    If all this continues and if Palin ever did make it to become one of the parties candidates, if you thought the U.S. was the laughing stock of the world before -- wait. It will also bring to light how the world will view the U.S. as being uneducated among other things.

  28. Must read "Quote of the Day" from Andrew Sullivan.

    "My friend went on to say this particular family member [from Sarah's extended family]mentioned that Sarah was the “most important person in the world right now” and that Christians needed to get behind her and pray for her."

  29. anon 7:48
    I guess my point is these same evangelicals protest other women and outside of clinics that may be going through the same thing. I have been told by evangelicals that even that is no excuses, god will take care of it when he choses. I am very pro-choice and a PP volunteer. And in fact my mother had an illegal abortion(to remove a non viable, dead fetus) in Canada in a DRs kitchen in 1959 to save her life after being told it was her "duty" to die with her baby, myself and another sibling were born after that. While I am very sympathetic it seems evangelicals( or at least the ones I've met) are not very sympathetic and that they have two sets of rules --one for them and one for other women. Believe me, I've seen people protesting our clinic(where no abortions are preformed) to coming in a few weeks later with their daughters to get a pregnancy (non life threatening) ended and info on where to go. It's the hypocracy of the evangelicals that I just can't understand.

  30. Anonymous12:01 PM

    Palin is preaching nothing less than an Iranian type of government led by ayatholas.
    parents and grand parents of the founding fathers had left Europe due to religious persecussion and therefore well understood the importance of separation of church and government.

    But I did enjoy the fact that she needed to refer many times to her notes. That blah was certainly not from the heart.

  31. Sarah Palin thinks she's Jesus.

    It would explain a lot, wouldn't it?

  32. MacAndCheeseWiz6:21 PM

    Can you imagine Sarah in office (absurd, I know, but just for argument's sake...) The phone rings at 3a.m. - Russia has launched a missile toward the U.S. - Sarah whips out her Bible, falls to her knees and prays to her God- in the meantime, her God had a rough day, has his phone on voice mail and is chilling out to Bob Marley on his i-pod....


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