Tuesday, December 22, 2009

We were banned from the Wasilla Sports Center to protect us from a possibly dangerous Wasilla mob. Oh now I get it!

This from an updated story at ADN about the "great blogger banning of 2009"!

Not every attendee was welcome. Dennis Zaki, an Anchorage photographer and videographer who until recently ran the Web site Alaska Report, checked in at the media table and was told by Wasilla Recreation and Cultural Services Manager James Hastings that he wasn't welcome.

"He said because this is a paid event, they can ban anybody they want," Zaki said. He didn't fight it, he said.

Zaki said he was told that he and a couple of Alaska bloggers were on the list, with photos to identify them.

Hastings said Zaki was right -- the signing was a private event paid for by Palin's publisher, Harper Collins, and that Zaki and the others were not invited.

"At the end of the day, if something had gone wrong, it would have been my responsibility," Hastings said. "If I take three minutes on Google I can see that, given the nature of the people who were here, it wasn't in his (Zaki's) best interest to be here. He and others could have found themselves in a negative situation."

Oh my God! I have been so wrong about Harper Collins and the people at the Curtis C. Menard Sports Center. They were not BANNING me, they were PROTECTING me!

Oh how could I have been so wrong? I just feel totally ashamed of myself for jumping to the wrong conclusion!

So essentially what Mr. Hastings is saying is that the people of Wasilla are such zealous supporters of Sarah Palin that they may have been willing to do Dennis, Shannyn, the mystery blogger, and myself bodily harm for daring to show our faces in their town.

How ridiculous it was of me to assume that I could visit a public sports arena to see a woman, WHO USED TO BE MY GOVERNOR, sign copies of her book without fearing for my very safety, due to the fact that I have been a critic of hers in the past. What WAS I thinking?

I apologize for overestimating the intelligence and hopitality of the people in Wasilla.

Seriously, is anybody buying this BS?

Look if you are a resident of Wasilla I would love to hear from you. Do YOU think Dennis and I were facing mortal peril at the hands of your neighbors?

Update: Whatever happened to this Sarah Palin?

Sarah Palin on "hurt feelings" from Dennis Zaki on Vimeo.


  1. You asked: "Seriously, is anybody buying this BS?"

    My humble answer: in a word--NOPE!

  2. obviously I am not from Wasilly, just answering in general: NOPE! Not buying the BS!

  3. Her fans are rabid and hateful. Look how they treated Kim Chatman's daughter - just for wearing an Obama tee shirt to a book signing on the Air Force base. Those "fans" are intolerant and dangerous.
    I do, however, think YOU and Dennis should have decided for yourselves re your safety.

  4. Anonymous8:24 PM

    I am happy to say I am not from Wasilla, and no, I am not buying that BS. You were going as members of the media. Are there other members of the media who should fear for their lives when in the presence of the welfare quitter queen? (yep, adding welfare queen to her descriptor until we determine who paid for the local police to be on duty at the event). That is very stupid spin, HC and ADN. Try again.

  5. Anonymous8:26 PM

    I left this blog for about 1 minute....came back and there are only 3 comments....when I left there were 250....what happened....AGGGH

  6. Annonymoose8:27 PM

    All I want to know is who paid for the Cops to escort you out. At that moment, they were not doing their job, they were doing HER BIDDING. I don't want my tax dollars paying for the police to be personal bodyguards.

    Don't get me wrong, a police presence where there are 1000+ people is warranted, but kicking out law abiding Alaska residents at the whim of another Alaskan resident... It's GOT to be illegal.

  7. FormerRepublican8:30 PM

    Oh, silly Gryphen, of course I buy it! And you should too. Your cynicism does not become you.

    That's just how Sarah is. She is always putting others first. Why, only last July she made a difficult decision to quit her job--a job she loved!--so she could spare Alaskans a lame duck session. She didn't want to put Alaskans through that. Just as today she didn't want to subject you to a God-loving, real-American lynch mob.

    That's just the kind of giving gal she is. Give, give, give. You betcha.

  8. Anonymous8:31 PM

    Maybe they were protecting you from Sarah Palin. The bloggers OWN Sarah, and she's obviously pissed about it.

  9. Anonymous8:35 PM

    Hastings appears to be either an idiot or quaintly unfamiliar with the workings of the Internet. Google gave him just 4 names? I don't think so! A little more work with google might have told Hastings something more worthwhile, like the how stupid public relations blunders go viral on the web.

    BTW, didn't Zaki and Gryphen visit a recent Palin book signing on a military base? I think I recall that Gryphen chatted with Chuck Heath Sr. Was that not in their "best interests"?

  10. Anonymous8:36 PM

    It's just Wasilly silliness. So if Katie Couric showed up would she have been banned, also too?
    What a crock of moose crap. See it wasn't the Quitter's fault, it was your fault for showing up as someone who doesn't worship her. She is full of it and sooner or later it's all gonna catch up to her...I certainly hope it's soon.

  11. Sharon in Florida8:37 PM

    Not a resident of Wasilla or even AK but sure not buying the BS. If it was "private" then why did she announce on Twitter that it was public? Guess it was publicly private or privately public. Although, on the other hand, considering that MS. Palin has tremendous difficulty controlling or understanding what comes out of her mouth, then it's conceivable that she wouldn't have been able to control her actions and you might have been in...danger. lolol Keeping up with that silly, foolish woman's actions is like tuning into a poorly scripted soap-opera...at the junior high school level. She's getting more frantic & frenzied every day, also. Too.

  12. Anonymous8:37 PM

    Wait a miniute. They are admitting that her own fans are evil, hateful, rabid, unpredictable, and dangerous. So tell me again, in light of this, the role of the cops at the facility was then to protect WHO from/against WHO? If their own story line were true, the cops would have been there to protect the endangered dissenters (thus allowing them to remain there), and not to protect the rabid, dangerous bots (by kicking the dissenters out). Once again, it is Alice in Wonderland, and Humpty Dumpty, the Cheshire Cat, and the Mad Hatter are making up not only the rules but the 'facts'.

  13. Anonymous8:38 PM

    I do believe it, Gryphen, because Sarah is just that magnanimous. She's extremely considerate of everyone else around her first and foremost, especially her kids.

  14. Anonymous8:47 PM

    Hastings is an ex-military guy who helps to run the local Palmer/Wasilla Elks Club on Bogard Road. He has a bit of a chip on his shoulder sometimes. He's also a rabid Repub and is involved in all sorts of conservative activity here in the Valley.

    He and his buddies hang out at the Elks and get trashed but seem to think it's okay because the do activities with disabled kids.

    He's perfect in his "pit bull protecting the pit bull" role.

  15. Anonymous8:48 PM

    Well I live in Wasilla and Dennis and yourself are welcome anytime!

    Mind you I'm surrounded by Scarah supporters. All the religious freak kids have a picture of Scarah pasted on the front of their bibles, while the parents pretend to love each other, yet their kids make comments on how they (mommy and daddy) dont sleep together... sigh.

    I don't buy that excuse one bit. Scarab didn't want you all there, cause you are a little to short with the adulation. You just don't show enough love.

    Honestly, Scarah supporters are a cult out here. And they all dumb as a bag of rocks except when trying to trash you, then it reaches a evil, I've never experienced before.

    I've a tina fey for govenor bumper sticker on my car. It actually cracks me up. Anyway to have a elderly man spit on my car, outside the gas station at 4 corners, is a prime example of the stupid box of rocks evil of her surporters.

    Like my AK Territorial Guard grampa says, "she don't know what a oath of office is, nor do those that think she is something...Americans deserve better..."

  16. kerryann638:49 PM

    like I said in the other post. I wonder how many actual residents of Wasilla were there? Could this have been another "church" event but without the bus? I'm sure people loaded up their vehicles and made the journey into the promised land to see the queen this morning.

  17. APRN did a piece on NPR tonight about the book signing and the media that DID get into the event were shuttled to the back behind the signing table and told that they either had 5 minutes or 10 minutes to get footage and then they had to leave.

    They were also told that the bitter twitter quitter queen would not be doing any interviews.

  18. kerryann638:50 PM

    only thing missing were the red shirts

  19. Anonymous8:51 PM

    As usual, someone else is taking the fall for the azzclown. Google? Is that really the best he could come up with?

  20. Hmmm...are they saying Sarahs so-called fans are a rude mob that ould assault people for having different beliefs? Thats the way I take it, and it'll make a great commercial if she ever runs for office that only the rude and uncouth will be welcome. No wonder she bought herself that commie north korean hat.

  21. Anonymous9:04 PM

    I think this little stunt by Palin shows how unafraid she is of whatever Gryph knows.

    she obviously is not afraid to piss you off

  22. Oz Mudflats calls for boycott of Harper Collins books.

    "I am so appalled by your role in this anti-American act of media censorship I will never again purchase another book with the name Harper Collins on the jacket."

    Read full post (it is GOOD!) at:

    Let Harper Collins know what you think of their behavior!
    HarperCollins US
    10 East 53rd Street
    New York, NY 10022
    United States of America
    Tel: 1 212 207-7000

  23. Anonymous9:11 PM

    Mrs. Todd Palin thinks that if she makes this a public safety issue it will justify having the city police there. However, it doesn't. This was a private event and she and HC should have paid for security. I hope someone makes them pay.

  24. Anonymous9:12 PM

    The only thick skin she's got is that cheesy stuff on the back of her thighs.

  25. Techgnome9:14 PM

    Wait a minute here. Now I *am* confused. I thought these were "Don't let anyone tell you to sit down and shut up", we love the 1st Amendment, Christians. And now Mr. Hastings is telling us they're dangerous? Is this just a Wasilla thing? An Alaska thing? Or do I need to be protected from Sarah Palin's fans anywhere they're found? If so shouldn't knitting needles be added to the list of things banned from Palin's events? I certainly don't want to be stabbed in the back by someone's Grandmother.

  26. RE: Anon @ 9:04's comment:

    Funny, I had the complete opposite take on the "little stunt".

    After reading --, or getting reports from her minions reading -- here, at Palingates, and at Bree Palin, Sarah Palin became greatly afraid she'd be questioned in this heretofore public gathering place.

    About what? Her fans wouldn't know, but we do -- about Trig, the Menards, Track and Piper, her cellulite, her ugly visage hauling that boogieboard around, the weird liposuction scars, and her "Biggest Lie of 2009" award -- so she left Piper and Trig at home.

    And she got her Wasilla Mafia to help "kill the messenger", to get rid of the potential for a disaster.

  27. Anonymous9:23 PM

    Im jealous..


  28. gigi219:23 PM

    Techgnome asks:

    "Or do I need to be protected from Sarah Palin's fans anywhere they're found?"

    Why yes, you DO! Scarah brings out the WORST in people. They ARE angry, rabid, dangerous and ready to fight ANYONE who dares to question their Holiest Queen Mother. Just go to c4p and read their posts. They are ignorant and dangerous.

  29. Anonymous9:23 PM

    Isn't sweet how SP was looking out for you and Dennis? It is just like how she cut short her vacation in Hawaii because she didn't want the other people on the beach to be bothered by the "desperate paparazzi". (huge sarcasm)

    To think this woman was arrogant enough to run for the WH. What on earth does she think the First Amendment applies to, besides herself and Carrie Prejean?

    A big "Thank You!" to America for slamming the door in the Quitter's face.

  30. If Mrs. Palin thought that her fans were going to cause trouble, it was up to her to stop the FANS, not to stop the exercise of free speech rights by innocent bystanders. All she does by having people "escorted out" is to fan the flames. Now her fans, who we know don't think for themselves, will follow her lead and think that these bloggers are likely to provoke a violent reaction.

    For a person who's always been very protective of her OWN First Amendment Rights, Mrs. Palin is certainly very dismissive of the rights of others.

  31. Anonymous9:25 PM

    @Anon 8:51 - This is not a stunt to show she's unafraid. It's her paranoia she's exhibiting and her mental state. She can't handle any kind of criticism. She's the one who is pissed off and I bet it has to do with those cottage cheese legs of hers and the comments that were made here and on other blogs. And also, too if she was'nt trying to go "incognito" maybe she would
    not have been photographed. She's a media whore and she did this all by her little cottage cheesy self.

  32. Anonymous9:26 PM

    I guess the troops are fighting to protect her right to act like a dictator.

  33. Anonymous9:29 PM

    What happened to that Mrs. Palin?
    Well, for one thing, she got lots and lots of plastic surgery, although she seems to need more. As for what she was saying: as with anything else she says, it only applies to her when it serves her purposes. That did not serve her purposes today, so it didn't apply. It may serve her purposes tomorrow, in which case, it will once again apply. It just depends on which way the wind is blowing.
    Apparently, Mrs. Palin is a self serving flip-flopper.

    Oh, and Gryphen, I don't think she liked those photos of her legs you posted very much ;)

  34. Anonymous9:33 PM

    Hey Gryphen, you've gone international. FEEDJIT has Norway, Canadia, Wales and all across the USA reading this blog. Hey how do you like that Ms. QuittyPants.

  35. Gryphen, you and Dennis and all my other blogger acquaintances are welcome anytime here in Wasilla!!

    I fear,however, that I am as unwelcome as you are, here in my very own town!

    Sometimes in this "red fundy" town I feel out of place. The friends I have here are few and far between; only a very select few kindred spirits. The majority of the population out here, well, they scare me! (they also provide endless hours of amusement as well)

    I hope that you noticed the "Jesus van" in front of Wasilla Lake...

    You know about the Jesus Van, right? If you don't well, it's a van with a plexiglass side and inside the van is a life-sized nativity scene. The van drives up sometime in December under cover of darkness and parks at Wasilla Lake. I used it as a holiday card photo one year...

    I can't help but wonder where the Jesus Van lives in the off season. There has to be a shack somewhere here in the Valley with a van containing a full-sized nativity scene parked in the front yard....

    See, this is what I live with everyday!!

  36. Anonymous9:37 PM

    Granny Palin was trying to "protect" HERSELF - goodness, what if you or Dennis had dared ask her a question or taken a picture?

  37. Anon @ 9:04pm:

    I don't think Mrs. Palin realized that her little stunt would open the floodgates. In fact, I don't think she really thought it through or even consulted with any of her "handlers" or legal consul.

    I bet we find out soon that this slight has prompted many previously quiet people to come out of the woodwork and call her out on some of her lingering lies.

    This whole decision stinks of Palin's impetuousness and poor decision making and will most likely cause her some grief.

    Hopefully lots.

  38. Anonymous9:48 PM

    The poor woman wanted to save herself from embarrassing "gotcha" questions like what newpapers she reads.

  39. MacAndCheeseWiz9:49 PM

    I'm not buying it, and I'm not from Wasilla. What was the worst thing that could happen? A tomato or egg projectile? I'm sure YOU could handle that!

    So glad this story is getting coverage! More traffic for your blog, and Sarah comes off looking paranoid.

    Love the video! She should take her own advice.

  40. Anonymous9:52 PM

    If you really want to continually drive her nuts, just paste those unflattering pics of her from Hawaii up at the top of your blog and leave them there so each and every time anyone in the world visits your blog, they can see them....

  41. Anonymous9:57 PM

    1. I doubt that people in that crowd would recognize you. And, they would assume that Zaki was any TV station covering an important person.
    A blacked out visor makes anyone "incognito."

    2. A book company should not engage in censorship of any kind. There is this expression about people in glass houses.....Let them know how you feel!

    3. Sarah said that the event was open to the public.

    4. I believe this story the way I believe that crossing out McCain's name on a visor was so Sarah wouldn't be recognized.

    5.I believe this story the way I believe that Sarah gave birth to Trig.

    6. I believe this story, and you are supposed to believe it too, Gryphen, because it looks as if you have a good case in court. The problem is that you will have to get a change of venue to protect you, Shannyn and Zaki from the rabid crowd, I mean jury.

    7. At least they are admitting that when Sarah is involved, she can incite a crowd to riot.

    8. I believe this new story the way I believe the reason Sarah quit as governor....oh, wait a minute, she never gave a good explanation, did she?

    9. I think that Sarah is not content to win the MSNBC award for the biggest lie of the past year. She has this need to top herself. This new story tops the Death Panel meme, and that was a real winner!

    10. Sarah is never responsible for anything. Who supplied the names of the most dangerous bloggers and where did they get the pictures?

    11. Maybe Tank can suggest one of his buddies to act as your body guard if there is going to be another book signing. That should take care of the angry mob excuse. In fact, if there really was that kind of threat, the police should have provided security for you.

  42. Anonymous10:09 PM

    She never disappoints me that Sarah, she always shows her true colors like banning you and other bloggers. And her lies are so outrageously funny like trying to go "incognito". She's not fit to hold any public office in my opinion. She is definitely not mentally stable to handle the pressures of public office (that maybe the real reason why she quit).

  43. WOW.....How threatening!! What would the Palinbots do?

    Strip off their wigs in unison and flog these two?

    It could have been quite ghastly to see an angry wig less Palliban mob!

    Obviously Hastings knows they have not one iota of common sense or restraint.

    Just as obviously he marches to Palin's drum, too afraid to argue with her demands and too inert to do his job should "something happen"

    Since there WAS a police presence there, that speaks volumes in it's self.

    Palin's presence causes such controversy that police must be there to protect either her or the populace.

    ANOTHER freebee BTW, where was her personal security detail that were at previous book signings?

    I doubt Harper Collins is in such financial distress, that they can no longer provide her with security personnel.

    Palin assumes that the people of Wassilla are more than happy to provide security from the public purse.

    I wonder how many other authors, were ever required to have local police oversee and escort local bloggers from a "home town" book signing?

    However, if what happened at Elmendorf air force base is any indication, who knows what "might" have happened.

    Remember the teenager who was driven to tears for wearing an Obama t-shirt to an air force base "book" signing?

    That's like haranguing a teen for wearing an Obama t-shirt to the Whitehouse.

    As long as Obama is Commander in Chief he IS the ultimate authority at EVERY military base.

    Palliban in fact and indeed.

    I can't believe the ADN.........I'd rather spend my $ on the National Enquirer........

  44. Anonymous10:22 PM

    The National Enquirer is more truthful than the ADN.

  45. Perhaps the blogger-banning was an attempt to draw attention away from the pitifully small number of fans attending the hometown book-signing of the former mayor, former half-term governor and failed VP candidate.

  46. Anonymous10:52 PM

    Yes they saved your ass! Sure there are great people in Wasilla but not more than a handful. How about Houston on up to Big Lake? The stories of ten of the top ten FBI most wanted up in Big Lake in the same room at the same time there was the first story I heard when I moved here.

    Your readers know about the preacher who shot dead trespassers up there in the back who was acquitted?

    How about chaining foster kids to trees?

    No, how about people who do anything for a meth hit?

    Decapitating snow machiners?

    Why is hillbilly heroin so expensive there Sherry?

    Its not so much that they kept you out from Sarah, they kept you from "the Valley" people who will do so much bad for so little. They have nothing to lose. They love SP. These are the dregs of the USA. If they were any worse they would be in North Pole!

    U and DZ lived another day

  47. Did they really think this was going to work?

    Someone was there. And someone will report.

    There are plenty of bloggers and plenty of Mudflatters and I'm sure the Wasilla Sports authority didn't have all of their pictures.

  48. I live in Wasilla, well sort of, I am actually outside of town in an area called Meadow Lakes & truth be told, I can't wait until we get our own postal code! That being said, I have to defend Wasilla somewhat - yes many of the store fronts are ugly & the town did turn into big box store hell, but there are great trails and mountains & wildlife, some great book stores & quaint coffee shops - I could go on...
    Like AKPetMom(Hi PetMom - love your dogs!, I keep to a few select friends, but I also know many people who supported Palin in the past & they are not fans anymore. Granted I don't know any born-again people, just a few Lutherans & Catholics so I am not acquainted with the dominionist Palin-bot types, but I believe that the numbers of Wasilla Palin supporters are grossly exaggerated.
    I am sure that since Wasilla is close to many towns, besides Anchorage & it is a weekend, that people drove from many areas to get their books signed. I also suspect that there were more than a few who wanted a signed copy thinking they can make money on ebay.
    As for the blogger ban, I am sure the 4th blogger is AKM because it certainly isn't Andrew Halcro, although he would be on the list too if they thought he would actually show up!

  49. I meant "since it is a weekend..."

  50. Anonymous11:09 PM

    What I just sent to Harper Collins: I urge others to do the same:

    Though not a resident of Wasilla, Alaska and most certainly NOT a purchaser of ex-Governor Palin’s ghost-written “Going Rogue”, I am appalled that a corporation like Harper Collins would be in the position of supporting censorship. I am referring, of course, to the public event (as it was described by Sarah Palin) that was not open to certain members of the contemporary media who had been critical of ex-Governor Palin. We have now learned that Wasilla officials, supported by armed law enforcement officers, removed individuals from the event held at the publicly-owned Wasilla sports facility. They were told it was a private event, booked and paid for by Harper Collins in support of ex-Governor Palin’s book signing tour. Did Harper Collins know that armed law enforcement officers, paid by the public, would be used to forcibly remove critics of Ms Palin from the event? Is that how your corporation supports the First Amendment?

    (anon sender)

  51. wow. just wow.11:15 PM

    It's ironic that then Governor Sarah Palin actually INCREASED the SALES TAX rate to pay for the public Wasilla sports complex and she now bans certain people from a public facility when she's not even the governor anymore!

    You can't make this stuff up. Amazing.

    Everyone knows it by now but it is worth mentioning again: Sarah Palin is a liar, hypocrite and fraud. And that is the simple fact. Period.

    We know, Sarah. We know.

  52. Anonymous11:21 PM

    If this true about Harper Collins, I for one, do not feel like purchasing another book published by them. I am an avid reader. I'll get any book I really want to read by a HC author, for a quarter at a thrift store. Well, an author said boycotting HC hurts the author. If there was a way around that, it would be much better. I want to boycott HC but don't want to affect the livelihood of a good author.

  53. Anonymous11:29 PM

    Interesting ADN article- click the title to read. Local bookseller sold one third of the 1,000 books she brought. And 45 people were waiting in line beforehand. Approximately 750 people showed up. ADN has the comments turned off on the article. wonder why? :-)

  54. Uh oh, Sarah, watch out. I think the stinking dung has just come in contact with the oscillating appliance.

    Not a smart move, babe, not smart at all. Of course, nothing more could be expected from the likes of you.

  55. Anonymous11:37 PM

    She's too stupid to know that she's stupid. Remember she has "guttural" instincts so she doesn't really need a brain.

  56. Anonymous11:40 PM

    Thanks to the Alaskan bloggers we know the true nature of the beast and her name is Sarah Palin.

  57. Anonymous11:42 PM

    The majority of her followers are small-minded, uninformed, petty, racist just like their Queen.

  58. Anonymous11:58 PM

    I live in the Wasilla area. Very few people who live out here pay any attention to national and international news, let alone state or local news. How do you think Sarah got elected in the first place?

    No one would have known who you are. Like (don't want to hurt your feelings but...) NO ONE. People out here don't pay attention to politics. In a recent conversation I had about Sarah with someone who lives in Wasilla, a very typical Valley resident (and a very nice person, might I add - it's just that people don't care about politics out here) they responded with, "I'm so tired of everyone beating Sarah up over the jet. People need to get over it."

    Me: speechless. (my brain - hello, that was like three years ago).

    Were you banned for your safety? Right.

    When will this madness end?

  59. You asked: "Seriously, is anybody buying this BS?"

    As I have said before, Sarah needs to quit passing ammo to the squad. What a crock of ****.

  60. Anonymous12:20 AM

    No one would have been able to tell who Gryphen was (is). What a lame excuse by Harper Collins.

    Join the boycott.

  61. I"m from Wasilla and you most certainly would NOT have been in danger. I didn't go anywhere near the sports complex and I am sick to death of Palin and her mental illness. I would love to know why people still cover for her and excuse her of her bullshit. It pisses me off to no end.

  62. SO about 750 people showed up today? Must have been the same 750 that voted her in as Mayor way back when.

  63. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn2:14 AM

    What is the population of Wasilla in relation to the number of people who showed up to worship at the feet of the Quitter Queen? I have a vague memory of Gryph reporting that when a rally was held in Wasilla during the SP-for-VP era, only 200 fans showed up? I'm sure the majority of these "supporters" were either bussed in to have an inflated crowd, or had their eye on ebay once they had their precious signed books in their hot little mitts.

    As for Harper Collins, Scarah and all their minions (hat tip to the Stephanie Miller Show):

    "You're a lying sack of crap, you're a lying sack of crap, you're a lying, scheming, stinking, nasty sack of liquid crap!"

  64. Anonymous2:26 AM

    The only person who should have been banned at the book signing was Sarah. That drivel she wrote isn't qualified to be called a book and she is not an author period.

  65. Oh, Dahlinks! We are not buying it with a coupon. Do you think Sarah or her publishers are interested in our safety? No, sirs. She is afraid of people who don't buy her B.S. That's the real threat. I just posted on Huff Po about all this. Politicians know to never shoot down...well, except for her...

  66. Let Obermann know.

    This needs to go national. If she does remove from a boof signing, what will she get away with if she becomes a presidential candidate?

    This is censorship and the Constitution that palin so deaaarly loves,also provides for freedom ofthe press.
    What would have happened if you were not with the press, would you have been removed?

  67. London Bridges3:36 AM

    I think Sarah had you banned because she is not able to handle any kind of face-to-face confrontation particularly a possible outing. She knows it is coming, but when it does, she wants to be safe in her little cocoon so she has time to ask her advisors how should she lie about, er, I mean, respond to those false allegations.

  68. Anonymous3:58 AM

    "Remember she has "guttural" instincts so she doesn't really need a brain."

    And she's too stupid to know the word she means is "visceral." Now when she uses the right word, we'll have proof she was here!

    I think there are a number of reasons you were thrown out, and I think the primary one is that she was afraid you would say something or ask her something she didn't want to deal with. There's a lot that has the potential to embarrass her, and she tends to go ballistic and not think when she's stressed.

    But I also think some of her avid followers might present a danger to you, if not there, then elsewhere. Remember the mayor of Wasilla saying nobody's gonna say anything bad about Sarah, everyone has a gun!


  69. When John Bitney called her book a fabrication, Van Flein said that she was exercising her 1st amendment rights by writing the book and that no one has the right to stifle her.

    The banning was a preemptive blow to protect her rights!


  70. Ripley in CT4:32 AM

    It's time to break out the signs again, you intrepid Alaskans. I think a nice New Year's protest would be a gesture to the Queen. Have Zaki tape it and send it out to his contacts. It's time. Rise up again, like you did when she was tapped for the VP. That was impressive. Recal how it all felt.

    I bet you can get even more people now. And you had PLENTY last time... just imagine.

  71. Wow. Back peddle much Harper-Collins? It appears not cos you're not very good at it.

    Nope indeed. Had it really been about your safety, the would have told you that from the get-go. Instead, you're photo was taken and you were TOLD you were on a ban list. Not for safety reasons.

    Just goes to show who's afraid of the big bad ole wolfie-gryphen!

  72. Anonymous5:05 AM

    Comment from "Handsome" at Gawker.com:

    On one hand, if the event was a paid or admissions only event or is a private club event a la the Elks Club or Realtors' association annual meeting, the authorities grant a quasi private property/private event privilege or license to the hosting group. However, the organization must provide its own security a la AKAL.

    It seems here that Mrs. Palin put out promotions claiming the event was open to the public and then after the fact tried to make it an admissions only or private club matter.

    Furrthermore, since she is not a public official anymore and it was not a city sponsored event, I believe that the media can file a complaint or legal action against the Wasilla Police. They were using official authority to enforce private edicts of a non-city event. The only situations in which official law enforcement can be involved in an otherwise private matter is in a protest or contentious event like the 2000 Denver Columbus Day Parade, in which public safety and property may be at risk. Since this was not a protest or a controversial parade that would involve many people moving about city streets and possibly requiring a shutdown or traffic diversion, the Wasilla Police Department's acts were purely partisan and not based on any assessed threat to safety or property.

    Sarah Palin shows once again why she is not qualified for high office. Her high school mentality reduces issues to soundbites and personal attacks. That arena she was at is the source of Wasilla's debt, including legal costs arising from misuse of eminent domain laws and the bonds issued to build an arena that does not carry its own weight.

    Why anyone believes that this woman could be regarded as a stand in/backup for Hillary Clinton or is a contender of any class eludes anything bearing any resemblance to rhyme, reason and realit

  73. Anonymous5:23 AM

    Considering how Zaki was mouthing off to the Allen family as Bill did his perp walk from the court house, and almost got the tar beat out of him by Mark Allen, perhaps it WAS in his interest not to be there.

  74. ginny5:30 AM

    It's nice to see more Wasilla-area residents posting comments here. We knew you were out there! Keep commenting!

  75. This is the end of the grand book tour, correct? Well, I would bet $ that HP is beyond glad to be done with the Nutcase from the North. Spineless enablers, yes, but I suspect that the HP employees who have had to deal with Little Sarah Palin from Wasilla have more than earned their paychecks. I'm sure that being in Wasilla and dealing with this ban list crap was quite a treat for people from NYC. Hilarious. Oh, the drama that surround Little Sarah! And remember, the Palins are "not really into the drama" (ha!). Imagine if they were?!!!

  76. Anonymous5:33 AM

    Who paid for her police security? Even if they expected a crowd of a 1,000, it was a private event. She is not a public official anymore, so she would be required to pay for her own security....not the taxpayers. If they claim that this was a private event, then the police should not be acting as her private security.

  77. Anonymous5:46 AM

    Glad your getting hits over this. And yes, it should be sent to Keith, Rachel and whoever else needs alerting. This is not LEGAL, is it?

  78. Anonymous5:47 AM

    BTW, I also wrote HC, stating they lost a customer...cuz they have.

  79. Anonymous5:48 AM

    So, is he taking the fall for Palin? Just like the Mall of America took the fall for her when it was announced that foreign press was not allowed?
    Don't speak English?...no admittance.
    Don't agree with Palin?...no admittance. Wow.

    Does she even know what country she lives in? She would make a great dictator of a police state.

    NO discourse, no questions, no interviews, don't dare question the Supreme Leader. Just bow down and worship. Scary stuff.

    HC needs to be called out on this too.

  80. I keep calling them HP! HC.

  81. Anonymous6:03 AM

    I am a 31 year resident of the matsu. I had NO INTEREST IN THAT STUPID BOOK SIGHNING.. these people that showed up in my veiw are dumb sicko's and are the minority.. they probably attend the church she doesn't attend.. or they want to sell the book on ebay? it is time for alaskan's to move on and put that rechit women behind us for the better of our state and country. dead fish go with the flow and so do turds i saw one floating by on the 4th of july sporting glasses and a bufount hair do!

  82. Anonymous6:09 AM

    the turd squilled out a comment as it flowed by. it said. thanks but no thanks alaska!! I never like that women and never voted for her..

  83. Anonymous7:11 AM

    Were there any protesters at the event?

  84. Anonymous7:40 AM

    Her Forehead doesn't move in that video. Sarah, my dear, next time you go get some Botox, tell them you still want some movement in your brow. A good injector can do that. It looks much more natural. That frozen dear caught in the head lights is very aging. Shhh just a secret between "us hockey moms".

  85. Nan (aka roswellborn)7:41 AM

    Does no one else find it more than a litle "hinky" that they "took a picture" as they were telling Gryphen he was banned? They've stated they had picture ID available to them for the identification, so why do they need another picture, eh?

    It makes me want to say to Gryphen & Dennis "Watch your backs"

    It's just - creepy!

  86. OMG Anon@8:48pm children with pictures of Palin pasted on the front of their bibles! This is beyond sick. It really is a cult. AKPetmom, I didn't realize you lived in Wasilla. Please be careful. It is nice to see more people posting from Wasilla. I am sure there are many people who are sick of the Wicked Witch as the rest of us are. Ella@9:10pm is right. Everyone who truly values real books should call HC out on this charade of a book and book tour. All it is is and advertisement for worshiping the Queen. Palin just cannot come to grips with the fact that she cannot control the bloggers. Congratulations Gryphen, Shannyn, AKM, Celtic Diva and the rest of the bloggers, who constantly call her out. She now hates you more than the MSM.

  87. Anonymous8:04 AM

    Wasilla here, Good job! keep up the pressure!

  88. emrysa8:11 AM

    yeah what a f-ing load.

    first of all, I'm sure harper collins had no idea whothehell any of you were. that was all sarah's doing, and anyone who thinks otherwise is missing a brain.

    second of all, given sarah's disdain for the "lamestream media" and her constant bitching about it to her fans, wouldn't ALL media find themselves in a threatening situation at her events? then why wasn't ALL media banned from the event?

    they are completely inept. they ban people, and then make themselves look like idiots when they give some excuse that they were trying to protect the bloggers from a threatening environment ("negative situation").

    and Hastings now looks like a complete DOLT because he repeated what they told him!

    also, too, what does that say about the people who come to see sarah if others need to be protected from them????? Bwaahaha again not thinking about the consequences of their actions.

    "My fans are mean and they might hurt people."

    LMFAO and she complained about the way the mccain team handled things? good god they are complete perfect pros compared to her team.

  89. emrysa8:31 AM

    hey gryphen here's an idea for you - do a post of palin's book tour blunders.

    1) leaving when people were still in line to get books signed,
    2) dragging trig out of bed with no socks and shoes in 30 degree weather,
    3) busted for using a plane when she called it a bus tour,
    4) the whole fiasco with the mall of america (no foreign media, must refer to her as governor etc)
    5) not paying the hairdresser in nevada (I think it's nevada) and making her pay her own valet parking when they TOLD her to use valet,
    6) banning bloggers in alaska

    I'm sure there's more, but this is just a few to get you started.

    The Quitter Queen Book Tour Wrap Up

  90. Techgnome8:43 AM

    Where's Hunter S. Thompson when we need him? Hell, where's Tennessee Williams when we need him? This is "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" meets "Suddenly Last Summer". This is small town American Gothic meets "Children of the Corn." And what do we get? Gryphen wandering around Alaska like one of the "Lost Boys". I love you man, but I think you've become so accustomed to the Gonzo political culture around you that the insanity of it all no longer makes the proper impression. In your defense, this is a story that no writer of fiction could make up, but Wow! You could have been cannibalized by people clutching "Going Rogue" like some sort of alien pod. You barely escape Wasilla with your skin intact and all you can do is laugh.

    I mean, think about. There you were in the house that Palin built and that built the house that Palin lives in. http://www.dailykos.com/story/2008/10/11/111018/34/47/627460 Uncle Ted nearly went to prison for this sort of thing. While Sister Sarah.............. Well we know where Sarah has been. It's hard to imagine a more obvious nexus of evil and yet you walk in there like it was nothing. And *this* after sitting down to lunch with the Devil in the person of the odious Thomas Van Flien like you were having lunch with an eccentric aunt. And lets not forget the time you wandered into the the Anchorage Baptist Temple of Hate either.

    I mean, I meeeeeeeean, really, think about it. Sarah had no problem biting Frank Murkowski's hand after he fed her the political plum job as Chairman of the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission. What sort of crazy person could buy her impersonation of Captain Renault from the movie Casablanca, "I'm shocked, shocked that there's gambling at Ricks", when she was shocked that the Alaska Republican Party Chairman was using his office for party business? And you walk into a whole room full of that sort of person while she's in attendance? What *were* you thinking? I think you're lucky everyone was full of the holiday spirit. ;-)

    Scene 1 from Suddenly Last Summer: "The set may be as unrealistic as the decor of a dramatic ballet. It represents part of a mansion of Victorian Gothic style in the Garden District of New Orleans on a a late afternoon, between late summer and early fall. The interior is blended with a fantastic garden in which is more like a tropical jungle or a forest in the prehistoric age of giant fern-forests when living creatures had flippers turning to limbs and scales to skin. The colors of this jungle-garden are violent, especially since it is steaming with heat and rain. There are massive tree-flowers that suggest organs of a body, torn out, still glistening with undried blood, there are harsh cries and sibilant hissings and thrashing sounds in the garden as if it were inhabited by beasts, serpents and birds, all of a savage nature....

    The jungle tumult continues for a few moments after the curtain rises, then subsides into relative quiet, which is occasionally broken by a new outburst.

    A lady enters with the assistance of a silver-knobbed cane. She has light orange or pink hair and wears a lavender lace dress, and over her withered bosom is pinned a starfish of diamonds."

    Tennessee Williams

    Merry Christmas everyone.

  91. the problem child10:07 AM

    Inspired commment from Techgnome!

    Don't try too hard to get inside $P's head; that way lies madness.

  92. Anonymous10:56 AM

    The entire town is The Invasion of the Body Snatchers territory.

    I've always thought that of Palin and her crowd of looney tunes.

  93. Elliegrl12:29 PM

    What I wrote to Harper Collins:
    The first questionable action you took was to publish a truly dangerous religious zealot's book...not even written by Sarah Palin but one of her many ghostwristers, Lynn Vincent. Next, you didn't bother to fact-check it so your company wasn't made to look like a laughingstock. (It would be to Sarah's benefit too if she kept her stories straight.) This woman may be interesting, but she, her beliefs, and her followers are DANGEROUS. Then to hold booksignings for a woman who 1) Repeatedly criticizes our commander-in-chief, 2) obviously still holds political ambitions and 3) has a PAC fund... to hold booksignings on MILITARY BASES, instead of lots of bookstores like normal people do!!! Then you hold a booksigning in her hometown, and allow her to BLACKLIST citizen journalists without a peep??? Seriously? It's okay for her to exercise her 1st amendment right...she could have continued to do so via her ghostwriters on Facebook. But YOU choose $$$ over MORALS and published her garbage. Then those who disagree with her views are not allowed to exercise their first amendment right??? Seriously???

    You need to make a STRONG statement on this pronto, and reign her in. Her followers, though not as large as the majority who think she's unfit for political office and/or a nutter, can destroy the fabric of our Republic. They do NOT BELIEVE IN DEMOCRACY. They want a THEOCRACY, in which religious leaders are at the head of government. We had a lesser version in George Bush. Sarah would be much, much worse. Think Iran. Don't believe me? GOOGLE it.

    I have a huge library as books are treasured in this house, I'm a graduate of UC Berkeley and my husband is an attorney. We have countless books from your publishing company. I WILL NEVER BUY ONE PRODUCT FROM YOU AGAIN.

    (real name, so you can make sure to blacklist me)

    I didn't use my real name here as I don't want my internet business attacked by her nutter followers

  94. Anonymous1:48 PM

    Sarah, sweetie......it just keeps comin' at you doesn't it? The list of lies in your lifetime...it is mind boggling. Your life is unraveling and you know it. You have no friends, lots of enemies under yout big yellow bus, but hallejuiah, you now have children with your photo plastered on the fronts of their bibles? Disgusting. You are an amazing piece of work.

    Your plans are to go to heaven when you die? I think GOD has something else in mind for you You cannot continue this way without consequences. You will reap what you sow. Have a great day. Snark.

  95. Anonymous2:14 PM

    But isn't it nice that Sarah has admitted openly that she incites violence?

    And isn't it nice to know that the police's job is to protect the violent from the nonviolent? Even if it means impenging on the 1st amendment rights of the press?
    In Sarah's mind there is only her God, her Jesus, and her Constitution. She is the only human on earth that has had these gifts given to her.

  96. Anonymous5:50 PM

    Perplexing thoughts (so what else is new when dealing with SP!):

    1) You had to BUY a book at a signing in order to get it signed/meet, as per the Qwitcher herself.

    2) A bookseller brought 1000 books to the area, but only sold 1/3 of them. Based on my traditional, non-calculator, old fashioned math, that's around 333 books (give ro take a few).

    3) So how were 1000 (heck 750) entitled to get in to see the Qwitcher?

    Inquiring minds wanna know...

  97. Anonymous8:28 PM

    obviously there are too many idiots who dont like Palin and are too stupid to even realize that they are stupid. All I ever hear is oh sarah palin this and sarah palin that, take a good look at yourselves. Realize that not everyone in wasilla supports Politicians in general. If you believe a damn word a politician says then you are a freaking idiot, wake the hell up, you morons youve been taken for a ride and your stupidity really shows. Its a freaking drama to make you feel like your participating in something that really doesnt even exist. Your freaking rights have been sold a long time ago. Idiots.


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