Tuesday, December 08, 2009

What happens when women get together to discuss the many lies in Sarah Palin's book?

NPR brings three professional women together to discuss Sarah Palin and the glaring inconsistencies in "Going Rogue". Just under 18 minutes long and definitely worth a listen.


  1. Anonymous9:39 PM

    I spoke to a 52 year old Alaskan man this past weekend who said the exact same thing as the second woman on this panel. He thought of Palin as a leader amongst women, an icon and example of hard work, dedication and getting things done. (where has he been?) Where do I start with him? I respectfully spoke of Troopergate, Dairygate and her dirty work as mayor of Wasilla. He didn't know anything about any of it. And was glad to know, and changed his view. But, yes, it's sickening to know and hear people talk about how wonderful she is and what an example she is for working mothers. I really think someone could make a fortune selling Sarah Palin Barf Bags.

  2. That was pretty soft.

  3. Anonymous10:17 PM

    The independent who disagreed with her ideology but admired her for her mother instincts was too much for me. That lady was delusional. I couldn't listen to the rest. I'll try again tomorrow. I guess I'm just over Palin tonight. I just read her tweets today and I feel very angry.

  4. Just had a mosey on up to the ADN in Alaska, posted this:

    "SOOOOOOOO how ya'll doin' up there in Alaska???

    Did ya all catch Joy Behar last night? She had Andrew Sullivan on .. dicussing the WILD RIDE from Dallas to Wasilla for the 'birth' of Trig, the Human Prop!

    Finally, the MSM is looking at this unbelievable story, by this unbelievable mavericky woman... and the more they look at it, the more people are going to say:

    HUH??? SHE DID WHAT???


    ............ I love posting there, they keep telling me to go home! I say ... gee, that's what we all say to Palin too! Small world, huh? (wink)

  5. sunnyjane11:50 PM

    Ho hum. I'm not impressed.

  6. SME13112:08 AM

    Wow what a soft approach. Whatever happened to people speaking their mind and forgetting being PC?

    It made me thing they "thought" if they tempered their response the crazies would listen....wrong. The crazies are just that. Time to get hard core.

    It is well past time for people with proof to stop making promises of what they know and get on with it.

  7. not that sarah4:22 AM

    OH, even NPR is going MSM these days and the fresh Ms Palin goes to DC meme sells more than Deick Cheney puppet in skirt tries to take over US.

    Good for the poster above who educated people. It would not hurt for all of us to send an email with facts from her record (which are all in a vetting doc online - google Palin vetting doc 2006) and pass a few pertinent facts on once a week to ten people.

  8. Anonymous4:31 AM

    Time for these women to leave the safety of the sisterhood. I don't think moderately competant black people are deserving of praise because I am black and the same standard applies to my analysis of a woman's competance.

    Sarah Palin can not coherently articulate policy. Yet this discussion panel gives her a free pass on that. The panel should step up to their responsibility to assess would- be learders on their merits not on the politicians' self-profess fantasy credentials.

    Motherhood is no more politically valuable than fatherhood. To say otherwise is just plain sexist.

  9. I listened to this when it was on yesterday and went to their website and suggested the listeners also take a look at dairygate, housegate, prisongate, etc.

  10. Anonymous4:55 AM

    Thanks for that link and interesting intelligent discussion. It was good to hear a dispssionate and probably a very fair analysis of the book and of the Sarah that Sarah's book presents.

  11. Anonymous5:10 AM

    But she has NOT successfully taken care of her family and goverened a state!! One kid got sent away then to the army, another has had at least one baby as a teen, one is never in school and Willow has been seen partying just like the other Wasilla wild kids.

    And she quit her really hard job as governor.

    So it really is Opposite Day with her fans.

  12. This is real women think of Quittypants:


  13. Anonymous5:13 AM

    I like that the Wild Ride issue was brought up. Thing is...Why is it that when this naritive is discussed in the media, so many details/inconsistencies are omitted?

    These ladies plus an obgyn, could do an hour long show on JUST the Wild Ride topic. I wonder if KUDO would dare to take that up. Really miss Shannyn, Aaron, and CC. Don't listen to 1080 much since CC left.

  14. Put the nurses and nurse practitioners I work with on a NPR panel - we'll discuss the wild ride for ya for an hour. WE've all had kids, too . WE wouldn't be PC.

  15. Anonymous5:40 AM

    When a high-profile woman quits her job for no reason, the rest of us have to work even harder to combat the "women are so unpredictable" sterotype. This panel needs a swift kick in the rear.

  16. You can post your comments about this show here:


  17. Ratfish6:44 AM

    The real "death panels": any group of people who read her book and then get together to discuss the "facts" therein.

    This panel even saw through her tall tale of "elopement" with Todd and called it what it was: a shotgun wedding because she was 6 weeks pregnant with Track when she got married.

  18. Midnight Cajun6:57 AM

    I was disturbed by the one woman's comment that she liked Sarah's book because she got some kind of vicarious pleasure out of watching her hit back at everyone who'd ever done her wrong. Doesn't it occur to this woman that it's a little strange that everyone seems to be doing Sarah dirty while poor little Sarah slogs through life lilly white and blameless? Even if I had liked Palin before, 400+ pages of mean-girl bitchiness and petty name-calling would have turned me off. Yet it seems to actually be a part of her appeal. That does not say good things about our society.

  19. Anonymous7:20 AM

    A young woman in a video posted on Bree Palin's site said she loved Sarah because she was "givin' it to the man" after having been thrown under the bus by the McCain people. The young woman with her, who was also camping out in a tent last night to be there first thing for today's book signing, said she had read the book and then shrugged, saying "It was ok." She seemed embarrassed to be admitting that the book is terrible. Sarah's demeanor just plays into the psychological needs of these people. She makes them feel empowered against some mysterious enemy. It's quite disturbing to realize that so many young people find her inspiring. I guess it's no wonder, many don't have a way to pay for college, and have no guarantee of finding work when they are done. It's a perfect recipe for fascism.

  20. Anonymous7:20 AM

    Midnight Cajun: Palin is a symbol, not a person

    Remember the PUMAs? Hillary was going to right the wrongs that these women felt all their lives, she was their crusader! That is why they could not get behind President Obama.

    These low information voters, to understate the obvious, see her as the one who makes their lives relevent. "She is just like ME!" they exclaim! She is righting all the wrongs they have felt all their lives. She makes them feel that it's ok they know nothing, "common sense" is all we need and she has it, just like them.


  21. I consider myself a real woman, working mom of 3, elected only to school boards.
    I find it almost funny that the republican saw the true meaning of sarah palin.

    We have a lot of work to do, the lies, and the 'inconsistencies' have to be made known. She cannot control the dialog.
    What bothers me and I, myself do it, is that we get emotional and say things that sound offensive and have no substance. That is not helpful.
    We need to fight back with the truth and the facts. Cut the crap and fight with the facts and the truth.
    Every single lie should be challenged. Either in your hometown newspaper or on a blog.
    And quote your source.
    I hope we win this fight. I am already considering her a contender. Don't know if she will be, but I will do my best to make sure she does not get there.

  22. Anonymous2:36 PM

    That was a pretty softball review. It was clear that these woman had not research the shady doings of SP.

  23. Anonymous2:43 PM

    They gave her a pretty easy pass. When they read that "the one skeleton in the closet" is a D she got in college, you would think they would do more than dance around the book not being exactly "forthcoming". What an understatement!

    Glad they did comment on the "Wild Ride", the shotgun wedding, and nine babysitters mentioned in the Acknowledgements.

  24. Sarah Palin is affirmative action run amok. I would hate to be a working woman who is judged by her actions.

  25. MacAndCheeseWiz5:43 PM

    I got a kick out of the one who wants to know how Sarah does it? They glaze over the obvious lies (the wild ride, shotgun elopement) and give her a free pass. Raising a family in today's work environment is a juggling act, you do what you can as a parent and hope for the best.
    How did Sarah do it? She quit her job "for the good of Alaska". Great Role model, when things get tough, just quit.

    Education isn't a priority, she drags her underage kids everywhere. Sex Education - first it's "abstenance only", then it's shock that Bristol didn't know there's things that can prevent pregnancy. That's nice, toss your own kid under the bus, or plane.

  26. Anonymous8:12 PM

    Ack! And now it's an audio book ... read by the author!

  27. Anonymous9:30 AM

    Interesting the Republican Mary Kate brought up the wild ride story. The Democrat with five kids brought up the oh shit I'm Pregs got to get married story. And Indepent Leslie just loved almost everything about Palin and even called her a feminist. If Sarah is a feminist then I'm Angelina Jolie.


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