Friday, February 12, 2010

The Daily Show's John Oliver returns to Hawaii where visiting Republicans have a message for the locals. Your 40 year old health care system is bad.

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
The Apparent Trap
Daily Show
Full Episodes
Political HumorHealth Care Crisis

This may even be better than Oliver's last segment.

the interviews make it abundantly clear that the Republicans have NO idea what they are talking about.


  1. ENOUGHwiththetrainwreck6:56 AM

    why would anyone listen to these dweebs? they clearly only have a talent for repeating talking points and have NO ability to process new information.

    what a national embarrassment.

  2. Anonymous7:05 AM

    Good lord, the republicans are idiots, and we should all be screaming for Hawaii's model. Then we can all have government run health care like sarah Palin has.

  3. Laura7:08 AM

    Wow! This was so great! Why can't we use Hawaii as a model? Where have Hawaii's Senators/Representatives stood in the Health Care debate? Have they spoken up about the system in their state? This is the first that I have heard about Hawaii's system.

  4. Gasman7:33 AM

    I might just get Stewart’s, “Hey Boehner! Suck it up, Grandma!” printed on a T-shirt.

    I love Oliver’s exchange:
    Oliver: You have health insurance? This guy has health insurance? The guy with a skateboard and without functioning shoelaces?

    Skateboarder: Yup.

    Oliver: How the fuck does that work out?

    Just like Palin suggesting that Canadian’s should scrap their “socialized” healthcare system in favor of ours, the RNC have their heads so far up their asses they think that Hawaiians should give up a superior system in favor of an inferior one.

    For the Canadians, that would mean making the system more expensive - so much so that as many as 20% of her citizens would be unable to afford coverage, thus ending universal coverage, raising the infant mortality rate, turning the entire system over to the thugs in the insurance lobby, and lowering life expectancy rates. Gee, I can’t possibly understand why the Canadians aren’t heeding the Tundra Twit’s clarion call for them to “Go fuck yourselves!”

    While the Hawaiian system is infinitely inferior to the Canadian system, it is better than most Americans have. My beef with their system is the "mandation" and that the "mandating" must be employer provided. The mandate is nonsense as is the requirement that employers must provide insurance. The mandate simply requires us to do business with these rapacious insurance industry bastards. That employer provided insurance model was a system that was designed for WW II austerity measures and just kind of hung around. It makes no sense at all today.

    For profit heathcare is quite simply immoral and the very embodiment of corporate greed which is indifferent to human suffering. As long as insurance and pharma lobbies are profit driven, the insured will lose. They are in the business of maximizing profits, stock prices, and shareholder dividends, not providing healthcare coverage. As long as those competing interests are what drives the system, it will remain too expensive, provide everyone with as little coverage as possible, and exclude a huge percentage of our population.

    These RNC asshats are unable to speak in anything other than Palinesque boilerplate platitudes that are so ridiculously unconnected to reality that they might as well be advocating that Sasquatch and Bat Boy should be named Obama’s health czars. These morons have no actual ideas at all. If the GOP stops healthcare reform from happening, plan on paying about 40% or more of your income to the insurance and pharma lobbies.

    Life in hell: if the GOP controls healthcare reform. The system would get demonstrably worse until it simply imploded. Remember the Great Depression? THAT was the result of the GOP response to a recession. If the GOP has their way we all had better start limbering up so we don’t get all crampy when we have to continually grab our ankles. Avoid the rush, start stocking up on KY now.

  5. Anonymous7:36 AM

    This clip was amazing... Oliver displayed, in all of it's glaring embarrassment, how clue-free these clowns really are.

    When confronted WITH BLATANT FACTS, no talking points supplied by the RNC hate machine were gone!! POOF! NOTHING..EVEN THE HIP-HOP Chief resluglican was missing..

    40 years of success and repeated baseline data based on FACTS seem not to matter to these brainless vessels....

    Great piece...

  6. Anonymous8:30 AM

    The GOP is no match for Jon, Oliver and Stephen.

    Thank God our young get their news from Comedy Central. It's only a matter of time before the GOP is merely a sad footnote in history.


  7. Anonymous8:43 AM

    "As a universal rule it simply does not work." BULLSHIT. We are the only industrialized, capitalistic nation in the WORLD without a universal healthcare system. We are the only country of the caliber with MILLIONS of people uninsured, and with insured people losing their homes. OUR system does not work!

    Maybe by universal she meant there was some other planet out there that is full of capitalistic countries that have tried and failed at universal health care systems.
    Maybe the republicans have a secret planetary system they are ruling that they are basing these facts on, because they do not hold true on planet Earth.


  8. Anonymous9:10 AM

    I am thrilled with the Daily Show - Hawaii got two nights of exposure on national tv, when most of the nation is buried in snow! Our economy needs any boost it can get and hopefully this will encourage people to come visit! Not to mention that we come off looking pretty good with our health insurance!! (by the way, the health insurance was instigated long ago by democrat governors. our present gov is republican and she has done many terrible things - the worst of which was cutting the education budget leaving Hawaii students with the fewest instructional days in the nation - this was one of her ideas to try to balance the budget.) Our local government is just as crazy as any other but at least we have warm sun and beaches - come visit!! aloha!

  9. Anonymous10:10 AM

    I visited Hawaii and had several Dr. visits and tests including MRI & radioactive.
    The staff/facilities/equipment were all top-notch.

  10. Anonymous11:14 AM

    Jay Leno asking me a question on the street and anyone from the Colbert Report or the Daily Show could easily make me look like an idiot without the help of editing (Palin on Couric) - but these people are absolutely, astoundingly stupid.

    It's like Palin telling a Canadian comedian in drag that the whole country needs to scrap its universal healthcare to give private sector a chance to shake things up. Denial of care would sure change business as usual.

    Tell us again Sarah, how you would have been a quarter into you and John's efforts of balancing the nation's budget by 2012? Does your plan fit in the palm of your hand? And common sense solutions and tax cuts don't count as substantive policy.

  11. GrainneKathleen1:25 PM

    loved this segment! the moment of zen was great, too. i didn't realize what a decent health care system hawaii has. oliver is funny as always. i especially like the part in the first segment where he expresses his great joy to be driving a submarine. the daily show is my 20 minutes of zen.


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