Saturday, February 20, 2010

Granny Palin overcomes her death panel fears! Shannyn's new article over at Huffington Post.

Shannyn takes Granny Palin to task over the hypocrisy, revealed in the Levi/Bristol court documents, that her grandson is receiving "gasp" socialized health care. (Just click the title to read what Shannyn has to say about it.)

And yes I am aware that many of you sent me a link to a similar article over at Daily Kos. I am sorry I did not post, but let me rectify that oversight now. Here you go.


  1. Anonymous3:02 PM


    What other Palins are receiving these benefits? As much free money they now have, they can afford to buy their own insurance. Let the money and benefits go back to the tribe who could use it more.

  2. Anonymous3:03 PM

    FOX should get Palin to host a new, primetime game show, called 'Who's Your Daddy?'.

    Children of public figures and celebrities would compete for cash and prizes, by trying to figure out which members of their family are parents, siblings or incestuous partners.

    The grand prize each week would be free lifetime healthcare for those who can prove they have the DNA of both parental units.

  3. Anonymous3:04 PM

    I do not know how the Alaskan Native Indian benefits work, are the benefits received by the Alaskan Native American Indians paid for by the United States government which means the taxpayers of the lower 48 are paying for the Wasilla Hill Bullies health, medical, education and whatever else benefits they receive? That is a crying shame. On top of that the Sarah Palin charged per diem to stay in her own house when she was governor.


  4. Anonymous3:25 PM

    I belong to Todd's, mother's, father's, mother's tribe...

    Todd can I camp out in your front yard till it warms up a little?

  5. Anonymous3:26 PM

    @anon 3:03 And Jerry Springer can be the MC. If he's not available, then Maury Povich.

    Nomination for a second reality show: Hype the Hypocrisy. Sarah preaches against any government health care while the government pays for her grandchild's health care.

    Rachel Maddow has a list of congressmen and senators who vocally voted against the stimulus, and then took credit in their districts for the projects funded by the stimulus.

  6. Anonymous3:34 PM

    Scarah has no clue as to what is afforded to tribes, nor does she like to talk about Alaska Native Blood quatum. Now does that stop her from wanting Wayne Anthony Ross to be her attorney general. A known person against tribal status for Alaska Natives.

    Everything she has done is against the First Peoples
    Of Alaska. She was never their friend but would like them to think she is.

  7. emrysa3:43 PM

    bet it's easy to afford all those expensive toys when you get government funded socialized healthcare.

    but apparently the rest of us aren't good and/or deserving enough to have the same thing.

  8. What surprises me is that no one made a big deal of this when Palin was making her "death panels will kill Trig" speeches-- at that time, it should have been common knowledge that Todd and the kids, including Trig, were all receiving free health care.

  9. Anonymous3:55 PM

    In an interview today, Sarah Palin went further, specifically crediting her and her husband's union membership for their health care.

    "We’ve gone through periods of our life here with paying out of pocket for health coverage until Todd and I both landed a couple of good union jobs," Palin explained to conservative talk show host Hugh Hewitt. "Early on in our marriage, we didn’t have health insurance, and we had to either make the choice of paying out of pocket for catastrophic coverage or just crossing our fingers, hoping that nobody would get hurt, nobody would get sick."

  10. Anonymous3:57 PM

    I'm still waiting for Sarah and Bristol to apologize to a very nice actress who happens to have DS for bad mouthing her.

    I think the blog sphere should demand one.

  11. Anonymous3:59 PM

    Mr. T,
    I am assuming that by health insurance you mean health services through an Indian
    Health Service provider.
    Different health facilities may have different requirements, so you should check
    with the one you are going to receive services from.
    The Bristol Bay Area Health Corporation in Dillingham, Alaska and the Alaska Native
    Medical Center in Anchorage, Alaska accepts tribal membership, native corporation
    membership, or a Certificate of Degree of Indian Blood(CDIB) no matter what the
    blood quantum is as proof of eligibility for their services through the Indian
    Health Service.
    Different tribes also have different membership requirements; our tribe does not
    require certain blood quantum, but lineal/familial ties to the tribe. Other tribes
    do require certain Indian blood quantum for membership, so you will also need to
    check with the tribe you are connected to.
    The Indian Health Service requires that you prove membership in a tribe, and in
    Alaska that can also be a Native Corporation established under the Alaska Native
    Claims Settlement Act.
    You can also get a Certificate of Degree of Indian Blood from the Bureau of Indian
    Affairs to show proof of eligibility for IHS services.
    Hope this answers your question.
    Dorothy B. Larson
    Tribal Administrator

    ****************Here's how they did it.

  12. Anonymous4:04 PM

    Doesn't the healthcare program work on the percentage of native blood? Todd is supposedly low (1/8??) on the percentage rating so grandson would be even further down in the percentage rating. I'm not sure with Todd's rating that his own kids would qualify.

    Sounds fraudulent

  13. The BIG socialized care family4:05 PM

    Bristol wants both socialized health care for Tripp and for Levi to purchase an insurance policy? Why won't she get another job to pay for more health care for her child? As it is, it may be another lie that she goes to work 5 days a week at 6AM.

    If Tripp has socialized health care you can bet Bristol is on it, and she won't give it up. If Bristol has socialized health care wouldn't Todd, Track, Willow, Piper and Trig be on socialized health care? Sarah?

  14. Anonymous4:10 PM

    Yeah, we don't want BIG GOVERNMENT in our lives! Lyin pig, I supposed someone held a gun to Bristol's head to sign up, for this "entitlement"!!!
    I agree with the poster above, people who need it should get it, but the PAYLIN'S can afford to buy their own and I'm pissed my taxes go for this!!!

  15. kdusmdd4:19 PM

    If Todd is not the daddy ....or if Trigg was born out of the Indian bloodline....Sarah is in a whole bunch of trouble..The Indians don't play that game..!!!! I live near an Indian Reservation and they are VERY strict abt who gets and who does not.

  16. That 7 % for SP has got to smart a little LOL :)

    I think Evan Bayh or Pawlenty will be the ticket for GOP in 2012. By that time Palin will be facing corruption charges for misappropriation of the Alaska Fund Trust, and will be selling off some of that property. She is DOOMED !!!!!!!

    I predict a Fox Network split within 1 month. (You heard it here first)

  17. Anonymous4:25 PM

    Who needs a complicated Ponzi scheme, when you can use a Palin scheme that offers free medical?

  18. Anonymous4:40 PM

    Anon 3:04, just a clarification:

    There is no such thing as Alaska Native American Indian, we are distinct in many Eskimo and Indian tribes recognized by the federal government. American Indian / Alaska Native (AI/AN) is how we are usually referred by the government.

    If you roll all Treaty and fiduciary trust obligations up since occupation began, it amounts to a Federal Trust Responsibility in the manner of various public,
    administrative, social and economic programs including
    health care.

    Please do not mistake it to be some sort of dreamed up entitlement program for which the American taxpayer is
    responsible. These are measures to satisfy treaty
    agreements for a very small segment of our society. And
    it's not like our populations fluxuate to exceed ability, but
    the Indian Health Service remains overburdened and
    chronically underfunded.

    Ironically, under a Palin Administration, the ol "I'll do what I
    want until the courts say I can't" lady would gun for this countries Indigenous population as NOT a public
    responsibility. And since she and hers would have private
    insurance anyway, she'd let the free market have it's way with this vulnerable and underrepresented population.

    Gaming Tribes or newly recognized Tribes generally opt out of the IHS, so that those with means or alternative options don't take away from needier areas. A lot of tribal members that work for Tribes in social service and other administrative facilities provide private insurance; again, lessening the burden on the overall IHS budget.

    Let's face it, people with class and a sense of fairness and justice don't abuse the system, and do what they can to let their tribal brethren get the coverage they need more than them.


  19. Anonymous4:42 PM

    I'm sure Trig is getting his socialized medical care there, also, too. That way the grifter didn't have to lie and say she was the mother to get Trig covered through the insurance policy afforded to her as Governor. If Tripp is eligible for free socialized medicine as the son of Bristol, then I'm sure Trig is as well and Scarah didn't even have to lie, as she would have had to do if she had gotten Trig coverage under her state-issued policy.

    I'm self-employed and have to pay for my own (very expensive) health insurance. Wish someone else would pay so I could save my money, like Sarah, for plastic surgery and other necessities of life.

  20. More Cobwell said:
    "What surprises me is that no one made a big deal of this when Palin was making her "death panels will kill Trig" speeches-- at that time, it should have been common knowledge that Todd and the kids, including Trig, were all receiving free health care."

    I don't think we were supposed to find out! The judge in the Bristol/Levi case allowed court documents to be made public - hence, we now see the hypocrisy in full view.
    This is going to make the queen of grifters look even worse.
    It also makes me think the custody case will settle soon. The more info released, the worse the Paylin's look.

  21. Anonymous4:53 PM

    Here is a link to an article I found about Todd's Yupik ancestory. (Maternal Grandmother).

    He also inherited shares in two native Alaska corporations

  22. Anonymous5:07 PM

    My husband was killed in an accident, so it's just me trying to pay the bills for health insurance for my family. I'm down to the lowest level of benefits and highest level of deductible and still find it hard to pay the premiums. I'll probably have to drop health insurance this year.

    I wouldn't have a problem with the Palin family's healthcare if she hadn't screeched lies about "Death Panels" in an attempt to torpedo healthcare reform even while her own family was getting government healthcare. Lousy hypocrite, STFU!!!!!

  23. Anonymous5:39 PM

    +++ measures to satisfy treaty
    agreements for a very small segment of our society. +++

    Small segment? 1.9 million Americans are American Indian/Alaska Native according to IHS.

  24. Anonymous5:49 PM

    Anonymous at 5:07 pm - do you not get SS survivor's benefit? That would be a bit of a help, but may not be enough to offset the cost of private insurance. I know; I am also on private insurance and now don't go to the doctor at all! I just pay out and afraid to need medical services as it will be critical financially.

  25. It is amazing that either (1)Sarah is funding the custody battle or (2) Van Flein is managing the custody litigation pro bono.

    Now, I think that we all believe that some version of (1) is true. The legal expenses are most likely coming from SarahPAC or the AFT. I just can't believe that SP would use her 'own' money for anything when she can get and use bot money instead.

    Yet, the grandson who is the subject of this very expensive legal battle, paid for indirectly by Granny, must go on the public dole for vaccinations and the sniffles. What they will pay for legal expenses could cover Bristol and Tripp for a lifetime.

  26. Of course, Mrs. Palin's not the only hypocrite there-- there are plenty of people in Congress ready to deny Americans the right to a public option, while they (Congress) get top-notch government-provided health care.

  27. Palin is such a chronic liar.

    During the campaign she tried to lie about not having health insurance when she first got married and had kids, but Todd stepped up and told one of the campaign people that they had native coverage.
    She was going to lie about it in a televised interview and they stopped her.

    Now she's lying about it again?

  28. Anon @ 5:39--if the 1.9 million is correct, and with 304 million plus population (2008) that's just 2/3 of one percent. Isn't that a very small segment?

  29. Anonymous6:22 PM

    Anon @5:39: 1,900,000/308,000,000 = .6 percent (approximate figures). I consider that a very small segment.

  30. Holy crap! mxm just made me spray water out of my nose!

    The idea that Van Flein does ANYTHING "pro bono" may be the funniest thing I have heard all day.

    Van Flein is a whore with a capital "W". Tommy-boy is the perfect lawyer for Sarah Palin, both of them can be bought, and neither of them feels at all bad about the horrible things they are willing to do for that money.

  31. Well, well. This is astonishing. The family of Sarah "Death Panels" Palin enjoys FEDERALLY-FUNDED HEALTH COVERAGE.

    Does she receive it as well? Does her adopted baby Trig, who may or may not be in Todd's bloodline, receive it as well?

    I wasn't familiar with the IHS, so I googled a bit. FYI:

    The Indian Health Service (IHS), an agency within the Department of Health and Human Services, is responsible for providing federal health services to American Indians and Alaska Natives. The provision of health services to members of federally-recognized tribes grew out of the special government-to-government relationship between the federal government and Indian tribes. This relationship, established in 1787, is based on Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution, and has been given form and substance by numerous treaties, laws, Supreme Court decisions, and Executive Orders. The IHS is the principal federal health care provider and health advocate for Indian people, and its goal is to raise their health status to the highest possible level. The IHS provides a comprehensive health service delivery system for approximately 1.9 million American Indians and Alaska Natives who belong to 562 federally recognized tribes in 35 states.


    The Alaska Area Indian Health Service (IHS) works in conjunction with Alaska Native Tribes and Tribal Organizations (T/TO) to provide comprehensive health services to 136,065 Alaska Natives (Eskimos, Aleuts, and Indians). Approximately 99% of the Alaska Area budget is managed by T/TOs pursuant to the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act, P.L. 93-638, as amended. The Alaska Area negotiates and administers 16 Title I contracts and one Title V compact with 24 separate tribal funding agreements. The latter has resulted in the Alaska Tribal Health Compact, which sets forth terms and conditions for tribal management of a comprehensive system of health care that covers all 228 federally recognized tribes in Alaska.

    IHS-funded, tribally-managed hospitals are located in Anchorage, Barrow, Bethel, Dillingham, Kotzebue, Nome and Sitka. There are 37 tribal health centers, 166 tribal community health aide clinics and five residential substance abuse treatment centers. The Alaska Native Medical Center in Anchorage is the state-wide referral center and gatekeeper for specialty care. Other health promotion/disease prevention programs that are state-wide in scope are operated by the Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium (ANTHC), which is managed by representatives of all Alaska tribes.

    There are 37 residual positions in the Alaska Area IHS, which perform inherently federal functions that cannot be contracted to T/TOs. The Alaska Area supports USPHS Commissioned Corps officers and civil service employees to T/TOs to aide them in the provision of health services. Additionally, to address the critical shortage of medical providers in remote facilities, the Alaska Area IHS awards federal personal services contracts for itinerant and emergency providers to work in tribal facilities. During FY 2008, providers hired through Area Office PSCs numbered 61 dentists, 42 physicians and 36 pharmacists. Other federal agencies such as the Arctic Investigations Laboratory of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), work closely with the Alaska Area IHS and the tribes to improve the health status of Alaska Natives.

    The Indian Health Service still holds title to six tribally operated hospitals and three tribally operated health centers in Alaska, and is responsible for their maintenance.

  32. CGinWI7:07 PM

    Sarah is Van Flein's cash cow. Wouldn't it be funny if he turned out to be cooking the books, or coming up with endless new ideas for places she needs to litigate just to keep his fees flowing? In other words, it would be so delightful to think that he is grifting her.

    She doesn't trust many people, but she seems to trust him. Not that he would want to kill the goose laying golden eggs, or moose turds, or whatever. Still, he's in an awfully good position to make her the mark for once.

  33. Gryphen,

    Glad to be useful, just not like a netti pot though. :)

  34. But wait, if Trig is not Todd's child then it should not be covered. someone should sue to get a blood test to see if that child is getting Native coverage through fraud!
    Somehow I know Sarah lied on government documents.

  35. Anonymous7:58 PM

    1.) Gryph, PLEASE let us know whether this free health care includes dental care. That's a huge expense for any family with children. I'd love to know whether, if it is available, the Palins take advantage of it.

    2.) The same expose must be made with respect to Trig – particularly if it is discovered that he is not a blood relative of Todd Palin. And can some Alaskan who knows please tell us what kind of proof is needed, if any, for these infants to receive the free care.

    3.) As to Sarah's AND BRISTOL'S plastic surgery, I doubt she has paid for any of it: it is just NOT IN HER NATURE TO PAY FOR ANYTHING HERSELF. If my hunch is correct, it was paid for by the Alaska Fund Trust and/or SarahPAC. If my hunch is correct, THAT would be an interesting expose as well.

    4.) Did this free health care pay for Diana Palin's rehab? Has it paid for rehab for any of the three oldest Palin children?

    5.) So: Government assistance to help pay for necessary health care is 'Death Panels' for everyone else, and an entitlement of status for Sarah and her family. This hypocrisy must be repeated, loud and clear, until the cows come home. Eventually, some of the bots will see through this and, when it comes time for them to be denied the same benefits, resent her greatly.

    6.) The GOP is rife with the 'one standard for us' and 'a totally different standard for you' crap. That is its entire MO. Can we even fathom the degree to which such party leaders must utterly despise and contemn us to lie to, emotionally manipulate, and attempt to brainwash us to this degree?

  36. Anonymous10:09 PM

    I can't help but think about the email Todd sent about taking care of the question about Trig's birth certificate 'by phone'.

  37. Gasman10:14 PM

    Well la-di-friggin’-da! One of the Palin clan is taking advantage of - GASP! - SOCIALIZED MEDICINE? If the teabaggers weren’t pissed at Palin before, they sure are now. Do you think they would understand or accept ANY explanation for this?

    I would LOVE to hear Palin try and spin this one. It would be as good as the Couric interviews.

  38. The thing that cracks me up is that all of this wouldn't have come to light if she had any common sense. Just like all the skeletons came tumbling out when she didn't blink when McCain asked her to be the VP candidate, she blows it and lets her ghost writer transcribe the BS she made up for that work of fiction. In her vindictive greed in the case of the grand kid Tripp, this comes to light. Keep up that common sense, $P/ Granny Grifter! It's going to be so great when it all comes crumbling down on this lying fraud. Didn't someone about 10 days ago say that the reason the Paylins had so much more than they could seemingly afford and the reason so many in AK were afraid was that the Paylins and their politician friends were involved in the drug trade? It wouldn't surprise me at this point. Buying stock in popcorn companies here.

  39. Anonymous11:08 PM

    Loons. Scary.

  40. Anonymous11:13 PM

    I would think that Trig is getting Medicare. Most DS children do qualify since they would be turned down for private plans.

  41. Anonymous1:26 AM

    Just two observations.
    One, while Mom and Pop Palin had government healthcare, they were active in an organization to secede from the country?

    Two, if Trig is covered, why doesn't he (appear) to have received proper medical treatment for his "condition". I guess it's alright to say the t-word...Tri-G.

  42. FEDUP!!!2:39 AM

    I just thought of something: Since she got/gets all free healthcare and other free services for all of her kids with Toad: How about Track (and possibly Piper) Menard? Is Menard a part First People also, too? I don't think so...

    So, homework for some of you First people up there: What is the penalty for fraudulently claiming to be part Native?
    Should $carah Paylin have to pay back all the medical and other free care/services she got for being married to Toad and supposedly having his kids, but in reality having one or two cuckoo birds in her nest? I sure think so. And, also, too, she should be made to pay reparations to the First Nations People for having taken away services from them that rightfully belonged to them but some of them could not get, because she usurped the services for her brood.

    Two words: DNA TESTING on ALL her offspring!!!

  43. Anonymous3:46 AM

    Van Flein will be tossed under the bus like everyone else in the Palin vortex.

    But he'll have more loot than the usual toss-ee.

  44. Anonymous4:03 AM

    So what ?

  45. Anonymous5:39 AM

    Anon: I don't think you can get medicaid unless you are poor. Just because no plan will take Trig doesn't mean you get medicaid.

    that is why we need reform

  46. Anonymous5:42 AM

    Regarding tribal blood lines and eligibility. In most (all, I think) states, the child's legal father is the husband of the woman who gave birth, unless someone petitions the court to intervene. I believe in such a case the husband can choose whether to maintain paternity, or allow the biological father to claim paternity. In one case I know about specifically they actually had to have the biological father adopt his biological child, withthe consent of the legal father (husband of the woman at time she gave birth).
    I don't know if this holds true for tribes or not, but I would think so. Things get so messy and uncertain otherwise, but it would be doable, and perhaps it's that hte husband is the presumed father unless it is shown otherwise.
    Anyone know the legal standing on this.

  47. Anonymous5:54 AM

    Isn't there someway we can sue the Palin's for fraud so they are forced to have dna tests for all? After all, if any of those children are not todd's, haven't they been frauding the us government for their healthcare?

  48. Anonymous6:19 AM

    Just want to throw a little hope your way.

    An insider has aquired hair samples from both Trig and Sarah. With all her recent travels and the way she pawns that baby off she did not gaurd carefully.

    They are at a lab being tested a this very moment anonymously.

    Depending on the results the person who aquired the samples is willing to take a lie detector test and will go to the media.

    Have a great day!

  49. I wonder what kind of socialist heath care Trig is getting?
    Services that are guaranteed to all disabled persons?
    Will she decide to give it back?

  50. Anonymous6:38 AM

    Does anyone know if Trig gets government-administered health care? That would be the epitome of hypocrisy.

  51. Donna6:47 AM

    Off topic but enjoyable--that ghastly book of hers is off the NYT best sellers list. That didn't last long.

  52. Anonymous8:43 AM

    Off the best sellers ......... after only 4 months and 2 million copies.

    Name another politician who has done better.

  53. Anonymous9:04 AM

    How many did you buy, sucker(anon 8:43)?

  54. Anonymous9:06 AM

    Do the Palins receive SSI or SSA benefits for Trig? After all, he's considered disabled.

    I really have some problems with basically white people receiving Native health benefits, people who are so removed from Native customs and living for it to be ridiculous. I suppose it's fairly easy in AK for someone whose white grandfather married a Native Alaskan 100 yrs ago to continue getting benefits for future generations, from the way it sounds.

    That just isn't right. When you get past 1/8 Native blood, and the percentage starts shrinking with each generation, what's the point when you're living white, except to rip off the system?

    Many Americans would qualify for benefits if we included people with 1/16, 1/32 Native blood, but we don't, whether it's an individual decision or a tribal one.

  55. Anonymous9:18 AM

    Anonymous at 8:43 am: Bulk sales might add up to numbers of books, but not numbers read, and which also translates to a the Tea Party poll which showed Palin at a 7% approval rating. Those books are still being given away and sold cheap. Not a "best seller" in the classic sense whatsoever, and as usual, like Palin herself, very dishonest.

  56. Anonymous9:28 AM

    Want to bet the Palin's are collecting Social Security Disability payments for their DS child? And yes, that would entitle a person to Medicare coverage if they are disabled. So, what is it? Native Alaskan or Medicare benefits or... both?

  57. FEDUP!!!9:29 AM

    Anon @ 6:19: I hope you are right, and I hope they got the correct hair from $carah - after all, both she as well as Bri$tol are wearing fake hair (i.e. hair extensions).

    OTOH, I wonder if Br$tol is not covered by her parents insurance still. She is supposedly not married (? since we saw the wedding ring on Levi's thumb), and also, too, she is under 25, (supposedly) going full time to school, and still living with Grifter-granny. So, at least *she* should be covered - don't know about her boy.

  58. Anonymous11:30 AM

    Let me see if I understand where you people are coming from:

    First you want Sarah and the Palins to stay out of Bristol and Levi's court case. You want Bristol to be out on her own making her own decisions without Palins' input. Do I have that part right??

    Second, you want the Palins to take care of their grandson's medical insurance and care so that Bristol doesn't get free medical care for her baby from the government. Do I have that part right??

    Hmmmmmmm....don't those two things seem to be in conflict with each other. And, where does Levi's reponsibility come into play? Doesn't Levi's father, the grandfather of Tripp also have a job and why don't you think maybe he might help Levi out in support for his grandson??? At least for medical care that seems reasonable to me. Palins are providing shelter, probably food, Levi's father could provide medical insurance for his grandson.

    All this seems rather strange to lots of people....rather inconsistent.

  59. Anonymous11:43 AM

    My sis is a doc at ANMC (AK Native Med Center). Long ago she & I had the discussion re: the health care hypocrisy, as my sis has seen the Palin girls there, receiving care, many times.

  60. Anonymous1:37 PM

    Anonymous at 11:30,

    I don't think anyone objects to the Palin clan contributing to their grandson's medical care. It is the hypocrisy involved with her "death panel" diatribes designed to keep a public option out of the hands of other Americans who need that type of coverage when her own family, including the son of her unwed daughter, take advantage of that same type of option even when they can well afford standard health coverage.

  61. honestyinGov2:27 PM

    I was just reading the post up on Palingates and it ties in to what Shannyn's post was as well.

    I think one of the BIGGEST parts of this Hypocrisy as well is this question. I posed the question to Patrick and PG as well.Worth maybe a story post or an Update.

    Question :What is the Average Income of the OTHER people ( other than the Grifter Family)who use the Native Health Services ?
    Use THAT figure as a comparison to what the Palins earn. Because after all... isn't She just the ' AVERAGE ' hockey Mom?( snark off ) Might be worth another post by Shannyn on Huffpo.

  62. Anonymous3:06 PM

    If Sarah was so terrified of the death panels and rationing that go along with government-run health care (so terrified that she evoked the name of her song, Trig), she would spend some of her money on private insurance for her grandson.

    If you thought your grandchild was in mortal danger, wouldn't you shell out some cash to help him?

  63. Anonymous3:19 PM

    For talking purposes, lets say that Trig is Todd's son which makes Trig "partial" Native American and with Sarah not being Native American, but is an Alaskan-Ho, is Trig still covered?

  64. Anonymous3:47 PM

    Ummm, that is the problem..Levi wanted$300. (I think) deducted from his child support payment but the PAYlins declined citing the Native Healthcare.
    And its not the issue of who's getting what...except the PAYlins can afford private ins. and after Granny railed about NO BIG GOV! NO FEDS! ENTITLEMENTS! DEATH PANELS! BLAH,BLAH,BLAH!... but its ok for her Kids and gran kids to receive it? Pretty funny, Pretty hypocritical!
    Can't wait for her, and the cons and teagaggies to spin this one!

  65. This answers a couple of questions from way back at PD: The NA health care available to Todd's blood line is good enough for the Palins to use; and if Trig is Bristol's son, he could have gotten that care without Todd claiming to be Trig's father. Could still be a reason for Babygate if Trig's bio mom were someone on Sarah's side, like Molly, or someone unrelated.

    Diana Palin does not have the same part-Yupik mother as Todd does. She would not have received this free care.

    I don't think Van Flein's argument makes sense. Most states' child support laws require the paying parent to provide the health insurance, and the laws increase the cash amount if the paying parent can't provide that insurance, so that the parents with primary custody can pay it.

    Levi is saying he should pay the lower amount because he does not need to give Bristol extra money to pay for Tripp's health insurance. Makes sense.

  66. Anonymous5:18 PM

    Anon 6:19
    I wish i believed you!
    I also hope that the source got real hair and not wig hair from Sarah. While they are at it, drug test Sarah's hair . I bet they'd find quite an assortment of pharamceuticasl there.
    I wish it was true what you posted!

  67. Anonymous7:17 PM

    Shouldn't a dad decide where his child should receive his medical care? If Mr. Johnston wants his son to be treated elsewhere than at ANMC isn't that his business? That's not for an attorney to decide. The mere fact that such medical care is available to Trip doesn't mean Trip is obliged to be treated there always. Also ANMC bills insurance companies as well. So, everything isn't conveniently black and white or (brown and white as the case may be). Mr Van Flea may decide where any progeny he may have are medically treated and Mr. Johnston has exactly that same parental right, among others.


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