Thursday, February 18, 2010

Keith Olbermann discusses with Markos Moulitsas the tread marks left on the Teabaggers after Sarah Palin threw them under the bus.

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You know with all of the people that are now under the Palin bus I would be surprised if its wheels still even touched the ground.


  1. Anonymous6:04 AM

    I wrote yesterday that $arah should ask her 'bots to send more $$$ - she needs a new bus. : )

  2. Anonymous7:02 AM

    I believe it was John Stossel who had a regular segment on 20/20 called "The Fleecing of America". That is an apt description of what the grifter Paylin is doing. Isn't he on Fox now? Maybe he could do a story on the grifters from Wasilla. And while he's at it, demand to see Trig's birth certificate. Now wouldn't that be special...

  3. Would that be to get out of town !For good .

  4. Watch out for the red herrings! Babygate was first brought to light to the general public by DKOS a year and a half ago, and Markos specifically forbade any further mention of it on his so-called progressive blog. This clown is as much to blame for putting the witch in The White House as anyone else!

  5. Anonymous9:06 AM


    Keith Olbermann and Markos Moulitsas discuss the tread etc.

  6. Sharon in FL9:12 AM

    There's a new Facebook site that some of you may be interested in. It was only started a week or so ago. The inspiration was Stephen Colbert's show about Palin, Rush & Rahm Emanuel. Appears it's going to be popular and just remember, it's only satire! LOL

    "Sarah Palin is a Fucking Retard"

  7. Anonymous10:19 AM

    Sarah Palin can't work both sides of the street at the same time without revealing that her scam is only to make money. So if Sarah gets the Tea Baggers to join the GOP that means Sarah does not have to pick sides which equates to more money for her. If Sarah is successful, all she has to worry about is getting Levi's last dime.

    Don’t mess with “Sarah the Barracuda”

  8. I wonder if the reason Sarah Palin has been wearing her hair down around her face these days has been because she read my comments about her chimpanzee ears...

    (I'm sorry, I usually only criticize Sarah Palin's appearance for her obvious plastic surgery mistakes, but I haven't been able to resist commenting on those ears, which have been a source of "weird science" fascination for me since the rumors -- debunked -- of her using an earpiece in the Biden/Palin debate)

  9. I agree with Floyd. Daily Kos is typical of the "liberal elite media" that Palin just hates so much but which have actually protected her because they're too snooty and particular to delve into babygate. It's beneath them. Idiots.

  10. It doesn't matter which. Just pick a party and run was the advice given by AIP's Dexter Clark, wasn't it?

    In fact, he made that statement to a group of secessionist-minded folks during the same meeting where HE STATED OUTLOUD that Sarah Palin, herself, had been a member of the Alaskan Independence Party. He said this referring to the period of time before she became the mayor.

    AIP MO R/D Either/Or--it doesn't matter, just get elected and then do your dirty work from the inside.

    Ding, ding, ding, ding. Sound familiar, anyone?

  11. "Don't mess with "Sarah the Barracuda""

    Some of us LIVE to mess with Sarah the Barracuda. I have champagne on ice for the day she quits spiraling the drain and somebody finally pulls "flush."

  12. Don't mess with Sarah? That's particularly funny because she's her own worst enemy! Nobody needs to mess with her-- she's doing an unbelievable hatchet job on herself.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.