Friday, February 26, 2010

Sarah Palin responds to questions about Teabaggers whilst standing in a Wasilla Winter Wonderland and giving the ghost of Ronald Reagan a handjob.

Nice to know that if you are NOT a Teabagger you don't believe in freedom. So I guess freedom from joining a particular movement is not an AMERICAN freedom. Good to know. I should probably write that down. Can I borrow your hand Sarah?

"Take over the Republican party Tea Partiers!" Because you know nothing says "democracy" like a hostile take over of a political organization.

I do like one of her often repeated statements however "Hey bottom line, we win, you lose."

Perhaps somebody needs to remind her that in the last election Obama won, and she and her and her creepy old uncle lost. And the reason they lost is because when the Republican were in power they damn near destroyed the very foundation of our country.

And THAT, by the way, is what the Teabaggers are REALLY pissed off about, which they could possibly see if they would stop focusing for a minute on the fact that President Obama is a black guy.

Does anybody else think that Palin looks a little high strung and agitated? Gee I wonder what could possibly be bothering her?

By the way there is really not that much of a delay between the question and the answer when being interviewed in Alaska from the lower forty eight. However if Palin has not had time to write the answers on her hands it takes her an extra few seconds to decide which memorized conservative talking point to vomit forth.

"Less taxes!"


"Common sense"

"Smaller government!"

And if she can't come up with anything she just licks her botox deadened lips and whispers "Reagan". That is political porn to the viewers of Fox News.

By the way do you know WHO believes that fixing this government is "not all that complicated"? People who have no earthly idea of how complicated it is to fix our government!. And there is nothing "common" about the "sense" it takes to get America out of the ditch the Republicans drove this nation into.

Update: The Daily Beast has Palin defending her hand notes during this same interview.

See kids? It makes perfect "common sense" and does NOT mean that Sarah Palin is a moron. She is just demonstrating how simple and poorly thought out she believes the message for winning candidates has to be.

And yes, she is VERY agitated.


  1. Tantef7:11 AM

    I lasted 45 seconds, how do you stand this stuff? Gryph you must have stainless steel unruffled ears.

  2. Anonymous7:25 AM

    What did she say exactly?

  3. Anonymous7:28 AM

    I thought "how precious"...Not!

  4. Irishgirl7:31 AM

    RUFL Tantef. I listened to the whole lot. It was the same nonsensical shite that she usually spews.

  5. Anonymous7:31 AM

    High strung and agitated in the same way she delivered her quitter speech. Shrill. Going into internal meltdown.

  6. Oh for Christ's sake. I wonder how Hannity keeps from laughing.

  7. Anonymous7:35 AM

    Here is the transcript for this lovely piece of work:,2933,587480,00.html

    Warning: Do NOT read on a full stomach.

  8. I don't know if she looked any more agitated than usual, but definitely more stupid. What did she say? Really? The one thing I did hear her clearly say, is that the Tea Partiers should take over the Republican Party. Yes. She really said that? How can that not be political suicide. How in the world could any self-respecting Republican not go after her with their guns blazing. The Republicans LOVE their GOP. They don't really have a party right now, but they still think they do. And by God, they are Republicans. And they hate us liberals. And are they really going to tolerate anyone telling them they should be taken over?

  9. Anonymous7:39 AM

    Hey, tea partiers! Just join the republican party, infiltrate it, act solely on your basest emotions rather than rational thought or gray matter (or the understanding that we are ALL IN THIS TOGETHER – as Lincoln well understood), and poof! The republican party will INSTANTLY break away from its corporate puppet masters and listen only to what YOU have to say! Hey, kids!! This is a cartoon!! Send in your box tops and get this FREE ENTIRE WORLD – with NO RULES!!!! And don't forget: a STRONG MILITARY (ie, the corporate military industrial complex that currently runs the world, the country, and the republican party) WILL ACTUALLY give you FREEDOM – AND (by bombing ethnically different women and children in poor nations) it WILL ACTUALLY PROMOTE PEACE IN THE WORLD!!!

    Hey, come to think about it, I wonder how many special interests from the corporate military industrial complex are now advising her with respect to repeating the mantra about the need for a stronger military? After all, 737-plus American military bases around the world just isn't enough to protect our interests here at home and to promote democrazy (intended spelling) abroad.

  10. Anonymous7:41 AM

    I also, too, couldn't listen to the complete 'tape' of Sarah's easy way to fix government.

    We really need her stopped, along with her behind-the-scene handlers.

    Every time I woke up a bit last night, the refrain "...and another one bites the dust..." was playing in my head. It must have been wishful thinking from all the online stories, theories, from the last few days. I was hoping that the proverbial SHTF overnight, but I see that we are not quite there yet.

    Hope it is soon!

  11. Anonymous7:41 AM

    Speaking of "political porn"...I wanted to mention I thought EXACTLY the same thing when watching $arah giving her PREPARED answers to the PRE-APPROVED questions of the STAGED Q&A portion at the Tea Party Convention in Nashville. Perhaps I missed it, but I have been waiting for someone to post the vidio showing how she rubs up-and-down on her leg while sitting down. I have seen her do this during interviews on several shows, and I am totally convinced she does this purposely. This would just be to much fun...for someone to combine some of these leg rubs with winks winks, and lick lick lips videos!

  12. Anonymous7:43 AM

    Hannity says she is outside in 20 degree weather.

    Well that just proves she is braindead & can't feel cold.

    Also, too, she is effing retarded still.

  13. Anonymous7:45 AM


  14. Anonymous7:45 AM

    Also, it those 3 items written on her hand are her common sense solutions why can't she remember them, and still has to write them on her hand.

  15. Anonymous7:47 AM

    Too funny, she just thinks she can bullshit her way through everything, doesn't she?

    Man she sounds shrill. And who knows what kinda downers they had to put her on just to function today.

    Damn, she just had to prove she could remember those talking points without looking at her hand didn't she? She can not ignore criticism, can she? What, did she use the teleprompter this time?

    And Hannity, get a clue brother. As long as you pretend Palin has a brain, you have lost your credibility.

  16. Anonymous7:48 AM

    So her hand is the "poor man's teleprompter." Okay, I can buy that. Is that the same "teleprompter" that is a object of ridicule?

    And correct me if I'm wrong, but I think most speakers do not use a teleprompter to answer questions! That would essentially require someone else to be answering the question - sort of setting up a "ghost speaker" (a teleprompter to answer questions is like a ghost writer to write a book).

  17. indylindy7:49 AM

    I suffered through those 2 videos. Man, that woman irritates the hell out of me!

    Gryph you are right she is VERY agitated! Reminds me a little of the Quitter speech...she is definitely on edge and ready to "go off"

    Please send her into orbit soon Gryph!!

  18. GrainneKathleen7:51 AM

    too bad that the teabaggers couldn't afford an elitist teleprompter, so sarah had to resort to the "poor man's teleprompter." yet all hail, and allelujah that the solution to all our problems in this country has miraculously appeared in fairly large print right on the palm of the quitta' from wasilla's hand. kind of like Christ and the stigmata. will no one show to president Obama this miracle from the north? doesn't even the anti-christ know a miracle when he sees one? i wish the solution to all my problems would appear on my hand. in my own handwriting. with mistakes d=crossed out.

  19. laprofesora7:52 AM

    Isn't she sick of hearing herself puke out the same stuff over and over again? I sure am and I'm sure others are, too. How about an original thought Scarah? Oh, never mind.

  20. Anonymous7:54 AM

    What say ruh's world needs now is more sychophants.

  21. Anonymous7:55 AM

    I loved Hannity's comment about the winter wonderland... dumb woman (if only she were dumb!) doesn't have the brains to put on a coat in sub freezing temperatures!

  22. That lighter hair color does not work on her. Very unflattering particularly that she's lost weight in her face. She looks older with it.

  23. Kathi In NJ7:56 AM

    Amen to that Tantef- I cannot listen for longer than a few seconds. So happy she's finally feeling karma's cold chill and I cannot wait until she's nothing more than a Trivial Pursuit item.

  24. Anonymous7:57 AM

    She is beyond ridiculous. Please make the bad lady go away.

  25. what a douchebag7:57 AM

    Sarah Palin is a Fcking Rtard.

  26. indylindy8:03 AM

    And another thing...I wanted to puke when she said writing on her hand is the "poor man's teleprompter". That woman is definitely not poor!

  27. She thinks Americans who fail to embrace the Tea Party movement are unpatroitic and not 'real' Americans. Talk about devisive elitism. How do y'all have the intestinal fortitude to even listen to this garbage?

  28. Anonymous8:04 AM

    20 degrees, huh?
    she can't even tell the truth about the weather.
    i'd say at that time of day yesterday it was hovering around 32.
    right, gryph

  29. laprofesora8:13 AM

    Man, she looks HARSH. Those eyebrows are headed for the stratosphere. I am SO sick of her saying how "simple" the solutions are. The only thing simple is YOU Scarah. Nobody with two brain cells to rub together thinks fixing the problems in this country are "simple". BTW, I guess Hannity's all she's got left since BOR said she needs to go to college...implying that she didn't learn anything the first five times she went!!! And why is the nutcase outside, didn't FOX build her a brand new studio??? She's too stupid to come in from the cold (and she didn't appear cold, Seannie, 'cause her face is already frozen with botox.)

  30. Anonymous8:15 AM

    She wants the Tea Party to take over the Republican Party? Like they will let them? She is so divisive. Nancy Reagan must cringe, everytime Palin quotes Ronald Reagan. Maybe Nancy can do an Andrea Friedman, and slap this lady, so she will quit using the Reagan name.

  31. Lisabeth8:17 AM

    Botox deadened lips!?!? Lol too funny and gross too!!
    I can't believe how boring she is and she repeats the same sound bites over and over. She makes Hannity look smart which is scary. The people who actually take these dopes seriously are quite scary....
    PS I hate commenting on looks but she looks scary too. Very frozen and plastic also too!
    PPS I hope more is coming about the multiple babies because some of the conjecturing is starting to sound crazy. To me, it's better to stick with the obvious and that is that Sarah did not give birth to any baby in 2008 and told major lies to the public. There are definitely differerent Trigs. Congenital ear defects like that only change with surgery and he's way too young. I worked as a doctor of Audiology for 20 plus ears! The baby with the abnormalities was very premature. It's sad- my guess is the story is very sad. That makes Sarah look even more sick and evil to me for weaving this huge web of lies that really only helped her politically. Can you think of anything more selfish????

    For the sake of the Palin kids and Johnstons, the whole TRUTH needs to come out. And it will. There is no way something so sick and convoluted can stay a secret forever.

    Also too damn you John McCain...!!!! And to the MSM- you have done a terrible job!!!! In the history books, McCain and the MSM (and greedy Scarah) are not going to look good. I have stopped trusting most of our news. It's all based on ratings not truth.

  32. BAustin8:17 AM

    I know Alaskans are tough and used to the cold...but why do an interview outside in 20 degree weather with no coat?

    Also, too, there were these weird lines un either side of her face just under her made her literally look like a puppet talking...maybe bad lighting but it creeped me out. And was that her real hair?

    P.S. Hannity is a tool and Palin had her sing songy-I-am-lying-or-don't-know-what-I-am-saying voice.

  33. Anonymous8:18 AM

    She said the exact same thing she always does. Nothing.

  34. Anonymous8:21 AM

    is it good to mix Valium, Valtrex, and Lithium at the same time?

  35. "And Hannity, get a clue brother. As long as you pretend Palin has a brain, you have lost your credibility."

    When did he have any?

  36. Anonymous8:26 AM

    She's still trying to justifying keeping the 140K the teapartiers paid her.

  37. Anonymous8:27 AM

    Dayum, I almost nodded off...


  38. Anonymous8:28 AM

    Sorry... I just can not listen to her, it makes my skin crawl... (she and hate radio, faux news, etc.) but I'm sure it's the same old, same old. I can say, she looks like SH**. What a self-inflicted, tragic life.

  39. Anonymous8:29 AM

    Did he ask about Meg? Or is that on the list of things not to mention to the queen?

  40. Anonymous8:29 AM

    So 7 speeches in 4 days and you still couldn't remember your basic talking points?

    Sarah, you're a reeeeetard!

  41. Anonymous8:31 AM

    It's no big deal that an Alaskan would stand outside dressed as $carah in 20 degree weather. That's like a heat wave in February! Plenty of folks run around in shorts and t-shirts when the weather climbs into the 30's. Winters in these parts are usually much colder in Jan-Feb, definitely subzero. So by comparison, when temps are 30-40 degrees higher than normal, it is easy to stand there with no coat on. Any Alaskan will tell you this. It's called climate acclimation.

  42. Anne NC8:31 AM

    Poor Quitter Queen, gotta love the excuse for having the notes on her hand at the TP convention, complaining that she had 7 speeches in 4 days. So that's why she needed those notes? But, wait a minute! Wasn't the TP speech the first speech she gave? she should have been prepared for that one especially since the questions were written ahead of time for her.

    She still says nothing but the same old b.s. If it were really that easy to fix the problems in this country, Stupid $arah, it would be done already. Yes, she does look agitated. Could Hannity be anymore of a suck-up?! He practically drools every time he talks to her.

  43. Anonymous8:31 AM

    Oh please. We've had more snow here in Phila than Wasilla has had this year. Not wearing a jacket in the cold is not tough, it's stooopid. Or is she so drugged up that she can't sense her environment properly?? She is both stoopid and druged.
    I love the time delay - it gives her ghost whisperer time to feed her answers!!

  44. Anonymous8:32 AM

    So it's 20degrees outside? BFD! I live in northern MN and we run around in shorts when it's 20.

  45. Rationalist8:37 AM

    Best blog post title ever. Thank you.

  46. Anonymous8:37 AM

    Anon at 7:48 is correct. Most speakers do not use a teleprompter to remember answers to questions unless they 1) know the questions beforehand and 2) are too damned stupid to remember the answers.
    Old Granny has used electronic teleprompters in the past and there are plenty of photos of her doing to.

  47. Anonymous8:40 AM

    She is always so shrill, great blog Gryphen! You are right with the 4 second(?) time delay she looks like a twit.

    Not a peep or a tweet about Megs departure! hmmm that can't be good. I always wondered why Megamouth lasted as long as she did, she said the most awful things and made O'Palin look worse, if that is possible. O'Palin did have time to tweet about the US women's hockey, but did not acknowledge that they lost to Canada

    How are those high eyebrows and over processed hair working out for ya??? Yikes she is looking horrendous.

  48. fromthediagonal8:44 AM

    Re all the comments about the weather. Ok, so there may not have been enough of a breeze to move anything behind her, but I did not notice a single hair moving other than when she did the Limbaugh thing of bouncing up and down while speaking. Did any of you?
    Also, there was major lighting trained upon her. Notice the shadows on her skin from hair and shirt! Would not be surprised if she has a variety of background pictures in that newly built studio.

  49. GermanGoodness8:45 AM

    I think Hannity needs a napkin to wipe the slobber off his chin.

    Poor man's teleprompter, my ass. You would think that if she gave that many speeches in that many days, she would remember her own talking points.

    No, Sarah. You're just a moron.

  50. Anonymous8:45 AM

    Geesh, Gryphen, I was still drinking my coffee when I read your headline - you owe my monitor an apology :)

    And yeah, tense much, Mrs. Palin?

  51. Anonymous8:46 AM

    Oh please...please...please...please!
    Someone hire Palin to play a role in a Shakespeare play. Ophelia, Lady MacBeth, Hamlet even!

    I absolutely guarantee it will be the most hilarious thing anyone could ever imagine!

  52. Anonymous8:50 AM

    The reason there is a longer than usual delay between the PRE-APPROVED questions asked by Hannity is that she is waiting for her PRE-WRITTEN answers to be put up on the teleprompter...just like she read her written resignation from a telepromter! She is batshit crrrrrazy!

  53. GermanGoodness8:51 AM

    Another thing. I read on WaPo this morning an article about The Coffee Party movement - the antithesis to the Tea Party.

    I invite you to take a look at what they stand for. They make sense to me, and I've thought for a long time that we need something to counter these extreme right-wing lunatics. Because, in my opinion, many of the Democrats ain't cuttin' it (Obama excluded).

  54. Anonymous8:52 AM

    Speaking about writing on her hand, there was a moment in the Katie couric interview when she was struggling for words and she looked down for a few seconds and she didn't have cards, so I think she was reading her hand there too, how unprofessional and junior high

  55. Anonymous8:52 AM

    WHO IS THAT WOMAN? Seriously, is it a bad clone? She looks nothing like she used to look.

  56. Anonymous8:53 AM

    Now she even has taken to the lie that the notes on her hand were written as she dashed to the podium to make her speech. No, Sarah. You read your speech off index cards. The notes were for the Q & A. She even lies about stupid stuff like that.

  57. imnofred8:55 AM

    Apparently, being President pretty easy. And getting elected will be easy, too, as long as you use a few buzz words.

    Sarah has it all figured out. We should measure the drapes for her in the White House.

  58. Interesting. If you watch SP's interview with the sound off you see much more clearly the dominance of angry and sneering expressions in her face. Not really emotional stuff they're talking about, but it all seems coated in bitterness and sarcasm on her end. I continue to find it galling beyond belief that this woman, out of all possible people, gets to have a microphone for her divisive slogans over and over again.

  59. Anonymous8:56 AM

    If you believe that Sarah Palin sat through 7 hours of the health care summit, I've got a bridge.....

  60. Anonymous8:58 AM

    Can you imagine how badly her world is coming unraveled? Maybe a few in the inner sanctum knew about the baby debacle -- whatever it might be -- but everyone else is now hip to it and her whole local universe is talking about it non-stop. You know there are "friends" looking through pictures, asking each other questions and checking with their cousin's former neighbor who once worked at the hospital to find out the truth.

    I know I was told by John McCain that Alaska is the biggest state in the US. But I'll bet when it comes right down to it, it's just a small town and everyone knows someone who knows someone and the clock is ticking. I'll bet gossip and news flies around at the speed of light. And Sarah knows she's in deep doo-doo.

  61. scarlet/oregon8:58 AM

    Agitated and hair getting blonder and messier....That's about all I got out of suffering through her Tea Party rhetoric.

    Between $arah with her AIP/Tea Party connections and Hannity with his neo-nazi/racist & anti-semite friends (Andy Martin & Jerome Corsi to name a couple)it is clear they are made for each other and on the edge of being traitors.

    As Sarah goes on to her NRA crowd next, we watch headlines of random school shootings this month by mentally ill people who had guns that were readily available to them. She cares about pro-life? she cares about the money she'll get from the hate-filled fringe to agree with their 'guns for all' mentality.

    She is dangerous to me because she is a 'puppet' winking and blinking to the mobs, while a greater force sits behind her pulling the strings.

  62. Sharon in FL8:59 AM

    Whether it's 20 deg. or 32 deg. and if she's outside, wouldn't her breath show up as she talked? I watched for movement in the background but didn't see anything. I don't think she was outside.

    At the Teabagger Ball, she told the TeaPartiers to join the Repubs. Now she's saying take over the Repubs. Which is it Sarah?

  63. Anonymous9:01 AM

    Imperviousness to cold has long been linked to serious mental illness. So there's that.

  64. emrysa9:01 AM

    sound off... yes, she looks very agitated. maybe it's time to adjust the prescription. it's noticeable that they're now labeling her "contributor" instead of "analyst." too bad, palin as an analyst is a really great joke.

  65. Anonymous9:02 AM

    Several things I noticed in that interview. She is ostentatious - always eager to show off her tough-look-at-me- Grisly Adams-frontierswoman who can stand outside without a coat in 20 degree weather. She acts like no one else can tolerate cold weather like her.

    And, with her hard eye make-up, she looks like the alien in "Close Encounters" movie. The mother alien who comes out of the ship....the tall one.....with the long arms. Her face looks just like on that Hannity interview.

    As far as the content of that interview, she could not answer direct questions about what aspects of the teaparty movement the republican party should embrace? She totally ignored answering that question. The TP's should be starting to see the real Sarah is full of fluff and snowflakes.

  66. Anonymous9:02 AM

    Sarah, thou art a dot of mandationalized moose munching tick spoor on the face of the America.
    Doth the priestist-of-pestilence not
    realize that the tea bag party was formed in protest of the Repugs?
    She's not even on the same page as
    the supporters who were raving about how happy they were that she was supporting them.

    OT: Gryphen's piece,'Palin, a tale of 2 babies,' is on !!!,
    with all the comments, too.

    Sharon TN

  67. Anonymous9:03 AM

    I didnt watch any of it, I never can. I heard you couldnt see her breath. Is that true? I think she looks like she has had more work done. I dont care that she does, its just so fake and so obvious.
    Maybe a little embaressing.

  68. Anonymous9:06 AM

    Does she continually get MORE facework? I swear it looks more fake every time I see her!

    Or maybe I have been looking at so many photos of her with various odd babies....BEFORE.


    What causes the compulsive not controllable blinking? She is all about BLINKY now. Parts of her face move and other parts look stationary. I can't stand the voice and mute does help but the dangerous crazy still comes through. Whatever drug they use does not help. She needs detox and then 4 years of college would help.

  70. Anonymous9:10 AM

    Chin down, Sarah! When you point your chin up and look down your nose your neck looks very manly- and old.

    In the video her eyes looked really puffy- just like they did when she gave the quitter speech. They look like she'd been sobbing and then put on a lot of black eyeliner to cover the swollen lids. She has that "I had a good hard cry" look in both.

  71. Anonymous9:10 AM

    She had NOTES with her at the Nashville gag, I mean, gig and there are multiple shots of her using a real grown-up teleprompter ALL THE TIME.

  72. Anonymous9:12 AM

    Who needs to hear what she has to spew? You could separate the audio and video portions of any $arah appearance, mix them up and never be able to tell the difference.
    What I found interesting is the fact there appears to be no condensation emitting from her mouth along with yesterdays spew. If you are spewing in 20 or 30 degree temperatures shouldn't there be some visible condensation? Oh right, she is the Ice Cold Queen with a plaid wool coat/jacket on btw.

  73. I don't think she will have to plan any of her incredibly important "speaking engagements" to campaign for anyone in the Republican Party. Yes, Sarah that was just another one of your more idiotic, "common sense" solutions. Get a clue woman, the GOP doesn't want their party taken over. She is so obviously on very heavy meds. With Eargate and not having Meg the Mouth to defend her, to quote the Guess Who "She's Come Undone".

  74. Anonymous9:19 AM

    Palin said; "It's not as complicated as some in Washington DC want to make it out to be." No Sarah, it's just you cant understand anything more more complicated than "we win, you lose." Which is of curse her policy on the Afghanistan war, which of course is no policy at all but merely the mindless babble of someone who thinks dropping a few nukes on them is a solution.

  75. laprofesora9:19 AM

    It's HYSTERICAL that she felt compelled to bring up the hand-writing thing. NOBODY asked and yet she still feels a need to defend herself (7 speeches in 4 days...that means your talking points should be pretty automatic, you moron.)It must be one of MANY things really stuck in her craw. She is a MESS, that's the only reason I can watch, to see her self-destruct, bit by bit.

  76. Anonymous9:20 AM

    Ummm Hannity...have you never seen a coat before...Looks like she has one on to me in the still shot.

    TN Mom

  77. Note to self... DO NOT EVER WEAR BLACK EYE LINER. EVER. God I hate when older women rim there eyes with black eye liner. Looks like hell and ages you faster than anything. And the over tweezed brows scream "I'm old!" I used to find her pretty...not any more.
    Oh ya, I should comment on what she was saying, BUT I HAVE NO FREAKIN' IDEA WHAT SHE WAS TRYING TO SAY!

  78. Sharon in Florida9:35 AM

    The Senate adjourned for the weekend without passing the extension for Unemployment benefits or COBRA to continue for 30 days. So much for holding Sen. Bunning's feet to the fire so benefits expire Sunday night.

    My favorite quote is "And when Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.) begged him to drop his objection, Politico reports, Bunning replied: "Tough shit"."

    But hey, all of us without jobs now have the FREEDOM to choose between rent or car payment or rent or food. Or none of the above.

  79. Anonymous9:35 AM

    8:17 AM Lisabeth said...

    Also too damn you John McCain...!!!! And to the MSM- you have done a terrible job!!!! In the history books, McCain and the MSM (and greedy Scarah) are not going to look good. I have stopped trusting most of our news. It's all based on ratings not truth.

    Hear Hear!
    The media failed the Alaskan people in a huge way when they failed to display Sarah's obvious insanity before she got elected to the Governor's position.
    They failed in an even worse way when the let this lunatic loose on the American public without any sort of scrutiny.
    Democracy demands a functioning, even vicious, media.

  80. 10catsinMD9:36 AM

    Remember in Game Change when she was pressured and then shut down. Hope fully that will happen soon here.

    Where does she get this "simple" crap. A country/world as large as ours and she talks as if everything is a simple backyard barbecue.

    Well, she needs to go back to being her hockey mom, only. We live in a large country, and a larger world with massive problems that have mostly been created by less structure, less ethics, less regulations. One where people seem to want to do everything their own way. Wake up girly, your not in Alaska anymore.

    Maybe if we are lucky, she will stay outside and turn into an iceberg!

  81. Gee, if only someone would hurry up and build a time machine, we could send this friggin' idiot back to 1776 to learn a few things about how stupid she really is.

    Considering that Kentucky was declared a "county" of Virginia in December of 1776, maybe we could send her back there--hand her a long rifle, a cow, a butter churn and put her in charge of taking the first census of all her neighbors.

    I dare to say, this hardy Alaskan woman couldn't survive a minute. And, other than adding a passel of brats**** to the population of Boonsboro, she would likely serve no other purpose.

    Apples/Oranges. She has no comprehension that the number of people making up today's population, and the complexity of organizing millions of people into a livable environment, cannot be compared, in any way, to the thinly populated American landscape in those early days--i.e. 1776.

    Okay, forgive me for being really, really mean, here, but I hope that oneday soon this woman chokes on that stupid stinking sh@# that oozes out of her numb skull via her mouth.

    ****I can say this. I am a woman, a mother of three bright and educated daughters and, through several family lines, more than a fourteenth generation American. And, if my guess is right, my Puritan ancestors are out there, somewhere, singing in chorus at this very moment...Amen to that, Nanny B!

    Oh, and just in case you see this, and haven't caught on to my meaning, Sarah, you are an embarrassment and a road block to the future of women everywhere--especially your own daughters. You may be on the top of the pile of sh@# you are shoveling now--but remember, if you succeed, your great grandchildren may no long have your same "status" in the creepy little world you are working so hard to create.

  82. OT Gryphen, but has $P made any comments at all about Meg's departure?

  83. Anonymous9:37 AM

    we're around 70 and sunny here in Phoenix.

    She doesn't "hear" what she says. She just opens her mouth and out come words. They don't make sense and they aren't grammatically correct.

    She has become an expert in F-ing STUPID. I detest Hannity but even he knows she's totally lost.

  84. "Maybe Nancy can do an Andrea Friedman, and slap this lady, so she will quit using the Reagan name."

    I predict that this will happen in the next few months.

  85. Anon@8:31"I love the time delay - it gives her ghost whisperer time to feed her answers!!"

    Funny, huge delay between question and answer. No delay between answer and next question.

    I watched about 6 and a half minutes of the beginning portion before I had to stop. Then her hair was flying around a bit as if there was a breeze, and in these videos I didn't see that. I don't think she was actually outside - maybe carefully posed in front of a picture window. Perhaps they had a window open and then closed it later.

    I think she was given the questions ahead of time, and she still couldn't actually answer them. Didn't Hannity use the word 'specificity' or something like it at least twice in these clips and she never, ever, gave one specific. Sean is loathsome but he's not dumb. He knows exactly how vapid and empty that head of hers is.

    I think the interview was not live, it was edited together. I could be wrong, but I think part of that unusually long delay may have had to do with her being fed talking points by a PointWhisperer, or perhaps the off-camera teleprompter with her canned answers was what was running behind.

    Pure speculation, but since we're talkin' about Sarah, you can't rule out the craziest of ideas.

    She keeps going on about Common Sense Solutions and yet she is constantly the opposite of Ockham's Razor - Call it Palin's Razor: Whatever is most convoluted, outrageous and seemingly devoid of normal reasoning will be the truth when it comes to her and whatever she is involved with.

  86. Oh! Those silly candidates trying to run on complicated issues, what are they thinking! Just say "energy" and "common sense" a lot, you'll win [like me & John]. No one in Washington [whom the People elected in fair democratic process] knows anything, I'm smarter, I know where Bin Laden is by the way also too, and I didn't even haveta watch the boring health care debate to analyze it in brilliantly trenchant remarks [that could just as well have referenced the hockey game].
    And if she's in 20 degree weather how come you can't see her breath??
    ...Meg!! Come back, all is forgiven, hellllllppp!

  87. Anonymous9:42 AM

    How does one get to be interviewed about a health summit they clearly tweeted they did not watch?

  88. Anonymous9:45 AM

    Okay. That made keeping down my lunch a heroic feat.

    She has simply got to get to vocal coach. If her voice becomes any more unpleasant, she could join a band of vultures and we'd have trouble picking her out. (Yes, that was also a comment on her looks.)

    Her face is getting that drawn, hard look that is aging her beyond belief. There is no HD makeup that can hide the rigidity that is settling into her features. I rest easier knowing that the more she tries to do that face, the less attractive it will become over time. If her face is her fortune, she is going broke.

    When she tried to sound and act enthusiastic, she simply looked sadly comic. She has succeeded in making herself into a caricature (not that she hasn't been one all along), but now it has little to do with one's political perspective because it is just a matter of what she looks like and how she acts. Turn down the sound (which improves everything immediately) and watch the clips again (hey - I didn't say it wouldn't be painful).

    She is simply losing it. Her performance is not "edgy," it is ragged.

    I would comment on the content of what she said, but I couldn't find anything substantive there.

    "All style and no substance" has been said about her. Now, sadly, the style is crumpling and rusting as we watch.

  89. Anonymous9:45 AM

    Has anyone else noticed the very prominent lines at the sides of her mouth???? Plus there looks like there's swelling on the right side of her face. I watched with the sound off, so it really jumped out at me. What in the world is going on with her face?

  90. cindiloohoo9:46 AM

    If she's standing outside in 20 degree weather and talking, why can't we see the fog from her breath? Same old, same old FAKE.

  91. Anonymous9:52 AM

    The "mentally unstable" part is showing.

  92. Anonymous9:52 AM

    Sorry Meg, as of today Sarah's Facebook has not recognized your dedication and hard work and I guess Sarah does not wish you well. Just the usual complaints about Obama, you remember those days? Don't ya?

    Maybe tomorrow?

  93. Anonymous9:53 AM

    I think when she says "poor man's telepromptor" it to continue building on this us vs. them brand she's got; where the "them" are East Coast Elites and the "us" is hockey moms in the heartland.

    Also - she is stunningly thin. She does look haggered, tired and beyond, beyond. She is in full hunkered mode at the lake. She's got to get out of AK back to adoring crowds - it's the only place she feels alive and in control.

    And, in looking at the pic of Trig held by Sally a scant 10 hours after his birth (b/c I'm on the notion Sarah really did birth him, just not with the details she has provided) - he looks way to chubby-cheeked for a one month early baby. That simply can't be right.

  94. Anonymous9:54 AM

    notice at the 35 sec mark in the second video, she looks down at her hand or notes.

  95. Anonymous9:57 AM

    Where's Ruffled ear Trig or DS Trig or Willow?

    I see snow, are the Trigs wearing clothes today?

  96. Anonymous9:58 AM

    Trig is more intelligent than her and he's only 2!!

  97. crystalwolf aka caligrl10:01 AM

    Yeah Gryphen, she's definitely ready for another Quitter speech! She's very agitated and angry...
    and now she is telling the teabaggers to take over the GOP? HeHe, I bet the GOP loves to hear that...Bring it on GOP take her down NOW!

  98. Anonymous10:01 AM

    How stupid, Sarah wants us to believe she was not hiding her notes on her hand as if she does this all the time. We seen you take a peek ya cheater... ya loser!

  99. ...forgot to add...I envision Piper beside the camera w/ cue cards

  100. Anonymous10:05 AM

    Don't forget that when Sarah was "pregnant" with Trig, she was so cold, she wore her coat everywhere she went, even indoors. Any woman who has ever been pregnant knows that pregnancy, especially late pregnancy, heats you up.

  101. Anonymous10:07 AM

    Sound and fury, signifying nothing.

    Who knew she was a Shakespearean actress?

  102. FEDUP!!!10:09 AM

    LOL! I also, too, couldn't last more than a few seconds.
    Interesting that she paused so long after each question - as if someone was feeding her the answer into her earpiece (I see some dangling something on one ear, but not the other one, and I don't think that she wore only one ear ring... Also, too, she gets kind of a far-away look when she is waiting to respond - just like she is listening to someone telling her what to say.)
    20* weather: BFD! Has Hannity never heard of Polartech and other warm stuff, including chemical as well as battery operated hand/body/foot warmers?

  103. Anonymous10:09 AM

    Sarah isn't necessarily outside. That studio was built in her house overlooking the lake. She could be in front of a large window. In fact I don't believe she was outside. But, I'll bet she's hot enough under the collar right now she doesn't need a jacket to be outside! lol

    What an ingenious plan somebody concocted for her tho. Infiltrate the teabag movement and make them think you are one of them. Then tell them to choose, Republican or Democrat. Then to convince them, tell them to infiltrate the Republican Party, where they all came from anyway and take it over. The teabaggers were always the branch of the Republican Party with the far right zealots in the first place. Their efforts gave us Bush the 2nd. What's going on I think is some puppet masters figured out in a hurry if there is a Tea Bag Party, it fractures the Republican party enough that they have no hope of getting back in power. What they should figure out is, if they want to get the support of Mid America again, they need to move more to the middle and not the fringe right.


  104. Anonymous10:09 AM

    She is beginning to look emaciated. There is nothing attractive about women that lose massive amounts of weight, then distort their features with tucks, nips, and pulls. I agree with other posters - she looks older than before her make-over.

    She did seem fidgety and edgy. I'm sure the topics were all planned out in advance, but she might have still been fearing he would throw something else out.

    I doubt she was shivering from the cold. It was a dumb statement from Hannity, trying to make her out to be some sort of super tough frontiers(wo)man. Having lived some years in Anchorage, I know that 20 degree is actually quite moderate (compared to the normal sub-zeros) if the wind isn't blowing, and as with any climate, the drier it is, the less one feels variations in temperature. I'm just glad she didn't try to play along with his statement, or she'd look a bigger bimbo than she already is.

    Who sets up all of the audio and visual connections? Who is behind the camera? Is this part of what FOX provided or her own personal equipment? Do payments for anything connected with this come out of her SarahPAC?

    She had the perfect opportunity to give Meg a shout-out for her years of dedication to her job and as Sarah's friend. The fact that she said NOTHING, certainly makes it clear than the parting was less than amicable.

  105. Anonymous10:12 AM

    I live in a trailer park in the lower 48, I donated money to SarahPac, SarahThis and SarahThat, I am whiter than the snow behind Sarah.

    Sarah when do I get my free Native American Health Care like your kids get?

  106. Wow. That is not a healthy person. Physically or mentally.

    And the surgeon did her no favors.

  107. Hey first comment might not have "saved"... I didn't get the
    message that it had like I did w/ the second one which won't make sense w/o the first one where "I put my money on a geen/blue screen ..."

  108. Anonymous10:22 AM

    Hey Sarah, you had a chance to thank Meg for her years of service to ya on FOX tv. What happened?

    Hey, I think I see the missing Trig standing behind the snow covered trees! Sarah go put some clothes on that boy!

  109. Anonymous10:24 AM

    "Botox deadened lips."

    Gryph, Gryph, Gryph your ignorance shows.

    Botox is used around the eyes and on the forehead. Restylane and Juvederm are for lips. Maybe Perlane.

    Learn your plastics, for God's sake.

  110. Anybody noticed that her eyes systematically keep drifting to her left. Bet she asked Piper to skip school and hold up the talking points cardboard.

  111. Anonymous10:27 AM

    The first time I didn't think she seemed that hyper/anxious. Then I watched it with the sound off. Semes to me she is holding her chin high (not relaxed), moving her head around, standing on her toes and head comes forward. Seems on edge a little. Might be something someone did as an impassioned speech. Is she that passionate about this subject? I don't get that sense, since she doesn't seem to be "for" anything except air time.

  112. Anonymous10:29 AM

    Is there really a 4 second time delay or is she trying to formulate her answers without Meg holding up cue cards?

  113. Anonymous said...

    is it good to mix Valium, Valtrex, and Lithium at the same time?

    8:21 AM
    Valtrex (Valacyclovir Hydrochloride) is used to treat genital herpes, shingles, and cold sores.

    Are you suggesting she has genital herpes? Because wouldn't she be in too much pain to be talking (in gibberish, even) with shingles? I didn't see a cold sore....

  114. Anonymous10:38 AM

    Anon @ 7:41

    Along with the leg rubbing, and the winking, don't forget the heavy breathing and gasping from her resignation speech! bt

  115. Isn't it strange that the very people who want a smaller goverment, freedom, want to deny gay people the right to marry, no choice in abortion, no birth control, etc. hmm???

    Grandmother Sarah had a very bad facelift. I don't like picking on one's look but in her case I make an exception. It seems the more she tries to look better she just looks bitter. Guess you can't hide hate.

  116. Gasman10:54 AM

    I would love to smack Sarah Palin in the face with the fact that Ronald Reagan was THE MOST fiscally irresponsible president in our nation's history. On his watch our national debt grew by 286%. How's that small government, spend within our means bullshit meme workin' out for ya'?

    Quote of the Day for Sarah:
    “We know that [s]he has, more than any other [wo]man, the gift of compressing the largest amount of words into the smallest amount of thought.” - Winston Churchill

    It is amazing how much air that woman can expend without ANYTHING coherent emerging from her piehole for MONTHS ON END!

    Sarah Palin is a moron who attracts other morons the way shit attracts flies.

  117. kerryann6310:55 AM

    I watched with the sound off (only way I can stomach her) and I noticed a few things. She keeps looking off to her left - believe it or not I think she's actually reading this word salad off cue cards or a prompter. She is also fidgeting quite a lot but her shoulders seem very stiff. Is she trying not to talk with her hands as much as she usually does? She's gotten some criticism for that and it looks to me like she's trying not to flap those hands around like she usually does. After all, that was the first clue about her "poor man's teleprompter." Altogether a terrible performance by the QQ, Faux is not getting their money's worth with this one.

  118. Anonymous11:04 AM

    That is either a window or screen behind her. She isn't outside. You can tell by the lighting on her and behind her.

  119. Holy shit...Sarah sounded like she just washed down some speed with about 3 red bulls.

    I find it fascinating that Fox pays Sarah to say the same ten words over and over and over again. Nice work if you can get it.

  120. Anonymous11:26 AM

    7 speeches in 4 days
    x $100,000
    Way too much money

    That woman made $700,000 in 4 days? That's nuts.

  121. Anonymous11:27 AM

    This clip makes me realize how grateful the McCain staffers must have been when the "silent and withdrawn" Sarah surfaced. Palin is using her upper body and head to do her old standby pointy fingers thing.

    I think a "sharpie" distraction event will be rolled out soon.

  122. Anonymous11:42 AM

    If she were actually out in 20-something degree weather there would at least be a breeze blowing and her hair would blow around a little (I realize it is wig-like and probably lacquered in place), but there did not appear to be any wind ON HER. I think she might have been standing inside in front of a picture window perhaps in her new studio.

  123. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign11:42 AM

    Icky woman - I tried, I really did! I just can't get over that tight, mean face. I've done my share of making fun of plastic boots, chenille-bedspread-like clothing and her horrid screech, but now I'm just going to go off the grid because all I can see now is a plastic surgery botch job. Don't know what she did, and don't care - just make her stop!

    It's her zealotry, faux religion, personal laziness, lack of ethics, and her pathetic politics that make me oppose her to my last breath. She's a whack job narcissist who will be a social anthropologist's dream some day soon. But now that face - !

    "The face that launched a thousand fists..."

  124. Anonymous11:45 AM

    That's an "I'm getting called out on my creative reality and I can't just tell them to "sit down and shut up" like I do at home. Now what??" look. What goes around, comes around.... I think it's starting to come around.

  125. Gryphen, if you haven't seen this already, you are going to love it!

    a nascent progressive movement is to be found here! You should checkout the facebook page, people are joining up in droves.


  126. Tyroanee11:55 AM

    Sarah Gump you are truely an ice princess of useless information... is that an antenna above your head for better blackberry reception?

    *Note to FOX: please may have a new reality show..."Politicazillas" you have created the queen of whaaaaa!

  127. Anonymous11:59 AM

    No matter how uneducated, how narrow, how naive ... WHY WHY WHY can EVERYONE not see through this bogus figure in an instant? I cannot say I have witnessed a bigger phony of her supposed stature in my lifetime. The simple truth is, her supporters can't stand that they got defeated. They can't stand to see someone who is clearly highly intelligent lead from a party that is not their own (especially when they faced that same party ridiculing their doofus President for 8 years) ... That more than a handful are so blinded by hatred and desperation and therefore willing to believe Sarah is genuine is an enormous testament to how far from reality mankind is willing to go in order to believe what it wants to hear so long as it wants it badly enough. Perhaps Frank Rich of the NYT said it most succinctly when he described Sarah as "a happy, sexy face on ugly emotions" (although it's hard to see the happy because you can see the strain of hatred in her own self when you observe her). Most ironically, many of her worshippers are of the religious right, in which religion is supposed to teach them about purity of heart, yet theirs are filled with loathing and hatred. Teabaggers are a most hypocritical, backwards bunch... to put it lightly.

  128. In a minute Sarah is going to be as blond as the other
    Foxettes. Unlike some of them (the horrid Gretchen Carlson) she won't have to hide her excellent education and intelligence--because she has neither.

  129. Enjay in E MT12:13 PM

    Ok - so the tea-baggers infiltrate & hi-jack the GOP (rather than openly compete with the two parties)

    Ok - if a candidate says: energy, tax cuts, and lift american spirits thats all they need to get elected. (Better return all those SPac $$$'s)

    The former half term Gov. has all the answers ie: smaller government, less taxes, .... can't remember the rest - what is the first to go...

    Military - everyone required to have their own weapon

    Education - don't need any book learning (look at Piper)

    Infastructure - who needs roads when you can ride snowmachines?

    Police & Fire Depts - nope - we all have guns now just be sure to pick up that fire extinguisher too.

    Food Stamps - the church will feed you

    Medicare/Medicide - don't get sick

    Taxes - smaller government doesn't need that much

    Anything else?

  130. Nice trees, $arah, do you OWN those?

    I liked it better when the turkey in the foreground had a turkey in the background.

  131. I cannot watch or listen to her at all. All I see and hear disturbs me. She brings on a visceral reaction.

  132. Anonymous12:23 PM

    So what was the stuff Sarah wrote on her hands? Sarah called them talking points? I thought they were answers to questions.

    Ya mean it was a coincidence that the answers to a question just happened to be written on her hands? If Sarah had one more question, would she have to take her shoes off to read the answers on the bottom of her feet? Low tech Trailer Park Trash teleprompter or just plain cheatin'?

    Good one Sarah! How many weeks did it take her to come up with this story? ROFLOL

  133. Anonymous1:00 PM

    p does not have a coat on because it would cover her curves. If anyone thinks she has curves just check out Gryph's Not The Legs Of A Runner. I am so thankful my daughter, who is p's age, is not like that. Yuk. And I bet she thinks she looks good. Making that point only because p relies on her looks to get attention. Sure is nothing else.

  134. Anonymous1:02 PM

    I feel badly for Nancy Reagan. She and Ron Jr. should nip this in the bud (I know Ron Jr. has been trying).

  135. Well, I'd love it if she was faking being outside but there was snow falling periodically around and in front of her. She does look just awful, though. What is the studio for if she doesn't use it? Also, it was so weird how her "answers" had so little relation to the questions. ( BTW, I'm not going to give her any tips on how to improve her looks!!)

    Hey, Sarah, doing great--keep it up!!

  136. Anonymous1:29 PM

    She's learned a couple new phrases and trotted them out; she could have built on them, taken those new words somewhere -- that's what anyone else would do. But no, she has to go back and complain that she's misunderstood... again. Because god forbid 30 seconds on camera go by without Palin playing the victim card.

  137. Anonymous1:41 PM

    Warning, catty comment ahead...

    I watched it full screen. Her eyebrows are drawn on ABOVE her brow bone. Why would anyone do that? Anyone who already had a brow lift?

  138. Anonymous1:43 PM

    Germangoodness: I love the Coffee party as an image because we are the latte liberals, right?

    coffee, dark, rich, energetic, AMERICAN by the way, more American than tea!

    Cowboys made campfire coffee in them days, dang, tea is just un-american.

  139. Anonymous1:53 PM

    One of the great moments in Game Change was how the McCain team finally decided to do debate prep for Sarah. They wrote out answers to 17 questions, had her memorize them, then worked on having her pivot from the question asked to the question she was prepared to answer.

    And that, I think, is what she did here. She said what she wanted to say, questions be damned.

  140. Anonymous1:57 PM

    Say ree has the gift of crab.

  141. I heard that Nancy Reagan is NOT impressed with scarah at all. When she stood up the Republican women at the Reagan musem last year, it was the last straw. I live near Simi Valley, and I know a couple of these women.
    I think a statement by Nancy Reagan would go far in discreding the illiterate fraud that is Palin.
    She is diminishing the Reagan brand that the Republicans believe in (even if I don't).
    C'mon Nancy - do it for your Party and do it for your Country!
    If Nancy speaks her mind, I think SP might even lose some of the bots in her cult.

  142. I believe she is NOT standing out in the 20° weather -- at least we would be able to see her breath while she is babbling on.

    That has to be a backdrop, picture, in front of a window, etc. -- she is not outside shivering - no way!!

    But she is very agitated and also, too, besides, as-well, very boring and devious!

  143. Anonymous2:19 PM

    Blinking...they took a little too much when they did the upper eyelids. Happened to my boss, he had eyedrops with him all the time.

  144. Wilderness Lover2:21 PM

    So...Sarah wants smaller government and less taxes, AND a stronger military to keep peace in the world.

    Wonder how she plans to finance this stronger military presence while bringing in less tax dollars? Cut police or fire protection? Or better yet...cut more funding to public schools! We all know education isn't a high priority in the Palin household!

    And Hannity is hoping HE gets the handjob next interview. I don't know which one (Palin or Hannity) is more disgusting!!

  145. Anonymous2:38 PM

    Acclimation to weather is one of more amusing tricks to pull on people from the temperate zones! My little polar bear's favorite outdoor activity, once it hit 45 degrees, was to strip down, fill a giant bucket full of freezing hose water, and jump in. He'd sit there with a look of bliss on his face while his grandmother freaked. I just made hot chocolate, for when he'd finally climb out.

  146. Anonymous2:55 PM

    Re Anonymous at 1:41 p.m., a poorly done brow lift over elevates the brows - that is what you are seeing.

    Did Sarah pick a plastic surgeon who went to 5 medical schools before he was able to graduate? Or maybe had to take his Board exams 5 times before he passed.

    Or perhaps Dr. Cathy Baldwin-Johnson, frontier woman jack-of-all things medical, did the brow lift?

    Inquiring minds want to know.

    Gryph, can you please find out who was Sarah's plastic surgeon? That would be a true public service for others who might be considering going under the knife?

  147. Yo Gryph-

    Can you research and see if she REALLY DID GIVE & SPEECHES during that 4 day time period?

  148. my goodness she's had some bad surgery...plastic lips and stretched skin..she reminds me of a jack-in-the-box, that pops out after turning the crank, then wobbles back and forth with her fake face. I can't listen to her annoying voice anymore. just watching her plastic clown face is enough.

    someone save us from quittypants!

    thanks for all you do, Gryphen.

  149. Anonymous4:01 PM

    Just incredulous. She just throws out one catch phrase after another. Her lips are moving but she never says ANYTHING. After all of her speeches, I can't recall one single specific policy idea she has offered.

  150. Anonymous4:16 PM

    With the sound off I had a little thrill imagining her face continuing its disfigurement and distortion, gradually transforming like in horror movie into the perfect image of all her hate, deceit and depravity, becoming skeletal and human-like but only barely, all the flesh sort of stretched back and the bones caved in. Scared myself, but it was kind of worth it. Evil is as evil does.

  151. mommom5:18 PM

    She is not outside-its shot "blue screen" and the studio provides the back drop and snow.

    Hannity thinks we are as stupid as his followers

  152. Anonymous6:30 PM

    Of course fixing Government is not all that complicated. This comes from the mouth of a woman who blithely said she and John McCain would have the deficit balanced by the end of their first term. . .

    It's easy to believe government is so simple when you don't know what the hell your talking about. And also, perhaps, have the benefit if a turn-key mechanic college drop-out with a helium voice (no wonder he doesn't talk much, he looks better with his mouth shut, Sarah would too, also) as a co-leader.

  153. Anonymous6:35 PM

    AND, it was revealed this afternoon, she'll get to give Ronnie Raygun a handjob PUBLICLY around the country with beck !!

    As she and the lamester travel the country spewing their pea-bag lies to raise more money for Rupe !! Hooray!!!

    What a hoot that will be to watch...

  154. Mac And Cheese Wiz9:35 PM

    Aggitated doesn't even begin to cover it. She's in meltdown.

    So it's 20 degrees and she has no jacket? Either she now knows how Trig felt on the book tour, or she's lieing and is inside in front of a window.

    She's a stupid teatard and proud of it.

  155. kdusmdd9:58 PM

    Look at her eyes...her expression..her mouth...Bet she would never pass a drug test in a million years. No wonder her brain is scrambled !!!!!

  156. Anonymous10:39 PM

    She really is starting to take on the look of one of those chain-smoking cranked out ladies I see in the mountain town bars around here. The combination of the lighter hair and hard black eyeliner is ghastly. Frankly, she looks like a hooker.

  157. Quetzalcoatl6:21 AM

    She sure knows how to ruin a perfectly beautiful background, so much so, that you hardly notice it.

    You can green screen anything. It's used in the film industry...think the actor is facing a hurricane wind high atop a snow blown mountain? Nope. They're in the studio, the fans are blowing and they are in front of a shocking green painted background. The floor is covered in dry instant potato flakes and rolls of cotton - the actors are dressed like for outdoors under hot lights, with a rope.... Any image can be swapped in for the background. All those shocking green pixels get replaced.

    You don't think Leonardo DiCapricio & Kate were left hanging off the stern of the Titanic like that as it dove, do you?
    See. Quittypants could be in Hawaii ordering up cottage cheese for all that matters.

    Speaking of the Titanic,

    Did she say the candidates need to embrace her hands. or rather what was written on them. Yeah? LOL.
    Someone dump a bowl of cold noodles over her please.

    How can anyone let her babble on so? Doesn't understand what is being asked and just avoids and dodges. Unlistenable.

    Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland is coming out soon. Love Tim Burton's work. Now why am I thinking of this you ask? Indeed. :)

  158. kdusmdd7:31 AM

    O/T...Palingates has a great post abt Palin and some "Texas Deals"....very interesting

  159. Anonymous10:26 AM

    It was bad enough that a woman of 46 who has been both a mayor and a governor had notes on her hand, especially points she should already have memorized. What made it even worse was that she was deriding President Obama for using a teleprompter, something she has done herself. But what really took the prize was when this prize idiot tried to defend it by calling it the poor man's version of a teleprompter.

    How can any Republican defend her nonsense with a straight face, let alone think she is fit for any national office? John McCain foisted this nightmare on us, and now he adds insult to injury by defending this latest example of her unadulterated, mavericky idiocy.

  160. Anonymous12:48 PM

    Sarah's face looks bizarrely tight in that still of the video, kind of fake and Joan Rivers-ish.

    Oh, and the title of today's blog made me snort pepsi out my nose! Thanks a lot, gryphen!

  161. Anon at 739: "Hey, kids!! This is a cartoon!! Send in your box tops and get this FREE ENTIRE WORLD – with NO RULES!!!! "

    ooooh! *clipping box tops*
    I hope I get a Sarah Palin Pro-Americana Alaskan Speech Decoder Ring!!!

  162. How charming and so so kind of Palin to take time out from her busy mommyhood to jot a few notes on her hand to scoop up the 100K check before collecting more checks! wrong with people who want us to believe she's benevolent..doing a public service and a mother extraordinaire to keep her child out of school. Indeed black is white in Palin land.


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