Sunday, March 14, 2010

Made a couple of changes to the old homestead.

It looks like I will need to start making my embeds a little smaller, and perhaps apply a few other tweaks, but for the most part this should be the format I stick with for the foreseeable future.,

Feel free to comment, I probably won't make any drastic changes but I might take some ideas under consideration.


  1. I like it - a lot!

  2. Very clean! Took me a minute to realize I was in the right place, but I'll get used to it.

  3. A suggestion: once another web site or blog is visited (lefthand column) the color change is very slight. Could it be a bit more dramatic? Say ... black?

    As it is now, it's difficult to see what's already been visited ... as well as what's new or updated.

  4. Looks good on the flat panel, but on the CRT your text font takes on a "barely there" quality - it needs to be darker.

  5. Anonymous2:35 PM

    I like the new layout!

  6. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn2:56 PM

    Nice, clean, fresh look! Much luck to you, Gryph, as always.

  7. Like it! Always good to engage in a little "manscaping" :-)

  8. ManxMamma3:01 PM

    Clean but a bit sparse. Not sure why that is.

  9. Liked it then and like it now...just as long as you are there to keep on keeping on...Thank you for the Theodore Obermann post. It so saddened me to witness the suffering of the Obermann family. Yet, in his profound grief, Keith Obermann sought to keep his sword in the battle for those who have not been as blessed as he has to assist in his father's care. His thought of others were still foremost a part of him as was the peaceable comfort and care of his father. May God grant us all the kind of loving loyalty and unyeilding devotion that Keith's family knows. Thank you again for your site Gryph.

  10. WalterNeff3:11 PM

    very nice - make that right column 200px wide and you've got it.

  11. Looks good to me. I noticed something just happened that blew the comment section to full screen. Any new features we might check out?

  12. Anonymous3:19 PM

    Nice layout but the right column is to narrow you should put the donation and live feed on the left side or make the right side a little bigger.

  13. scarlet/oregon3:21 PM

    Looks good! Like it a lot. Thanks.

  14. I know nothing about this, but it does seem as if the page loads quite a bit faster.

    Thank you.

  15. Anonymous3:57 PM

    Love the new look!

    Last Friday, the government agency that monitors safety in consumer products issued a warning about baby slings. They advised that babies who are newborn, low birth weight or premature should not be placed in the sling because there is a chance of suffocation. If the baby is curled up, chin on chest, that position could cut off narrow air passages. Cloth could easily could be stuck against nostrils and/or mouth. This would not be a problem with older babies; the warning was clearly meant for small babies whose breathing was at risk. It is very much like SIDS, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome that occurs in cribs.

    Some time ago, Gryphen posted pictures of a little baby with a ruffled ear, posing for baby pictures with proud, beaming members of the Johnston family, Mercede and Levi. Included in the pictures were Sarah and Bristol. We have every reason to believe that little Ruffles also attended the baby shower about a week after the date that he was supposed to be born (April 18, 2008).

    Meanwhile, the boy we know as Trig does not show the ear deformity that Ruffles had. And, Sarah's parents posed for a picture with a big fat baby who could not possibly has been born five weeks premature. Little Ruffles looked like a low birth weight, premature baby. The post never resolved the question, What ever happened to Ruffles?

    Gryphen, you have all kinds of sources in Alaska. Is there any remote possibility that little Ruffles met with an accident due to being transported in a baby sling? After a possible staged pregnancy, and all of that wonderful attention and great press, it would have been unthinkable for Sarah to have to admit to an accident. It would be easier to get a last minute substitute, a nice fat baby available for adoption because of a genetic defect.

    I know it is a stretch, but there was something about that sling story that really resonated with me and set off alarms. The problem was known as early as 2006, and in 2008, Consumer Reports issued a warning about baby slings. Now, people step forward in an attempt to solve the problem and educate people. But, I don't think that would have been Sarah's reaction when she was focused on good publicity and getting in line for a possible VP nomination.

    In our own family, we have two different aunts whose infants died due to unknown causes, most probably SIDS. In their day, people blamed them, and it was hush up as a great shame. Today, we live in a time of more communication and education.

  16. Anonymous4:01 PM

    Looks nice! Text could be a tad darker, but it looks clean and neat and is easy on the eyes :)

  17. Gryph i also notice your youtube links are soooo slow. if i go to ytub it buffers quickly. Not sure if you can do anything about it just pointing that out. Now i cant find that large comment format?

  18. Anonymous4:22 PM

    Now if you could put a certain blog back where it was over a year ago, I may make your blog my homepage again. Thanks.

  19. My only recommendation would be to sort your labels alphabetically. It makes topics much easier to find.

    If you still want to show which topics you write about the most, you can choose the "cloud" option, which will size the label according to how often you've posted about the topic.

  20. crystalwolf aka caligrl4:30 PM

    Liked the old Font better...bigger, easier to read.

  21. Loads SOOOOOOO much quicker ~ thanks a million! (Do miss being able to view *both* of the naked sockpuppets in the picture of SP, though...) beth.

  22. Forever Anonymous5:09 PM

    I'm missing the hard blue band behind the title of the blog and the bigger fonts on the post...still, I can hear you through the smaller font.....the position of the embedded videos looks great.

  23. AKjah and others who like larger print when reading - - I use this and it is fantastic! It doesn't work on the home page, but on each individual story, it is great.

    Hope you all enjoy this new format. Looks great!

  24. I like it- cleaner!

  25. for those on Safari Apple + makes the font size larger on webpages and in comment sections.

    Just a helpful hint for Mac users.

  26. Excellent! Looks much better.

  27. Heather5:40 PM

    I'm liking the new look. Feels much more streamlined and all that jazz.

  28. Anonymous5:41 PM

    Hi, Gryphen - I like the new look a lot. However I have very poor vision and if you could make the text just a little bolder and with higher contrast it would make it so very much easier for me to read. A little larger would be nice too ! Thanks for all that you do !

  29. Techgnome5:55 PM

    It's a nice clean look,but you might want to look at it on other systems. On my wide screen flat panel monitor it wastes over a third of the screen with big blue margins on both sides of the content. With the old layout it used the whole screen. I don't watch a lot of the video here because I can't handle Palin's voice, but it seems odd to make the embedded videos smaller so you can have all that wasted space.

  30. Anonymous5:55 PM

    I like it, it is easy on the eyes and loads faster. But what happened to the link to Palingates?

  31. Anonymous5:57 PM

    talented dude :D .. I know the comment structure is probably here to stay (didn't you mention it was to weed out the jokers?) .. but I always liked the old format.. easier to follow the comments

  32. Anonymous5:59 PM

    A bigger font would be appreciated. Doesn;t have to be as big as the old version, but bigger than the current one.

  33. Anonymous6:44 PM

    Rebublicons say kill the blog and start over. I just had to say that.

  34. Anonymous6:54 PM

    I like the look of the site, but there is a script running that messes up my Internet explorer and hangs up my computer. Argh!

  35. I really like your new format, Gryphen!

  36. Thanks 1smartcanerican That works great!! wont be runnin for where the hell my glasses are.

  37. yukonark7:35 PM

    Very nice re-design. Has a nice, calming feel to it. And since the subject matter you often cover makes my blood boil, the "dial-down" is much appreciated!

  38. There is a script running that is making IE run slow (I get an alert). The look and layout is nice though.

  39. Anonymous7:40 PM

    Better Gryphen - but could you add a mobile-ready theme? The plugin Wordpress Mobile Pack works great for my sites.
    - Jeff in NY

  40. Anonymous8:20 PM

    Dont know if this was suggested - but what about getting a Bree-type comment system. I always liked the way hers worked.
    Like the new look though!

  41. Anonymous8:25 PM

    For those of you with IE problems - switch to Firefox. Easy to download, will import all your bookmarks. Easy to use, lots of add-ons, and much, much faster than IE. I love it! I will never use IE again.

  42. Anonymous8:25 PM

    Don't change a thing. It's perfect, Gryphen.

    I'm a designer. Trust me.

  43. Anonymous8:51 PM

    Hey Gryph, the blue hairline rules around the boxes aren't working. Simple is better. keep what you had earlier today.

  44. Anonymous8:55 PM

    Looks good to me.

  45. Anonymous9:54 PM

    Or just turn off active scripting in IE. Running scripts is dangerous anyway.

  46. Anonymous10:30 PM

    Looks nice and clean. Love it!

  47. Anonymous10:34 PM

    aw dang .. . i do most of my surfing on a sidekick phone.
    At work now & of course site looks fine on a PC, but I get a whole lotta nothin now on the sidekick. :(
    Bummer for me as I've been a daily reader since stumbling upon IM.


  48. The layout is clean, I could do with a larger font (old eyes). Perhaps its my monitor, but your other layout took up my screen - this one if directly down the middle with lots of unused space on either side - not sure if that's what you meant to have or if its my display.

  49. For my old eyes i like the blue boxes. Discerning where it starts and where it ends is much easyer.
    And change the zoom in "view" will help at 125% i still get full screen and dont need glasses so much. Still some sites have weird tiny fonts and i have to blow the thing up.

  50. As a graphic designer, blue on blue DOES NOT work!

  51. sunnyjane2:40 AM

    I like it, Gryphen. I'm not crazy about the comments part because it's not possible to reply to someone directly, and it shows up on my screen as about a two-inch column.

  52. Anonymous5:43 AM

    Big improvement! However, the blogs and posts on the left menu are very difficult to read with the blue font on blue background.

  53. Anonymous5:54 AM

    I like the cleaner look, but not the light blue background with blue links, headers etc I think you need more contrast. The content however is what's most important and is as usual - fantastic!

  54. Anonymous6:44 AM

    Nice clean look. You're my 'go-to' blog each morning :)

  55. It looks great, Gryph! You clean up nicely.

  56. I like! Looks cleaner. It also loads a lot quicker in Firefox on a desktop & also on my Nexus One.

  57. Looking good!

  58. Anonymous8:22 AM

    For those of you complaining about the font size, you can change that in your browser. Usually, it's under View - you can zoom in or zoom out, make the display font larger or smaller. Just an fyi.

    I really like the clean layout - it's much easier to read blocks of information.

  59. CGinWI9:01 AM

    I'm having the script problem in IE, too. Since I'm limited in my computer knowledge, I'm not planning to change browsers. It would be nice if you could fix this at your end. I'll keep reading, though, even if you don't.

  60. Linda Arizona9:25 AM

    Very clean, very nice new look. Yes, maybe some kind of band of color behind your banner title, but otherwise...Love it!

  61. Anonymous9:57 AM

    For those with IE problems, I changed to Google Chrome and I like it a lot - even better than I liked Firefox. Very easy to use, loads quickly, just like the interface best.

  62. Anonymous1:37 PM

    Light blue text on a blue background? WTF!!

  63. DLBinPDX4:11 PM

    I recommend that you try out the new Google Chrome browser. Just Google it and download it. It's faster than Firefox or Safari, and beats IE hands down.

  64. Looks nice...easy to read and easy on my eyes!

    I'd love to see an archive that lists the posts by month as an alternative to searching by label which can be cumbersome (at least, for me) when going through whole posts instead of titles. I couldn't find the original Tale of Two Babies post (I used the 'Trig Palin' and ear-gate labels). Okay, I tried again and found it and 2 related posts under "babygate" but the "follow-up" post wasn't there. (Hope this is helpful and not just whiny.)

  65. Anonymous4:29 PM

    Takes FOREVER to load and now I can’t access the site using my mobile phone (just get your nice blue background). Desperately needs work.

  66. I just checked it from my I-phone and it loads quickly and looks good.

  67. Anonymous9:19 PM

    No more IM for anyone surfing on a phone except iPhone?


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