Thursday, April 22, 2010

A couple of nuggets from Andrew Sullivan yesterday about the questions surrounding the birth of Trig Palin.

The first one about the MSM's failure to properly vet Sarah:

I will never forget the conversation I had with a leading journalist as I asked him about the Palin Trig story in the middle of the last election campaign. His view was that there were many unanswered questions but I should leave the matter be, because it would "hurt your reputation" to pursue it. This remains the prevailing narrative among Washington's MSM. They care much much more about their reputations and their money than with getting at the truth. And they know who they are.

And this one whch references a quote by Nicole Wallace, and then makes the following point.

What's interesting to me is that even the controversy - and this fascinating Wallace quote - was never covered in any serious way in the MSM. And yet, it dominated Republican conversation at the St Paul Convention in the days after Palin's veep nomination was announced. According to several journalists who were there, it was all anyone was talking about. But the press kept a lid on it. The "refs" decided what was legit and not legit in an election campaign with a completely unknown candidate with a long record of crazy, obvious odd lies. The press acted as a guardian of those in power, not as a fearless skeptic. That's what worries me. If they did it once, they'll do it again.

Remember when I asked a simple question? And when the Anchorage Daily News asked, after the election? And this is not a question that has already been answered, like the Obama birth certificate. It is a question that has been ruled unaskable. By those tasked with asking questions.

What I do know is that no one on the McCain campaign asked, and some on the McCain campaign still harbor deep doubts about the truth. Still: no answer. No answer at all. And that's absolutely fine by the MSM. They have their reputations to worry about.

I can definitely sympathize with Sullivan when it come to people avoiding the "babygate" question out of fear of damaging their reputations.  I have been witness to that several times myself.

In fact there are those who I consider friends who have implored me to either drop the subject or simply pursue the "wild ride" version and hope that it would damage her credibility on its own. 

That was over a year ago, and as we have seen the "wild ride" story has not managed to damage her rise to fame in the slightest.  What most of us find to be a complete lack of believability seems to not bother the people who support her one little bit.

Like Sullivan I have pursued the inconsistencies surrounding Trig's birth doggedly believing that once people, even the Teabaggers, know the truth about how Palin faked that pregnancy they will be too disgusted to support her any longer.

Finding people willing to come forward has been the most difficult.  Just recently I had a professional forensic specialist looking at the "ruffled ear" photographs but somehow, even though I did not provide the name or the connection to Sarah Palin, they figured out where the pictures came from and refused to provide their professional opinion.  I was amazed that there are still people so completely intimidated by this person, or fearful that crossing her will damage their reputation, that  they will not have anything to do with exposing her lies.

However I will not give up and am now looking for others willing to take the job. If any of you know somebody who works in this field please send me an e-mail and I will check them out.


  1. Anonymous4:31 PM

    Do you think anyone in the MSM is working on it?
    Is Andrew Sullivan still investigating and what about Geoffrey Dunn?? I understand Andrews point and yours but there is no excuse for ALL in the MSM to not do their job. It's outrageous actually.

    What is wrong with the idiots at ADN for letting this go.

    I hear there are people in the Republican party who know for sure Bristol was pregnant during the time she supposedly had mono. Sarah is so bad for our country- they know it. So what the hell is wrong with them.
    And what about the Johnstons?? I mean come on. If the welfare of the child is at risk, you can break a confidentiality agreement. What would the Palins do. They have already ruined their lives. If they told their story they would have millions to fight back with.

    Sarah Palin is a sick bitch. Sorry for my language but I'm sick of her lies and treasonous talk about President Obama. She isn't fit to be a mother because she's a socipath. Her kids are all going to be messed up because of her. Our country has serious problems and she does not help. She is a poison, a blood sucker of others.

    And what about TRIG ! Where is he?? Is he getting appropriate treatment? Where is he while she's running around the country telling lies, inciting violence and spewing hatred?????

  2. Anonymous4:35 PM

    It's amazing how she continues to get away with these lies. I think if some of her other lies are exposed, then the msm will begin to look at babygate in a different light. A good place to start would be to expose Sarah and family's lying under oath during the trial in Memphis.

  3. Anonymous5:00 PM

    At least Obama did comply and produced his birth certificate (b/c he had nothing to hide), whether they believe it or not! SP did no such thing!

  4. Mazoola5:00 PM

    Not to put undue pressure on Mercedes, but certainly Levi's family would know Trig's true story. I can only read continuing silence on their parts as an endorsement of the Official, Wild-Ride story.

  5. Anonymous5:18 PM

    It seems to me that Levi can put a lot of this to rest.

    It also seems to me that he go to court to get regular visitation.

    Gryphen -- last question is not to be mean -- I would really like an answer to the why he does not assert his rights as a father through the court system. I am beginning to lose respect and sympathy lacking a straight answer about getting court ordered visits.

  6. Anonymous5:21 PM

    So the McCain camp did it's best to spin any criticism as sexist, but Nicole is allowed to gross out a male journalist by intentionally mentioning the word vagina?

    Are journalists that much of the other word for vagina?

  7. so.....exactly what type of forensic specialist are you looking for?

  8. Moon said...

    so.....exactly what type of forensic specialist are you looking for?

    Ear forensic expert. Yeah I did not know such a thing existed only a few months ago either.

  9. Anonymous5:36 PM

    An ear forensic specialist?? What profession is that? Couldn't pediatric otiologists qualify? You could contact some of the top in the country. Try the House Ear Clinic in LA, Mayo Clinic Otolaryngology Dept in Rochester,MN or Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmiry in Boston. Many physicians due legal/ forensic work. Get out the google.

    I agree re Sherrie and Mercedes. I don't understand. Maybe they need another legal opinion. I'm sure Gloria Allred would help. And Levi?? I don't get him. The Palins do not deserve any respect. They've treated him like dirt.

    And shame on Nicole Wallace. She was doing her job but what a sexist thing to do. I wonder if she would talk now? My guess is if Sarah runs for president, a lot will come out. She's going to milk her supporters for cash as long as she can.

  10. Anonymous5:46 PM

    The MSM will probably not be responsible for finding the hidden facts and truths that may exist.
    The fact may be out there waiting to be discovered, or perhaps a tip will be provided where to look.

    They may be the first to reveal it, because someone has sold them the story, or tipped them off. In any case the John Edwards situation was known and denied for a long time by many. John Edwards and the National Enquirer ( MSM LOL!)

    Andrew Sullivan has some valid observations about this lack of vetting, and the lack of coverage about the lack of vetting of the woman who wanted to see some other continents and countries (like Hawaii) from the windows of Hair Force Two.

    For some reason he shares them now.

    I wonder though- is Andrew still on this case? Is he chumming so to speak? Sending a message?

    What would Andrew do if he found out something that conclusively proved what happened? I think he might publish the story.

    Were such a tip to be received here I think it might be revealed appropriately. Also too.

  11. Anonymous5:46 PM

    I was told in a privae email not long ago that everyone in Wasilla knew Bristol was pregnant during the "mono" time. This came from a Wasilla person. When I asked why everyone was so afraid of the Palins, I received no answer. Needless to say, this person also didn't give this info in a public forum. And yes, Gryphen, this is someone you know. So I too believe the facts are that Sarah was not pregnant, Bristol was pregnant before the Tripp pregnancy, and all of this is a disgusting cover-up. Keep pushing, Gryphen.

  12. Anonymous6:16 PM

    This story from today will make Sarah VERY unhappy.

    Franklin Graham UNINVITED to speak at National Day of Prayer at the Pentagon.


  13. Anonymous6:27 PM

    I can't wait to read this book:

    “Palin’s Brain: Where Church & State Collide!”

    This is a link to a blog on Gryphens list of Sarah's least favorites, but I don't remember this being discussed.

  14. I'm sooo frustrated -- can't imagine how you must feel. But I am excited to read about your effort, ever though thwarted.

    I've been hoping Andrew Sullivan was doing this.

    I've been searched both forensics and biometrics. Here are 2 leads, perhaps useful for info and/or referral:

    study of ear for forensic evidence
    Andre A. Moenssens /
    Douglas Stripp Professor of Law 
    UMKC School of Law
    5100 Rockhill Road
    Kansas City, Missouri 64110-2499 

    Harry Wechsler

  15. Yes, it is frustrating that the people who know what is going on and could expose this horrible charade are letting themselves be intimidated.

    I have been going back over this since you brought out the evidence about there being more than one baby, Gryphen. Thinking about it logically, this is what I have come up with:

    We believe there are at least 2 babies. As far as we know, they are both male and from photographic evidence, we can assume they both have Down Syndrome. They appear to be the same age, though at birth, one was larger than the other.

    To find 2 babies or know of 2 mothers willing to go along with this duplicity that just happen to have a male child with Down Syndrome that are the same age is just too big a stretch.

    I believe the boys are twins. If so, you are going to be looking for a woman (or girl) that they know that most likely would have had to have a c-section. She would have had to have a longer recovery time.

    If this is the case, maybe there are other clues that can be looked at that would go in this direction.

  16. Anonymous6:44 PM

    McCain staffers were worried enough about Palin to discuss whether she was mentally unstable and yet they continued to try to get her a heartbeat from the Oval Office. Why would they take such a risk? Did they believe Palin could be neutralized somehow?

    Maybe Andrew Sullivan is confining himself to babygate so he only appears to be going after Palin, not the demented backroom boys that ran her for office.

  17. Sharon - FL7:15 PM

    Gryphen, you said Sherry Johnston told you that Bristol was with Levi constantly, that she had a phone, that there was a Secret Service man with them even when they came to the Johnston home. So if Sherry Johnston, Levi and Mercede all know that Bristol lied during the trial about whether or not she had a phone, was alone, etc., then couldn't at least one of them send an affidavit to the Kernell boy's defense lawyer? If I was Levi's mom, I wouldn't want to see a 22 year old kid go to prison based on lies. If I could at least help by stating the truth, I'd do it. Not saying Kernell shouldn't receive some sort of fine or punishment but...just saying.

  18. Anonymous7:48 PM

    The members of the MSM face two problems-- If Palin is finally unmasked, especially via babygate, then she will no longer be a marketable subject. Remember, the MSM and their subjects are part of a symbiotic relationship. Secondly, after what happened to Dan Rather, some members of the MSM may be afraid to go out on a limb in that way. HOWEVER, there are many ways to overcome these concerns. FIRST- Palin and Co. are SOOOO crooked, that there will be months or years of stories to reveal, explain, all of her "gates." She would still be a media subject for a while. SECOND re:babygate, - we need to stop looking for that one piece of evidence, or that one person to spill the beans-- the relevant bloggers and the intelligent members of the MSM can approach this story sideways and as they push and push, the house of cards will come tumbling down-- How about this for example-- what if KO or RM did a story about the persistent rumors re:babygate and about how two determined blogs, one in Alaska and one in Europe have been following this story. Let's not forget one determined British ex-pat working here as well. Then KO and RM can show the public the photos, share the info,,, without saying directly that PALIN LIED. There are MANY other ways to "get her done." .

  19. honestyinGov7:49 PM

    Now that you have brought it up as far as trying to get people to ' talk about anything they know ' I will sort of revisit a thought I had put out there on PG. What are the Rules or Policies with " CraigsList "?
    Just suppose some " anonymous " person posted an ad on CraigsList with a simple question. " Do You know about BabyGate ? "... share with me.The person placing the ad might create a new throwaway Yahoo type Sarah email acct like she did to take tips that came in.
    No legal recourse for anybody because it's not like you were claiming SOMEBODY was getting a divorce. It's NOT directed at ANYBODY ( no Lawyers involved )... its just an ad on Craigslist... open to interpretation.
    Is there more than One BabyGate... HeLL I don't know. The tips would have to tell me.
    Somehow I remember someone using CraigsList up there once before that related to " who shall not be named ".
    However...I'm NOT suggesting anything here... I'm just thinking out loud. Speaking Satirically. Satire is always OK.

  20. Anonymous7:54 PM

    I can't figure out how to e-mail this little gem, but it gave me a fit of giggles.

    I recently returned from visiting my in-laws in Puerto Rico. My MIL and I agree on just two things: how fabulous her son is, and what a nutjob Grifter Granny is.

    She told me that SPalin recently visited Puerto Rico on the Tea Bagger Tour, and that Sarah actually expressed in her speech that she is planning to run for POTUS in 2012 and she wants to change the laws to allow PR Governor Luis Fortuno to be her running mate.

    This woman, who couldn't hack college in HI because of all the non-whites... The one who has stoked up racist sentiment... wants a latino running mate.

    She must be smitten.

  21. Anonymous8:35 PM

    Everyone everyone including top republicans in Alaskan politics knew Bristol was pregnant during the mono time. Doesn't a single one of them or a single Wasillan have the balls to tell what they know on the record. I can't understand it, sorry. This is exactly what's wrong with our country today. People only care about themselves and not for others and for our country. Come on people, Thank God for Gryphen who has stuck his neck out and he has also protected the privacy of everyone whose talked to him. He deserves your help. Talk!! Talk for Trig! I'm sure he's given love but that is not enough for a DS toddler. Come forward and tell the truth for his sake.

    PS sorry to sound lectury but can you imagine listening to Palin screeching lies and hatred for years to come?

  22. Nice try, Anonymous @ 7:54, but I doubt she's smitten. I suspect she's doing what she always tries to do: tell them something they want to hear so they like her.

  23. "McCain staffers were worried enough about Palin to discuss whether she was mentally unstable and yet they continued to try to get her a heartbeat from the Oval Office. Why would they take such a risk? Did they believe Palin could be neutralized somehow?"

    We know from the various stories that have emerged from the campaign that McCain's campaign staff was only concerned with winning. Palin gave them the best shot at winning, and by the time they realized that she was going to sink them, it would have been even more damaging to dump her.

    As to the original question: Why doesn't the MSM dig deeper into this story?

    Men don't comprehend why the wild ride is implausible. They also just generally don't understand what happens to a woman's body during pregnancy. Furthermore, they're not really interested in hearing about the details. That's half the audience right there.

    Then, consider that only about 30% of the population even pays any attention to stories regarding politics or political figures.

    Finally, you have the hardcore Sarah Palin sympathizers. They're not going to believe anything negative about her, period. She's not as popular with women as with men, but that still represents about 20% of the female audience who pay attention to politics.

    By my calculation, that leaves roughly 12% of the potential MSM audience. Why risk losing access to the Republicans over a story that such a tiny portion of the public is going to care about? And over the last decade, we've seen that access has become much more important than actual journalism.

    Luckily, stories about celebrities have a much wider audience. And the more time Palin spends on television, the more of a general celebrity she becomes. She's already attracted the attention of media outlets like the National Enquirer and TMZ. There may be a certain sleaze factor involved with the stories they produce, but they definitely don't worry about offending the celebrities they cover. If and when the full truth about Trig comes out, the entertainment media will be the impetus.

  24. Sherrie Johnston is on home detention and Sarah Palin has enough power to have the juvenile justice system not charge her daughter and her friends with crimes. We all know the Palins had something to do with Sherrie's arrest to begin with. Being under the thumb of the DOC is difficult as they can make your life a living hell if you piss them off. I should know, I always piss them off. Sarah appointed her buddy Joe as the director, she could get him to do whatever she wants. Hopefully Sherrie is writing a book during this time which she can publish after she is done with the DOC.

  25. Anonymous9:20 PM

    Good luck with the ear forensics specialist. I believe it's the same ear on the same baby, but do what you have to feel better about it.

    I believe the pregnancy story is still fishy.

  26. Anonymous9:35 PM

    What's with members of the Alaska State Senate (from the session that just adjourned) speaking more and more openly about Sarah suffering a nervous breakdown right before she resigned?

    This is a story. I know Sarah is so over and beyond Alaska. But it is only Alaskans who know the truth - so when a number of elected officials speak openly about her breakdown - don't you think it merits being addressed?

  27. Anonymous9:36 PM

    If there was a story the MSM would have picked up on it by now. They have obviously heard about the theories. Even the tabloids such as the Enquirer. The Trig story would sell a lot of copies, but there must not be proof to it or they would go with it. They obviously fear a lawsuit. How do we know the ear pictures were not photoshopped? The picture of Piper flipping off the camera obviously was.

    Also, If you have this great relationship with the Johnston's, I'm sure they would verify the story if there were any truth to it. They don't seem to be wealthy people and they'd get millions if it were true. You say they wouldn't do that because then they couldn't see Tripp. However, a judge would still grant partial custody. They're not sitting on a multi-million dollar story.

    Palin has been a huge media figure for almost 2 years and this story hasn't been picked up. This tells me it is DOA.

  28. Anonymous9:53 PM

    The truth can be proven, there are insurance forms that will document Bristol's pregnancy and her birth as well as medical records. Yes, they are protected under HIPPA laws, but the truth is still the truth no matter what the Palins say. Levi knows the truth. People in Wasilla know the truth, it WILL ALL be exposed regardless of what the media refuses to do. And all those who lied will be outed.

  29. Anonymous9:55 PM

    Hey, I just read the Newsweek and Puerto Rico Daily Sun articles on the site referenced by Anonymous 7:54.

    Good grief, I can easily conclude that Palin might actually be smitten with Gov. Fortuno.

    The Newsweek article really lays out a case for him becoming a viable candidate the fiscal conservatives - or, at the least, make the Republican Party sound more Latino-friendly.

    Go the URL that Anonymous 7:54 gave, then visit the two sites (Newsweek and the PR Daily Sun)at the end of that blogger's posting.

    Take a real look at Gov. Fortuno. He is very young looking and very photogenic.

    One of Sarah's draws - prior the surgery - was that she was so photogenic. Gov. Fortuno is no slouch in that regard. He'd be payback to the Rethug women who could lust after him the way their men do/did Sarah.

    Is it really that much of a leap to see how Sister Sarah could be willing to at least fantasize about the man? Considering she hardly ever sees Todd these days. Fortuno is only a couple of years older than she - though she definitely looks like the older woman.

    Just seeing the two of them pasted together on that blog is worth the time. She really doesn't look up to the challenge of catching his eye.

  30. Dr Who10:06 PM

    Too too too funny!! Look who shows up here when this story comes out.

    It is NOT the same baby, it simply isn't! If you have seen as many infant ears as I have and fit them with hearing aids, you would know this.

    Also, the story is not DOA! This isn't the only thing Palins lied about and gotten away with. Lol. Can you name her lies and then list how many have come out to the general public??? Spend some time on Sullivans blog.

    There's no doubt to MANY that Trig is not Sarahs by birth. But she covered her tracks well. Don't forget what a cunning sociopath she is. Some of the things she has gotten away with are right up there with the babygate. Look at the other gates!! Palin is the sickest public person and she will go down in history as a negative. Look at her polls.

    Bye bye bots - thanks Gryphen - stick with this. Many admire your devotion. Those who tell you to stop or to ignore are weak and self-serving. Gotta keep up those reputations you know?

  31. Anonymous10:27 PM

    Okay, for those of you who have not yet read Malia Litman's blog today (she's listed on IM over on the blog roll segments), you are in for a treat.

    That is, of course, if you are fed up with Sarah Palin.

    Go watch this video:

    OMG, you are going to love it! The music is done, I believe, by The Austin Lounge Lizards and the song is sung by Sara Hickman, a Texas talent who deserves a lot of credit for making this so darn good.

    Just the nifty trick of Sara (the Good) singing about Sarah (the Bad) is worth the few minutes the video takes.

    Plus, if you are proud to be a woman or know a woman you are proud of - this video will make you feel good.

    Great dance steps, good music, putting down Sarah - hey, does it get better than that right now?

    Please, go watch Palin' By Comparison.

    Warning: you might be humming the tune for days.

    Thanks Malia!

  32. She is just teasing everyone, first she said she would run with Beck, then Bachmann, then Romney, now Fortuno.

    I wonder why Biden said on the view she said she is not running when asked by Elizabeth about $P being a threat.

    I rarely go to the see of pee site, because all they do is the same as her, a hate-fest against the President and anyone who dare says a word against her, but I wanted to see what they had to say about it. Of course they were all up in arms about it and know she will be POTUS in 2012. I wonder how they think she can win when 71% think she is unqualified and most people don't like her. She quit her elected job, she is a liar, she has no policy ideas, she wants a theocracy, she is mean, hateful, and vindictive. President Obama and her in the debates would make her a laughing stock once again. You can't run for president from facebook and cluster fox news only. She would have to go on real news stations for real interviews. She has a lot of skeletons in her closet. You can't trample on as many people as she has without a bunch of them talking. Someone might expose the fact she did not give birth to Trigg. So for them to think she can be president is pure fantasy on their part. Anyone who supports her are living in fantasy land and just want to believe in someone so bad they can't see the truth right in front their faces. There is no other explanation for them to make her into something she's not.

  33. Anonymous3:33 AM

    Yesterday, I went back to Palindeceptions and looked at all the MS pages of the teen group Bristol hung out with when she was 16-17. Even though I'm 69, I can remember being that age, and I know how deceptive and conniving teens can be about their substance use and sexual activities. Kids experiment at lot when they're teens, and the results are not all they expect them to be. They're filled with bravado and face consequences they never even thought out.

    What I found were vague references, in the teen manner, to drinking, drugs and sexual activities. During an exchange on 2 consecutive pages, Bristol remarks ":( now i'm a mother duck for that baby", Tyler earlier states, "what are you gonna do about it", and one girl said something to the effect that she (Bristol) should call her and let her know about what Bristol was all stressed about. Then there was the famous remark about Bristol saying $P "thinks I'm pregnant" after $P overheard a call she was on, and her infamous "I'm a slut", so what, remark.

    Those comments were made during June, July 2007. If Bristol had missed her period long enough, she probably knew she was pregnant at that time, probably 6 or 8 weeks, which would put delivery probably around Jan 2008, early Feb at the latest, which would also explain her absence from her regular school with "mono". Who the father was is up for grabs. She was evidently having sex with several boys; I think it was routinely done in her group. Levi was caught with the second baby and it's common knowledge he spent a lot of time at the Palin house--if Bristol was going to risk getting pregnant again (and she probably didn't have the means to get birth control on her own), then she was going to be sure who the father was, that time, and the glory of marriage would be her, repairing her reputation as just "an old married woman." This kind of thinking is still going on, even though it was VERY prevalent back when I was a teen.

    I think those kids knew BP was pregnant and either chose to protect her, or were threatened to do so. Kids do tend to protect each other--rebelling against adults, doing it "your way", esp when parents are extremely strict and judgmental, and is just a way of life for many teens. Unfortunately, too many don't realize there can be very severe consequences for their rebellion, esp when parents are hypocritical and don't remember their own teenage years, instead guarding their past and not being truthful and honest with their teens in a loving way, but rather focusing in a judgmental, authoritarian way on the "sins" of others.

    After all, $P herself was pregnant (with another man's child?) before she wed Toad, and so was her mother, Grandma Heath. How soon they forget!


  34. The ear pictures were posted on Mercede's Facebook page (or whatever her social networking page is) in spring of 2008, and overlooked in the flurry of erasures that occurred when Palin was selected. They were ignored after Palin's selection, so whoever was doing her computer screening/erasure thing was unaware that there was any issue. Why would they deliberately photoshop pictures of an ear deformity- of all things- months before the selection and then ignore them? Who would do that? What would be the point?

  35. Anonymous3:50 AM

    You know, I remember hearing on the blogs, on and off, something about, "Oh you don't want to know the truth! It is so bad you will actually feel sorry for Sarah Palin. It will be bad for some young person, this truth getting out. You don't want to put a child through that."
    And at first, I thought that made SOME sense. Not outing a child or underaged minor shows a MODICUM of decency toward that child's privacy and welfare.
    BUT--Sarah Palin has managed to use WHATEVER happened--even if it was something terrible--TO HER BENEFIT--for her own political and financial gain and to vanquish real and perceived enemies! THAT is what is so galling! Using Trig as a prop, for sympathy or empathy or whatever--heck, using any of her kids as props, hiding behind them, using them as shields and making them victims--is a hideous, damaging abuse of them. And because of this abuse, the truth about Trig's parentage MUST come out. Too bad for the innocent kids. It's Sarah's fault if it comes to that. She should have dropped out of the spotlight if she wanted to protect them.
    If anyone has ANYTHING definitive--COME OUT WITH IT!

  36. Anonymous4:09 AM

    Links to back up your remarks? Where are people speaking openly of her having a nervous breakdown?

  37. This lie will never die. Thanks to the bloggers and all of us, she will have to answer questions about this one day. Or have it exposed.

    I am so thankful for Gryph,Sullivan and everyone who will not take lies for an answer by someone who thinks she can lead the Free World.

  38. If ONE gate breaks, like Dairygate, then the floodGATEs will open and it will be okay to print the photos of no-belly palin.

  39. Anonymous5:35 AM

    Hmmm. Several people are asking "Why won't Alaskans talk?" I have a hard time believing NO ONE will talk. I wouldn't be surprised to learn when Dunn's book comes out that some people did talk. I'm now seeing, after Andrew Sullivan's recent posting, that it doesn't matter if people talk or not. The media won't report. I thnk that's a story. Who is so powerful to be able to intimidate TMZ & National Enquirer from printing stories that "would ruin their career." That's generally not been a concern of TMZ & NE. I can understand reluctacet to report on babygate, but Dairygate? Troopergate? hosuegate? That's all financial stuff. NO innocent children. No sexy soap opera. That's the meat and potatoes of Washington Post - or used to be.

    Who is it that wants it secret? I don't believe MSM is afraid of Sarah Palin. Seems to me someone is behind her. And what relationships are involved? ANd my usual suspects for motives are sex or money, and I don't suspect sex in this case. So whose money, and how and why is MSM afraid of?

  40. There are many reasons the Trig story has not broken....fear of lawsuits, concern for the kids involved, the ick factor for most men and there is a subliminal denial for a lot of people, they just can't believe someone would fake it and then make it their reason for being in politics!!

    And the gravy train that her family and friends and sort of friends are on would come to a halt.

    And in politics there is this "leave the kids out of it" mandate by the media.


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