Thursday, April 08, 2010

Either Rupert Murdoch never watches the network that he owns or he is completely full of crap. Or both!

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Update: Now Glenn Beck is also saying “I could give a flying crap about the political process.”

What kind of bullshit it this?  Do these jerks really believe that just because they don't buy into the crap they sell to their public that it absolves them of blame for spreading a false message?  It doesn't!

You know I used to have a pretty low opinion of teabaggers and other Fox viewers before, but with these new revelations I am not sure these people should be allowed out of their house without some competent adult supervision.

It seems to me that if we want to immediately raise the median IQ in this country we need to get Fox News off of our televisions sets.  Clearly they are in the business of dumbing down America.


  1. Anonymous6:15 AM

    I think he is full of crap and is as dishonest as the fools he hires.

  2. Could you believe that crap? It was stunning. What a lying sack of shit that guy is.

  3. on the heels of Rupey's disingenuous claims -- now GlennDUh says he doesn't care about the political process and FOX is just an entertainment company

    hmmm, one wonders what's brewing over in the Fox Hole.

  4. He's a nasty little weasel.

  5. Well, my mother won't care that Glenn Beck - her co-religionist - made $32 million last year and considers himself 'just an entertainer.' She subscribes 100% to the bullpucky he shovels.

  6. Anonymous7:26 AM

    Didn't murdoch deny any knowledge of bagger support after Senator Tom Coburn R came out and told faux news viewers they should balance faux news with other sources of news?

  7. It does make you wonder, but could it be they are trying to disavow their culpability in stirring up hatred and violence in order to avoid charges and/or lawsuits? Beck is probably also trying to save his job if he made that comment on the heels of Murdoch's. But does he go on the air and tell his viewers honestly and up front: don't believe what I am telling you; I don't? Then we have CNN. Yuck. I haven't watched CNN since the day shortly after the inauguration when John King interviewed Dick Cheney. The lies that Cheney spit out that day sickened me, but what really got me was that King just nodded (in the affirmative) and um hummed the whole time. We don't have a totally trustworthy MSM news network or trustworthy, unbiased, "just the facts" reporter/newscaster. I get my news from these blogs. Seriously. I don't even watch my local news anymore (actually haven't done this for a long time, just because, timing is the issue) hence, I know more about Alaskan politics and issues than I do about my state/county/city. HaHa. Wonder why that is?

  8. Well I don't know if he watches Faux News or not BUT I do know he is definitely full of crap!! And yes, I think adult supervision would be a great idea for these totally delusional people.

    Slight OT, but not really my 80 year old mother spent the weekend with me because my sister she lives with was moving house. And like so many people from the Bible Belt her age, she watches Faux News. I started to tell her she couldn't watch it when I was in the house but then decided that would be a little over the top.

    So, at one point during the weekend when the Quitter Queen of Grift was screeching about something I asked mother if she liked Sarah Palin. To my great surprise and relief she replied "No, I do not. She pretends to be a Christian but she doesn't act very Christian as far as I am concerned. I think she needs to stay home and take care of her children. I really think the only thing she is interested in is making money and prissing her behind in front of a camera". Well, as we say in the South, you could have knocked me over with a feather! Also, too I think my mother is very offended by Mrs. Palin's fondness of saying "hell yeah". My mother never, ever swears.

    So there you have it folks, everyone on the religious right isn't taken in by Queen Esther.

  9. Distancing themselves from the upcoming violence (that they're inciting)perhaps? First dr. Tiller's death, laid at BOR's door, death threats against Pelosi being blamed on FOX in general - time for fair and balanced to go apolitical?

  10. I saw that yesterday--I think it shows how little he cares about the American public. But there's no way he doesn't know what goes on on his station. He just authorizes it and gets on with his life, He knows it's all lies so why bother to follow it.

  11. Anonymous8:59 AM

    It is one thing for the so-called news station to cover the news, but Fox has stepped over the line in creating the news that it covers. The best example is the tea party (I would rather call them tea baggers, their original name. There is wonderful video of a Fox News producer organizing the tea bag crowd and leading them in chants like a cheer leader so they will look good on camera (Fox News). When they create the story that they cover it is not news; it is a staged political event.

    When Rupert was unable to name one democrat at Fox, he fumbled, mentioning Greta. However, when Fox was promoting tea bag parties around the country, they posted a map with the pictures of each Fox personality and the location of the rally that they would attend. Greta is on that map; she is no democrat!

    In fairness, and I love Keith Olbermann, Countdown did the same thing, soliciting contributions for free health clinics, doing interviews with the head of the free health clinic and then covering the event. I liked the idea of the free health clinic, but MSNBC should not be orchestrating events anymore than Fox does.

  12. Polly9:01 AM

    SoCalWolfGal - Thank you so much for sharing that! My mom is 84, not a Bible person, but also feels the same as your mother. Our dear elders are pretty wise! :-) - like Margaret & Helen. Reminds me, I haven't checked out their blog lately.

  13. nswfm9:08 AM

    Gryphen, we are counting on you and your sources to end this:

  14. Laura9:11 AM

    fI find it upsetting and frightening that they are saying that Palin is 'back'in politics, plus there were TWO favorable articles about her in the Chicago Trib today. What is wrong with people?

  15. Anonymous9:31 AM

    SoCal 8:14 - bless your good Christian mother's heart. There's them good uns and then there's those Palin ones.

  16. Anonymous9:33 AM

    Perhaps Murdoch thinks FOX is more neo-Nazi.

  17. Anonymous9:39 AM

    I just have to share this because I think it illustrates the disconnect the people who follow these folks have.

    I have a neighbor with whom I walk each day. He's a great person and a good neighbor, but you have to keep conversations very general because he is a one of the Palin-style "conservatives."

    He mentioned his brother was in the hospital for a blood clot in his heart. Went to ER, spent two days in ICU and will now be in the hospital with heavy blood thinners until the clot disappears. While there, the doctors discovered other problems

    Deal is: today he said he discovered that his brother and his wife don't have health insurance anymore because his employer couldn't afford to offer a group policy.

    Because his brother is still in his early 40's, the brother felt he could gamble without insurance for a while - and then, wham, this happened.

    So I went into what should have been a supportive rant about how different it would be if we'd had single-payer. Then I went right into my frustration that so many heartless people are screaming and shouting down providing basic affordable access to health care to their fellow Americans.

    Should have kept my mouth shut.

    I knew he had supported McCain-Palin in 2008, but that didn't cross my mind when I started off on my rant. I just felt so badly for him and his brother's family. His brother is going to lose everything.

    Know what his reaction was? Nothing, nada. Just a shrug. "He should have just gotten a better job" - as if those are a dime a dozen, right?

    Bless his heart. He doesn't seem to get it; blames his brother or fate or whatever. Can't see the need to protect everyone with basic health care - nope, that isn't the American way. My head felt like exploding with frustration, but no amount of discussion is going to change his mind.

    Of course, he himself doesn't have to worry: he is a retired postal worker at 55 years of age and will get low-cost health care until he reaches Medicare age.

    He just doesn't understand that his retirement checks, his health care premium underwriting and then his Medicare are all socialist programs.

    I don't get it. I'm not Christian, he is. Why doesn't he care about what happens - I mean, he spends hours at the hospital and seems to love his brother, but won't support health care programs that could keep his brother from losing everything - his brother is just in his early 40's!!!

    Goodness, I have a lot of faults, but I very never been more proud to be a progressive non-believer.

  18. Anonymous9:41 AM

    To SoCAlWolfGal: glad to hear your grandmother who watches Faux News doesn't like Palin. Maybe there is hope - though I wish the folks younger than her would react like that.

  19. Tyroanee10:17 AM

    This is one pathetic human fossil!

  20. Anonymous10:23 AM

    "It seems to me that if we want to immediately raise the median IQ in this country we need to get Fox News off of our televisions sets."

    Hey, lead the charge and go for it !!

    It will give you something to do instead of obsessing over the facial features and hairdos of the Palin women.

  21. Anonymous10:43 AM

    Anon at 9:39AM. I know the answer to your question.
    He HAS his and does not want to share anything. He is selfish, a common trait among many human beings (of all political, religious, or secular stripes).
    He would rather keep 100% of his than ever sacrifice one thin dime for anyone else, including his own family.

  22. Anonymous10:48 AM

    What if we file complaints with the FCC? Does it cover cable?

  23. Anonymous12:11 PM

    Perhaps both Murdoch and Beck have whiffed possible lawsuits coming in their direction?

    Not political, my ass.

    Tell that to Mrs. Giusti and the relatives of others who are obsessed with what Fux News is selling, and acting on it.

  24. Caroline Jumper1:18 PM

    Beck and Murdoch are telling the truth. They don't care about the political process. Go for the result you want. Don't confuse your audience by adding that what you are advocating is outside practicable or legal political process.

  25. the mother of the man arrested for making death threats against Nancy Pelosi said yesterday that she blames Fox News for brainwashing her son.

    either the FBI is breathing down Fox's snout or someone is filing a lawsuit

  26. Excuse me, GB has given many a flying crap without caring whom it hits. This quote should be thrown in his face every time he opens his mouth. It will add value to the "entertainment" he sells, since a lot of people want to watch him squirm in public.


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