Monday, April 19, 2010

Half of the Teabagger movement does NOT want to follow Sarah Palin back to 1775. The other half is not sure exactly WHAT year it is right now.

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  1. Anonymous6:34 PM

    why isn't palin being corrected STAT re: the facts of religion vs constitution/founding fathers/God telling her so?

  2. In 1775 women could not vote and slavery was legal. Sounds like Palin does not want to vote and Obama and his family should be slaves.

  3. Anonymous7:38 PM

    Palin wants to go back to the days of witch trials by dunking?

    Wack job!

    Hey, Sarah, the world of 1775 does not allow the make-up nor the jewlery! Let alone the hooker skirts and shoes! Oh, but thats right you are totally uneducated so how would you know? You probably think they had cell phones and tweeter!

  4. I love that Sarah's church/state boundary issue is getting some attention! When her biggest lies are exposed and she goes splat, hopefully, her taint will spread to the history revisionists and dominionist movement. That's G-d's purpose for her.

    Gotta wonder how she got away with dedicating the SOA to Jesus...twice.

  5. The old witch in 1775 would have no teeth and have been kicked to shit for ANY view she held. Boy howdy dont i wish it were 1775.
    Thanks Gryph for pointing out that i should have had Firefox. WOW what a difference it makes on your site. I know i am lazy and should have explored beyond IE sooner. We all know people only react when it becomes untenable. I am guilty.

  6. Holy crap, Keith just called her a grifter, I kept rewinding. Wow, Grifter Granny, it's true.
    Hello, MSM, wake up!

  7. Gryphen, this is O/T, sort of, but in quite a few posts you've said that there is something "big" that is going to be revealed about Scary Palin, yet nothing really materializes. Sure there are things like not paying taxes on her cabin, the ruffled ear baby, but they are just not that earth-shattering and they aren't 100% conclusive. They're ambiguous. Do you have anything else? I REALLY hope so because that woman needs to not be seen or heard in the media ever again except as a fallen "star". I've said this before (here or on some other blog): if I were very, very wealthy, I'd hire a private detective, but not just some joe schmo... but someone who can really operate in stealth mode, someone who can pay Cathy Baldwin Johnson millions of dollars to speak the truth (so she can just retire), someone who can find out every piece of skeletal bone in her closet so she can just disappear from the human consciousness except for the occasional tabloid magazine sighting. So Gryphen... was it all talk or is there hope of something that will satisfy all of your loyal readers?

  8. Anonymous12:04 AM

    In, 1775, a kid having a baby out of wedlock, was forbidden. Guess her whole family wouldn't exist today, so in that case, sure lets go back. LOL

  9. Anonymous3:53 AM

    One of Sarah's most central lies - pouf, gone in a flash for those who have ears to listen, eyes to see, and brains to think.

    She only proves and perpetuates her abysmal lack of understanding of the most basic facts relating to the founding of this country,

    That is she is willfully ignorant is no surprise, that was apparent out of the shoot, but that she is darn proud of it is as astounding as the fact that there are many willing to embrace her stupidity as their own.

  10. Her misinformation on Church-State issues is another DISQUALIFICATION for national office.

    The other is calling only some citizens REAL Americans from the PRO-America parts of the country.

  11. Anonymous5:27 AM

    Gryphen, NPR has an article about a study that shows that 1/2 of those with european backgrounds have a gene that causes the person, (if they fail to keep their weight down actively), to get fat and in the process loose part of the brain that makes decisions. I KID YOU NOT.
    Perhaps her followers mostly all have that gene and that is why there are so few that are not of european background in her audience. How many are overweight too? Have they lost the ability to make good decisions and are following her on this back to 1775 thing without thinking because of their genes?

  12. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn5:39 AM

    Haven't commented in a bit, but have been skimming the blog every day--thanks as always!

    Remember that anything SP preaches applies to everyone else, NOT to her. She's exceptional and anointed by God, for Lawd's sake! The standards of 1775 would only be thrust upon the adoring, blissfully misinformed peasants who would willingly turn over their entire meager paychecks to HRH Queen Grifter if it were at all possible. SP and her Royal Family of Misfits alone would have all the rights, freedom and technology available to them if the Teabagger's fantasy world of 1775 suddenly became "today."

    I can't wait for the day when Sistah Sarah is finally reduced to a mere, thieving televangelist a la Tammy Faye Bakker--and gets busted for it.

  13. Anonymous6:23 AM

    Sarah's fix:

    "We the Caucasian Free Market Capitalist Christians [who make up the Real Americans,]"

    I'm no longer worried she'd be a viable mainstream candidate, she knows where the money is and she's happy in her new little niche. Let's just continue to be the basement dwelling elitist chihuahua's driving her up a tree.

    And the MSM can go F itself if it continues to allow her to contribute to the sociopolitical discourse hiding behind her ghostwritten Facebook posts without confirming she's capable of such authorship.

    Thanks Gryphen, keep on going.

  14. Postergirl, I have addressed this question numerous times, but let me wade in again.

    Yes there are big earth shattering things coming. No I don't know exactly when.

    I am not in charge of when a book gets finished or an investigation concludes, I can only pass on that these things are in the works.

    As for this blog, I challenge you to find another blog that has done more investigative reporting and aggressive research on Sarah Palin.

    Remember I am essentially a one man show. I do have supporters and occasional helpers but I give up a great deal of my personal time and no small amount of money to pursue these leads and attempt to get the truth out.

    If anybody finds themselves unsatisfied with my work then by all means feel free to go elsewhere. I am doing the best I can so no hard feelings if it is not enough for some people. Nobody is forcing you to come here.

  15. Anonymous8:47 AM

    What with all 'em witch burnin' festivals 'n dunkins' back in 1775,
    the Tundra Elf jus' mighta ended up
    's the star 'traction at one of 'em.

    Sharon TN

  16. Anonymous9:38 AM

    Tammy Faye Baker can no way be compared to Sarah Palin. TFB was a wonderful women, humanitarian, loved all people but was married to a corrupt man.
    Read up on her.

    Sarah Palin is an idiot: it's scary that their are even more idiots who listen to her horse poop and believe it.

  17. Anonymous8:15 PM

    Wish I did have a time machine so I could bundle palin, beck, and limpballs up and throw 'em all back to 1775!


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