Thursday, April 01, 2010

It looks like Barack Obama is not the only black man the Republicans refuse to work with.

From the New York Daily News:

In the wake of an embarrassing spending spree of nearly $2,000 at a risque strip joint, which led to one staffer being fired, a new report suggests donors are abandoning the Republican National Committee - and have been for a while.

"There are a whole lot of troubling things going on," a major GOP donor told The Daily Caller.

The source claims prominent Republican donors have stopped handing their money over to the RNC. Instead, they're pouring their pocketbooks into the coffers of the GOP's Senatorial Committee.

It looks as if the focus of much of this frustration is focused on the GOP's own special "magic negro" Michael Steele, who the RNC elected in a knee jerk reaction to the election of Barack Obama.

Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele "allowed a certain climate to exist" that resulted in the committee paying for a now infamous visit to a Los Angeles strip club, a senior RNC committeeman told Fox News.

Steele's critics point to the strip club story as another in a series of controversies in which his leadership has been found wanting. The chairman's office has rejected such flak as unwarranted by the facts in the case. RNC spokesman Doug Heye also points out that Steele was not at Voyeur, did not have any knowledge of the expenditure and finds the use of committee funds at such a location unacceptable.

The hypocrisy is astounding.  If the Republican voters really believe that this is the first time that the RNC has shown their big donors a good time at a strip club, using RNC money, then I have some swampland in Wasilla to sell them. This is being pumped up and trotted out by the Republican movers and shakers behind the scenes who NEVER wanted Michael Steele to be their chairman and who are looking to get rid of him without being labeled, what everybody in the country already know they are, racists.

So now the Republicans are suddenly shocked that these kinds of things take place ("What? Strip Clubs?  Why I never!") and are pulling their support. Not because of that dark skinned fellow, but because the RNC today is nothing like the RNC of the past, when the only real difference is that the man standing at the helm doesn't need to spend his money on tanning beds like John Boehner and Sarah Palin do. (Maybe the real reason they don't like Michael Steele is "pigment envy".)

Look I am not saying that Michael Steele is a good chairman, but he is also NOT the reason the RNC is broken.  It was broken before, that is why they got desperate enough to call in the black guy.

Our country was broken enough to finally hire a black guy too.  The only difference is that OUR black guy actually knows what the hell he is doing!

And I am not actually saying that the RNC is racist for wanting to fire Michael Steele, after all he does kind of suck.  What I am saying is that the RNC was racist for electing him in the first place.

They believed that somehow ALL African Americans are interchangeable. ("They got one, now WE need one.")  They truly believed that the key to the Democrats success was that they had a dark skinned man to lead their party, and in order to compete that was all they needed to level the playing field.

If I may paraphrase Sarah Palin for a moment "How is that copy catty thing working for ya?"

Of course sadly what this will in fact do is reinforce what the racist base of the Republican party wants desperately to believe. And that is that there is nothing wrong with scaring the American people into supporting them, or lying about things to fool the American people into supporting them, but that the only reason the American people no longer support them, is because the dark skinned guy they chose was not capable of running the party as well as the white guys that came before him.

And that the reason for his failure is really only skin deep.

Update: Countdown has more on this story, including the reason that Michael Steele may NOT be officially losing his job anytime soon.

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  1. Anonymous5:23 PM

    Well, didn't they copy-cat the Democrats with Palin? I mean, I heard their gears grinding when Hillary was looking like she could win, and then when President Obama picked Biden, they thought "well, we will look better if we put up a woman - after all, they all have the same plumbing, right?"

    The current leaders are shallow fools who operate on the same level as Palin - opportunistic grifters.

  2. Gryphen,

    I am glad you weren't scared to call it out for what it actually is. Michael Steele is a 'House Negro'. Always have been and always will be if he continues with his connection with the RNC.

    Keep in mind, the RNC took away his power within his first couple of months on board as Chairman. They set it up so where he needed approval from the Finance Committee before spending money. Remember that? Gryphen had a post on it.

    Yes, thank God this country was going to hell or we wouldn't have such a wonderful, educated, articulate, trustworthy, sincere, kind and handsome family man in our White House, President Barack H. Obama. Yep, I agree with you here too, Gryphen.

  3. steele is a token and a tool. whoops! did I spill a secret?

  4. Anonymous7:00 PM

    Comparing Steele to the President of the United States - Barack Obama - is like comparing former half term Alaska governor Palin to the current Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Gee, both Steele and Obama are of the male gender. And both Palin and Clinton are of the female gender...eND COMPARISON!

  5. Anne NC7:33 PM

    While I agree that the RNC is treating Michael Steele in a despicable manner, he has not done what he was hired to do. His fundraising skills have gone unnoticed because he hasn't done any fundraising. Do you remember his interview last year when he was talking about himself and Barack Obama. Someone said something to him that implied he was envious of President Obama. He said, "Well, I'm the Chairman of the RNC." as if it's comparable to being President. It was more involved with that but I couldn't help but come away with the impression that he thought he was as important as the President, if not moreso!

    He loves to be seen on TV, just recently wrote a book that he is going to be promoting and yet the RNC is broke. When is he going to do his job? As far as I'm concerned, I don't really care if he ever does it as I'm far more likely to not vote rather than vote Republican but the man's ego is enormous.

    I do think the RNC used him because he was black, no doubt about it. But all in all, Steele has NOT done his job. If he was chairman of the DNC, I'd want him fired immediately. As it stands now, he's a present to the DNC so let him stay!

  6. I find the Daily News article offensive regarding the language used - although not surprising. How sad this publication must resort to plantation language instead of straight reporting of an important story.

  7. I agree with Anon 5:23

    I'd say to Steele as he's heading out the door in November—lay down with dogs, spend your whole life trying to get rid of the fleas. Steele was used by the GOP as the antidote to the "other black man". Typical clueless, pandering GOP.

    Steele also used the GOP and he knows this is coming to an end. And well—was incompetent, But as I have no love for the GOP--it was fun. I also can't forgive him for supporting teabaggers and Palin.

    Of course Steele can't hold a candle a mile to President Obama. He's not even a mere shadow.
    And the GOP is now more clueless than they ever have been and are paying for it.

    And that's all right by me.

  8. I agree with Anon 5:23

    I'd say to Steele as he's heading out the door in November—lay down with dogs, spend your whole life trying to get rid of the fleas. Steele was used by the GOP as the antidote to the "other black man". Typical clueless, pandering GOP.

    Steele also used the GOP and he knows this is coming to an end. And well—was incompetent, But as I have no love for the GOP--it was fun. I also can't forgive him for supporting teabaggers and Palin.

    Of course Steele can't hold a candle a mile to President Obama. He's not even a mere shadow.
    And the GOP is now more clueless than they ever have been and are paying for it.

    And that's all right by me.

  9. They didn't want Steele in the first place. The Republicans are so out of touch with Real America it's astounding. They thought by replacing Hillary with palin, female democrats would flock to the other side and vote for the old man just because. Well they tried the same thing with Steele, thinking he'd draw in more african-americans and minorities, lol! Oh boy, as an african-american myself this is laughable. Steele is just a white republican with a very deep tan and when he apologized to Limbaugh, one of the biggest racist you'll ever hear, well everyone saw Steele as the tool he is. I hope he comes away realizing what a true Uncle Tom he's been; I wouldn't be surprised if he headlines a tea party soon to make up for this "indiscretion" eventhough it wasn't him at the club.

  10. Anonymous4:00 AM

    Steele was supposed to be the GOP answer to Obama, just as Palin was supposed to be their answer to Hillary Clinton. I don't feel any sympathy for Steele, because he allowed himself to be used in what turned out to be an exercise in futility. The GOP did not change its far right agenda that the overwhelming majority of African-Americans (myself included) reject.
    And the spectacle of Steele apologizing to windbag Limbaugh was absolutely sickening. But its just another chapter in the comical identity politics of the GOP. In their world, blacks and white women are interchangeable.

  11. olivia5:03 AM

    Sad thing is that Michael Steele is a self fulfilling prophecy. He was cynically put in the position only because of his skin color, with no regard for his fitness for the job. Now that he has proved his total incompetence, which has nothing to do with his skin color, and everything to do with his lack of fitness for the job, people who want to believe that people of color aren't qualified for anything will insist that their racist opinion has been proven true.

  12. Anonymous7:15 AM

    I totally support that! Continue that way!


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