Thursday, April 29, 2010

Sarah Palin inadvertently identifies Fox News as lamest of the "Lamestream Media".

Brought to our attention by Media Matters:

The other day Palin was throwing out talking points on Sean Hannity's show when she made the following fairly salient point.

Well you know as much as I disagree with Sister Sarah I have to give her this one.  I mean what kind of ignorant news outlet would make the statement that the law "would make it ILLEGAL to be an ILLEGAL immigrant"?



  1. Have any other news outlets used the same point?
    Each time Palin uses the slanderous lable of "lamestream media" i cringe. It brainwashes people it is other people who are lame, liars positioning herself that she alone is bright, honest, factual and truthful then after setting positions she proceeds to lie. It is insidious poison and abuse of her position and power all self serving.

  2. mocha7:05 AM

    Why is she breathing like she just ran 2 miles? She is that nervous in a patty-cake interview with someone who is spoonfeeding to her slogans? She won't make it 2 months in a campaign. She has worn out her "lamestream" media slogan. How long before someone finally tells her, like you would a 5 year old, 'Ok Sarah it was funny twice, now you've said it 72 times and no one thinks it's funny anymore but you. '

  3. Hey! Sarah finally said something that I can agree with.

  4. Anonymous7:28 AM

    Well, I was wrong. A while back I said Stupid Sarah would probably first insult African Americans, then Muslims during her stint on Fox. Turns out it was people of Hispanic heritage.


  5. Gasman7:40 AM

    This pretty much exemplifies how unaware - of virtually everything - that Sarah Palin actually is. She pays so little attention to detail and is so reflexively dismissive of the “lamestream media,” as she is wont to say, that she didn’t focus her tiny mind long enough to realize that her criticism was inadvertently directed at her colleagues at FauxNews.

    I am sure that she did not intend to bite the hand that feeds her. However, despite being unfocused enough to not even know what network she was watching, she nevertheless experienced a rare and undoubtedly very unfamiliar moment - dare I say it - of mental clarity in which she realized that, in her own words, “it was just this illustration that they don’t get it.”

    Not knowing she was watching FauxNews, even Sarah Palin, mental pygmy that she is, could recognize the inanity of the content and the obvious disconnect from reality. For a brief instance, she actually experienced a faint sense of cognitive dissonance. Who knew? I would have thought her mentally incapable of even perceiving that there is any difference between actual reality and FauxNews “reality.”

    Since I did not watch this little on air confab of the pinhead duo, I did not see what Hannity’s reaction was. Did he know during the exchange that Palin was peeing in her own punchbowl? If not, how long did it take for staffers to inform him? I wonder who got to break the news to Palin? How much do you want to bet that behind the scenes in FauxNewsland producers could be heard uttering, “just how fucking stupid is she!?”

    It would appear that more than half of Palin’s FauxNews appearances have been utter disasters. From O’Reilly’s rather dismissive swipes at her, to her deer-in-the-headlights moments, to Goldberg’s dismissive analyses of her, to her being unable to even recognize FauxNews on air twits, she seems to be just another lightning rod focusing attention on just how clownish FauxNews really is.

    At what point do Murdoch and Ailes realize what a liability Palin is in front of microphones and cameras? How bad does she have to get before they can her? What is the precise level of stupid that is too stupid for FauxNews?

    Enquiring minds want to know.

  6. Mocha:
    Agreed! She uses the same old bumper sticker language time and time again. It's as if she's just learned a simple riddle and repeats it over and over and over...funny once, maybe twice, but now it's just booooorrrrrrriiiiiinnngggggg!

    Quittypants better get herself some new bumper stickers!

  7. Anonymous10:13 AM

    Mocha, you're exactly right. How many people do you know, educated or not, who continually speak in catch phrases? Hopefully, she won't start using "I mean.." to begin every sentence like the kids do- or maybe that would be kinda funny.

  8. emrysa11:03 AM

    lmao, and there are some who think this woman should be president.

    "I think it's a good idea to have a president who speaks without thinking."

    jeezus they are a stupid as she is. embarrassing.

  9. She's just a "bot" on a "test run". They have to give her a little bit of freedom on air so that the men behind the scenes can tweak and fine tune the servo motors that make her run....

  10. Anonymous1:48 PM

    This is way too funny! What a lamestream idiot she is!

  11. Anonymous6:35 PM

    When will someone in the lamestream media call her out? Until that happens, she is correct. Certainly no other has been pol, commands so much air time to say nothing. Never answers a question, yet is always the authority on everything. Could not cut it with any of her previous jobs, yet she is the expert. And lamestream media is front and center to gather her babble. She was not the first female canidate for VP in this country for her to think she is so special. Lack of vetting is the only reason she was selected. Tragic for all.


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