Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Bristol Palin to be guest on the View where she can tell the world how hard it is to raise a baby ALL BY HERSELF, while at the same time keeping the father and his family from providing help and messing up her pity party.

From ABC's The Note:

Bristol Palin, the daughter of former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, hits the campaign trail tomorrow to promote National Day to Prevent Teen Pregnancy with a solo debut on ABC’s “The View.”

Palin, a teenage mom turned abstinence spokesperson, is pushing the work of the advocacy group Candie’s Foundation for whom she currently appears in public service announcements airing on national TV.

This is what I imagine Sarah's pep talk to Bristol was before she goes on the View:

"Remember Bristol you are a Palin.  And what is the most important Palin rule?"

"I know Mom, NEVER tell the truth.  I am not a baby!"

"Yes I know dear, now you just make babies.  Okay now if you forget the talking points we rehearsed just remember to look at the notes I wrote on your "poor man's teleprompter" and you will be fine. And watch out for that Whoopie!  She is black so I bet she is related to that socialist Obama!  I just don't trust those people!"

"Gawd Mom!  Just let me do it myself!  Remember, you promised that if I stayed quiet you would help me to make money of my own so that I can rub Levi's face in the fact that MY anti-sex career is so much more successful then his "porn" career.  Ha Ha, Levi you are never going to see your son!"

"Okay dear you go knock'em dead!  Oh and hey do you think you could put in a good word for oil drilling while you are out there?  It is getting a lot of bad press lately."

"No Mom!  I have to go on TV and lie about how having sex messed up my life even though I was actually  trying to get pregnant*.  You can tell your lies when YOU get on television."

By the way. Bristol is also taking this opportunity to introduce the most annoying iPhone app in history.

On “The View,” Palin is expected to talk about the challenges of raising her son Tripp -- and introduce a new "Crying Baby" iPhone app featuring a crying baby that cannot be turned off.

WTF?  Who in the hell would put THAT on their phone?  Could you imagine explaining to people in the check out line that there isn't really a baby stuffed in your purse?  I wonder which genius thought that one up?

*Yep it's true!  And once I touch base with a few people I am hoping to give you a whole mess of behind the scenes facts that will blow your mind.


  1. Anonymous12:14 PM

    Thank you Gryphen for keeping up with the crazy family. I can't imagine what next!

  2. spanky12:16 PM

    Palin babies cry?

  3. Anonymous12:20 PM

    Oh goodie. Another platform where little Sarah Jr. can whine about what a mistake Tripper was and how hard life is for her as she tools around town in her mommy's 'Sclade.

    If that child counts as a mistake nowadays, where do I sign up for one? I could use an extra $100K+ that I don't have to work for (I mean really, how hard is it to exploit a kid's birthday party?)

    Are we going to have to continue to hear about what a mistake Tripp was when he is 17 and about to be a daddy himself or by then will these 'people' finally have gone the hell away?

  4. Anonymous12:23 PM

    Hmm, tryin' to get pregnant. Color me completely NOT surprised... this girl is a walking cry for help.

  5. Anonymous12:25 PM

    I can't wait for Bristol to get her very own reality show, to show the world how hard it is to raise a baby (or two) when Mom's Millions buys the home, ride, clothes, food and the state pays for health care.

    A little special note to Bristol (the trolls can tell her): No matter what you say on The View, there will always be a You Tube version for Tripp to see, anytime in the future. He may wonder why his father was granted such limited access. Any words about how you suffered, how hard it was, whether he was wanted or an accident will haunt him for the rest of his life. Sometimes, silence is golden, and it might be the best thing for this little boy. I don't think he wants to be humiliated by his mother the way that you were.

  6. Anonymous12:31 PM

    I thought Bristol was on the show today, but it was pre-empted (at least in California) due to a fairly long new bulletin/update on the Times Square bomber.

    I was happy not having to see her, until I realized that this was set for tomorrow.

    Had it been for today, I suppose the Palins would have claimed that Bristol didn't get air time due to a left wing plot of some sort.

    Meanwhile, are any of the Palins actually living at home any longer? They build a compound followed by spending their life as wandering nomads.

  7. I really like the comments here. spanky: Palin babies probably cry .... when they are not drugged. Gryphen: I hope you will spill some secrets real soon. And Bristol, you might as well wear a big red A on your chest every day, because your Mom is NEVER going to let you grow past getting pregnant (twice) before the age of 18. Not in her speeches, (you do know she brings your second pregnancy up in her speeches, right?) not by making you a spokesperson for abstinence, never ever. If she were truly proud of you and not trying to shame you, she would not bring it up.

  8. So -- Last Saturday I was shopping for a new pair of sunglasses and came across a sale (buy one, get one free) on Candies brand sunglasses...wow what a bargain! I selected a pair of full priced Foster Grants. TwO SNAPS & A SWIRL!!!

  9. Anonymous12:50 PM

    Mommies Day. Coming up. It's wonderful that Bristol got a healthy son out of the dill. Sons usually turn out to be saving graces for moms driving them through the veritable snow storms of Alaskan life when one is merely older but no wiser a certain possibility having happily lived one's sequestered adult life within the verdant city boundaries of Wasilla. Have a happy day.

  10. Good show, themom! Now write to the Candies people and tell them what you did and why!

  11. Anonymous1:06 PM

    Of course Bristol was trying to get pregnant...she wanted to replace her first baby (Trig) that Sarah took away from her.

    Gryphen, I'm SOOOO glad you are getting ready to release some new dirt on the Palins. But is anyone ever going to prove that Sarah did not give birth to Trig? And who Trig's parents really are? Those are the million dollar questions that need to be answered in order to get rid of Queen Quitter. Please keep trying!!!

  12. Anonymous1:06 PM

    In my dreams,

    Bristol walks onto the View set to find 6-8 teen moms waiting to tell poor little picked-on Bristol what a real teen mom deals with every day.

    Bristol is told to Sit Down and Shut Up by the View regulars.

    Everyone discusses how cheap condoms are and why babies deserve to be wanted not just produced by indifferent self-centered unintellegent boring teens like Bristol.

    BTW, Bristol, shortly you will become a twenty-something mother with a bratty pre-schooler. Not much demand for that type on the talk show circuit.

  13. Anonymous1:08 PM

    Bristol's vagina and its product(s), a winner theme for a dying talk show.

  14. I am beginning to dislike Bristol almost as much as I dislike her lying-ass mother. And yes Anon@12:25 pm it would be better for the whole family to learn the silence is golden rule sometime, but then they have to keep lying, whining and playing the victim to keep the money rolling in.

  15. Anonymous1:17 PM

    They all sound nuts. Of course, they are all into exploitation and making lots of money. Grand master Pinsky can take them up into the big money. What a waste, another stupid band-aide approach to a monster problem. Oil disasters will do more to bring down teen pregnancy. Eventually, males will have zero sperm count and females won't produce healthy eggs.

    "The town hall style meeting will be moderated by Dr. Drew Pinsky. The panel will feature teen moms, including Bristol Palin, Maci and Farrah; former cast members from MTV’s Teen Mom; and Grecia and Brianda, and teen moms from Redwood City, CA. They will also debut a new television PSA today entitled “Back Talk Baby.” The new PSA takes a humorous approach to reach teens by featuring a talking baby asking his teen mom why she thinks she can go out with her friends and leave him at home."

    It is possible “Back Talk Baby” will reach someone like Sarah, how soon will she return home to Trig? After the teens laugh with that PSA their young hormones will do what?

  16. Anonymous1:18 PM

    I think your dialogue between Sarah and Bristol is accurate in spirit but not concept...that is, the idea of Sarah having that long a conversation with any of her children is just preposterous.

    BTW teabaggers are currently whining about Obama having referred to them as teabaggers back when they were referring to themselves as teabaggers. That pretty much just sums it all up, don't it?

  17. Anonymous1:26 PM

    Way to go, themom.

  18. FEDUP!!!1:35 PM

    O/T, but I wanted to show the (continuing) hypocrisy of the right-wing 'Christian' organizations and their founders:

    Exposed: Christian leader caught with male escort says he needed help with his luggage


  19. Anonymous1:38 PM

    OT, but check out From the Left. Listed to the left on screen. Busy busy Faux christians. Lee65

  20. Anonymous1:40 PM

    Something funny just occurred to me. I was reading on another blog about Stupid Sarah's recollection of events surrounding the Exxon Valdez disaster back in 1989 and how she commented about how it was 'one of those moments where you always remember what you were doing.'

    I thought it funny because the story of how 'her' last baby came to be born keeps changing up, depending on the venue and he was just born sometime around two years ago. I always thought childbirth was one of those events that you always remembered too.

    Also too, I agree that Bristol was probably trying to get pregnant -- her mother hounded her into giving up her first baby (not because of some altruistic reasons due to his DS, but because Sarah couldn't be a family values/abstinence only potential VP candidate with a pregnant, unwed teen daughter) so she needed to replace him.

    It's all just so creepy and dysfunctional. Sarah could have proven a long time ago that Trig is her biological son. Her decision not to put the rumors to rest could be a blessing in disguise though; the baby rumors were the catalyst for a lot of bloggers to look into her other, numerous misdeeds.

  21. Anonymous1:42 PM


  22. WalterNeff1:56 PM

    The future of the world is now on Joy Behar's shoulders.

  23. Anonymous2:04 PM

    Does Dr. Pinksy have a show on the Discovery channel? I may have him confused with Dawg Chapman.
    What did Bristol say?

    These pictures show the Trig that was presented at Sarah Palin's Baby Shower on May 4th, 2008

  24. Anonymous2:04 PM

    Daisydem, make that THREE pregnancies for Bristol. Never forget the photo in the green sweater when she was pretty far along in her first pregnancy.

  25. MrsTarquinBiscuitbarrel...Thanks...I am on it.

  26. BAustin2:35 PM

    How lucky for Bristol that college is out now, and that nice doctor she works for lets her have so much time off to tour for Candies. And Mommy and Levi are paying all her bills.

    And don't forget that Whoopie was a single mom...I am sure she'll see right thru the Palin BS. Why do shows keep booking Bristol? She is NOT a good interview at all.

    P.S. any Trig sightings?
    Levi - spill the beans!

  27. Anonymous2:46 PM

    G-Man --

    While we are on this general topic of the Palins and their magical babes-- please check out whether SP was using one of those life-like baby dolls. It was when Ruffles may have been recovering from surgery and couldn't be the "Prop of the Day."

    After a while, I wonder-- with the whoppers that these people tell-- do they secretly WANT to get caught?

  28. Anonymous3:15 PM

    Hey Bristol wish Levi a Happy BDay when u r on the View

  29. Anonymous3:26 PM

    "How lucky for Bristol that college is out now, and that nice doctor she works for lets her have so much time off to tour for Candies. And Mommy and Levi are paying all her bills."

    on-line college courses are always running - no excuse not to keep on doing them. Bristol works for Kristan Cole, SP's BFF. Cole is not a doctor. Bristol's housekeeping job with the doctor's office lasted just a couple months, if that. Levi pays $1688 per month per court order....

    Bristol's suite at the palace is free, but her condo costs Levi.

  30. Anonymous3:27 PM

    After a while, I wonder-- with the whoppers that these people tell-- do they secretly WANT to get caught?
    2:46 PM

    I don't believe they think they will be caught. Any time a new nugget of info comes out, they go on one of the media outlets that let them spout unchecked and they get to revise the meme. These people are working on the misguided assumption that everyone is as stupid as they are.

  31. I'd just as soon allow Trig some privacy. Maybe Aunt Heather, or whoever has him right now, actually wants him to grow up healthy, happy, and normal.
    OT, but for a smile you might want to check out my little photo essay of a recent Palin protest rally I attended.

  32. Anonymous3:32 PM

    where IS trig? any of them?

    http://photo.wenn.com/index.php?action=quicksearch&ppid=113813&version=int these photos are from a month ago - SP says she is carrying diaper bags, etc. where are they?

  33. Anonymous3:32 PM

    Hopefully, the SNL scheduled for this month will include Bristol and her lies in one of their skits. Please.........please........please! :-)

  34. Anonymous3:34 PM

    Remember, Whoopie, her daughter (at 15), Joy, Sherri and Barbara are single moms. gonna be an interesting show. ;) I still can't blame her for keeping Levi away from Tripp right now. He's a douche and his sister needs a flippin life. I feel for their mom though. Genuinely - the woman's tough as nails.

  35. SME1313:39 PM

    I can't bring myself to watch the view or Bristol Palin so I will have to miss her hypocrisies as she tells the world how much an innocent baby has ruined her life. A baby who will one day read and see all her claims to losing her childhood. A childhood that was lost long before she got pregnant.

    But I still don't believe Bristol is Trig's birth mother. I think more than likely Todd produced that child with someone else and Sara blackmailed the mother into giving up custody to them so that no one would know. The only way to ever prove she isn't the birth mother is either DNA or Sarah's medical records. Remember people, birth certificates list the adoptive parents as parents so a birth certificate does no good. Her medical records will show the number of "live" births which would be proof enough since it will show 4 not 5.

  36. How much do I not want to hear a rich girl whine about how hard it is to be a mother? My nineteen year old niece has to live on five hundred dollars a month while going to college and raising her five month old baby. Of course $350 goes to pay the rent on her efficiency apartment. And isn't it good we love her and take care of her baby when we can and buy her food. HER birth control failed.

    I'm sick of hearing from the damned Palins. They are all grifters. And what is dear Bristol going to do when Tripp can understand his unwanted place in life? Well they are Palins. I'm sure Sarah will scrub all the videos off the internet--because they've never done THAT before. Just revirginize Bristol and shut up!

  37. Anonymous4:18 PM

    I hope Joy doesn't pull any punches and asks Bristol why she won't let Levi have more time with her son.

  38. Anonymous4:36 PM

    Is there a reason From the Left was removed after I pointed it out? Fedup posted link to the story. Lee

  39. Funny, funny post, Gryphen! Intriguing, also, too. I'll stay tuned.

  40. Anonymous5:36 PM

    Bristol, go back to the booze parties, at least someone liked you there.

  41. Anonymous5:38 PM

    BOYCOTT CANDIES! Does anyone actually buy any Candies products?

  42. imnofred6:07 PM

    I agree with another blogger who said they are starting to dislike Bristol as mush as Sarah. I wish Bristol would just STFU. Her hypocrisy,exaggerations, and professional victim-hood just make me sick.

  43. Anonymous6:07 PM

    Pray for Bristol Palin ( Where is Hasselbeck? ) According to ABC News tipsheet The Note, Bristol Palin will appear with the stupid, mostly leftist harpies who host ABC's "The View" Wednesday.

    It might be time to give Bristol a medal of honer, going into enemy territory and all.

  44. Anonymous6:10 PM

    Does anyone actually buy any Candies products?

    Horny preteens looking for attention.

  45. Anonymous7:50 PM

    Someone should write to Joy Behar to ask Bristol why she keeps saying she has to do all the work herself when the baby's father is willing to help. She needs to be tough on her - not like B. Walters will be.

  46. Anonymous8:01 PM

    I flew out of ANC on Monday morning with Bristol Palin in first class. She was ALONE - no baby with her. I wondered at the time how many teen moms fly first class and can travel WITHOUT their babies. Flight was ANC to MSP.

  47. Anonymous8:07 PM

    Why don't they ask Bristol is she drank during any of her pregnancies.

    And ask her if she now alcohol revirginized or just vagina revirginized.

  48. AKRNC9:16 PM

    I wonder if $arah will be in the audience? You know she cannot stand it if she is not the center of attention. Just look back to the Oprah and Greta interviews. She was in NY today for the Time 100, spewing her nonsense about how she's representing the average, everyday person. Sure, $arah, the average, everyday person gets $100k for a speech filled with nonsense and lies, flies around the country on private jets, and doesn't think twice about ordering $200 worth of wine for one dinner for two people. I loved reading how they shared a steak but needed two bottles of wine! Maybe $arah is turning into quite a lush on the road.

  49. naughtymonkey9:50 PM

    womanwithsardinecan @ 3:31 PM on 5-4-2010
    Thank you for sharing the Eugene,OR protest Palin pictures and narrative. Very nice!

  50. I can't imagine Whoopie and Behar not asking some interesting questions, but there is probably some kind of agreement from Van Flea to gag them.

  51. Anonymous11:30 PM

    From TMZ:

    Ever since Levi paid off his $21k debt to Bristol -- in full -- earlier this year, lawyers for both sides confirm that he's followed up with a $1,750 support check for both March and April.

    But what's more impressive -- sources connected to both Levi and Bristol tell us that the two Alaskans are being civil towards one another.

    In fact, we're told Bristol -- who was awarded primary custody of 1-year-old Tripp -- is even allowing Levi to spend time with their son "whenever Levi wants" ... and Levi has been taking her up on the offer.

    We're told Bristol and Levi are also planning to sit down for private mediation to work out the rest of the kinks in their custody battle -- mainly money issues and visitation -- before they're due back in court in September.

    Read more: http://www.tmz.com/#ixzz0n2PgGoOC

  52. Anonymous12:10 AM

    If Whoopie and Behar chicken out and do not ask REAL questions, I'll never watch that show EVER again....not that I watch it now, due to Hasselbeck. But they are cowards if they just make this a fluff piece.

  53. Anonymous4:05 AM

    Poor widdle Bristol. She's now considered one of those types of women that have made having sex profitable.

  54. Anonymous4:22 AM

    Advice from her mom: "OK, now you don't have to tell the truth because we have God on our side and that's all that counts. They won't question what you say anyway 'cause I'll scream "foul". Make sure your nails, hair, teeth, face, tan are all perfect and wear something nice and show a lot of leg. Smile a lot and bat your eyes, it doesn't really matter what you have to say." Love, Mom

  55. That TMZ article is bullshit.

    That is Palin attorney Van Flein's go to media outlet and he is clearly using them to do damage control.

    It was misinformation like that which inspired Mercede to do her post in the first place.

  56. Anonymous6:00 AM

    Here's more info on Bristol's PR stunts for today:


    The Harsh Truth: Teen Moms Tell All' afternoon panel discussion at the Lighthouse International Conference Center in NYC is hosted by renowned doctor and TV personality Dr. Drew. The panel features Bristol Palin and teen moms from the hit MTV show, Teen Mom. Dr. Drew will create a compelling dialogue directly between the teen moms and high school students in the audience about teen pregnancy prevention.

    MORE: The Candie's Foundation will launch both a new TV PSA entitled "Back Talk Baby" as well as a "Crying Baby" iPhone app.

    The new PSA takes a humorous approach to reach teens by featuring a talking baby asking his teen mom why she thinks she can go out with her friends and leave him at home. "Back Talk Baby" follows a television and print PSA released earlier this year in which Bristol Palin appears with her son Tripp and addresses the difficulties of being a teen mom. Palin also appears at the end of "Back Talk Baby."

  57. dancingthroughlife7:36 AM

    More of the same. I liked the interaction with Sherrie... you could tell she was uncomfortable with the question. I'd love to know if her roommate is male or female. Her comment about being a single mother was taking the easy way out... chicken. Overall, more of what we've come to expect from the grifters- talking point, talking point, change the subject/answer with a talking point that has nothing to do with the question.

  58. SME131 said...
    But I still don't believe Bristol is Trig's birth mother. I think more than likely Todd produced that child with someone else and Sara blackmailed the mother into giving up custody to them so that no one would know. The only way to ever prove she isn't the birth mother is either DNA or Sarah's medical records. Remember people, birth certificates list the adoptive parents as parents so a birth certificate does no good. Her medical records will show the number of "live" births which would be proof enough since it will show 4 not 5.

    3:39 PM

    I have thought that myself. Todd knocked up his mistress and $arah paid the woman off.

  59. Anonymous8:03 AM

    The USA weekend article states that Tripp is the "the 28-month-old son of Palin’s teenage daughter. Bristol."

    I am not a math genius by a long shot, but a baby born in Dec. 2008 would only be 16 months old right now. As a matter of fact, Trig just celebrated his 2nd bday, (is only 24 months), unless he was actually born earlier, as many commentors have suggested.

    In an exclusive interview with USA WEEKEND Magazine at her home in Wasilla, Alaska, Palin talked about how she and her children cope.

    “That’s the new normal that we still are trying to get used to,” she said.

    Palin said she tells the kids not to Google their names or read blogs “that are so often very, very negative and untruthful.

    “I tell them, you know it’s going to ruin your day, so why do it?”

    Media incursions, invited and uninvited, are a real and present fact of life for the Palins, even at their remote lakeside home, 45 miles from Anchorage. An iron gate that Palin’s husband, Todd, is installing on their wooded driveway, and “No Trespassing” signs provide only token insulation.

    A Fox-TV camera crew is encamped at the house so Palin, a Fox contributor, can do live interviews.

    And paparazzi have actually driven by on the frozen lake ice to catch a peek inside the house, Todd Palin said.

    Palin recounted, incredulously, two especially unwelcome visitors who showed up at her front door with a camera rolling: comedian Kathy Griffin and Levi Johnston, the very estranged father of Tripp, the 28-month-old son of Palin’s teenage daughter. Bristol.

  60. Forever Anonymous8:26 AM

    Sue@7:42AM - That is too benign of an explanation...and Trig would be, at least, among part of his family....and Dr. CBJ's expertise would not be a red flag.

  61. GO SADIE GO8:34 AM

    Gryphen I agree.... That TMZ article is bullshit. It is also recycled, nothing new.
    Thanks to Mercede we might get some fair.
    Bristol gives nothing but more stupid lies, she is a con. They love idiots that will buy into those catch phases. What was it last time? That pause bull... now "Back Talk Baby." They think that will help pregnant teens do what? Drill, baby, drill?

  62. Anonymous8:58 AM

    I don't watch The view and won't start now. This Bristol act is all promotion and show, corporations promoting corporations.

    It would be meaningful to address the drinking and drug issue. Not all but plenty of knock ups happen under the influence. Good luck trying to get hard core addicts to open up.

    They need to start asking Bristol about the drugged Tripp from her last fake abstinence performance from last year. That video of the "doll" or passed out Tripp should be replayed with questions brought up. All those poor kids are suffering. Drugs ware off and the cycle starts.

    Did you see little Piper at the Time dinner? Did she look appropriate and how? No one else dressed in the beach thong look. She looked like they are setting her up to sell something trashy. Did Candies dress her? Why that outfit with the tummy pooching out? It is tragic to see one that young used as a tool. I'm not saying she doesn't want to go to those affairs or dress like that, I'm saying she needs healthy adult guidance at her age. If she goes to adult functions, help her to look respectful and not like a Candies tart. The Palins did take family, I think I saw Britta Hanson and a cousin with Bristol. No one else in flip flops.

  63. emrysa9:25 AM

    sorry, but I seriously doubt that palin would blackmail someone into taking their baby that is going to need care for his entire life. the only way grifter would take on a child that is going to cost serious money and need care for the rest of his life is if the parent of that child was a family member (like her daughter).

    if she let her daughter keep the kid, then she would end up financially paying for it in the long run. so why not claim it as hers to get some kind of insurance for it. remember, this was back when palin was a nobody. she had no prospects for large paying speaking gigs and "writing" books. she was making 130,000/year + the alaska socialist welfare payments. not exactly big dough to take on a very expensive kid.

  64. sick of the lies9:32 AM

    Bristol is living in a condo because liars say so? That is not enough proof for me. Perhaps Sadie can comment? I think it is a set up condo in Anc. Was Kristin Cole's son the "room mate" ? ? ? If that is real, Bristol will have neighbors and all who live there with Tripp will not be top secret. They have secrets for a reason. The Johnston's do not know who Tripp's room mate is? Bristol has a vehicle and that would be seen and photographed around town. That is life. Notice that no one takes photos. They just say they saw Bristol strong and being independent or whatever they want you to believe about this farce. Levi has said she lives in Anc, he may be tricked or keeping the secrets. It is a big deal for small town Wasillians to move to Anc to party. It is all over the grapevine who is doing what and where. Levi is out of the loop when it comes to parties and who are his boys room mates?

  65. Anonymous7:34 AM

    I recorded the show, watched it when I got home. Weak interview! No questions of what has been in the news. Such as Levi paying crazy amount of child support. That he wants to see his son and that would help her. Instead she played the victim well. Hm where have I seen that behavior before?


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