Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Evangelical hypocrisy perfectly summed up with two videos.

Here is "family values" Republican Rep. Souder giving an interview about the importance of teaching teenagers to be abstinent.  The problem?  The woman who is "interviewing" him is the same woman with whom he was engaged in an extramarital affair.

"Baby as soon as we are finished telling kids that sex should only be practiced between a man and his wife, I am going to take two Viagra and make embarrassingly clumsy extramarital love to you.  Now remember if my wife calls we were simply condemning comprehensive sex education all day."

Now look I really do not care if a married guy wants to bump uglies with somebody other than his wife.  That is between him, his wife, and their divorce attorneys.  But this guy is a huge Evangelical, sex is a sin, abstinence only, douchebag.  He did this to himself.  I am simply enjoying the sweet aroma of justice.

Here you can watch Souder blaming the current state of politics for forcing him to resign.  He does make a pretty good case about politicians dragging their families up to be humiliated when it is really their husbands/fathers who have done something wrong.

Gee I wonder if Bristol will bring Sarah to her press conference apologizing for lying about being abstinent while giving speeches about it on her speaking circuit when SHE gets outed?  Who am I kidding?  The Palins NEVER admit that they have done anything wrong!


  1. Anonymous3:07 PM

    Do you have any video of Democrat 'Tickle Me Massa'?

  2. Not today but when his case was topical I posted video of his interview with Glenn Beck and made fun of him for days. It was great,and I was all over that.

  3. Anonymous3:23 PM

    Interesting comment Gryph. If Bristol is fooling around & it gets out whoo boy.

  4. Why is everyone else getting caught with their lies (latest: Bleumenthal and his not-in-Viet-Nam Lie) and no one can catch up a second-rate grifter/loser and her family from a small town in a sparsely populated state? Something is indeed wrong with the so-called investigative reporters or the people who know the truth. Come on. Give it up before it`s too late.

  5. Anonymous3:25 PM

    Bristol Palin is changing her song and dance so this doesn't happen to her.

  6. angela3:40 PM

    That's the part you can't get the fundie conservatives to understand Gryphen. No one would really care that much if they weren't so sanctimonious in judging others. It would be just a family tragedy. But no . . . .they legislate morality then boink like bunnies people who are NOT their wives.

  7. Olivia3:57 PM

    His wife wrote that.

  8. Anonymous4:09 PM

    There, there, Rep. Souder it just SEEMS like you are having bad time. But in fact, a lucrative tour on the speaker circuit awaits. An un-wed teen mom gets 30K per appearance, so do the math, Rep. Souder, you are in the 50K super-flagship class. Don't forget to demand bendable straws.

  9. Anonymous4:14 PM

    When are you going to out Bristol & her boyfriend? (I'm SURE they have never had sex!) <>

    Now is the time before people start paying for her!

    (Although Levi could use a break on his child support for awhile)

  10. Anonymous4:52 PM

    Apparently Mrs Souder has principles and declined to appear on camera to support him.

  11. The blame-shifting is priceless. Anybody want to guess that his wife refused to stand by his side and he made it sound like he was protecting her? May the exposure of the xtian warriors continue!

    And let's figure out a way to put the Christian Bible on trial. Let them prove that God, the Creator of all, wrote it and prove their interpretations are Divine before we let them speak a word in an attempt to force religious-based laws on others.

  12. Anonymous5:38 PM

    Boy, it sure is expensive to tell teenagers to keep it in their pants.

  13. Anonymous6:10 PM

    I can't wait for one of these "family values" people to just come out and say "But..but..I didn't know what the word abstinence meant. It's not my fault, I was home-skooled!" Maybe Bristol will be the first to do that.

  14. Anonymous6:21 PM

    Bristol was picking little sis Willow up from Colony today...guess that job in Anchorage is only part time?

  15. Anonymous7:19 PM

    Souder is one of the least attractive men to serve in congress. What was this dingbat woman thinking? Fugly for sure!

  16. Love the last comment ... come on anonymous at 6:21 pm tell us more. We know what we are getting on the "press releases" are not the real scoop. Meanwhile, Gryphen on this post: if I sigh one more time as heavy as I am sighing now, someone will think I am having exta-you know-sex. This is almost getting to be ho-hum: which Repug today? They really should be ashamed. Yes, we Dems have our own (Edwards is scum) but they are not going around preaching abstinence only, and shoving their right-wing morality down everybody's throats. Souder sounds like ... just yuck. But I saw his "mistress." What was she thinking? This is so crazy. I do like your post on this latest. Thanks.

  17. Anonymous7:46 PM

    Can someone PLEASE define 'family values' for me?

    The best I can figure, it means being against anything to do with sex - i.e. sex education, condoms, birth control, abortion, LGBT - while you screw around and cheat on your spouse - because 'you're special.'

    It means lying for God because it serves a higher purpose.

    It means destroying the planet's resources, flora, and fauna because, dag-gummit, there's money to be made.

    It means being against any socialized services while you work your ass off to make sure corporate America and Wall Street fleeces every last dime out of the middle and lower classes and raids the Federal Treasury and gov't subsidy programs.

    Am I getting close?

  18. I can't, for the life of me, figure out WHY any woman would want to snuggle up to that?

    As far as people keeping the Wasilla Billy's secrets, they're gonna sit back and wait to drop those bomb shells when they are needed most. That is after she declares her intention to run. It will do the most good as a public service then.

  19. Anonymous7:58 PM

    Off topic:

    The Congressional seat that the republicans were sure they were going to win, the replacement for John Murtha...well, they lost it...BIG...

  20. Anonymous8:03 PM

    I read that Souder's mistress is also married, and she was a host on Christian radio. They made a video together, promoting abstinence.

    Attention Sarah and Bristol: How did you miss this marketing opportunity? Videos! Read a couple of tips with the beautiful lake in the background. In addition to books, speeches, videos, there are also T-shirts, sweat shirts, mug, mouse pads, lunch boxes. Please do not let these marketing opportunities slip away. Especially since Souder's video has been taken down from the internet. The field is wide open; seize the opportunity!

  21. Anonymous8:31 PM

    I saw Sarah in front of what looked exactly like the fake back drop. She was with Handity.
    It was today and she is in Wasilla.

    I didn't notice anything moving in back. Why would she use a fake back ground if she is there with natural scenery? She doesn't have to be fake 24/7. Sean mentioned to view and she was weird about it. She was weird anyway. Because she has a pac she has to tear into a politician to qualify for money. I'm not convinced she is serious about running. Her pac is all about going after someone to qualify. She loves that because she can do her vendetta against the winner, President Obama.

    I want her to keep the fake background, it is a reminder of the ghostwriters and that she is all about being fake. Go fake background!

  22. Anonymous8:58 PM

    It has been many many years ago, but I remember the slugs who always made unwelcome suggestions to me were on the order of this disgusting excuse of a man. They talk out of both sides of their mouth. On Sunday the hypocrits were sitting in church with wife and children. Oh the nice family man. Back then women really had no where to turn, except leave their job in order to get away from such a person. No one would believe the woman, and think she caused it. In this case the woman sure is perched up, and appears to be a willing participant. Sex is just an obsession with these creeps. Yet, always want their nose in someone else's private life. And these affairs are not just limited to the lying men in any kind of power. In my many years on earth I found there are women who abuse their power too. Some women in power think no more of engaging in an affair, as the men. Think no one will ever find out. Pols, and religous nuts need to keep their drawers on.

  23. Anonymous9:08 PM

    Just watched Hannity. Are yall blind? The trees moved the whole time. I want to know what she was wearing. oh and to Anon who said Bristol picked up Willow from school. According to Mercede from FB and single source, Bristol is in Orlando for her first speech thing. Maybe it was a lookalike

  24. Anonymous9:49 PM

    There is not enough money on this planet or enough promise of sensibility in the political spectrum that would make me sleep with that sloth.

    As for the hypocrisy.....there are no words for that guy.

  25. Anonymous10:08 PM

    I do need glasses to watch movies and television and only caught a small part of the Fox contributor from Wasilla, Alaska. I did my best to look at the trees and I did not see them move.

    Someone may have seen Bristol's car pick up Willow. If the window are tinted you can't tell who is driving.

  26. Anonymous3:58 AM

    Aw come on 9:49 PM, real sloths are very cute. This slimy SOB is purely 100% human male, ugly to the core, GOP fundie Fhead. Now "that" I can understand you not wanting to touch with a 100 foot pole.

  27. I have heard from another source that Bristol is living with a boyfriend in (Anchorage?).

    Can you confirm?

  28. Anonymous6:54 AM

    The only thing I know as confirmed is that Bristol told the ladies on the View that she has a roommate. She did not name him. Van Flein is saying that she has an office job in Anchorage. He does not say anymore. All I know as confirmed by her or her handler is that she has a roommate and a job in Anchorage.

    I don't know who said that she is living with a boyfriend, Benjamin Barber. That sounds crazy being that he is or was Levi's best friend and once dated his sis.

    It can't be that difficult to locate him and learn what work he does and if he is the roommate. It would be more interesting to learn how they are all working out the arrangements with Tripp. No one knows who watches him as Bristol is doing speaking, television, traveling, working in Anchorage, writing a book and that's all I can recall. The public would be interested in how they all work together for Tripp. His aunt wants to take care of him and why can't Bristol find the time to work that out?

  29. Anonymous11:10 AM

    So, the obligations of his office prevent the Honorable Rep. Souder from devoting time to his family and his church but does afford him time for his mistress? Just wanted to understand his claim, here. Looking at him and looking at her you have to ask why he isnt thanking her, too, in his resignation speech. I admit to a small amount of curiosity in these "power is an aphrodisiac" cases imagining that first call the guy makes AFTER the resignation seeking the comfort of his hotter-than-he-is mistress. How does she let him know that without his key to the "elected officials only" restroom in the congressional office building he's just another doughy middle-aged white guy from the Rotary Club?

    To recap: it's not the infidelity, people, it's the HYPOCRISY that's the crime!


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