Monday, May 10, 2010

Even on Mother's Day Sarah cannot take the mean girl out of her tweets.

U.S. Moms: we are thankful 4 freedom!Despicable treatment of women in Iran(setting U.N.policy on women’s rights)make U.N.credibility a joke

You know to her credit it cannot be easy to give a big wet kiss to moms (patriotic American moms only of course), attack Iran, and disparage the United Nations all in one tweet. 

We might even put that in the "skillful" category.  (And you know THIS might actually be her very own writing!)

Of course because this comes from Palin it is completely ridiculous. 

Essentially she states that U.S. Moms should be thankful for their freedom, and of course they should, even though they were completely left out of the crafting of the Constitution and the creation of our Republic, and had to wait almost another one hundred and fifty years before they had the same freedoms enjoyed by their husbands.

Of course the story goes that Betsy Ross did get to put her womanly skills to use sewing us an awesome first flag.  Which is just about as believable as the story of George Washington chopping down a cherry tree, but it had to be added to the American story a hundred years later when women began to demand their rights and were appalled to find there were NO recognized female heroes involved in the founding of our country.

A big part of the REASON that American women have the rights they enjoy today is because our founding fathers had the foresight to insist upon the separation of church and state.  Let's face it if the Christian church had been allowed to control how laws are made (As Sarah advocated on the O'Reilly Factor recently) we would have a far different country today.  But thankfully the Constitution was flexible enough to allow for amendments which resulted in the addition of the nineteenth amendment in 1920 which finally gave women the right to vote, but only after many, many brave women were repeatedly imprisoned for demanding what Sarah Palin seems to believe they always had in their possession, freedom.

That happened in the United States of America, less than a hundred years ago.  No more than two of my lifetimes ago. And if women had not stood up for themselves, and refused to be treated as property, it would still be that way today. Sadly African American women had to wait even longer.

So as women, like Sarah Palin, are giving thanks for their freedom, they need to give a special thanks to women like Marion Dickerman, Nancy Cook, Mary Shaw, and Susan B. Anthony who defied their husbands, and their church, to fight for the rights that many women take for granted today.

Are the women in Iran treated horribly?  Yes they are.  As well as in Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, Sudan, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, and many other places in the world.  But Sarah does not mention them, and some of them are much, much worse than Iran, because THEY have not been identified by the Republican party as the enemy du jour. Instead she uses her Twiiter  page to attack the UN for not protecting women's right in a place that has huge oil reserves that the US cannot access.

Coincidence?  Remember, Sarah does not believe in coincidences.

No Palin uses the issue of violence against women to mask her real agenda which is to put pressure on Iran to allow America get at their oil supply.  If you really believe that Sarah gives a crap about other women, or even basic human rights, then I have a bridge to nowhere I would like to sell you.


  1. Anonymous8:44 AM

    You are spot-on, Gryphen. You said it all and said it well. Nothing to add right now. Sarah takes mean and stupid to new levels.

  2. Anonymous8:53 AM

    Not only mean and stupid, but woefully ungrammatical. If caring about noun-verb agreement makes me an elitist, so be it.

  3. Anonymous9:01 AM

    And she didn't write anything to acknowledge Governor Wally Hickel's passing away. Add selfish, to the mean and stupid.

  4. She cares absolutely nothing for women - only herself - this is half my problem with her.

  5. emrysa9:14 AM

    yeah I understand why sarah's grateful for her freedoms. in any other developed country, she'd be locked away in an asylum. no followers, no paid speeches, no swag, no one to take advantage of. only in america can she be the lying grifter with free air time.

  6. Anonymous9:14 AM

    when is Mercede gonna be back with a new post?

  7. Anonymous9:18 AM

    Way to politicize even Mother's Day, Mrs. Palin. Don't know about most of you, but my Mother's Day was spent focused on my children and family, not my political affiliation. I assume that all mother's have the freedom to love their children--regardless of where they happen to have given birth to them--and that's what this day is supposed to be for. Sarah apparently feels the focus on motherhood is not important and prefers instead to take conservative talking points potshots at random issues. Just another demonstration of what a selfish woman and lousy mother she is. It's always about furthering her political agenda--even where her kids and family are involved.

  8. Anonymous9:22 AM

    Since the implication of the tweet is that we are thankful for the deplorable treatment of women in Iran, sounds like the Queen of mean DID WRITE the tweet.

  9. Anonymous9:25 AM

    Check-out Sarah on Huffington post babbling that US law should be based on the Bible....same bad wig, but she really looks totally STONED. And she sounds totally usual.

  10. Anonymous9:39 AM

    Does she EVER have anything nice or positive to say without being snarky and bitchy???

  11. Anonymous9:39 AM

    Sarah Palin: American Law Should Be 'Based On The God Of The Bible And The Ten Commandments'

    Here she goes again....she just can't keep her trap shut!

  12. Anonymous9:56 AM

    I LOVE LOVE LOVE Sherry Johnston's post on Facebook wishing Bristol a Happy Mother's Day!

  13. Anonymous10:02 AM

    Question - do you get extra compensation from the ads if we click through? I'd love for you to take some right-wing cash by such a simple procedure. Right now I am getting Carly Fiorina ads, and I'm sure she could spare you a dime or two.

  14. Anonymous10:05 AM

    Off topic...just saw that "Bristol" is the 666th most popular girl's name for 2009...a coincidence? I think not. The demon spawn has arrived.

  15. Anonymous10:21 AM

    And I can't even imagine how women who don't "toe the (party) line" would be treated should the US become a religious theocracy, which seems to be the ultimate goal of Tweedle-Dum's puppetmasters (see the latest SP article on HuffPo, up now).

    Care to comment, Sister Sarah? Would the Old Testament rules apply only to the unwashed masses and not to you and your family?

  16. Anonymous10:38 AM

    Was Sarah even with her kids on Mother's day?

  17. Anon @9:38 AM, "snarky and bitchy" is her essential nature. She is a snarky no-nothing bitch on a national(world) stage. Weird, isn't it?

  18. Anonymous10:41 AM

    Well said, emrysa. Given the opportunity, $p would gladly remove the very freedoms women have. She enjoys babbling about do ya enjoy ya freedom. If she had to actually discuss the meaning of freedom, the deer in the headlights look would take over.

  19. Anonymous10:51 AM

    Anon 9:25. I saw that photo and she does look stoned.

  20. Anonymous11:02 AM

    Why is it that on Mother's and Father's Day, this day brings sadness to the Palin kids and grandchildren?

    It should be a day of thanks, not confusion of who is your father or who is your mother.

    It should be a day where one looks up to mom instead of wonder why did grandma want to adopt me from my real mother.

    It should be a day you praise your parents, not condemn them for not being around.

    It should be a day where Round Ear Trig plays with his brothers Ruffled Ear Trig and Trip. Not a day where Round Ear Trig wonders what happened to the stranger with the ruffled ears and why do I refer to my brother Trip as my nephew.

    "So Sarah, how about in honor of Mother's Day, you quit making things up and tell Track and your three grandsons the truth?

  21. Anonymous11:07 AM

    Many Alaskans have been hearing rumors about paylins and their "Wasilly Snow", which is rumored to be a mix of hillbilly heroin, meth and cocaine.
    Well Wasillain's are the paylins SNOWed in for the season or is it all just rumors?
    Is that the reason for all the private jets, no chance of police pulling her over to search for her stash?
    Come on Wasilla, spill the beans, the truth could put some people in prison.

  22. Anonymous11:09 AM

    Uh-oh Bristol--caught at a 21-and-over nightclub???

  23. Anonymous11:13 AM

    You get better every day. You have a real talent and I'm glad that you share it with us. If there is one good thing that $P has done, it's that she's motivated some truly good thinkers to express themselves. Thanks... you've become one of my main go-to sources for info (most of which do not include Sarah's lamestream media. They're too soft on the real threats to our society.... the right/wrong.)

  24. Anonymous11:14 AM

    Was Sarah even with her kids on Mother's day?

    Not likely.

  25. Anonymous11:17 AM

    She wouldn't know a suffragist if one bit her on the ass. Remember, this is a woman who equates equality with Title IV.

    "I had a great upbringing under Title IX," Palin told Alaska Business Monthly shortly after becoming governor in late 2006.

    She's had ample opportunity to expand on her invented statutory rape outrage against Letterman last year in Willow's defense. She still has the perfect platform in which to build attention to the skin trade, international sex worker trafficking, women health care issues in this country (not just on abortion) as well as others (how about in that Country of Africa?) and child brides in many other cultures who's wombs aren't even developed enough to carry or birth a fetus?

    What the hell does she know about the U.N. other than her desperate McCain campaign stunt in having her meet world leaders at their meeting in NY?

    If she could grow up and go beyond that infantile medium of Twitter, she could show us what she knows. And we all know that answer to that.

    Does she even know that there are/were postpartum women in Africa like the Sudan who have their breast chopped off so that their babies can starve? This is a crude and barbaric form of genocide. This is after gang-rape of course.

    You think Sarah cares to waster her precious time learning of these grave sins against women? She'd be glad for Franklin Graham and his Samaritan's Purse to go give aid and comfort only if they accept Jesus Christ as their personal savior because in her eyes it wouldn't be a "government responsibility."

    Let's go back a bit and peek at one of her most outrageous and insulting lies at the VP debate where she said she took the leadership role to fight for Darfur Divestment. . .

    If loving freedom and equality through her eyes were good enough, we'd all be in trouble.

  26. Lisabeth11:21 AM

    Sarah Palin is a self-serving idiot. She makes me sick and I have never felt that way about any politician, let alone any person.

    Please Gryphen, please tell us she is NOT going to get away with the babygate lie. I am so sick of her pathological lying and nastiness. She gets away with it all. I often wonder if we should just start ignoring her. But then no one would point out her sick lies.

    Palinbots out there, how can you be so blind about this woman. She is a pathological liar. She incites hatred and intolerance. She's a complete hypocrite who puts her own interests above everything- including her country and her family. She offers nothing positive to our countrys problems. All of this can be proven. How can u be so blind!

    Change of topic on MSNBC they are saying Palin got 200,000 for the CSU speech. That is disgusting - when kids can't even afford college and a public university pays that to her (or anyone).
    WTF is happening to people- what poor judgement!
    200,000 to listen to her babble the same nonsensical talking points???

  27. Anonymous11:23 AM

    This is rich, she's making a [superficial] judgment call on credibility?

  28. Anonymous11:27 AM

    I see that the Huffington post about Sarah, the Bible and the ten commandments has gone to 115 pages and 4290 comments.

    I wonder how many of the 10 commandments she has broken.

    I think I know.

    So does Brad Hanson.

  29. I'm in complete agreement with you, Gryphen, up to the point at which you name Marion Dickerman and Nancy Cook. Though close friends and political allies of Eleanor Roosevelt, neither Dickerman not Cook had husbands to defy. They never married, as they were lesbians. The historian Blanche Wiesen Cook makes that point pretty clear in her two-volume (so far) biography of ER.

  30. Anonymous11:29 AM

    Excellent post, Gryphen!

    It is pretty astonishing to remember that the swag-hag actually PAYS her 'consultants' to come up with this garbage... AND people still believe that she writes it !! HA!

    If she would take one, maybe two weeks to have her buffoons READ HER the Dec. of Independence, the Bill of Rights and the Constitution MAYBE..JUST MAYBE she would realize what a global clown she has morphed into...

  31. Anonymous11:35 AM

    Yup. Mother's Day.
    The day American women can give thanks for the freedom to pay for their own rape kits, if Palin were Queen of the Forest.

  32. Anonymous11:35 AM

    Has anyone thought about the possibility of Iran being placed on the U.N. Commission on the Status of Women being a good thing? Is it not a way to effect change for the women of Iran?

  33. Anonymous11:52 AM

    that entire family is a mystery, one of secrets and lies! I can be snarky too. once she gets her hooks into our democracy, she will make this country an obedient christian-only one, that follows only her commands!
    who let her loose? alaska, take her back and quarantine her! how can you have let her get away with this stuff for so long?! you're not far removed anymore...she made it so all eyes are upon you now. I blame mccain, but I also blame you up there, to some degree.

  34. sallyngarland,tx11:52 AM

    She campaigned for Rick Perry in Tx who is running against Bill White (D) in Tx. It wasn't Perry who helped the people of La in a Christian way. It was Bill White.

    He received the 2007 JFK Profiles in Courage Award because of it.

    I am so sick of Palin and her false Christian talk.

  35. Anonymous11:59 AM

    You know what women had a lot of freedom? Iraqi women under Saddam. Now of course he was a psychopath as were his sons, but you didn't deal personally with them, women were free to wear what they wanted, go out alone, they could be doctors, lawyers, you name it. NOW? Iraqi women are back under the Burkqa. Nice job Bushie.

    Iran: lots of women have more freedom there than many countries and the ave age in Iran is very young and they want a different life. The UN exposes what other countries and it can influence other leaders to do better. You gain nothing by leaving these people out. Better to talk.

  36. Anonymous12:02 PM

    In one of Sarah's speeches, she originally stated that the United States was founded on the Ten Commandments. She also stated that there should be no separation between Church and State.

    Now, the statement has morphed into laws should be based on the Ten Commandments. The commandments are meant as a guide for personal conduct, not to regulate the state. Some of the commandments are laws, not killing, stealing or bearing false witness.

    There is no way that the legal system can force people to keep the sabbath, not take the Lord's name in vain, not worship false idols, not covet a neighbor's wife or property, or even honor their mother and father. As far as not committing adultery, let's ask Governor Sanford and Senators Vitter and Engsign how that's working out.

    Sarah just spouts this stuff to appeal to the Far Right. She has no idea what went into the founding of the US, on what principles our laws are based let alone what the Ten Commandments are (without peeking at the notes on her hand).

  37. $eems like $arah want$ her Amerikkka to be just like the Taliban.
    p$$t $arah, maybe you ought to read the Constitution, and the Bible before you $pew non$en$e.

  38. Please stop posting the pics of her! It's becoming as bad as listening to her!

  39. Anonymous12:27 PM

    Sarah Palin an advocate for women's rights? Rights such as wearing twenty punds of make-up and mini-skirts and spike heels, getting face lifts, and having children out of wedlock sort of rights?

  40. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign12:50 PM

    Anon 11:52

    Get over it, and quit blaming Alaska. Do something instead of finding someone to blame. For one thing, it's highly unlikely that anyone reading this blog voted for her, and we detest her even more than you do. That's getting really old, and you sound like a child having a tantrum. Grow up and get busy doing all that you can to oppose her & all that she stands for - just like we Alaskans (including the one with this blog.)

  41. Anonymous1:18 PM

    If she would take one, maybe two weeks to have her buffoons READ HER the Dec. of Independence...


    You mean like this part?

    When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

    We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

  42. It fascinates me that the Mothers Day tweet inspired Gryphen to write this most excellent post while it left me speechless. Thanks for your words, Gryphen!

    From one of Gryphen's link, the BEST countries for women are:
    1. Iceland
    2. Norway
    3. Australia
    4. Canada
    5. Ireland
    6. Sweden
    7. Switzerland
    8. Japan
    9. Netherlands
    10. France

    How is it that the very bestest country in the world doesn't make the cut?

  43. Anonymous1:35 PM

    So, when do we get the announcement that $P is suffering from "fatigue" and a month or 2 later find out she's been in the psycho ward?

    They're having to give away free tickets to her word salad in Chicago, and she's still requiring that the press purchase tickets. Well, all they have to do is have someone show up for them and get the free tickets...voila, problem solved!

  44. Anonymous2:05 PM

    Hey what was the deal with the family picture without Todd? Fix'n roofs again? maybe he and sarah are not getting along? he seems to disappear when Track is around, I wonder why?
    Did brissles get home from clubbing in NY, who was watching the three babies on mothers day?
    And what is the little home wrecker willow up to these days, I doubt sarah knows!
    Sarah, if you would get a breast enlargement you would not be fighting with piper over whose bra it is!
    Sarah; ain't life in the public eye a real bitch!

  45. Anonymous2:06 PM

    Brilliant post, Gryphen! You really know how to distill some great insight into one post. Bravo to you. I sincerely cannot wait for SP to just go away. Any help you can give us in that area is greatly appreciated.

  46. Anonymous2:07 PM

    RE: Anon Question: Has anyone thought about the possibility of Iran being placed on the U.N. Commission on the Status of Women being a good thing? Is it not a way to effect change for the women of Iran?

    My take:
    Sarah Palin and all the Neocons despise the UN and Iran. IMO, it really is as simple as that. They do not look further than the names of the two and go negative. That she tweeted about it to go with Mother's day is hilarious really!

  47. Anonymous2:08 PM

    Jefferson could have very easily written "all people are created equal", and with those strokes of the pen swept away both the inequities of slaves and women with respect to political and economic equality. But Jefferson did NOT.

    A fair and kind God did NOT guide Jefferson's hand or mind. Jefferson was a complacent slaveholder intent on maintaining his wealth and status in an inevitable revolution.

    Facts are fun.

  48. Anonymous2:14 PM

    Our laws are not based on the bible, they are based on English law which is based on Roman law (the pagan folks.)
    As for $arah, she is a vulgar person. I can think of no worse thing to call her but that. She does not signify.

  49. Anon 1:18pm - Exactly! Nature's God. Creator.

    Well, glory! Sounds like the Declaration of Independence could refer to, among others, Hindus or Muslims or the many native American tribes. Now why do you suppose the carefully worded Declaration doesn't specify the God of the Christian Bible? And since the DofI isn't our governing document, we should look to the Constitution where there is no mention of God or Creator, at all. How very curious!

    Go read 'The Age of Reason' by Thomas Paine. Many believe the war for independence would have been lost without the encouragement of his earlier writings. Also, too, please read The Authoritarians at the link below. We understand you.

  50. kdusmdd2:33 PM

    Sarah Palin is frigging crazy !!!! Please shut her up!!!!

  51. Until I see a picture of Todd kissing another woman...3:23 PM

    So, I literally just went through all your posts since March 08. Damn G, you are a busy bee.

    My thoughts:
    Bristol, ever the partier, was approached by Mommie dearest and asked if she was pregnant. Obviously not the case, so to nip the little "slut" in the bud, Sarah yanks her from school and ships her to Auntie Heather's.

    (but what about LEvi's comments, that the Palin's treated him like a son and Todd helped him out. Was this getting the electrician job and not killing him for knocking up their daughter?)

    While this has been occurring:
    Anyway, Palin ,to garner sympathy and praise from a wider spectrum, plans to adopt a downs baby, who arrives in Jan/Feb (what was that weekend with no recorded activity? the 15?)

    Out of school, Bristol would be the one in charge of Trig when he wasn't being used as prop.

    DUDE I CANNOT CONTINUE. This is the sickest story I've ever tried to concoct. I don't doubt something major happened to Bristol during the summer/fall of 07. I"m pretty sure it doesn't involve a baby, as she does not look pregnant on MTV and the family seems happy during the xmas photo shoot. I think Bristol was pulled from school due to impending fights between Levi's ex and all that petty bullshit.

    I'm gonna be honest. There are parts of my life that would appear on the same level of complexity as the Palins, simply because outsiders don't know the details.

    Kids and parents squabble, over huge things, over petty things. But the last thing a parent wants for her/his child is suffering. And I believe Palin is no different.If you feel the need to analyze pictures, look at ones of young BRistol. She seems to be a meek, quiet girl without a lot of mental capacity for bullshit. But, while pictures do speak a thousand words, any one person can concoct any story from any picture.

    If Bristol has the capacity within her to fight her mother, then she has the intelligence and independence to leave all this behind and start her own life. I trust what she's doing is of her own volition - and not unlike most kids who follow in their parents career path.

  52. Anonymous3:33 PM

    Yes anon - that part. The part that speaks of Nature's God, not Sarah's.

    You know - Mother Nature.

    Or Amun, or Allah, or Quetzalcoatl, or Pacha Kamaq, or Brahma. Lots of Creator Gods. Pick one, any one, for yourself. But there's nothing in the D of I or the Constitution that speaks of the Christian God. So Sarah has no legal right to pick one for us.

  53. The "Ten Commandments" appear in the Old Testament in Ex 20, Ex 34, and Deut 5. They are not clarion calls to morality, they are iron-age tribal taboos written for Hebrew males. One only has to read the scriptures to see that Hebrews were free to kill or lust after members of other tribes. Why, you would have to be an idiot to imagine that our laws are based on writings from a paternalistic, tribal, group of goat-herders.

  54. Anonymous4:07 PM

    I have no doubt she WAS pregnant in 2007 and that's why she was shipped out - mostly to protect Piper.... She definitely looked pregnant in the Sept. 2007 photo shoots in the ugly b&W dress. She also looked pregnant, IMO, in the MTV bit.

    Fighting in school might explalin why Levi chose to homeschool along with Bristol until they got their GED's.

  55. Yup looks like someone sewed her sphincter where her mouth should be. Gotta be careful what you let them surgeons do.

  56. Anonymous6:29 PM

    James Madison wrote most of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights: "We have staked the future of all our political constitutions upon the capacity of each of ourselves to govern ourselves according to the moral principles of the Ten Commandments.”

  57. emrysa6:47 PM

    anon @ 3:23 PM:

    if sarah took bristol out of school because of impending fighting, sarah would have made a stink about having to move bristol because of the violence at that school. she has done it before. bristol was removed from school quietly. and what do you know? 4.5 months later there's a new baby in the house.

  58. Anonymous7:35 PM

    Sorry anon - That 'quote' comes from David Barton, not Madison. Barton got it from two books - one from 1939 and the other from 1958. No researcher or biographer has ever found that statement in any of Madison's writings. The two books offering the quote are considered secondary sources and since they don't cite an original source, the 'quote' is worthless to the research community. Barton has since admitted the quote cannot be confirmed.

  59. Anonymous8:06 PM

    Anon - Setting aside my previous comment, let's see how well your claim holds up.

    1. Does the Constitution or any federal law prohibit us from having any other gods before the god of Israel? NOPE!

    2. Does the constitution or any federal law prohibit us from making ourselves an idol? NOPE!

    3. How about a law against taking the name of the lord in vain? NOPE!

    4. Must we remember the Sabbath and keep it holy? NOPE!

    5. A law requiring we honor our father and mother? NOPE!

    6. A law against murder? finally - a YES

    7. A law against adultery? NOPE!

    8. A law against stealing? YES

    9. A law against bearing false witness? Iffy, so I'll give you this one rather than waste time expounding on it.

    10. A law against coveting neighbor's wives or possessions? NOPE!

    So - we're down to three. How do you figure we're governing ourselves according to the Ten Commandments? Did you mean The Three Biggies? Did you know that the prohibition against murder and stealing is found in virtually every non-Jew or Christian culture, including ancient societies that existed long before Judaism even existed?

  60. And GenieO wins the big hug.

  61. She's resorted to Twitter instead of Facebook because Facebook posts have to be written by costly SarahPAC consultants, while Sarah can twitter for free.

  62. Anonymous2:40 PM

    Obama has now nominated 2 lesbians to the Supreme Court. Go WNBA!

  63. Anonymous3:30 PM

    Thanks AKjah - hug received and enjoyed!


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