Sunday, May 02, 2010

Geoffrey Dunn addresses Sarah Palin, and her attorney Thomas Van Flein's, latest Facebook fabrications.

Huffington Post:

Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin--recently dubbed by Gabriel Sherman of New York Magazine as the "President of right-wing America" --and her Anchorage attorney Thomas Van Flein continue to deal in duplicity and fraud in response to findings issued by the Alaska Department of Law regarding Ethics Act complaints levied against Palin and her deceptively named Alaska Fund Trust.

In a widely reported posting on Palin's Facebook page--the intellectual bunker from which Palin launches her lies and verbal grenades, yet another "filter," as Andrew Sullivan recently noted, that "protects Palin from scrutiny"--Van Flein issued yet another troubling and intentionally misleading statement about Palin's violations of the Alaska Executive Branch Ethics Act. Van Flein, who is as pompous as he is verbose, rambled extensively in a missive entitled "Hit and Miss".

Geoffrey goes on to wipe away the bullshit splattered on Palin's Facebook page by Van Flea to reveal the truth that they are trying to obfuscate. (One has to wonder if Sarah herself EVER writes on her Facebook page anymore.)

Dunn's book, "The Lies of Sarah Palin", is now scheduled to be published in February of 2011 (Originally it was supposed to be out last month), however if Palin does not stop lying I don't know if Geoffrey will EVER get it finished!

You know if he had decided to write a book titled "The Truths Told by Sarah Palin" he could have finished it in an afternoon. I am just saying.


  1. Dorian Melton5:51 AM

    "....if he had decided to write a book titled "The Truths Told by Sarah Palin" he could have finished it in an afternoon."

    Thank you Gryphen, I had a good laugh over this one!

    Too bad Politicians don't get fired for lying. If they did; we would eventually be led by people telling the truth.

  2. Anonymous6:23 AM

    Nope, Gryph, I think he could have written the "Truths" on one sheet of TP.

  3. Anonymous6:52 AM

    I'm actually a little frustrated with the delays in Dunn's book publication. This is the second one--it was originally scheduled for April 2010, then for July 2010 and now Feb. 2011. I think that's a bad deal. It would have been very helpful for it to be out prior to the Nov. elections to compete with Palin's endorsements of idiots for the mid-terms. It's not just about the presidency and whether or not she runs. It's about the damage she's doing to the legislative branch in the meantime.

  4. mocha7:00 AM

    I don't think Palin has ever written a post for her Facebook. I believe they're all written by RAM, perhaps occasionally by Elaine Lafferty. Even when the posts try to adopt Palin's fake folksy style, they are far to literate to have been written by Palin herself.

  5. Anonymous7:00 AM

    Whatever... By the time his book comes out no one will even care. It doesn't include babygate anyway. He should just publish it and get the wait over with

  6. Tyroanee7:28 AM

    "The Lies of Sarah Palin"
    Volume I
    Volume II
    Volume III
    Well you get the point...easily rectified, how else do you think they squeezed all those ROCKY movie's out one line...Aaaadrian~!

  7. crystalwolf aka caligrl7:40 AM

    Mocha, I did that writing test on RAM's writing and its 8th grade too like palins and slightly harder to read than palins.
    Ram went to a xtian collage, which a cut above homeschool...just sayin'...!

  8. Anonymous9:16 AM

    Dunn's book will be coming out right in the middle of the 2012 Presidential election. Perfect timing if you ask me.

    And yes, in times past, politicians were toast if they were caught lying. Now? We'll see if that has changed. I swear there will be a plethora of commercials that splice the multitudes of lies that $arah has told if she dares to run.

  9. maybe he is making room for bri$tol$ lies, also too:

  10. Palin's world is the world of truthiness; facts are irrelevant in her reality.

  11. Anonymous10:51 AM

    Wow Gryphen--the C4P site has a big attack toward you about the multi-baby ear discovery. You must be getting close or they would just ignore it !

  12. Anonymous10:58 AM

    It's hard to pin down, but there's just something
    'off' about Palin. The gravity of events is beyond her such as the devastating loss of life in perpetual wars, catastrophic disasters - even
    the lack of fuel & food Alaskan natives were
    suffering while she was governor. Never acted till she could coordinate a photo op with Franklin Graham
    & even then she was all smiles. Not normal. (If Pres. Obama walked around all the time with a silly grin on his face we'd think he was nuts!) Grinned through her whole testimony in the Kernell trial, & this kid was facing 50 yrs. in prison!! It's like Palin is 'programed' to spout a sort canned
    'patriot-ese,'(I made that word up). She speaks, but fails to grasp the offending & even incendiary implications of her words. She can't. There's nothing in her psyche able to respond to another
    person's pain - note how she glossed over her own brother's badly burned foot. I don't believe for a minute that her parents, sisters & brother in their heart of hearts haven't observed her lack of humanity up close & personal all these years.

    How could Sarah Palin be President! Instead of a
    press conference face-to-face with aggresive, no nonsense reporters, would Sarah be allowed to
    tweet answers to pre-screened questions from the safety of facebook? Thank-you Gryphen for allowing me to vent. :>)

    Sharon TN

  13. Enjay in E MT11:19 AM

    Am anxiously awaiting (and pre-ordered) Dunn's book despite the extended publishing date. Am sure his book, vs Going Rogue will be fact-checked and sources listed.

    In the meantime, all the wonderful AK bloggers keep us up to date with her latest "tales"

    Thank you!!

  14. Why doesn't Geoffrey Dunn just published the first two volumes of the book and wait until February to publish the rest?

  15. Anonymous1:08 PM

    Change the title to "The Half Truths of Sarah Palin" and get the book in print, already.

  16. Gryphen, I do appreciate Geoffrey Dunn, and I did read your whole post. But, the last paragraph brought the truth home once again for me, it says it all....

    This woman is a danger to herself and all that is decent and good...

  17. Anonymous3:20 PM

    Agree with Anon. 10:58(SharonT) about something "off". Have noticed how she smiles as she delivers her verbal attacks, smiles while addressing reporters after the Kernell trial, berating his behavior publicly even before the jury and judge have made a decision.

    It's like there is no longer a soul or any feelings in the woman's heart. Retribution at all costs, knowing this young man has a mother and father who are going through hell at this time. But that didn't stop her from entertaining the full court with show-offy answer, getting them to laugh, while the defendant's distressed parents sit there and have to endure that. What else to call it but wickedness?

  18. Anonymous3:24 PM

    I am so longing for the Geoffrey Dunn book. The volume one and so forth would work for me!!

    Anonymous 10:51 5/2/2010
    I am not going to read through all Rich Crowther @ c4p today. He can't confront anything head on, nothing new. He did spell David Kernell's name right. Not like Fox News and Kernall, Kendall, Kernell.
    Most of Crowther's links go back to c4p. He did link to David Weigel, the Sarah Palin defender. He not only would not allow one of my comments, he (Weigel) went back and deleted ones that were up for days. He may not of liked that I compared the emails to photos. Changed dates or tampered photos look like they could be evidence in a criminal investigation.

    The ear photos are clear. The Kristan Cole shower and at the Palin house. That baby does not look like other Trig baby photos by any stretch of the imagination. They tell us that something is wrong and to take a closer look. They also bring up the Fetal Alcohol Syndrome possibility.

  19. Anonymous5:42 PM

    The sad truth is that until the MSM picks up the story and runs with it, $carah will still seem to be a Goddess to a lot of people. Until then, it's the Bloggers - which only a few read - vs things like Facebook, FOX, and small controlled speaking engagements that most people will "trust".

  20. "It's hard to pin down, but there's just something
    'off' about Palin. The gravity of events is beyond her such as the devastating loss of life in perpetual wars, catastrophic disasters - even
    the lack of fuel & food Alaskan natives were
    suffering while she was governor."

    It's called being a Sociopath


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