Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Apparently Teabaggers can't take the heat. Who knew?

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  1. I have a crush on Rachel Maddow and I'm not a lesbian!9:46 PM

    October is right before the election. Could this be strategy?

    And if the kids are in school, they Tea Baggers can visit the hookers is they choose. It's their bedroom, KWIM?

    Why not have the convention at Heritage USA or DollyWood or the NEW ORU campus, maybe Bob Jones University. . . someplace that seems more TeaBaggy? (Is DollyWood TeaBaggy? I have no clue. It's just an idea.)

  2. Unca Roggie10:09 PM

    Back when the 'baggers were first getting press, it dawned on me that in order to be able to attend the rabblerousing events around the country, those attending must not have JOBS.

    Which meant a real hypocrisy, as they were no doubt on the dole from the government they were whining about being too big. And no doubt glad to take money via Social Security and Medicare, and who knows what else.

    All the while complaining of "sosha lizzum."

    Then, some study comes out telling us that no, these nutcases are actually quite well off, and in spite of their inability to spell their messages on their protest signs without it looking like they were purposely trying to be funny, were also well educated.

    I had trouble believing any of that, but I see on this item from Maddow's show, that a big reason for them not wanting to convene in the SUMMER, is how they don't want it to conflict with their FAMILY VACATIONS.

    So, that makes it appear as if they ARE gainfully employed, and have disposable income to travel and pay for recreational activities...unlike the millions whose jobs are gone, now filled by East Indians, Chinese, and others willing to perform them more cheaply, as corporations continue to "outsource" American jobs.

    Of course, according to the Teabagger platform, such people are nothing but spoiled, and lazy, or else would take all the millions of jobs available.

    Oh, wait: we just said Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi took AWAY all the jobs, that's right. Um, well, you know what we MEAN, right? Its all Obama's fault.

  3. Anonymous3:07 AM

    Ross Perot was prophetic: that "big sucking sound" is/are the Teabaggers.

    And some Americans still won't get that this "grassroots" effort is an organized group with big $$ behind it; attendees undoubtedly compensated for their "appearances" and no doubt coached on how to act, dress and word their signs for maximum effect. And somehow, these overzealous knotheads always seem to get big placement in the media, no? How many legitimate protests with THOUSANDS of participants get overlooked in lieu of a profit-for-Glenn-Beck gathering with a comparably small but LOUD and obnoxious audience? There's no room for true discussion and discourse--it's all theater to an audience that's used to watching "real" people unravel on "reality" shows.

    Love and knishes . . .


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