Friday, June 11, 2010

California gubernatorial candidate Jerry Brown uses Sarah Palin insults to raise campaign donations.

What is it that Keith Olbermann says about Sarah Palin every time he has to talk about her on his show?

In the end it may turn out that Sarah Palin is the BEST thing that ever happpend to the Democrats in this country.


  1. emrysa6:51 PM

    as usual, sarah opens her mouth and out comes stupid.

    go jerry brown!

  2. Anonymous7:05 PM

    Her voice, her mannerisms, her grasp of facts and history, her lack of grace. . .I think I'll take Alvin Green as a political and culture war contributor over Sarah any day.

  3. Anonymous7:07 PM

    I guess it is time for me to pull out an old Brown pin from when he ran for president and to donate to his campaign.

    The pin is as basic as this ad...a brown circular pin with the word 'Brown' in the center. (grin)

  4. Anonymous7:08 PM

    except Cali is in major trouble to date. I dont follow politics there, but it's on a major downfall. The global economy's not helping. Fortunately, rents in LA are dropping because no one can afford it

  5. Anonymous7:13 PM

    hahahahaha Greta asked Sarah the major question: implants? best reaction ever

  6. Anonymous7:14 PM

    FINALLY... well done! Next?? (This should be easy to keep up, the material is practically pre-written by SP herself.)

  7. Anonymous7:28 PM

    Sarah doesn't have any grace - period!

    She talks like a hick. She's dresses like a hick. And she wears outdated hairdos like a hick.

    So much to laugh at. And the stupid is the gravy.

  8. Bravo! Also, too. Mr$. Palin, give it up. You are more embarrassing than owning a Corvair.

  9. That woman is an idiot! Thanks for all you do Gryphen!

  10. sallyngarland,tx8:00 PM

    It is amazing that after living in Wasilla most of her life, she suddenly thinks she knows what every state should do, and needs, based on hour or two bus stops on her cross country tour.

    (The one thing that is not brought up much is the fact that Palin wanted vouchers for Medicare recipients which would privatize it and eventually end it. She put that in a fb post during the healthcare debate. If more people were aware of that, she would lose much of her following.

  11. Anonymous8:17 PM

    That is a great ad but he left out the part that he did not quit. Chris Mathews said today that she is definitely running for Prez and his pundits agreed. We should be vigilant and call her on every crazy thing she says.

  12. Anonymous8:28 PM

    Uh, yeah Sarah. You were about 9 years old when Jerry was governor of California, for A WHOLE TERM! He was effective, galvanizing and a lot was accomplished! And he did so because he was well educated and came from a family who really worked hard for the people of California. And he continued in many ways to serve California. Not like the Palin family that only seeks to serve itself.

  13. carrieoki8:29 PM

    OMG, what an idiot!!!
    How many dead fish are in the flow of teh Sarah Palin stoopid?

  14. Anonymous8:31 PM

    She doesn't know shit about California.

  15. Anonymous8:37 PM

    Feminists aren't backing, I don't understand it...all the left wants to talk about is that my baby isn't my baby, my boobs....go out there and clean up the gulf Bull Shit!

    Palin is so full of her self.

  16. It's time to talk about Bill Maher again, Gryphen. He just had the editor of Newsweek on his show and did not say a word about this:

  17. Anonymous9:13 PM

    Jerry Brown: Served the people of California honorably as Governor of California for a full term.

    Sarah the Stoopid Palin: Served only herself, quitting as governor of Alaska after essentially less than half a term to make some money from a ridiculously dishonest and pathetic book that scammed those who were willing to be scammed.

  18. Anonymous10:12 PM

    Chris Matthews pointed out that Sarah endorsed candidates in key primary states, lining up some future political help.

    The message to take to heart was written on Daily Kos during the 2008 campaign, "Sarah Palin is the gift that keeps on giving."

    I am sure that she is on the cover of Newsweek because the magazine in tissue paper thin and for sale. This is a way to sell copies, and boost their circulation to look good to a potential buyer. Sarah knows how to attract a crowd, even if it means hauling out Trig or wearing a big black padded bra under a tight white t-shirt.

    But we haven't seen any pictures of Saint Sarah going to church. Has anyone checked her PAC to see if she has donated 10% of $12 million to her church, as any good Christian would do? Sarah solidifies the extreme right wing of the GOP, just as she did in 2008. However, one needs more than the red states of the south to win a presidential election, and Sarah drives away independents, moderates, and women who see through her use of sexy tactics to dazzle male voters.

  19. SME13110:18 PM

    Newsweek is calling this bitch Saint Sarah....Lord help us all.

  20. Anonymous11:17 PM

    Jerry served 2 terms during a very prosperous time for CA. He was a great governor and will be so again. His frugality is also legendary.

  21. Anonymous11:25 PM

    Jerry's two terms followed Reagan's. So he was cutting the rethugs taxes. Let's not let the right forget this. This and his rainy day fund should go viral.

    Megs a big spender and a poor executive. ebay was glad to see her go after the Skype fiasco.

  22. I was impressed that she got the decade right but is there anyone on the face of the earth who is more irritating than Sarah? I don't think so.

    Oh, and Brown was a 2-term governor of CA and the mayor of Oakland which is slightly (maybe 800 times)larger than Wasilla. She is a celebrity with ziltch governing experience. Wikipedia does say that Brown was able to get a 'repeal of the "depletion allowance", a tax break for the state's oil industry'.

  23. Anonymous11:42 PM

    I wasn't aware of Jerry Brown's record because I didn't live in or near California but according to the above ad, his record was impressive. His $5 BILLION Rainy Day Fund was back in the day when $5 Billion was worth a lot more than it is today. That's a great ad. Hope he tears her up! She almost started reading her script before the guy got his question out.

  24. NO Progressives are to stupid to see how much she distracts from all the things that need be done. You all can talk about her headlights all you want but the real thing is going on somewhere else. Get a grip search and learn. for jumpin bald headed jesus there is more than tit's goin on in this world. And i love you Gryph.

  25. $arah opens her mouth and always removes all doubt that she is stupid. The reason being is that she knows nothing about Jerry Brown and his terms as Governor of California but pretends that she knows what she's talking about. It's just like her backing of Branstad, the opposite of what the Tea Party wants and what she said she looks for in a candidate, that being an underdog, someone underfunded, all b.s. She's setting things up for who she thinks might be useful to her when she runs in 2012. Hey $arah, Romney also backed Haley & Branstad, before you. He has confidence in who he picks, unlike you, he doesn't wait until their ahead in the polls. Please, go back to AK, (sorry, Gryphen, I know you all don't want her, either) take care of your special needs son, remember him? When is the last time you spent more than a day in his presence? Or should I say more than a few hours? You're a disgrace as a private citizen, attacking our President, a man who you could never keep up with and you're a disgrace as a Mother and your family probably doesn't want to deal with your diva antics, either.

  26. I love Jerry Brown and worked on his campaign when he was running against Bill Clinton on the Democratic ticket. He has always done a good job for the people. I would love to see him run for president again some day.

  27. Anonymous3:27 AM

    Did ya read the caption under her pie hole. "Palin: broken promises made people distrust government." The (I don't know what to call it, it walks, it talks and reproducts, I guesss it is alive) person who promise the state of alaska on an oath to protect government. SHE LIED!

  28. Randall3:30 AM

    Often the Sarah stupid is so jaw-droppingly breathtaking I sometimes wonder if she isn't really a Democratic plant?

    Perhaps a daffodil - or some other from the genus narcissus?

  29. Anonymous5:33 AM

    I don't donate to other state races, but you can bet I'll be donating to Governor Brown's cause. (I can use the title for him because he actually was a governor).

  30. womanwithsardinecan8:34 AM

    Jerry is a fiscal conservative. I know. I'm a Californian, born and bred. Sarah doesn't know shit.

  31. Bless you Sarah for another wonderful insight into your empty mind. I also find nothing attractive about this woman. When ugliness reeks out of the pores from the inside it tends to follow that beauty cannot show through.

    Further the state of cali has been run by a republican for quite some time now. Hence, like our state, also run by a republican (and a woman) it has been run totally into the ground.

  32. sandipants6:22 PM

    Did she just f**king say that he raised taxes against "producers"? Would that be like raising taxes against "big oil" in Alaska - i.e. ACES? I'm assuming since she said it, it's probably not true in Jerry's case, but it sure as hell is true for her. Alaska State government grew under her. I realize she is pretty damn stupid - does she have any (honest)recollection of her time as Governor?

  33. Anonymous8:18 PM

    OMG...anyone but Palin. Obama will lose to anyone but Palin. Please.....someone with a brain.


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