Tuesday, June 01, 2010

The Today Show's Matt Lauer interviews the most famous neighbor in the world, Joe McGinniss.

Did you notice that  Joe made sure that Lauer knew exactly where he was standing when that famous picture on her Facebook page was taken?  I wonder how the Fox News idiots will spin that?

By the way McGinniiss did not just keep the Today show from filming the Palin's home from his property, he will not allow ANYONE to take a picture or film any footage.

In my opinion what the viewers should take away from this interview is how readily Sarah Palin incites hatred and how quickly her crazed followers rise to the bait. (Not mentioned in the piece is the fact that Joe's landlady installed a very high tech security system to protect her famous guest. And it is also worth noting that a number of local Wasilla residents have come by to wish Joe well and to inform him that not ALL Wasilla people are as rude and nasty as Sarah Palin.)


  1. Ratfish5:47 AM

    You mean Sarah lied- again?

  2. I bet she hates that she has NO control and that is is going out of his way to be respectful of THEIR privacy. I bet it makes her bumpit buzz, also too.

  3. Molly5:56 AM

    Uh oh, Joe used the "N" word.

    I whole-heartedly agree with the comparison of the tactics of Palin (especially during her VP campaign), but, can HRH let that go without another rant?

    Maybe she'll let rip in another tweet and say how he was "ravishing" the use of the word. :)

    And Joe, if you're reading this, have a great summer and I can't wait to read the book!

  4. Anonymous5:56 AM

    wish Joe would have mentioned that house was rented for recovering drug addicts for several years and Sarah did not object to them being there.

    Hope there is follow up on possible meth lab in basement of house. Sarah living next to meth lab would be a good story to post.

  5. I respect Mr. McGinniss for standing up for his self and correcting the misrepresentation of the FB photo. Matt gave Sara the benefit of doubt and then a pass for posting that photo while spewing her heinious allegations of criminal intent and the worst to prey, stalk and voyeur children insinuating he is a pedophile. Unleashing more of her rabid statements to Beck she positioned herself as protecting her children from allegations she made on FB.

    Good for Joe to comment what Matt told in detail that happened to Joe as a consequence of what Sarah posted on FB, told Glenn Back, he took her word as truth, ran with it, as did Fox spinning about Joe leering with binoculars, etc.

    Wow, so the FBI indeed is having to be involved also. Palin starts unbelievable off the charts fury, hate, condemning people for what they have not done or said recruiting people by proxy to commit further atrocities while denying her behaviors. She turns it around they are guilty of what she actually did. Palin keeps the FBI and Secret Service quite busy.

    Joe got right to the point using the analogy of nazi tactics. Sarah uses her power to convince people of vile unconscienable false allegations then gets off at the frenzy, power to manipulate people in her quest for abusive power. This does speak to her character and she has a long history even since she was tapped by McCain. Palin has depraved indifference to the harm, damage, consequences including death to anyone who stands in her way.

  6. Anonymous6:08 AM

    GREAT interview Joe! You are right, she's good at 'inciting' that is what she does and always has! Looking forward to reading the book.

  7. Anonymous6:08 AM

    If you truly believe this guy chose this house purely for financial reasons then you are quite ignorant and naive. I think anyone with a rational mind can see through this guy's story. Common sense is a wonderful thing and it's sad that people will throw it aside due to their political leanings. Thank you.

  8. Lynne6:14 AM

    The real question is, what is she so afraid of? What is she hiding?

  9. Anonymous6:15 AM

    Thank you oh not so wise one Sarah. Now if I never thought of buying this book I will be putting an order on Amazon pronto!

    What is the saying keep your friends close and your enemies closer. If she was smart ha ha yeah ok...she would have welcomed him or at the very least ignored him . Instead she made a big commotion. Look at what the older gentleman in the restaurant said. She is a public figure she has to expect this.

    If you talk to Joe tell him to be safe and I wish him and family a wonderful summer.

  10. Anonymous6:15 AM

    How absolutely frightening that she can take a hissy fit on FB and incite such hate to the point that local and federal law enforcement needs to get involved. She thinks him moving in next door was a problem? Wait til she reads his book! She's given him plenty of material with just this incident alone.

  11. Anonymous6:15 AM

    ...and it's another case of Sarah "projecting" her own thoughts and actions on to others. Mr. McGinnis has done nothing inappropriate. On the other hand, SP accuses him of doing what she would probably do, being the mean girl that she is.

  12. Anonymous6:17 AM

    I emailed Today Show and told them that I thought Lauer was biased in the interview; especially with his follow-up input - getting in the last word - to the questions. McGinniss defended himself well.

    Should we also email Today Show about the previous house occupants?

  13. Anonymous6:39 AM

    1. Sarah has no control over what her supporters do and how they react to her negative press. Just has movie stars have no control over how audience members perceive them through their roles. (Yes I picked the analogy for a reason). She is NEVER supported PHYSICAL VIOLENCE nor Idon't think she could even think to do that.

    2. She's one of many many people who view this country and the new admin. as an entity that is slowly drifting away from its true roots - and rightly so FEARS that it could one day become Europe, Greece, China...wherever.

    3. While I feel bad for Joe M, he had to expect this. Her FB post was not hysterical nor condemning of Joe. However, if one is already a Palinhater and seeks to discredit or demoralize her and her every whim, they yes, you are going to read it as malicious.

    While I enjoy the basic premise of his book, I hope he veers from gossip related themes. he could learn a lot and write a lot about her rise and influence. I just hope he does it in a classy way, UNLIKE he has done in the past. Remember when he said he'd help that man (blanking on name) get his story and innocence? Yeah, he sabotaged him.

    I do feel SArah is still a little naive when it comes to her public persona. yet for some reason, I think she desired all of this to come out - she knows what he'll find when he talks to the people of Wasilla. i really don't think she lives in fear, or she'd get the eff out of the spotlight and her daughter woldn't tell magazines she should run for President.

    We all know she's gonna run. If she really had anything to hide, why would she put her family and herself through the ringer again.

  14. Anonymous6:45 AM

    Wow..just think, she could of been VP

  15. It perturbs me that the reporters do not show the big picture pointing out the vastness of the property the Palin's own on the lake. IMO it is twisted as if the only place they could play, mislead a pool (swimming hole) and a garden is that tiny space between the two houses. Honestly I'd like the public to see their real American Joe six pack compound.

    It appears the deck on the rental was built to ensure privacy for it does not extend to the edge of the house on the Palin's side. It is impossible to stand on that deck and peer into windows on the side of the Palin's house.

    I rest my case, reporters seek to focus only on the Palin's building a fence. It's all Joe's fault he's the target of death threats, Palin portrayed as all good doin' nothing wrong. Urghh...

  16. Anonymous6:55 AM

    I thought Lauer was very close to being rude to Joe at times. Especially at the end of the piece when he said "there are two sides to every story". IMHO he almost seemed to be saying he didn't believe Joe's side.

    I'm so glad to know that locals are trying to make Joe welcome in spite of $p. Hope some of them will open up to him with some good information about her. I would imagine that her actions will put a whole different viewpoint to the book he is writing. Can't wait to read it when it's published.

    Joe, if you are reading these blogs, hang in there. You have a whooooole lot of people with you.

    Sara in NW FL

  17. Sarah is probably chuckling to herself...how's that freedom thing working out for you Joe? Do you love your freedom now? Sarah is a blowhard...a bully. Very sad to see a woman go down this road....beauty is only skin deep, but ugly is to the bone.

  18. Anonymous6:57 AM

    Joe's still planning to bring his grandkids to the rental in Wasilla? To an ex-meth lab?

  19. Anonymous7:00 AM

    She's getting all "wee-wee'd up". Doesn't she like to say stuff to get the lefties all wee-wee'd up? Well, guess it can go both ways.

    Wonder how the Palins will enjoy hearing Mr. McGuiness's grandkids (who are visiting over the holidays) behind that fence. Maybe an opportunity for Piper to make some new friends.

  20. laprofesora7:04 AM

    Due to $carah's irrational and irresponsible behavior,she has the local authorities and the FBI involved. What a complete and total waste of resources. Gee, I hope some terrorist doesn't go unnoticed because law enforcement is busy cleaning up after her temper tantrum. What a POS.

  21. Anonymous7:05 AM

    Smart Politics: Bring Joe a casserole and welcome him to the neighborhood. And, also, too, use that folksy charm and a wink, and say, "Joe, gosh darn, you aren't really going to say bad things about me, are you?" The chapter in his book would read...Sarah was warm, endearing and welcoming when I met her. In fact, I found her charming.

    Stupid Politics: Unleash your ravenous fans and the local newspaper on a best selling author and create a shit storm to create publicity for his book. The chapter in his book now reads..."I had heard about Sarah's ability to incite rage and violence, but hadn't experienced it until I lived next door to her. I learned quickly how absolutely destructive she can be when hysterical." Another reason this was stupid politics is that people will now more readily approach Joe to tell their stories about Sarah since he has now become another person in the long line of those she has tried to destroy.

    I can already tell that I like Joe and am ordering his book as soon as it is available. Before Sarah provided the PR, I didn't even know he was writing a book. Now I am certain to buy it!

  22. Anonymous7:14 AM

    Anonymous at 6:17

    She may not control her fans, but she knows exactly what they will do when she goes on one of her facebook rants and gets Beck worked into a lather. You may not view her as hysterical but she certainly isn't rationale. Every time something like this happens, she sees her daughters has threatened sexually. It is very strange and disturbing. There are at least 4 times in the last year that she has claimed this type of thing directed at her daughters when nothing could be further from the truth.

    Do you really believe that Joe is going to peer at her children, look at Sarah in her tank top and shorts, etc? He just doesn't seem like that sort of guy.

  23. Anonymous7:14 AM

    Joe McGinniss is bringing his grandkids to the rental in Wasilla? to an ex-meth lab?

  24. Anonymous7:21 AM

    Do not watch mealy mouth Matt.

  25. Anonymous7:23 AM

    Gryphen and Joe hit a raw nerve with Palin and her supporters. The dead give away, anon 6:08, is the use of the word "naive." It is one of Sarah's favorite phrases which she often uses in speeches. "You would be naive to believe....." The coincidence of other posts using "naive" suggests to me that Sarah (or someone working and/or writing for Sarah) has sent a communication suggesting that this post be attacked.

    I know that we are not supposed to feed the trolls. But, I cannot let one statement pass. Sarah most certainly does have control over what her supporters say, anon 6:39. That is what is called leadership, and it is the most important quality that one would look for in either a president or vice president. The hate-filled remarks and calls for violence discredit Sarah. She egged on crowds chanting "Kill him!" during the 2008 campaign. That lost her votes; people want positive solutions, not name calling and worse. She never told the crowd that was inappropriate; at least John McCain confronted the woman in the red shirt, correcting her by saying that Obama was not a Moslem.

    Sarah would have shown maturity and strength of character if she had personally welcomed Joe, or at least made a public show of pretending to welcome him. Instead, sending Todd over as the enforcer reminds us of Todd vs. Wooten, a charming reminder of Sarah using muscle and intimidation to get her own way in an ugly manner. Sarah's saucy facebook post telling Joe not to stare at her in her tank top, shorts while toting Trig in a baby pack is infantile.

    Sarah can issue a statement to her supporters telling them to use responsible language and actions, but she does not. By putting up that ridiculous fence-upon-fence, name calling and acting out, Sarah has just written her own chapter, "Sarah, still as immature and childish as ever." Joe didn't even have to interview her to get this kind of material.

  26. Anonymous7:26 AM

    "If she really had anything to hide, why would she put her family and herself through the ringer again."

    You truly think she gives a shit about anyone but herself. This whole mess is to feed her gigantic sick ego and everyone else be damned.

  27. imnofred7:31 AM

    Matt tried to act fair but you can tell he is biased towards Sarah because he may want to interview in the future. We all know if you don't take her side, you don't do the interview.

  28. Anonymous7:46 AM

    To Anonymous @ 6:39...

    The man Joe McGinnis "sabotaged" was named Jeffrey Macdonald. The guy was found GUILTY in a court of law of the first-degree murder of his pregnant wife and two little girls.

    Joe McGinnis wrote the truth. What truth is Sarah Palin so afraid of?

  29. Anonymous7:46 AM

    McGinniss said, 'I was going to go over and introduce myself...' but he didn't.

    He's lying. You don't move 4,000 miles and rent a house next door unless that location is extremely important.

    He says the landlady approached him with this great deal - anyone talked to her yet?

  30. Anonymous7:53 AM

    Good job Joe!

    There is no excuse for the reactionary response from Palin's FAKEBOOK and some palinites, including none other than the Mat-Su Valley Frontiersman owned by Wick Communications (a fact that should go national). It would ordinarily be enough to say the FBI was called, along with local police. Joe is not the one who was so alarming it is necessary to bring in the FBI. Anyone can see the photo by Track Palin. it is clear that Joe is looking toward the Best Western and the trees in the vacant lot. No binoculars! It was a cell phone. Now we will see how long it will take for Palin to get the correction to her followers, sure she will. She needs the reactionary fear mongering.

    The threats and accusations of stalker and pedophile that they sling at Joe are too far beyond the norm. Has Palin done one thing to have her workers tone down the furor so that the unstable palinites tone down?

    Joe is doing what many do, combining work and family time. His grandchildren will be in the area and it is time for Palin to call off her dogs. Before this came up, the Palins had plans to do the Discovery show in Dillingham and are not going to be in the area all summer. She has an opportunity to undo some of her false accusations and make some peace.

    The managing editor Tom Mitchell at the Mat-Su Valley Frontiersman wrote the article "Wasilla fence fascinating for national media outlets." Did Mitchell at the Frontiersman correct the part about Portfolio and Pipe Dreams by McGinniss? It is pathetic he tried to pass his last paragraph off as humorous. What was humorous about that? I can't believe even a back woods journalist is that lame.
    Wasilla Paper Warns Palin Author of Deadly Force Law

    Keep up the fine work, Joe!

  31. "We all know she's gonna run."

    Isn't she on the run right now? She is not at home, does anyone know where she is or what she is really hiding from? I know that Joe is an excuse for her.

  32. Anonymous8:12 AM

    1. Oh $carah, your slip is showing....

    2. Yes, $carah is well aware of how she is inciting hatred.

    3. The rest of Wasilla, Mat Su Borough, basically the entire State of Alaska, is in no shape or form, like IT THAT QUIT.

    4. Hopefully Joe will reveal 1 - 3 and divert from stereotypical ilk, ever so present in his previous books about Alaska's First Peoples.

    Yeah, I'm no fan of Joe. Here is his chance to make it right.

    You hear me Joe?

    (pssssst, keep yourself, kids and grandkids out of that poluted "swimming hole", otherwise known as Lake Lucille.)

  33. Anonymous8:12 AM

    I'd like to win the lottery and make the neighbors on the OTHER side of the compound an offer they couldn't refuse to live in their house. I'm writer (of textbooks) and a liberal democrat and would make it known as much. What would Sarah do then? Have me kicked out too?

    It would be fun to hang with Joe, and I'd be glad to bring him cookies!

  34. Anonymous8:22 AM

    Of course McGinnis isn't a creep looking in Piper's bedroom. And I hope he skewers her in the book. BUT.....

    Absolutely he moved next door to purposely be provocative (and batshit crazy lady overreacted as expected). So he acted just a little too sweet and innocent on that score during the interview. And he thought they could all be friends--yeah right.

    And honestly, I think it is a little creepy to have someone you know is writing a very negative book about you moves in that close. Someone who came to your door unannounced once before.

    And the Nazi part was over the top I think. I don't necessarily disagree with him, but I think that just sounds a little crazy in the interview.

    I'm just thinking how someone who doesn't follow $P stuff the way we do would see those comments & evaluate him. He needs to not overplay his hand and watch the too innocent stuff. It makes him look fake.

    I did think Matt Lauer was a little rude to him which is surprising since I can't believe he is a Sarah fan. Maybe in a bad mood (or for rating boost....)

    What is so totally RIDICULOUS though were the across the lake shots that NBC had of the Palin's red house (some with powerful cameras that were pretty close up). Gee that wasn't intrusive or anything & she brought this on herself by making the fuss. And it clearly shows the cluster of buildings that totally disproves Bristol's BS at the hacker's trial about being out at their secluded home and scared. What a moron Sarah is.

  35. Anne In DC8:25 AM

    With her over-the-top responses, Palin has ensured that a lot of people who might not have been interested in McGinnis's book will definitely buy it now. He did not have to do any interviews with her to get goods on her. She handed them to him on a silver platter.

    She is showing the lack of poise, self-control, and self-awareness that are some of the characteristics of an effective leader. Like one poster said, if she had any maturity or character, she would not be knowingly inciting her followers in the first place. This is one of the aspects of her character, along with her ignorance, that helped to cost the McCain-Palin team votes in the last presidential election.

    As we can see, money is not everything. It cannot buy moral character, maturity, or intelligence.

  36. Anonymous8:25 AM

    Anon @ 6:39. Sarah may have no control over what they do, but she does have control over how she reacts to what they do.

    First, she controls comments on her FB page. We know comments get deleted. Therefore, any comment she does not delete, she must support.

    Second, when hearing that people are posting death threats, she has the ability to step forward and state that these threats are over the line and that the situation is being handled by the proper authorities. That she has not done so is very telling.

    Finally, she can express her dismay without implying that object of her dismay is a pervert, stalker and pedophile.

  37. Matt Lauer sure got it right when he called out Tripp's condition. I will always remember him for not caring for what was going on with that young child on his set. He is not a journalist and he is a sorry entertainer. IMO people should write to him, the Today Show and ABC with more facts and any complaints.
    I don't know that the "meth lab" was documented. It is not necessary to bring that up or to disparage the Oxford House. The Palins also lived within walking distance to Shooters Billiards, that was meth central. Poor Bristol was so far removed from civilization yet minutes away from the meth distributor. Do you think the Palins have no clue about things like that went on near them? It was also a place for kids. Why were they not more involved with their children and the area around them?

  38. Anonymous8:42 AM

    Matt is a tool, he always kisses granny's butt and calls her governor...AS IF, lol Quitter is what she is!
    I thought Joe did great! Love Joe! And now that his family is coming granny will look like the biggest bully if her or the palinbots get out of line!
    And talk about the hounds of hell? Granny just released the FBI and AST on herself...
    Hey Sarah, "Can you hear me now...STFU!"
    And yes What is SHE AFRAID OFF? We know, but soon the world will :D

  39. Anonymous8:54 AM

    That is the Republican MO, look at Cheney and Bush they only gave interviews to people on their side. Have you seen Liz Cheney on Rachel Maddow, even though she has been asked. NO, and you will never see Scarah there either. They could not stand up to a real journalist. Proof, Katie and Charlie. "Pre Screened Questions only Please"

  40. Anonymous8:56 AM

    Matt Lauer is a tool.

  41. Anonymous8:57 AM

    Sarah Palin always takes the low road. Lowest one possible. Mean, dirty, trash. The whole family. Including THE KIDS.

  42. Anonymous9:00 AM

    "Maybe an opportunity for Piper to make some new friends."

    Might I correct you:
    May be an opportunity for Piper to make A (AS IN ONE) friend. Her own age, also, though, too.

  43. Loren H.9:02 AM

    Sarah does what she does because her puppet-master value that she can stir the pot. She does not have to "control" the mentally challenged per se. She only needs to excel at pushing their buttons. That is her purpose. She has no oratory skills, her voice is grating and can she form a sentence? She exists to jack up her target groups into a frenzy.

    Homeland Security knows that she works up the dangerous ones. The best news of all is to know the FBI is working on this. I hope the "Wasilla fence fascinating for national media outlets" article in The Frontiersman will be brought up to Matt Lauer and others. That is horrible when in this circumstance that Tom Mitchell would claim he made a joke. The context of the situation where a man's life is threatened. Not funny Tom! It is SICK, Tom, and you are pathetic for hiding behind a poor excuse.

    Every publication that writes or reports on this story must include the local newspaper, The Frontiersman, that jokes about serious matters at a time when that is not appropriate. That speaks volumns about the atmosphere of the community and it is a background view that is needed to grasp what goes on. What is wrong with MSM? It is alright to use media to trivialize or encourage violent crazy people to act irrational?

  44. Anonymous 7:45, yes I talked to the landlady and she DID make the offer. And it was a mutual friend that brought them together.

    Can you say "serendipity"?

  45. Anonymous9:06 AM


    Not stopping at intimidation tactics, Granny Palin throws in a familiar "he's lusting after me/my children!"

    I could hear the professional indignation in Joe M's voice; as if he moved to Wasilla to get a glimpse of her fading charms or acting the pervert with her kids - NOT!

    She could have put on her best push-up bra and gone to visit Joe and welcome him to the neighborhood, and pointed out, in a reasonable way, what her privacy needs were.. but no, she has demonstrated her vicious temper once again.

    I hope Joe stays safe - and dip that pen in venom Joe, she deserves every bitter drop.

  46. Anonymous9:13 AM

    Joe came across so nice and very reasonable, I'd love to have a neighbor like him,

    Screechy just sent out another idiotic tweet

    SarahPalinUSA Any wonder why public can't trust mainstream media?I'll facebook our latest incident w/NBC unbalanced/sensational "reporting";Don't trust'em

  47. I rather be golfing9:31 AM

    The media needs more information about the compound.

    This shows how close to the Best Western and Joe's rental. It was taken before the new buildings. You can see that the Palins have three lots with buildings on the other side of Joe. They could be at the compound and no one would know, it is only a guess that they went to another hide out. This shows more of the new building. Not the house they are renting next door. This does not show how close they were to the meth dealer pool parlor, Shooters.

    What is the size of the Palins three lots and how much square footage on the buildings? There is all kinds of room for Track, Trig, Tripp and Piper to play.

    Who is taking care of Sarah's little garden while she is away? Who does the yard now?

  48. Anonymous9:47 AM

    The crazies are making death threats against a man who is doing his job. Palin is not a worthy leader or she would show the leadership to address that and call for an end to the death threats. The Mat-Su Frontiersman is hurting the community to play a joke when it is a grave and serious matter.

    Support Well Known, Respected Author Joe Mcginniss...NOW! and do all you can to inform the media you are not going to tolerate death threats or any violence. Including jokes that do not help when they come from the local newspaper, Tom Mitchell at the Mat-Su Frontiersman.

  49. Enjay in E MT9:57 AM

    It would be a shame if the McGinnis family is not able to enjoy their summer visit because of Palin acting like a pissy teen-ager getting the bots riled up.

    It's been said several times in the last week, but this gives McGinnis the opportunity to see what life is like in AK when they cross the Palin clan. Both personal & profession retaliation of lies, whispered rumors & inuendo. This is why people DON'T come forward.

    These is a "50 yr old Bully" in my neighborhood and the police won't even issue a parking ticket to because "it isn't worth the hassle" The man just wears people out. Took almost 7 months to get a No Parking sign for a City park - which he continues to use as his personal parking lot.

  50. Anonymous10:01 AM

    Forget Wasilla Joe, head out to Dillingham (the largest town in the Bristol Bay area, which Sarah calls a 'village' to folksify that regional hub.

    There are plenty of loose lips to talk about Sarah's drunken displays at beach parties, jealous fist and nails fights with Todd and more.

    Better yet, go out to New Stuyahawk, the village she went out to out of 'concern' for a string of preventable deaths early on in her Governorship. She unceremoniously fired Safety Commissioner Walt Monegan after he came up with a solution to those socio-economic problems with the lack of a public safety presence. She left them in the frozen tundra, long forgotten.

  51. Ma Grizzie knows best10:16 AM

    "Any wonder why public can't trust mainstream media?I'll facebook our latest incident w/NBC unbalanced/sensational "reporting";Don't trust'em" SarahPalinUSA

    You better believe Sarah Palin when she says "...unbalanced/sensational "reporting";Don't trust'em" Traffic her latest facebook to find out why public can't trust mainstream media. Is it mainstream or lamestream now? Matt Lauer is a lame one.

    Get out your hankies this could be a real tear jerking example of victimization from a no count hack.

  52. Anonymous10:20 AM

    The Palins appear to be a most irregular 'family'
    (don't really know who's actually related to whom there, hence the quotes.) There's a sense that none of them - except the youngest girl & the toddler, are anything like happy, wholesome or normal. Besides accumulating massive wealth, the Palins' other primary quest seems to be preventing some very nasty cats escaping from their bags. Don't be fooled,
    Mr. Sarah is just as 'irregular,' as she is.

    Sharon TN

  53. I think we can all see how she would lead this country now. No diplomacy of course. Intimidation and force would be her choice. How many wars would she incite? How safe would American's feel traveling the world? So many real problems in the world, and she chooses to act divisive and encourage her fans bad behavior....all over an author moving in next door. She could have been in control of the situation- been gracious and charming. Instead, she lost control of her emotions. Do we want a leader who can not control something so basic? I want an intelligent, cool under pressure person making decisions. Mrs. Palin has not shown she can handle a MINI personal crisis. How would she react to an international crisis?

  54. Anonymous10:27 AM

    McGinniss did an excellent job of telling his side ofthe story....not like Matt Laurer was very cooperative, but Joe seemed to handle it very welll. I was also very blessed that he noted the obvious similarities between the tactics of the nazis prior to world war II and the tatics Mrs. Palin uses to get her supporters going.

    About time someone had the balls to say something.

    Watch your back, Joe!

  55. LisanTX10:38 AM

    Sarah Kim Jong-il Palin, the FaceBook/Tweet dictator, is what I think of, after seeing the latest Tweets. In effect, she tweets: "don't believe anyone but ME!" "come to ME for your information!"

  56. Anonymous10:48 AM

    ....head out to Dillingham

    That is a good plan. Isn't Dillingham where they had the incident with a blogger that wrote about their attitude toward drug addiction and incest?

  57. Joe McGinniss is a well known author. If he had the desire to spy on her secretly from that house he could have. This is just crazy. ....and as an aside....has Matt Lauer just decided to sound really stupid or is something wrong with him?

  58. I agree Joe was excellent and he is well aware and courageous. The treachery and vile of the people he stands up against is vast. We all owe him a ton of gratitude and everyday may more people follow his lead. It means everything to speak out and make that difference.

    How funny that Palin-Cheney is disappeared, like in a bunker now. She is clearly not well. It is good the FBI is watching and documenting. Her files are growing thicker by the second.

    I can't believe that she and Todd are not aware of what could be done with all the equipment and access that the television people have in her houses. Why does she trust the Murdoch group that is notorious for being in control of their robots.

  59. Anonymous12:17 PM

    Joe is a nice man. He comes across as sincere and intelligent. I would like to have a neighbor like Joe McGinniss. As usual, Palin has made an @ss out of herself as if we needed another example of her stupidity and meanness. Daddy Chuck said "Sarah doesn't make the decisions". IMO, whoever does make the decisions is the person Sarah should mistrust. Somebody needs to tell her to STFU because she comes across as a menopausal middle-aged, wannabe beauty-queen obsessed with sex.

    Sarie, Sarie, quite contrary,
    How does your garden grow?
    With tweety-bells and your hounds from Hell,
    All lined up, ready to go.

  60. Anonymous2:53 PM

    I am starting to sense that Joe rented that house out of both convenience and a sense of purpose. He has been on the fake Sarah Palin trial for awhile now. I think he decided to take a stand against her and since he is a famous person in his own right knew that the MSM would allow him to have a voice. In the face of death threats and her increasingly crazy tweets, he decides to remain in the house for the rest of the summer. He is taking a stand against her. And I think his mission is to show his sources in Alaska that he will fight against her and that this will encourage them to come to him and know they can trust him with the truth. Gryphen, have you and the other bloggers invited him to dinner yet? I am sure that all of you and he have lots to share. Right now Joe is my personal hero because he seems like the only person with the balls to stand up to her. She can't control it, and it is driving her insane! And for you Palinbots out there, the FBI is watching. Do you love Palin enough to risk losing everything in your life for her? If you truly believe in her and what she says, then leave Joe alone. Let him write his book because there is nothing he can write that would harm her. Or is there???

  61. Matt was pretty close to saying "neener, neener Joe, Palin had me in her home back during the campaign and offered me moose hot dogs, which I did not eat, but still, she offered 'em".

  62. Anonymous8:46 PM

    I think Sarah is trying to intimidate Joe not to write about her faked pregnancy because she faked the pregnancy for her daughter and EVERYONE HAS TO LEAVE HER KIDS ALONE. That's what this is all about.

    Unfortunately, it seems Joe has fallen into the trap. He keeps saying he is not interested in her kids. But how can you write about Sarah Palin without mentioning the faked pregnancy? It's an essential part of her character - she thinks she can get away with anything. How can you not write about Track's vandalism, which Sarah had hushed up? How can you not write about Willow's recent vandalism, which Sarah also had hushed up? Because they are "kids"?

    Sarah's portrays herself as soccer mom. Her kids and his phony ideal family are part of her mythology. How can you possibly write about her without peering into that?

    I'm sorry to say that I believe Sarah's intimidation is working.

  63. Anonymous7:12 AM

    Sarah Palin thinks she can have things both ways, that she can flaunt herself and her opinions all over the place and still remain a private person. Well, too bad. It doesn't work that way.

    If you don't want journalists investigating you, don't be a media whore. It's that simple.


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