Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Wasilla editor loses job after suggesting that law may allow Todd or Sarah Palin to use deadly force against author Joe McGinniss.

From Alaska Dispatch:

As screaming heads and snarky blogs across the country weighed in, Palin's hometown paper, The Mat-Su Valley Frontiersman, ran an editorial on May 29 that reminded McGinniss that "Alaska has a law that allows the use of deadly force in protection of life and property."

It was a throwaway line at the end of an otherwise forgettable editorial, but those 34 words touched off a media firestorm.

Tom Mitchell, the Frontiersman managing editor who wrote the editorial, apologized, saying he didn't mean that McGinniss should be a victim of violence, and the Frontiersman's publisher suspended comments on the editorial after 428 postings, which ranged from "Great piece" to "Cancel my subscription."

"It certainly caught fire," said Mitchell, now the Frontiersman's former managing editor. "Palin's a spark plug for a lot of things."

The reason Mitchell is the former managing editor is because on June 14 -- two weeks after the infamous editorial had circled the globe -- Frontiersman's publisher Kari Sleight sent out a terse e-mail: "Tom 'TC' Mitchell has resigned his position at the Frontiersman to pursue other efforts. His resignation is effective immediately. We wish Tom well in his future endeavors."

The curse of Sarah Palin strikes again.  I swear the woman leaves a trail of broken dreams and devastated lives wherever she goes.

Of course I do not feel one bit of sympathy for Mr. Mitchell.  After what the Palins have done to that town, defending them should be considered an act of treason.


  1. junasie144:03 AM

    Funny how he was surprised to lose his job after resigning his position, but the editorial had nothing to do with it - according to the publisher!

    I'd like to think that the comment I (and others) wrote on there was not in vain for a change, but it's more likely they lost a fair number of subscriptions over it.

  2. I have read that an editorial is considered the "voice" of the newspaper. Perhaps Mr. Mitchell had a mind fart.

  3. >Tom 'TC' Mitchell has resigned his position at the Frontiersman to pursue other efforts.

    Those other efforts including finding another job. Geez, if what he wrote had been on The Onion, people would have laughed. They should have done the same with his editorial.

  4. Anonymous4:24 AM

    Who's life is ruined exactly? People are of their own volition in this world.

  5. Anonymous4:31 AM

    "That part wouldn't have run if we'd had better communication," Mitchell said. "It was supposed to be sort of an inside joke, but it didn't work."

    How do jokesters without communication skills last in journalism at all? They all sound pathetic.

    I would like to see McChrystal finally answer for what happened with Tillman and to immediately step down, like fired by Gates and Petraeus.
    McChrystal's Afghanistan comments: insightful or sedition? Sedition is a term of law which refers to overt conduct, such as speech and organization, that is deemed by the legal authority as tending toward insurrection against the established order.
    McChrystal Apologizes for Scandalous Magazine Profile
    Tillman's parents want general's record reviewed Posted 5/13/2009
    Tillman's mother says general lied again about his death

  6. Interesting defense.....a communication business with a communication problem....?!?!

  7. Anonymous5:00 AM

    I look at this as a really good sign. FINALLY someone is not just going along with Palin violent rhetoric. No, she didn't have anything to do with this editorial. It just mimics the language she uses. I am glad someone finally said, "No!".


  8. I saw recently that there is a movie/documentary coming out about Pat Tillman. McChrystal will never come clean about Tillman but nor will McCain. Remember at the memorial for Tillman, John McCain spoke. Now McCain had to know Tillman died from friendly fire yet he went with the flow. Disgusting.
    Here's a review of the movie: The Tillman Story

    McChrystal needs to be retired and I'll bet Gates/Mullen play hatchetmen.

  9. Oh goody, now he's free to be a full time nanny to the Palin family!

  10. Nicolas6:25 AM

    The Mat-Su Frontiersman sucks. They are in the back pocket of everything Palin who is BIG OIL and BP. Palin says soldiers are fighting for our freedom of speech yet she demonstratively tried to shut down McGinniss, a journalist, by lying, libeling his character and subtext threats from her enablers (Frontiersman was only one).

    How is the leadership in Wasilla handling another gigantic situation that will cause us to reflect on what is going on in Afghanistan? Sarah Palin is big on the military and her daughter's best friend, Alice Morlock, is married to Spc. Jeremy Morlock. A fact that leaves the Palins speechless. Did any of the local media report the news and why are they avoiding facts? Levi probably played hockey with Morlock, also, too. This is an opportunity to examine our mission in Afghanistan and what is happening to our soldiers. What is up with recruitment? There is not an ounce of interest or concern shown by Palin and her enablers. Why won't she come out and make a statement? Others have said that Morlock would not do as accused and they are standing up for him. Why won't Palin show leadership when an incident hits close to her home? She alleges that she is engaged with the military and she is suppose to care about hockey players and our soldiers.

    Five Soldiers Charged With Premeditated Murder of Three Afghan Civilians

    The Palin family has exhibited unusual behaviors when it comes to their own son in the military. Track Palin should be serving his country, instead of his mysterious hanging out at the house on Lake Lucille where Track did photo surveillance on Joe McGinniss. That was before the fence went up and Palin took flight to Belmont to show off her new chest. Needless to say the media was distracted and next Bristol started to make other news when her ex started to spend the night at her townhouse. How many Palin tweets on the military since this happened to Bristol's friend? We know she has no concern for Afghan citizens but can she show any concern for our soldiers and a close friend of her family? The Mat-Su Frontiersman is a useless rag to obfuscate something that serious. When something like this happens it is like the war hits home and nobody says anything. It is verboten to talk about the part the Drug War plays in Afghanistan, life in Wasilla and the economy.
    Collateral damage. All the sad mistake bastardized children born to teens that are lost in drugs are our collateral damage and who can even mention that? Is that the way to remedy a problem? Mercede Johnston was attempting to bring some light on these subjects and look what she gets? Alaska Ear Crap.

  11. Anonymous8:05 AM

    That whole line of Mitchell's wasn't just about Palin vs McGinnis in my opinion. It seems to incite a frontier mentality to all Alaskans, which is not good.

  12. I wonder what percentage of the unemployment rate is directly attributable to those people that have come into contact with Sarah Palin?

  13. womanwithsardinecan9:00 AM


  14. Anonymous11:53 AM

    "Don't let the door hit you where the good Lord split you"

  15. Anonymous12:00 PM

    Tom Mitchell can always apply for a position and work for Sarah Palin:

    Apply for Official tweeter for Sarah Palin?
    Apply for 2nd Grade English Home School teacher for Sarah Palin and Piper?

  16. Anonymous12:04 PM

    Hey Tom Mitchell, Sarah wants you to send your resume to Toad. Please highlight your fence building skills.

  17. Anonymous12:12 PM

    Hey Tom I guess your love for Sarah out weighs your love for a pay check.

    Hope she was worth it sucka? Now you can go home and read your autographed Sarah book.

  18. Anonymous12:20 PM

    Hey Tom, ask Joe the Author if he can rent a room to you if you want to be closer to your hero Sarah?

    You can watch her in her shorts working in her garden. But be very careful, I hear from a reliable source that, "Alaska has a law that allows the use of deadly force in protection of life and property."

  19. Anonymous1:11 PM

    Re McChrystal, I occasionally read posts at frumforum, mostly because I get a kick out of finding comments like this one:-):
    "So, my opinion is that he’s setting himself up to be martyred for Afghanistan; basically, he can pull a “Sarah Palin” (although he won’t quit – he’ll just make Obama fire him)."


  20. Anonymous1:16 PM

    That last line goes for Mercede's and Levi, too. They haven't spoken out about what they know and legally that would make them ''accessories after the fact'' or maybe even ''conconspirators''.

    Why the double standard?

  21. Anonymous2:02 PM

    Tom if you need sumthin' to do, call Todd and ask him to invite you to his Man-Cave where the "Wasilla He-Man Sarah Palin Woman-Haters' Club" meets.

  22. Anonymous5:26 PM

    Who says SarahPac script writers aren't about restoring honor and charity to fallen soldiers and family? Beck and Palin
    Just don't mention anyone that is close to home. Do the Wasilla recruiters tell prospective soldiers about this part of the war back home?

    Veteran Beating Tape and SarahPac policy


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It just goes directly to their thighs.