Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Oooh I like it!

New DNC ad tying the GOP directly to the Teabaggers.

What? NO Sarah Palin?


  1. Anonymous5:14 PM

    Did you see WTF blog today?
    You were going to tell us more about team Levi and the offers he didn't get. I have to think Rex and Tank were playing both sides. And getting cash from Saarah but no way to prove....

  2. Aussie Blue Sky5:20 PM

    Teapublicans. Write it on your hand.

  3. Anonymous5:37 PM

    I like it too!!!!!

  4. Anonymous5:45 PM

    I find it very interesting that they did not include Sarah in that ad. I believe that was absolutely deliberate and a brilliant slap in the face, since she assumed the mantle of Tea Queen. She must be seething to be ignored the way that she was. Pretty smart, those guys that put together the ad. How DARE they not offer worship to the Queen. Ha, ha.

  5. Anonymous5:51 PM

    Anyone who is not easily fooled has always known that the so-called "tea party" is nothing more than the lunatic fringe of the republican party with a label on it.


  6. Linda Arizona7:46 PM

    Love. It.

    Nah, Scarah's star is fading away. Won't be long now.


  7. Anonymous8:40 PM

    Hi Grypen...cough cough...."directly".

    That ad is great and I love that Quittypants is not even in it. :)

  8. Anonymous9:37 PM

    LOVE IT!!!! wow...thats hardcore. and how pissed is she gonna be she aint even in it!!!!


    wow. had no idea democrats could get hardcore like that!!!

    so great:)

  9. Anonymous9:56 PM

    I love it! My guess is Ms. Quitty will twitter or FB about it tomorrow because she wasn't included and she can't stand the lack of attention. She will definitely try to insert herself in this ad. I hope so because it will draw more attention to the ad.

  10. Anonymous11:22 PM

    Great ad. It's about time the Dems started pushing back against the GOP's lies and craven behavior.

  11. "Contract on America"

    Sounds like a hit is being let out. Oh, yea... but that actually IS what they want!

  12. angela3:17 AM

    The best thing anyone can do to drive Sarah nuts is to leave her out of everything.

  13. Anonymous5:19 AM

    they are waiting to put her in their ad's really close to election time...

    saving the best for last...

    by that time, she would only be a memory of horrible, racist, and stupid comments...

    making the republicans look absolutely horrible by bringing up memories of her and her lies... and its all their fault.

    well played democrats. well played!!!

  14. Anonymous9:02 AM

    The world IS watching and Palin is in their news too (not in a good way):


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.